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Previtellogenic oocytes of a common cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides, contain a single aggregation of organelles referred here to as the Balbiani body. It is a well defined ooplasmic structure predominantly composed of fine granular nuage, RNA rich material but comprising also mitochondria, vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum and stacks of Golgi cysternae. The Balbiani body originates early during previtellogenesis in the form of a cap-shaped mass in juxtaposition to one pole of the oocyte nucleus. During later stages of previtellogenic growth the Balbiani body translocates as a single body towards the ooplasm periphery. The results presented indicate that Balbiani body translocation is cytoskeleton independent. Balbiani body repositioning does not result in the localization of its components to any distinct, asymmetrically situated region of the ooplasm but, instead, ends up with their even dispersion in the oocyte cortex. The Balbiani body in Pholcus does not seem to be implicated either in germ cell determination or organelle inheritance. Its homology with similar organelle accumulations in the oocytes of other species is discussed.  相似文献   

The genital morphology of female Pholcus phalangioidesis examined to clarify the composition of the uterus externus and the place of sperm storage in this species. Two conspicuous pore plates serve as exits for glandular secretion that gets discharged into the uterus externus. The secretion accumulates close to the pore plates and to some extent in the region of the heavily sclerotized valve that separates the uterus externus from the uterus internus. During copulation, the male transfers spermatozoa and male secretions into the female genital tract where they are embedded and stored in the female secretion. As Ph. phalangioidesdoes not possess any separate sperm storage organs such as receptacula seminis, the glandular secretion serves to store and fix the sperm mass in a specific position within the uterus externus itself.  相似文献   

Long-duration whirling (gyrating of the body during several hours a day) was shown by the pholcid spider Pholcus phalangioides to salticid spiders and hardly ever to predatory spiders from eight other families in laboratory arenas. Long-duration whirling has not been reported so far, in contrast to short-duration whirling lasting less than a few minutes. Long-duration whirling may have the anti-predatory function of disturbing continual visual fixation of prey in attacking salticids, in contrast to short-duration whirling that has been demonstrated to favour survival of pholcids in the presence of all sorts of predatory spiders.  相似文献   

An important part of understanding the evolution of behavior is understanding how and why behavior develops and changes throughout ontogeny. Patterns of behavior are shaped by an animal's capabilities as well as its motivations, both of which are subject to selection. We ran an experiment to see how spiders' efforts to recover lost prey change with age and to determine the relative contributions of shifts in capability and motivation. We found that as spiders mature, they spend less time searching to recover lost prey, and they discriminate less between prey of different sizes. We also found that even the youngest, least experienced spiders are cognitively equipped to search for lost prey. Thus, predatory behavior in spiders fluctuated primarily with each age group's motivations to capture and consume prey, and did not seem to be hindered by behavioral or cognitive limitations at young ages.  相似文献   

Portia is a genus of specialized web-invading salticids that use aggressive mimicry. Some other salticids leap into webs to catch spiders but do not use aggressive mimicry. Pholcus phalangioides is a web-building spider with a special defensive behaviour—called whirling—in which it swings its body around in a circle while keeping its long legs on the silk. Pholcus phalangioides is preyed on by Portia and probably other salticid spiders in nature. Interactions between P. phalangioides and 13 species of salticids were studied in the laboratory to compare how effective salticids with different styles of predation were at catching the pholcids. Four species of Portia were studied and each was more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other nine salticids tested. For one species—Portia fimbriata—individuals from three different populations were studied. The Queensland P. fimbriata used aggressive mimicry more consistently and were more efficient at catching P. phalangioides than were the other species of Portia and the other populations of P. fimbriata . The salticids that were the most efficient at catching pholcids were also better able to avoid setting off whirling by the pholcids. An experiment in which pholcids were artificially induced to whirl whenever the predator was near provided additional evidence that whirling is an effective defence of pholcids against predation by salticids.  相似文献   

The behaviours used by Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin) (Araneae, Pholcidae) to evade its predators were studied with particular attention being given to a special defence behaviour, whirling. To whirl, this long-legged web-building spider swings its body around in a circle, with its legs remaining on the silk. Experiments were carried out to determine the types of stimuli that elicited whirling. Touching the spider or its web elicited whirling, as did air movement over the spider, but there was no evidence that chemical stimuli from potential predators were important. Small juveniles differed from adult females and larger juveniles by more often dropping from the web instead of whirling when confronted by a potential predator. Besides catching prey on its own web P. phalangioides invades other spiders' webs to catch the other spiders. By whirling in alien webs, P. phalangioides could deter attacks by the resident spider, but P. phalangioides was less inclined to whirl when in an alien than when in its own web.  相似文献   

Pholcus phalangioidesdoes not possess receptacular seminis. The uterus externus (genital cavity) itself functions as a sperm storage structure. Two accessory glands are situated in the dorsal part of the uterus externus; they discharge their secretory product into the genital cavity. The secretion is considered to serve primarily as a matrix for sperm storage, i.e. to keep the spermatozoa in a fixed position. The accessory glands consist of numerous glandular units, each being composed of four cells: two secretory cells are always joined and surrounded twice by an inner and an outer envelope cell. Both envelope cells take part in forming a cuticular ductule that leads from the secretory cells to the pore plates of the uterus externus. The inner envelope cell produces the proximal part of the canal close to the microvilli of the secretory cells, whereas the outer envelope cell produces the distal part of the canal leading to the pore plate. Close to the pore the latter exhibits prominent microvilli that might indicate additional secretory activity.  相似文献   

Predatory versatility occurs in Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin). In addition to building prey-catching space webs, P. phalangioides invades webs of other spiders and feeds on the occupants. It acts as an aggressive mimic by performing specialized vibratory behaviours to which the prey-spider responds as it normally would to its own prey. Prey (spiders and insects) is attacked by wrapping. Prey that trips over lines at the edge of a web of P. phalangioides , but fails to enter the web, is successfully attacked: P. phalangioides leans out of its web to throw silk over the prey, keeping as few as two legs on the silk. However, P. phalangioides does not attack prey that is completely away from webs. Occasionally, P. phalangioides feeds on eggs of other spiders and on ensnared insects it encounters in alien webs. Experimental evidence indicates that vision is of little or no importance in the predatory behaviour of P. phalangioides . Although P. phalangioides invades diverse types of webs, in addition to using its own web, its efficiency as a predator varies with web-type. It is most efficient as a predator of spiders and, especially, insects on its own web, and least efficient as a predator of amaurobiids on their cribellate sheet webs. Sensory, locomotory and other factors which influence differential predatory efficiency are discussed. The behaviour of P. phalangioides is compared to that of Portia , an araneophagic web-invading salticid, and the results of this study are discussed in relation to hypotheses concerning salticid evolution.  相似文献   

附肢自残是北京幽灵蛛(Pholcus beijingensis Zhu & Song,1999)的习性之一。野外调查表明,约20%的个体至少失去1只步足;个体自残的发生率在2—7月间有显著的差异,同时第一对步足自残的比例最高(43.47%);个体失去步足的比例随着年龄的增加而增加;左侧和右侧步足失去的比率接近(1.03:1)。野外调查发现,正在交配的个体与单独生活的个体相比,步足的完整性上并无显著差别。实验室研究表明,北京幽灵蛛附肢自残后没有再生现象。通过对自残幼体与非自残幼体的3龄与4龄龄期研究,发现各处理组间并无显著的差别。步足自残被认为是北京幽灵蛛在极端情况下的“避险策略”(Bet-hedging strategy)[动物学报54(6):998-1004,2008]。  相似文献   

Spider genital morphology usually provides the best characters for taxonomy. Furthermore, functional genital morphology helps to understand the evolution of complex genitalia and their role in the context of sexual selection. The genital systems of most haplogyne spider families are poorly investigated with respect to their morphology. The present study investigates the female genitalia of the oonopids Oonops pulcher, Oonopinus kilikus, and Pseudotriaeris sp. by means of light microscopy and SEM. The male palps are briefly described. Females of O. pulcher store spermatozoa in an anterior and a posterior receptaculum (PRe). The genitalia resemble the primitive dysderoid genitalia supporting the hypothesis that the subfamily Oonopinae contains more basal oonopids. In O. kilikus, the anterior receptaculum is reduced to a sclerite. Spermatozoa are stored in a PRe. The receptacula of Pseudotriaeris sp. are reduced to sclerites. Spermatozoa in the uterus internus indicate that fertilization happens there or in the ovary. The anterior sclerite might serve females to lock the uterus during copulation as suggested for other gamasomorphines. The male palp of O. kilikus is simple, whereas the palps of O. pulcher and Pseudotriaeris sp. appear more complex. Complicated structures on the palp of Pseudotriaeris sp. indicate that males exert copulatory courtship.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of “micronetine” female genitalia is almost exclusively based on transmitted light microscopy data. As such, our understanding of the epigynal anatomy is incomplete and somewhat misleading, to the extent that it hinders comparative studies of linyphiid diversity. We used scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to study the complex epigynal morphology of “micronetine” spiders. Enzymatic digestion of soft tissues allowed us to examine the internal chitinized structures in detail using SEM. A taxonomic sample of nine species was selected to represent the morphological genitalic diversity of female “micronetines” (including one member of the Erigoninae clade). Results reveal that the epigynum consists of a pair of grooves formed by integument folds (copulatory and fertilization grooves). The protruding epigynal region is divided into a ventral and a dorsal plate by the grooves; both plates can be modified to form an epigynal cavity and/or a scape. Our observations confirm the widespread occurrence of epigynal grooves, rather than ducts, in “micronetines”. Epigynal grooves seem to be common in linyphioids and other spider groups.  相似文献   

Rates of energy expenditure (VO2) were measured in nine species of comb-footed spiders (Theridiidae) to determine if variation in this measure correlates with distribution, habitat, life style, and growth rate. Rates of metabolism in eight of the nine species were equal to or greater than those of other ectothermic poikilotherms of similar size. The lower than expected VO2 in one species, Latrodectus bishopi, was linked to its restriction to the arid sand-pine scrub habitats of central and southern Florida. There was no detected association between VO2; and latitude nor between web kleptoparasitism and a free-living life style based on interspecific comparisons. Growth rate was positively correlated with VO2.  相似文献   

Aim  The distributions of Chinese spiders are used to form biotic regions and to infer biogeographical patterns.
Location  China.
Methods  China was initially divided into 294 quadrats of 2° latitude by 2° longitude. The distributions of 958 species of spiders were summarized for each quadrat. Subsequently, these quadrats were pooled into 28 areas based on topographical characteristics and to a lesser extent on the distributions of spiders. Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to classify the 28 areas based on the shared distributional patterns of spiders.
Results  China was found to have seven major biogeographical regions based on the distributional patterns of spiders: Western Northern region (clade B2: Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolia-Xinjiang subregions), Central Northern region (clade B3), Eastern Northern region (clade B4), Central region (clade C2), Eastern Southern region (clade C3), Western Southern region (clade C4), and Central Southern region (clade C5).
Main conclusions  The distributional patterns of Chinese spiders correspond broadly to geological provinces. A comparison of the geological provinces and the distributional patterns of spiders reveals that the spiders occur south of the geological provinces. Furthermore, a general biogeographical classification with five natural areas is suggested as follows: Tibetan Plateau, Central Northern, Eastern Northern, Western Northern (excluding Tibetan Plateau), and Southern regions.  相似文献   

Until recently only 33 species of spiders had been known from Iraq. New material collected in northern Iraq reveals 20 species, 13 genera and six families new to the country. One species, Pterotricha arzhantsevi sp. n. is described as new to science. Comparative figures are provided for seven species; the 54 species currently known from Iraq are listed and their occurrence in neighbouring Iran and Turkey is shown.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4812F8A8-7A95-4D66-8E2D-CE42F73E7E91  相似文献   

The spider family Pholcidae comprises a large number of mainly tropical, web-weaving spiders, and is among the most diverse and dominant spider groups in the world. The phylogeny of this family has so far been investigated exclusively using morphological data. Here, we present the first molecular data for the family analyzed in a phylogenetic context. Four different gene regions (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 28S rRNA) and 45 morphological characters were scored for 31 pholcid and three outgroup taxa. The data were analyzed both for individual genes, combined molecular data, and molecular plus morphological data, using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Some of the phylogenetic hypotheses obtained previously using morphology alone were also supported by our results, like the monophyly of pholcines and of the New World clade. On the other hand, some of the previous hypotheses could be discarded with some confidence (monophyly of holocnemines, the position of Priscula), and still others need further investigation (the position of holocnemines, ninetines, and Metagonia). The data obtained provide an excellent basis for future investigations of phylogenetic patterns both within the family and among spider families.  相似文献   

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