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Serangium japonicum Chapin (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) chiefly attacks whiteflies. This study monitored the adult occurrence of the ladybird and the citrus whitefly Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in citrus groves in central Japan using sticky traps, thereby examining temporal relationships in their abundance. Many S. japonicum adults were captured in a pesticide-free grove where D. citri adults were very abundant, with few adults in neighboring (organic, reduced pesticide, and conventional) groves harboring small numbers of D. citri. The whitefly adults exhibited a large peak in numbers in late May to early June. Two peaks of the ladybird adult numbers were detected in late May to early June and late June to mid-July, ?6 to 7 days, and nearly 1 month after the peak in whitefly adult numbers, respectively. The ladybird adults found during the first peak period would be those that visited citrus trees mainly for oviposition, and the adults caught during the second peak period would be those that newly emerged after consuming immature whiteflies at the larval stage. Based on a yearly change in adult numbers in the pesticide-free grove, i.e., a large increase in S. japonicum numbers followed by a rapid decline in D. citri numbers, the ladybird’s role in controlling the whitefly is discussed.  相似文献   

Platynaspidius maculosus (Weise, 1910) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a ladybird beetle that preys on aphids and is distributed in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Recently, P. maculosus has invaded the southern parts of Japan; it was recorded on Okinawa Island in 1998, in Kagoshima Prefecture in 2006, and in Fukuoka Prefecture in 2010. In citrus groves in Shizuoka City, Central Japan in 2009–2012, the exotic ladybird was monitored by use of yellow sticky traps set inside citrus tree canopies. Adults of P. maculosus were captured in three out of the eight groves in 2010. This capture might be the first record of the ladybird from Honshu Island. Adults were trapped in three consecutive years, 2010–2012, in two groves; this suggests the possibility that the ladybird has become established in Shizuoka City. Adults were almost continuously caught on the traps from late April through October, being more abundant in early autumn (early September to early October), late spring (late April to mid-June), and mid-summer (early July to early August). During these periods, citrus shoots are growing and aphids are abundant. This finding suggests that the exotic ladybird might prey on citrus-infesting aphids, thereby reproducing in citrus groves. Based on the results obtained, potential impacts of the exotic ladybird on native aphidophagous ladybirds are also discussed.  相似文献   

An aphidophagous ladybird, Platynaspidius maculosus (Weise) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is originally distributed in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The ladybird has recently intruded into the southern and central parts of Japan. The present study found that the larvae of this ladybird preyed on three aphid species, Aphis spiraecola, Aphis gossypii, and Toxoptera citricidus (all Hemiptera: Aphididae), feeding on young shoots of various Citrus species in August to early October in Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan. Laboratory rearing of the sampled larvae confirmed that the larvae completed their development (adult emergence) by consuming each of the three aphid species. The ladybird larvae were observed foraging in aphid colonies attended by one of the four ants, Lasius japonicus, Pristomyrmex punctatus, Formica japonica, and Camponotus japonicus (all Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Field observations revealed that the foraging/feeding larvae were almost completely ignored by honeydew-collecting ants even when they physically contacted each other. Thus, in Japan, the larvae of the exotic ladybird exploit colonies of the three aphid species attended by one of the four ant species on many Citrus species. On the basis of the results, I discuss the possibility of the ladybird’s reproduction on citrus trees in Japan, probable adaptations of the ladybird larvae to aphid-attending ants, and potential impacts of the ladybird on native insect enemies attacking ant-attended aphids on citrus.  相似文献   



Endosymbionts that manipulate the reproduction of their hosts have been reported widely in invertebrates. One such group of endosymbionts is the male-killers. To date all male-killers reported are bacterial in nature, but comprise a diverse group. Ladybirds have been described as a model system for the study of male-killing, which has been reported in multiple species from widespread geographic locations. Whilst criteria of low egg hatch-rate and female-biased progenic sex ratio have been used to identify female hosts of male-killers, variation in vertical transmission efficiency and host genetic factors may result in variation in these phenotypic indicators of male-killer presence. Molecular identification of bacteria and screening for bacterial presence provide us with a more accurate method than breeding data alone to link the presence of the bacteria to the male-killing phenotype. In addition, by identifying the bacteria responsible we may find evidence for horizontal transfer between endosymbiont hosts and can gain insight into the evolutionary origins of male-killing. Phylogenetic placement of male-killing bacteria will allow us to address the question of whether male-killing is a potential strategy for only some, or all, maternally inherited bacteria. Together, phenotypic and molecular characterisation of male-killers will allow a deeper insight into the interactions between host and endosymbiont, which ultimately may lead to an understanding of how male-killers identify and kill male-hosts.  相似文献   

Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the most economically important citrus viruses and harms the citrus industry worldwide. To develop reliable and effective serological detection assays of CTV, the major capsid protein (CP) gene of CTV was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) using the expression vector pET-28a and purified through Ni+-NTA affinity chromatography. The recombinant protein was used to immunize BALB/c mice. Four hybridoma cell lines (14B10, 14H11, 20D5, and 20G12) secreting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against CTV were obtained through conventional hybridoma technology. The titers of MAb-containing ascitic fluids secreted by the four hybridoma lines ranged from 10-6 to 10-7 in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Western blots showed that all four MAbs could specifically react with CTV CP. Using the prepared MAbs, dot-ELISA, Tissue print-ELISA, and triple antibody sandwich (TAS)-ELISA were developed to detect CTV in tree nurseries and epidemiological studies. The developed dot-ELISA and TAS-ELISA methods could detect CTV in crude extracts of infected citrus leaves with dilutions of 1:2560 and 1:10, 240 (w/v, g/mL), respectively. Tissue print-ELISA was particularly useful for large-scale field sample detection, mainly owing to its simplicity and lack of sample preparation requirements. The field survey revealed that CTV is prevalent on citrus trees in the Chongqing Municipality, Jiangxi Province, and Zhejiang Province of China. The coincidence rate of serological and RT-PCR test results reached more than 99.5%. The prepared MAbs against CTV and established sensitive and specific serological assays have a significant role in the detection and prevention and control of CTV in our country.

The Asian citrus psyllid (AsCP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a highly competent vector of the phloem-inhabiting bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus associated with the citrus disease huanglongbing (HLB). Commonly referred to as citrus greening disease in the USA, HLB causes reduced fruit yields, quality, and ultimately tree death and is considered the most serious citrus disease. HLB has become a major limiting factor to the production of citrus worldwide. Studies of HLB have been impeded by the fact that C. Liberibacter has not yet been cultured on artificial nutrient media. After being acquired by a psyllid, C. Liberibacter asiaticus is reported to replicate within the psyllid and is retained by the psyllid throughout its life span. We therefore hypothesized that C. Liberibacter asiaticus could be cultured in vitro using psyllid cell cultures as the medium and investigated the establishment of a pure culture for AsCP cells. Several commercially available insect cell culture media along with some media we developed were screened for viability to culture cells from AsCP embryos. Cells from psyllid tissues adhered to the plate and migration was observed within 24 h. Cells were maintained at 20°C. We successfully established primary psyllid cell cultures, referred to as DcHH-1, for D. citri Hert-Hunter-1, with a new media, Hert-Hunter-70.  相似文献   

Preimaginal development and maturation of females of two laboratory strains originated from two populations of the multicolored Asian ladybird Harmonia axyridis were investigated under laboratory conditions. Females of the autochthonous population from Irkutsk (Siberia) enter diapause under the short day conditions, whereas in females of the invasive population from Sochi (the Caucasus) photoperiodic induction of diapause is weak. The two populations also differ in the proportions of morphs: the population from Sochi is represented only by the morph succinea, whereas the population from Irkutsk is represented by the morphs succinea и axyridis with the predominance of the last one, which in our study was separated into two phenotypes, differed in the degree of melanization. Rearing of adults under the short day (12 h) conditions induced reproductive diapause in females of all the studied morphs and phenotypes of the Irkutsk population, whereas under the long day (18 h) conditions females of the morph succinea showed a slightly lower tendency to diapause. Evidently, the interpopulation differences in the responses regulating the seasonal cycle of the multicolored Asian ladybird are determined by genes that are not involved (or almost not involved) in the determination of the color polymorphism. The interpopulation differences in size and weight were quite substantial, whereas the differences between morphs and phenotypes were statistically significant in only some of our experiments. In combination with the literature data, these results suggest that the genes determining the color polymorphism in H. axyridis may have a pleiotropic effect on other traits including important eco-physiological parameters but this effect is relatively weak and manifests itself only against a particular genetic background and / or under particular environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated factors which may determine realised paternity following multiple mating in a promiscuous ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), namely the mating order and ability of males of different morphs to fertilize females. In experiments using males of two colour morphs, we found that the first male had a reproductive advantage over the second male (sperm precedence P2 = 0.38). Males of the melanic morph spectabilis had a reproductive advantage over males of the semi-melanic morph axyridis (P2 = 0.35). Analysis of paternity using microsatellites applied to young larvae, which avoids possible differential mortality of progeny, confirmed the precedence of the first male and higher paternity rate of colour morphs that are more frequent in the wild. Hatchability of eggs increased from 65% after the first mating to 85% after the second mating delayed by five days. Average duration of mating was 157 min and did not differ between the first and second mating and between the colour morphs of males.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviors of larvae of the ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata L., towards both the ant-tended aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, and the non-ant-tended aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris, were investigated in the field and in laboratory experiments. Although there were no differences in the development and growth of the ladybird larvae that preyed on either Ac. pisum or Ap. craccivora, the foraging efficiency of the ladybird larvae that preyed on Ap. craccivora was higher than that of the ladybird larvae that preyed on Ac. pisum in the absence of ants. This result was explained by the fact that the number of Ac. pisum that escaped by dropping off the plant was conspicuously larger than the number of Ap. craccivora that escaped in this fashion and derived from the non-ant-attendance associated with Ac. pisum. In the laboratory experiments, fewer ladybird larvae climbed onto a plant with Ap. craccivora in the presence of ants than onto a plant with Ac. pisum in the absence of ants. The ladybird larvae did not switch from foraging for Ap. craccivora to foraging for Ac. pisum, even after suffering attacks by ants on a plant with Ap. craccivora, and it would appear that ladybird larvae are unable to remember where they have previously been attacked by ants. These results could explain why the ladybird larvae in the field more frequently visited Vicia angustifolia plants with Ap. craccivora than those with Ac. pisum and made more visits when ants were absent than when they were present.  相似文献   

We report here on the use of RNA interference (RNAi) to create pupal and adult loss-of-function phenotypes in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, by injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into late instar larvae (we refer to this method as larval RNAi). RNAi is well-established as a useful method to mimic loss-of-function phenotypes in many organisms including insects. However, with a few exceptions (such as in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster), RNAi analysis has usually been limited to studies of embryogenesis. Here we demonstrate that injection of green fluorescent protein (GFP) dsRNA into the larval body cavity can inhibit GFP expression beginning shortly after injection and continuing through pupal and adult stages. RNAi analysis of the Tc-achaete-scute-homolog (Tc-ASH) revealed that larval RNAi can induce morphological defects in adult beetles, and also that larval RNAi affects the entire body rather than being localized near the site of injection. The larval RNAi technique will be useful to analyze gene functions in post-embryonic development, giving us the opportunity to study the molecular basis of adult morphological diversity in various organisms.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

T. Oda  C. Tanaka  M. Tsuda 《Mycoscience》2002,43(1):0081-0083
Amanita concentrica sp. nov. is described from an evergreen broad-leaved forest of Chiba Prefecture with Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii and Quercus glauca. The fungus is a medium to large, white to yellowish-white mushroom characterized by many pyramidal warts on pileus, striate margin of pileus, distinct ascending concen-tric rings at upper part of stipe bulb, and inamyloid basidiospores. It is considered to belong to the section Amanita. Received: March 30, 2001 / Accepted: October 1, 2001  相似文献   

Two new species of Lirula (L. japonica and L. exigua) on Abies mariesii collected in subalpine areas of northern Japan are described as members of Rhytismatales, Discomycetes. Lirula japonica causes needle cast in fir, but L. exigua seems to occur on the needles of physically damaged twigs. Morphological characteristics of both species are discussed.  相似文献   

Two taxa of the genus Pluteus, i.e., Pluteus magnus and Pluteus podospileus f. podospileus, are newly recorded from Japan. The macroscopic and microscopic features of these two species are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Gymnopilus ombrophilus sp. nov., growing on rotten wood of conifers and hardwoods from Niigata, Japan is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its medium-sized, brownish-orange basidiocarps with a finely squamulose pileus, stipe lacking an annulus, and mild taste, and microscopically by dextrinoid, small, broadly ellipsoid basidiospores. The new species belongs to the section Microspori. The differences between the taxon and similar species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cortinarius breviradicatus sp. nov., found in deciduous forests, is described and illustrated from Niigata, Japan. It is characterized by its medium-sized to large dark brown basidiocarp, acutely conical pileus, and rooting stipe, and by subglobose to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores. In addition, the extracting solution from its basidiocarps exhibits a strong fluorescence around 400–430 nm in ultraviolet radiation (250 nm), which was observed in a species of Cortinarius sect. Orellani. The new species belongs to the section Orellani. The differences between the new taxon and similar species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding on root by the larvae and three types of Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng (Cucubitaceae) leaves (young, mature and senescent) by the adults of Aulacophora foveicollis Lucas (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) were studied under laboratory conditions. Total larval developmental time was 19.7 ± 0.2 days by feeding on young roots. Adult males lived for 28.4 ± 1, 65.7 ± 1.1 and 22.8 ± 1.3 days on young, mature and senescent leaves, respectively; whilst adult females lived for 34.3 ± 1.2, 68.5 ± 0.9 and 26.4 ± 1.4 days on young, mature and senescent leaves, respectively. Fecundity was highest in mature leaves fed insects (202.2 ± 10.6). Total carbohydrate, protein, lipid, nitrogen and amino acid were much higher in root followed by mature leaves than young and senescent leaves. Moisture content was highest in mature leaves than the roots, young and senescent leaves. Phenols were greatest in young leaves followed by mature leaves and least in senescent leaves and roots of the said plant. Flavonols were higher in young leaves and least in root. These results suggest that A. foveicollis adults perform better on mature leaves than young and senescent leaves for their nutrition.  相似文献   

Epicotyl segments of kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle cv. Jindan) were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101 harboring neomycin phosphotransferase gene (npt II) containing plant expression vectors. Firstly, the explants were cultured in darkness at 25 °C on kanamycin free shoot regeneration medium (SRM) for 3 d, and then on SRM supplemented with 25 mg dm−3 kanamycin and 300 mg dm−3 cefotaxime for 20 d. Finally, they were subcultured to fresh SRM containing 50 mg dm−3 kanamycin monthly and grown under 16-h photoperiod. Sixty five kanamycin resistant shoots were regenerated from 500 epicotyl explants after four-month selection. Shoot tips of 20 strong shoots were grafted to 50-day-old kumquat seedlings and survival rate was 55 %. Among the 11 whole plants, 3 were transgenic as confirmed by Southern blotting. This is the first report on transgenic kumquat plants, and a transformation efficiency of 3.6 % was achieved.  相似文献   

Xylosandrus mutilatus is an Asian ambrosia beetle that has recently established in Mississippi, Texas, Alabama, and possibly Florida, USA. We investigated the fungi associated with the mycangia (specialized fungus-transporting structures) of X. mutilatus in Mississippi. Mycangia consistently yielded an Ambrosiella sp. which was subsequently found to be closely related to, but distinct from, other Ambrosiella species affiliated with Ceratocystis. This Ambrosiella is described herein as Ambrosiella beaveri sp. nov. Also isolated were Geosmithia lavendula, G. obscura, and a yeast, Candida homelintoma. It is likely Ambrosiella beaveri was introduced along with the beetle into North America.  相似文献   

The seasonal course of xylem sap parameters (electrical conductivity EC, potassium concentration [K+], and pH) of three conifers (Pinus cembra, Picea abies, and Larix decidua) growing at the alpine timberline was monitored. We also looked into possible effects of [K+] and pH on the difference in hydraulic conductivity (Δks). In all studied species, EC, [K+], and pH varied considerably over the year, with pH ranging between 7.3 (February) and 5.8 (June) and [K+] changing between 0.4 (January) and 2.5 mM (June). The Δks was overall low with positive values during winter (up to +20 %) and negative values in summer (-15 % in August). Samples perfused with alkaline solutions showed higher Δks. Xylem sap parameters in all conifers under study were surprisingly variable over the year thus indicating either effects upon seasonal changes in environmental factors or active adjustments, or both. Although Δks values over the year were minor, observed induction of Δks by high pH might indicate a role for hydraulic adjustment in harsh winter periods.  相似文献   

Mycena cupulicola sp. nov. and M. adscendens var. carpophila, new to Japan, are described and illustrated. The former is characterized by having lageniform caulocystidia with a slightly thick-walled broadened base and no cheilocystidia. The latter is characterized by having a white pileus up to 1mm in diameter and narrowly conical caulocystidia. Mycena cryptomeriicola was confirmed to have inamyloid basoidiospores.  相似文献   

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