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Whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses were found to be associated with four diseases of crop plants in Burkina Faso: cassava mosaic, okra leaf curl, tobacco leaf curl and tomato yellow leaf curl. Tomato yellow leaf curl is an economically serious disease, reaching a high incidence in March, following a peak population of the vector whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, in December. Okra leaf curl is also a problem in the small area of okra grown in the dry season but is not important in the main period of okra production in the rainy season. The geminiviruses causing these four diseases, African cassava mosaic (ACMV), okra leaf curl (OLCV), tobacco leaf curl (TobLCV) and tomato yellow leaf curl (TYLCV) viruses, were each detected in field-collected samples by triple antibody sand-wich-ELISA with cross-reacting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to ACMV. Epitope profiles obtained by testing each virus isolate with panels of MAbs to ACMV, OLCV and Indian cassava mosaic virus enabled four viruses to be distinguished. ACMV and OLCV had similar but distinguishable profiles. The epitope profile of TobLCV was the same as that of one form of TYLCV (which may be the same virus) and was close to the profile of TYLCV from Sardinia. The other form of TYLCV reacted with several additional MAbs and had an epitope profile close to that of TYLCV from Senegal. Only minor variations within each of these four types of epitope profile were found among geminivirus isolates from Burkina Faso. Sida acuta is a wild host of OLCV.  相似文献   

A stock culture of cotton leaf curl virus from Pakistan (CLCuV-PK), was transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) to seven plant species, including French bean, okra, tobacco and tomato, and caused vein thickening and leaf curl symptoms. It was readily detected in triple antibody sandwich ELISA (TAS-ELIS A) by 11 out of 31 monoclonal antibodies raised against the particles of three other geminiviruses: African cassava mosaic, Indian cassava mosaic and okra leaf curl viruses. Reaction strength was enhanced when the tissue extraction fluid contained sodium sulphite. Minor variations in epitope profile were found among virus isolates from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) collected from different districts in Pakistan over a 5-year period. These epitope profiles were distinguishable from that of cotton leaf curl virus from G. barbadense in southern India but indistinguishable from the profiles of viruses causing yellow vein disease of okra in India or Pakistan, or leaf curl of okra {Abelmoschus esculentus), Hibiscus tiliaceus, radish or sunflower in Pakistan, suggesting that these plants are putative natural hosts of CLCuV-PK. The viruses in cotton, and in okra with leaf curl or yellow vein symptoms, were also detected by PCR with three pairs of CLCuV-PK-specific primers. Five additional whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses were found among isolates from 11 other naturally-infected species in Pakistan, and were distinguished by their epitope profiles. These viruses were associated, respectively, with tobacco leaf curl, squash yellow blotch, tomato yellow leaf curl, watermelon leaf crinkle and soybean yellow mosaic diseases. The first four of these viruses were detected readily by PCR with geminivirus general primers but only weakly, if at all, with two pairs of CLCuV-PK-specific primers. Pakistani crops are infected with a range of distinguishable but relatively closely related whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses, some of which resemble those found in India.  相似文献   

A panel of 25 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised against particles of two heterologous whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (begomoviruses) was used in triple antibody-sandwich ELISA (TAS-ELISA) to determine the detectability and epitope profiles of 26 Indian isolates of tobacco leaf curl virus (TLCV) and 13 of croton yellow vein mosaic virus (CYVMV). Stock cultures of the two viruses had indistinguishable epitope profiles although they differ in symptomatology and particle stability. Their epitope profiles also strongly resembled those of Indian isolates of bhendi (okra) yellow vein mosaic and Indian cassava mosaic (ICMV) viruses. TLCV isolates from Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka States differed slightly in epitope profile: they reacted with at least eight out of 10 MAbs raised to ICMV but only one to four out of 15 MAbs raised to African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV). Virus isolates serologically indistinguishable from TLCV were detected in symptom-bearing weeds (Acanthospermum hispidum, Ageratum conyzoides, Euphorbia geniculata, Parthenium hysterophorus) found in leaf curl-affected tobacco fields and shown previously to be experimental hosts of TLCV. Indian TLCV isolates had small, consistent differences in epitope profile from Pakistani isolates but large differences from isolates from Burkina Faso, Malawi or Uganda. Isolates from the three African countries reacted with four or five of the ACMV MAbs but only one or two of the ICMV MAbs, and there were small but consistent inter-country differences. CYVMV isolates from three Indian States showed less epitope variation than did Indian isolates of TLCV. TAS-ELISA with MAb SCR 18 was a more sensitive test for detecting Indian TLCV isolates than was double antibody-sandwich ELISA with polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Geminiviruses associated with yellow or golden mosaic diseases of legume crops in two regions of India were compared by testing their reactivity with 27 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) prepared to the particles of African cassava mosaic (ACMV) or Indian cassava mosaic (ICMV) viruses. The viruses fell into two main groups. Group 1 comprised isolates of dolichos yellow mosaic virus; these reacted with three or four ACMV MAbs and four ICMV MAbs. Group 2 comprised isolates of horsegram yellow mosaic virus, together with isolates from blackgram, cowpea, French bean, pigeonpea, soybean, Indigofera hirsuta and probably also isolates from mungbean. These reacted with three or four ACMV MAbs but with few or no ICMV MAbs. Isolates within each group differed slightly in epitope profile, depending on the source species (Group 2) or geographical origin (Groups 1 and 2). Isolates from lima bean resembled those in Group 2 but had some antigenic differences, and their status is uncertain. The poor detectability of geminivirus isolates in mungbean may reflect a low virus concentration in this species.  相似文献   

Dolichos yellow mosaic disease (DYMD) affects the production of dolichos in South Asia. Diseased plants produce characteristic bright yellow mosaic patches on the leaves and early infections cause reductions in yield. The putative dolichos yellow mosaic virus (DoYMV) was transmitted poorly (maximum 18.3% transmission) by the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. DoYMV has a narrow host range and infected only Lablab purpureus and L. purpureus var. typicum out of the 36 species tested. Virus was detected using monoclonal antibodies in a triple‐antibody sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and by PCR. Complete DNA‐A components of DoYMV isolates from Mysore and Bangalore, South India, were sequenced, but several attempts to identify DNA‐B and DNA‐β were unsuccessful. DoYMV isolates shared DNA‐A nucleotide identities of 92.5–95.3% with previously described isolates from North India and Bangladesh. They were most similar to mungbean‐infecting begomoviruses at 61.6–64.4% of DNA‐A nucleotide identities. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA‐A sequences grouped the dolichos‐infecting and mungbean‐infecting begomoviruses into a distinct cluster away from begomoviruses infecting non‐leguminous plants in the Indian subcontinent. Antigenically, legume‐infecting begomoviruses were most similar to each other compared with non‐legume viruses. Collectively, these results indicate that legume‐infecting begomoviruses in the Indian subcontinent belonged to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses.  相似文献   

In 1989 to 1991, leaf curl disease was observed in cotton (Gossypium bar-badense cv. Local) grown in kitchen gardens in five districts in Karnataka State, India, and in 1994 it was recorded in G. hirsutum cv. Sharada in two districts. Symptoms consist of leaf curling, vein thickening, leaf enations, and stunting and distortion of plants. The disease is caused by cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV-K), which was transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci to 24 plant species in six families. Hosts include bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), pepper, tobacco, tomato and several weeds, almost all of which developed leaf curl, with or without vein thickening. CLCuV-K was transmitted from cotton to cotton by adult B. tabaci after an acquisition access period of 1 h, could be inoculated in 5 min, had a minimum latent period of 8 h and was retained by viruliferous insects for up to 9 days. Female B. tabaci transmitted more frequently than males. CLCuV-K is a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus. It reacted with two out of 17 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised to African cassava mosaic virus and five out of 10 MAbs raised to Indian cassava mosaic virus. CLCuV-K isolates from different locations in Karnataka had similar epitope profiles. As judged by these profiles, CLCuV-K is closely related to Indian tomato leaf curl virus from Karnataka, is distinguishable from several other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses found in India and is still more distantly related to those, including cotton leaf crumple virus from the USA, found in other continents. CLCuV-K infected all cultivars tested of G. barbadense and one of six cultivars of G. hirsutum but none of G. arboreum or G. herbaceum.  相似文献   

The relationships among fifteen isolates of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (WTGs) from North, Central and South America and six from other continents were assessed (a) in nucleic acid hybridisation tests with sulphonated DNA probes for eight of the viruses, and/or (b) in triple-antibody-sandwich ELISA with panels of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to particles of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and Indian cassava mosaic virus (ICMV). Probes specific for DNA-A of four American viruses, abutilon mosaic (AbMV), bean golden mosaic (BGMV), squash leaf curl (SLCV) and tomato golden mosaic (TGMV), detected virtually all the American viruses but reacted weakly if at all with ICMV, ACMV or tomato yellow leaf curl virus from Thailand (TYLCV-T). Conversely, the probe for ACMV DNA-A did not detect any of the American viruses, and that for TYLCV-T DNA-A reacted weakly with SLCV and TGMV0020but did not detect the others. In contrast, probes specific for DNA-B of the four American viruses or ACMV detected only the homologous virus, except for slight reactions between the AbMV DNA-B probe and both chino del tomate virus (CdTV)-DNA and SLCV-DNA. However, a probe for DNA-B of bean calico mosaic virus (BCMoV) reacted weakly with BGMV-PR DNA, and a probe for DNA-B of CdTV from Mexico detected several American viruses. Six out of 17 MAbs specific for ACMV and six out of 10 MAbs specific for ICMV reacted with one or other of the 14 American virus isolates tested. Two and-ACMV MAbs reacted with all, and one anti-ACMV MAb and two anti-ICMV MAbs reacted with nearly all the American viruses, one anti-ACMV MAb reacted with about half the American viruses and six other MAbs reacted with only one or two of them. Of the American viruses, CdTV and AbMV were the least closely related to the others. The epitope profiles of BCMoV, BGMV, cotton leaf crumple virus, serrano golden mosaic virus and SLCV were virtually indistinguishable. TGMV, potato yellow mosaic virus (PYMV) and an euphorbia virus had profiles intermediate between those of the BGMV cluster and AbMV-CdTV. In general, the epitope profiles and the results of hybridisation tests with DNA-A probes show that the similarities among the American viruses are greater than those between the American viruses and the viruses from other continents; the hybridisation tests with DNA-B probes show that substantial differences exist between individual American viruses. In America, geminivirus evolution seems to have proceeded convergently from different progenitor viruses, or divergently from one ancestral form, with DNA-B diverging to a greater extent than DNA-A and its particle-protein gene.  相似文献   

Characterisation of pumpkin yellow vein mosaic virus from India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yellow vein mosaic disease symptoms occur frequently in pumpkin in India. Diseased plants show vein yellowing, which sometimes coalesces to form chlorotic patches. Infected plants are stunted and flowers drop prematurely, greatly reducing yields. Diseased plants are infected by a begomovirus, designated pumpkin yellow vein mosaic virus (PYVMV), which is transmitted readily and in a persistent manner by the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Transmission of PYVMV requires minimum acquisition and inoculation access periods of 30 min and 10 min, respectively. The minimum latent period in the insect is 6 h and the virus persists in the vector for at least 8 days. PYVMV has a narrow host range consisting of a small number of cucurbit species and some tobacco cultivars. It was detected serologically in diseased plants and in viruliferous B. tabaci using polyclonal antibodies in a double‐antibody sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Reactions with monoclonal antibodies in a triple‐antibody sandwich ELISA showed that PYVMV has an epitope profile distinct from those of other begomoviruses from the Indian sub‐continent. Polymerase chain reaction amplified fragments from the putative viral coat and movement protein genes. Based on comparative phylogeny of complete coat protein gene sequences, PYVMV was most similar to the bipartite Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus from India and appears to be a new strain of this virus.  相似文献   

Hibiscus leaf curl disease (HLCuD) occurs widely in India. Infected hibiscus plants show vein thickening, upward curling of leaves and enations on the abaxial leaf surface, reduction in leaf size and stunting. The commonly‐occurring weeds (Ageratum conyzoides, Croton bonplandianum and Euphorbia geniculata), Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana glutinosa and Nicotiana tabacum (var. Samsun, Xanthi), cotton and tomato were shown to be susceptible to HLCuD. One of the four species of hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa‐sinensis) and 75 of the 101 commercial hybrids/varieties grown in the Bangalore area of southern India were also susceptible. Two virus isolates associated with HLCuD from Bangalore, South India (Ban), and Bhubaneswar, North India (Bhu), were detected serologically and by PCR‐mediated amplification of virus genomes. The isolates were characterised by sequencing a fragment of DNA‐A component (1288 nucleotides) and an associated satellite DNA molecule of 682 nucleotides. Phylogenetic analyses of these DNA‐A sequences clustered them with Old World cotton‐infecting begomoviruses and closest to Cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMV) at 95–97% DNA‐A nucleotide identities. The 682‐nucleotide satellite DNA molecules associated with the HLCuD samples Ban and Bhu shared 96.9% sequence identity with each other and maximum identity (93.1–93.9% over positions 158–682) with ~1350‐nucleotide DNA‐β satellite molecules associated with cotton leaf curl disease in Pakistan and India (accession nos AJ298903, AJ316038). HLCuD in India, therefore, appears to be associated with strains of CLCuMV, a cotton‐infecting begomovirus from Pakistan, which is transmitted in a persistent manner by Bemisia tabaci.  相似文献   

Progress curves of cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) and populations of the whitefly vector (Bemisia tabaci) were assessed using four cassava varieties grown alone and as a random mixture in two experiments established under epidemic conditions at a site near Kampala in southern Uganda. There were significant differences in final CMD incidence and in the areas under the disease progress curves between varieties when grown alone and as a mixture in both experiments. Variety Ebwanateraka had the highest incidence and SS4 the lowest, even though it supported the largest populations of adult whiteflies. The overall incidence of CMD in the mixture was similar to that in pure stands of the partially resistant Nase 2 and greater than in the resistant Migyera and SS4. Compared to pure stands, incidence of CMD in each component of the mixture was reduced significantly only in Ebwanateraka, whereas vector populations were less only in SS4 and Nase 2. On several observation dates the actual incidence of CMD and populations of adult whiteflies in the mixture were significantly less than expected values estimated from the results for the four varieties when each was grown alone. A highly significant positive relationship was established for each variety between peak populations of adult whitefly and leaf area index at the time. The implications of the findings and the scope for future research on the use of varietal mixtures for the management of CMD are discussed.  相似文献   

A whitefly-transmissible stock isolate of Indian tomato leaf curl geminivirus (ITmLCV) was cultured in graft-inoculated tomato plants and its particles purified from chloroform-clarified extracts in citrate buffer by precipitation with 70 g/litre polyethylene glycol, ultracentrifugation and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Contaminating helical filaments were eliminated by banding in caesium sulphate gradients. ITmLCV particles had the shape typical for geminiviruses, measured c. 30 × 20 nm and contained a single major protein of estimated mol. wt c. 32 000. They reacted in immunosorbent electron microscopy with antisera to four other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. ITmLCV reacted with one out of 17 monoclonal antibodies specific for different epitopes in the particle protein of African cassava mosaic geminivirus and five or six out of 10 monoclonal antibodies to the particle protein of Indian cassava mosaic geminivirus. Virus isolates from tomato at nine locations in Karnataka State showed only slight differences in epitope profile, and isolates from four weed species in tomato fields were similar or identical to those from tomato.  相似文献   

A survey in 1994 assessed the incidence and severity of Cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) in Uganda and the changes that had occurred since the previous survey in 1990–92. Three counties in each of 27 districts were selected and 15 fields were assessed per county. CMD occurred in each of the 1215 fields surveyed and the overall incidence within fields was 64% compared with 52% in the same districts in 1990–92. Mean incidence differed significantly between districts and between counties within some districts. The incidence and severity of CMD had increased in 20 and 23 of the 27 districts, respectively, compared with 1990–92, indicating the continued progress of the epidemic that was first reported in Uganda in 1988. In all but three districts, there had been a decrease in the total area of cassava. The number of different varieties that predominated in one or more fields had increased in 17 districts compared with 1990–92, although the total number of varieties encountered was little changed. Ebwanateraka was again the most widely grown variety but it was recorded less frequently and predominated or was co‐dominant in only two districts in 1994 compared with seven in 1990–92. The biggest decrease in the cultivation of Ebwanateraka had occurred in districts where there was a high incidence of CMD in 1990–92.  相似文献   

Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) (Geminiviridae: Sub-group III) was detected both in field-collected and laboratory-reared B. tabaci using a triple-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TAS-ELISA). ToLCV was detected in six of the 10 group samples of field collected B. tabaci. ToLCV was also identified in 13 weed species commonly found in Karnataka, both by symptom expression and TAS-ELISA. ToLCV from c. 61% of infected plants was transmitted successfully to tomato by B. tabaci. Tomato plots were planted at three locations on the University of Agricultural Sciences Campus, Bangalore. Indian tomato leaf curl virus disease (ToLCVD) incidence increased most rapidly when the tomato plot was situated adjacent to an older ToLCVD-infected tomato field. When the plots were positioned in a dryland or a wetland area, at least 500 m away from any infected tomato fields, the ToLCVD incidence increased less rapidly, although in all sites it was 100% by 11 wk after transplanting. The numbers of B. tabaci caught on yellow traps in all sites increased during weeks 1–3 after transplanting and thereafter remained at between 10–15 adults trap-1 24 h_1. Adult numbers recorded on tomato plants by direct counts remained approximately constant at 2–4 adults plant“”1. Tomato fields were planted in three taluks (administrative areas) of Karnataka, that had different current and previous histories of tomato production. ToLCVD incidence increased most and least rapidly, respectively, in Kolar taluk where tomato is grown continuously and Doddaballapur tuluk where tomato was grown in the area for the first time. In Malur tuluk, where tomato was grown discontinuously (once a year), the incidence of ToLCVD increased at an intermediate rate. Weed host-plant species growing near the experimental sites had averages of between 1.5–10.0 B. tabaci nymphs per plant, whereas the tomato plants had only 0.3 nymphs per plant. The percentage parasitism of B. tabaci nymphs on tomato and weed species, respectively, was 0.7% and 2–6%. Nymphs and pupae were parasitised by an Encarsia sp. and Eretmocerus mundus Mercet. The relevance and implications of these findings for the epidemiology and management of ToLCVD in Karnataka State, South India is discussed.  相似文献   

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