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<正>小型兽类包括食虫目(Insectivora)、啮齿目(Rodentia)、翼手目(Chiroptera)、兔形目(Lagomorpha)等,物种数量多,分布广,适应能力强,对环境变化敏感,因此其群落组成和种群数量变化可较好地反映生境变化的质量和人类活动的干扰程度(肖治术等,2002;李俊生等,2003;仝磊和路纪琪,2010)。小型兽类多样性一直是生物多样性和生态环境监测与评价的重要指示类群之一(周立志和马勇,2002)。统计动物毛发、粪便、巢穴、叫声、足迹等动物痕迹以及直接观察等方法已被广泛用于兽类物种监测和种群密度估计(Eberhardt and Van Etten,1956;Bider,1968;Gannon  相似文献   

A study on the ecology of rodents and insectivores on Mount Chilalo and the Galama Mountain range was conducted during August, 2007–April, 2008. Study grids were marked in nine randomly selected habitats. Sherman live traps and snap traps were used to capture the small mammals. A total of 2525 (including recaptures) individual rodents and insectivores were captured in 5488 (Sherman) and 1590 (snap) trap‐nights. Among the live‐trapped animals, 2037 (96.2%) and 80 (3.8%) were rodents and insectivores, respectively, that comprised 17 species. These were as follows: Arvicanthis abyssinicus, Arvicanthis blicki, Arvicanthis dembeensis, Lophuromys flavopunctatus, Lophuromys melanonyx, Mastomys natalensis, Mus mahomet, Otomys typus, Rattus rattus, Stenocephalemys albipes, Stenocephalemys albocaudata, Stenocephalemys griseicauda, Crocidura glassi, Crocidura flavescens and Crocidura thalia. Tachyoryctes splendens and Hystrix cristata were sighted but not captured. Endemics to Ethiopia constituted 60% of the trapped small mammals. Lophuromys flavopunctatus was the most abundant and widely distributed rodent species, while M. mahomet was the least. The altitudes between 3301 and 3400 m asl had the highest species composition and abundance although it is second in number of catches per trap‐nights. The majority of rodents and insectivores were associated with montane forest habitat, whereas the least were in the shrubland. Anthropogenic effects were witnessed affecting the distribution of small mammals.  相似文献   

Assessing small mammal diversity is a common procedure, which usually employs widespread standard techniques, for gathering information for a wide range of studies. Traditional methods, however, may be biased against capturing arboreal marsupials, such as Dromiciops gliroides, an endemic marsupial currently considered a rare species in the Patagonian temperate rainforest due to the low abundances reported previously. I tested a new capturing methodology to assess the small mammal diversity of an old-growth forest in Patagonia, based on a randomized and balanced design, which incorporated a combination of different trap types, bait types, and placement heights. The proposed methodology included four trap types (two for live-capturing: wire-mesh and Sherman traps, and two sign-recording traps for tracks and hair), two types of bait (banana and rolled oats), and two trap placements (ground level and 1.5–2.5 m above the ground). Trap type, bait type, and height of placement all had significantly different effects on capturing and detecting rodents or marsupials; environmental variables at the trap location also affected the ability to detect rodents and marsupials. Traditional methods used for sampling small mammals performed well for rodents but are not effective for capturing marsupials and vice versa, showing species-specific sampling protocols. There is no single combination of trap-bait-height capable to assess the entire small mammal community, but the combination of the most effective protocol for rodents and the most effective protocol for marsupials guarantee better results.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat fragmentation on spatial foraging behaviour in the root vole Microtus oeconomus was investigated in seven experimental populations. Four of the populations were established in large, continuous blocks (30 × 95 m) of meadow habitat (treatment plots), whereas the three remaining populations had six small rectangular habitat fragments (30 × 7.5 m) with variable inter-fragment distances (control plots). Both the small habitat fragments and the large continuous habitat were embedded in a non-habitat matrix area which was regularly mowed. Half-way through the study period, the continuous habitat in treatment plots was destroyed by mowing to give a configuration identical to the control plots. Dyed bait placed at the edges and in the interior of habitat fragments as well as in the matrix area was used to reveal differential use of these areas for foraging. Animals in the small-fragment plots fed more than expected along the edges, while edges were used according to availability in the large blocks of continuous habitat. In the fragmented plots, the frequency of foraging in the matrix decreased with increasing distance to the fragment border and with increasing inter-fragment distances. Furthermore, the frequency of use of more than one habitat fragment in individual foraging ranges decreased with increasing inter-fragment distances. Reproductively inactive animals of both sexes fed more often along habitat edges than reproductively active animals. Reproductively active females fed exclusively in one habitat fragment, whereas inactive animals and especially reproductively active males frequently included more than one fragment in their foraging ranges. The only effect of habitat destruction was less foraging in the matrix habitat in the post-destruction treatment plots compared to the permanently fragmented control plots. This was probably an effect of different matrix quality. Root voles in these experimental populations forage in edge and matrix habitat with great risk of becoming victims to predation, and the results are interpreted in this context. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

Capturing small carnivores is often necessary for obtaining key ecological data. We compared the efficiency of box and leg-hold traps, using live and dead bait, to capture six carnivore species (Herpailurus yagouaroundi (E. Geoffroyi, 1803), Leopardus tigrinus (Schreber, 1775), Nasua nasua (Linnaeus, 1766), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758), and Galictis cuja (Molina, 1782)). The use of leg-hold traps significantly increased the capture rate of carnivores (5.77%) and non-target species (non-carnivores, 11.54%). Dead bait significantly attracted more non-carnivores than carnivores and live bait was more efficient for capturing carnivores (2.56%) than non-carnivores (0.77%). Both box and leg-hold traps caused some minor injuries (swelling and claw loss). We provide recommendations for the ethical use of these trap and bait types.  相似文献   

A comparison of pitfall traps with bait traps for sampling leaf litter ants was studied in oak-dominated mixed forests during 1995-1997. A total of 31,732 ants were collected from pitfall traps and 54,694 ants were collected from bait traps. They belonged to four subfamilies, 17 genera, and 32 species. Bait traps caught 29 species, whereas pitfall traps caught 31 species. Bait traps attracted one species not found in pitfall traps, but missed three of the species collected with pitfall traps. Collections from the two sampling methods showed differences in species richness, relative abundance, diversity, and species accumulation curves. Pitfall traps caught significantly more ant species per plot than did bait traps. The ant species diversity obtained from pitfall traps was higher than that from bait traps. Bait traps took a much longer time to complete an estimate of species richness than did pitfall traps. Little information was added to pitfall trapping results by the bait trapping method. The results suggested that the pitfall trapping method is superior to the bait trapping method for leaf litter ant studies. Species accumulation curves showed that sampling of 2,192+/-532 ants from six plots by pitfall traps provided a good estimation of ant species richness under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

Field acceptance and efficacy of a toxicant-sterilant, alpha-chlorohydrin (α-CH), at its 0.5% concentration in bait were evaluated against rodents in sugarcane fields which harboured high populations of the Indian mole rat Bandicota bengalensis (Trap Index (TI) = 53.6 rats/100 traps/24 h) followed by that of the Indian bush rat Golunda ellioti (TI = 28.6) and soft-furred field rat Rattus meltada (TI = 1.8). Acceptance of the α-CH bait by rodents in the fields was evident from complete consumption of the offered bait at most of the baiting points. The treatment (72 h exposure to the poison bait) resulted in 63.7% to 82.9% rodent mortality. Survey of the mature sugarcane crop revealed that the percentage of rodent cut canes in the treated fields (7.6% to 16.2%) was significantly less than that of the reference fields (26.3%). Most of the surviving male B. bengalensis, captured after 15 days of the treatment, had developed sterility as revealed by the functional abnormalities in their testes and epid-idymides. They showed decreased thickness of the seminiferous tubules, lower population of spermatogenic cells, cauda epididymal sperm concentration, live sperm and sperm mortality. A nonsignificant positive correlation between the testicular weight and sperm motility in males from treated fields indicated the effect of α-CH at maturation level in the cauda epididymides. Overall, it was evident that a significant proportion of the surviving B. bengalensis had become permanently sterile as a consequence to the development of spermatocoeles in the caput epididymides and the remaining had significantly low numbers (< 30%) of motile sperm in their cauda epididymides which was, obviously, a handicap for successful fertilisation.  相似文献   

With the rising number of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS in developing countries, the control of mycobacteria is of growing importance. Previous studies have shown that rodents and insectivores are carriers of mycobacteria. However, it is not clear how widespread mycobacteria are in these animals and what their role is in spreading them. Therefore, the prevalence of mycobacteria in rodents and insectivores was studied in and around Morogoro, Tanzania. Live rodents were trapped, with three types of live traps, in three habitats. Pieces of organs were pooled per habitat, species, and organ type (stratified pooling); these sample pools were examined for the presence of mycobacteria by PCR, microscopy, and culture methods. The mycobacterial isolates were identified using phenotypic techniques and sequencing. In total, 708 small mammals were collected, 31 of which were shrews. By pool prevalence estimation, 2.65% of the animals were carriers of mycobacteria, with a higher prevalence in the urban areas and in Cricetomys gambianus and the insectivore Crocidura hirta. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (Mycobacterium chimaera, M. intracellulare, M. arupense, M. parascrofulaceum, and Mycobacterium spp.) were isolated from C. gambianus, Mastomys natalensis, and C. hirta. This study is the first to report findings of mycobacteria in African rodents and insectivores and the first in mycobacterial ecology to estimate the prevalence of mycobacteria after stratified pool screening. The fact that small mammals in urban areas carry more mycobacteria than those in the fields and that potentially pathogenic mycobacteria were isolated identifies a risk for other animals and humans, especially HIV/AIDS patients, that have a weakened immune system.  相似文献   

Recent studies have established the ecological and evolutionary importance of animal personalities. Individual differences in movement and space‐use, fundamental to many personality traits (e.g. activity, boldness and exploratory behaviour) have been documented across many species and contexts, for instance personality‐dependent dispersal syndromes. Yet, insights from the concurrently developing movement ecology paradigm are rarely considered and recent evidence for other personality‐dependent movements and space‐use lack a general unifying framework. We propose a conceptual framework for personality‐dependent spatial ecology. We link expectations derived from the movement ecology paradigm with behavioural reaction‐norms to offer specific predictions on the interactions between environmental factors, such as resource distribution or landscape structure, and intrinsic behavioural variation. We consider how environmental heterogeneity and individual consistency in movements that carry‐over across spatial scales can lead to personality‐dependent: (1) foraging search performance; (2) habitat preference; (3) home range utilization patterns; (4) social network structure and (5) emergence of assortative population structure with spatial clusters of personalities. We support our conceptual model with spatially explicit simulations of behavioural variation in space‐use, demonstrating the emergence of complex population‐level patterns from differences in simple individual‐level behaviours. Consideration of consistent individual variation in space‐use will facilitate mechanistic understanding of processes that drive social, spatial, ecological and evolutionary dynamics in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

Despite the ubiquity of camera traps in wildlife monitoring projects, the data gathered are rarely used to estimate wildlife population demographics, a critical step in detecting declines, managing populations, and understanding ecosystem health. In contrast to abundant white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the eastern United States, black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) in the western United States have declined over the past several decades. We tested whether passively operating camera traps can be used to quantify population characteristics for black-tailed deer. We used images of naturally occurring physical characteristics of deer to develop movement and activity data and inform a Bayesian spatial mark-resight model that estimates deer abundance, density, sex ratio, ratio of fawns to adult females, and home range size. We developed the model to account for the effect of attractants (bait) on encounter rate. We placed 13 cameras on all known water sources of a private ranch in California and provided bait once a month in front of each camera. Over 9,000 visits occurred between 24 May 2012 and 21 January 2013, and we identified 50 individual deer from ear notches or antler characteristics. We estimated density at 7.7 deer/km2 in summer and 8.6 deer/km2 in fall. In the summer, home ranges were 2.3 km2 for females and fawns and 16.8 km2 for males. Home ranges constricted slightly in fall. We estimated a sex ratio of 12.5 males/100 females, and a ratio of 47.0 fawns/100 adult females. Bait increased baseline encounter rates (visits/week) by 3.7 times in summer and 4.95 times in fall. We found slightly higher densities of deer in our study area compared to other recent studies in more mountainous areas of California, and lower male:female sex ratios. This approach shows that commonly deployed camera traps can be used to quantify population characteristics, monitor populations, and inform harvest or habitat management decisions. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis Raffles, 1821) were captured at various locations in the north of Sumatra as part of a study on social behaviour and genetic relationships. We used individual cage traps, a group trap, a blowpipe and an air-pressure rifle. Provided that the monkeys were willing to take bait, individual cage traps proved most successful; they gave a high capture rate with minimal disturbance of the group. Success with young juveniles and peripheral animals could be improved by placing elevated traps in the centre and in clusters at the periphery of the trapping site. Trapping had no clear lasting effect on the natural behaviour of the animals.  相似文献   

Chemical signals left by predators are a potential source of information about the risk of predation, and small mammals are known to take them into account when making decisions. We investigated whether wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) are more likely to avoid the faeces of resident predators (red fox Vulpes vulpes and common genet Genetta genetta) vs. a novel predator (European pine marten Martes martes). Odour recognition would increase perceived predation risk and reduce food intake by individual mice. Wood mice response to predators was analysed by live‐trapping using two untreated controls (baited/non‐baited) and traps experimentally manipulated with three predator treatments (faeces of red fox, common genet or pine marten). Traps were baited with 4 g of toasted corn, and food intake by wood mice was determined as the amount of bait remaining in each trap. We found that traps treated with faeces of resident predators were the most avoided, and the number of captures in traps treated with pine marten faeces was similar to the control‐baited traps. The variation found in food intake was explained by the interaction between the types of treatment and breeding condition. Food intake was similar in control‐baited traps and in traps with faeces of pine marten, but when predation risk by resident predators (red fox and common genet) was simulated, breeders reduced food intake significantly as compared to non‐breeders. These results indicate that predator recognition and feeding behaviour under predation risk depend on individual factors and the balance of costs‐benefits in each particular predation risk situation at a given place and time.  相似文献   

The study of winter-active small mammals beneath the snowpack has proved challenging for researchers because of the relative inaccessibility. We present a technique using hair tubes that permits the detection of small mammals active in the subnivean space. Hair tubes are cylindrical or funnel-shaped structures containing suitable bait and an adhesive surface that harvests hairs from small mammals as they attempt to reach the bait. Hair tubes eliminate many of the difficulties often associated with live trapping and permit the expansion of systematic sampling to larger scales than allowed by conventional live-trapping methods. The technique was used successfully to detect five small mammal species in the subnivean space in Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) in southeastern Australia. These included the common bush-rat, Rattus fuscipes; the dusky and agile antechinus, Antechinus swainsonii and A. agilis; the broad-toothed rat, Mastacomys fuscus; and the mountain pygmy possum, Burramys parvus. Although hair tubes have a number of limitations, such as not providing a measure of abundance or allowing the identification of individual animals, we believe that these limitations are balanced by the fact that the technique can be used at any spatial scale. Hair tubes are particularly suited to studies of animal distribution at the landscape-scale, because many hair tubes can be deployed and dispersed over large areas, and monitored on a regular basis by a small team of researchers. The technique also makes use of readily available, low-cost materials and could be easily adapted to a range of conditions and different target species.  相似文献   

啮齿动物和鸟类对东灵山地区辽东栎种子丢失的影响   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
20 0 0年 8月中旬至 10月上旬 ,在北京东灵山地区小龙门林场选取两块辽东栎分布近似而坡向不同的样地 ,并对样地内种子库与啮齿动物的种群数量变化进行了调查。结果表明 ,两块样地种子雨持续 4 0天左右 ,且种子下落趋势基本一致 ,高峰期都集中在 9月中旬 ,不同坡向的种子产量差异显著。在两样地随机各设置 2 4个种子方形收集器 (0 5m2 )和 2 0个地表样方 (1 0× 0 5m2 )调查种子产量。通过比较收集器内壳斗和种子数量 ,发现二者无显著差异 ,说明鸟类对林冠层种子丢失作用不明显 ;而收集器和地表样方种子数量差异显著 ,表明辽东栎种子库扩散主要由林中啮齿动物完成。标记重捕发现辽东栎林中啮齿动物群落包括大林姬鼠 ,社鼠 ,棕背鼠平和花鼠 ,其中大林姬鼠为优势种 ,占群落的 77.2 %。  相似文献   

繁殖期间的空间利用与活动模式特征是野生动物长期适应环境的具体表现,研究野生动物繁殖期间行为特征与策略是动物生态学研究中最重要的基础问题之一。2010年3月至2012年3月,我们利用内置记录活动水平传感器的GPS项圈记录了1只受孕、产仔并育幼的野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的活动位点和活动水平。研究了该大熊猫各繁殖阶段(交配后期、产仔期和育幼期)的空间利用与活动模式特征。结果表明:在交配后期(2010年春季,即4-6月),雌性大熊猫活动空间范围较大为3.49 km2,其日平均活动距离较大,活动水平也相对较强;在产仔期前后(2010年夏秋季,即7-10月),雌性大熊猫的活动范围明显缩小为0.42 km2,日平均活动距离和活动水平都明显减低;自2010年冬季(2010年11月至2011年3月)开始雌性大熊猫带仔生活,其家域面积逐渐增大,且趋向稳定 (0.84~1.19 km2),日平均活动距离和活动水平都开始逐渐增大。雌性大熊猫在求偶交配、受孕、产仔和育幼过程中的空间利用与活动模式特征反映了大熊猫在繁殖期间的行为策略。本研究结果可为繁殖期间大熊猫及栖息地的保护管理政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The small mammal community of a coastal site of south-western Mauritania was monitored using live trapping, owl pellet analysis and nocturnal visual censuses. Ten species of rodents and two shrews were recorded. Gerbillid rodents ( Gerbillus nanus, G. gerbillus, G. tarabuli, G. nigeriae and Taterillus arenarius ) were the most prevalent in traps, whereas a relatively large proportion of owl pellets were made up of a murid rodent, Mastomys huberti . The presence of two species of murids ( M. huberti and Arvicanthis niloticus ) in this presaharian environment is made possible by the presence of small patches of green vegetation associated with localized fresh water inputs. The contradiction of results from the sampling methods indicate potential biases in the determination of community composition and relative species abundance. Results are also discussed in estimating the potential role of predation and competition in this small mammal community.  相似文献   

To be social, the ability to recognize and discriminate conspecific individuals is indispensable in social animals, including primates, rodents, birds, fish, and social insects which live in societies or groups. Recent studies using molecular biology, genetics, in vivo and in vitro physiology, and behavioral neuroscientific approaches have provided detailed insights into how animals process and recognize the information of individuals. Here, we review the most distinct sensory modalities for individual recognition in animals, namely, olfaction and vision. In the case of rodents, two polymorphic gene complexes have been identified in their urine as the key and essential pheromonal components for individual recognition: the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the major urinary protein (MUP). Animals flexibly utilize MHC and/or MUP, which are detected by the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) and/or the vomeronasal organ (VNO) for various types of social recognition, such as strain recognition, kin recognition, and individual recognition. In contrast, primates, including humans, primarily use facial appearance to identify others. Face recognition in humans and other animals is naturally unique from genetic, cognitive, developmental, and functional points of view. Importantly note that nurture effects during growth phase such as social experience and environment can also shape and tune this special cognitive ability, in order to distinguish subtle differences between individuals. In this review, we address such unique nature and nurture mechanisms for individual recognition.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial ecology of small populations at the periphery of their range is important for identifying factors limiting population growth and developing sound management strategies. Bighorn sheep were reintroduced to Nebraska in 1981 and persist in a small population at the easternmost extent of the distribution of the species, where 1 of the 2 subpopulations is declining. Bighorn sheep space use and movement has been studied extensively in mountain and desert populations, but information is sparse from prairie populations in the Northern Great Plains. We investigated the spatial ecology of female bighorn sheep in Nebraska, USA, with global positioning system (GPS) telemetry. We tested the hypothesis that space use and movements would vary across seasons, years, and individuals but predicted that migration would involve relatively short distances in this translocated population (relative to native populations) occupying a fragmented landscape. Overall, females used smaller seasonal home ranges (3.3–7.8 km2) than most of those reported previously for the species and exhibited a high degree of variability in space use and movements across seasons, subpopulations, and individuals. Most females (92–100%) exhibited fidelity to their home ranges across seasons and years. Six females migrated between spatially distinct core lambing and winter ranges, although the distances (range = 7.9–8.7 km) and mean elevations (range = 31–41 m) between these core seasonal ranges were less than those reported for most native, migratory bighorn sheep populations. After accounting for variation in season, subpopulation, and years, home range size was positively associated with road density in both subpopulations (P < 0.001), suggesting that females incur greater energetic costs associated with greater space use in areas of higher fragmentation. Our results establish the basic spatial ecology of female bighorn sheep in Nebraska where their behavior appears to reflect the isolated nature of suitable habitat in this fragmented prairie landscape.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to compare the effectiveness of chemical meat bait traps and basic meat bait traps for collecting adult flies. Bait traps used to collect these species can be damaged by anthropogenic or environmental effects. In this study, chemical meat bait traps and basic meat bait traps were hung from trees in the garden of the Ankara University Forensic Sciences Institute. This activity was carried out on the first Monday of each month for nine months. During the study, 1894 specimens were collected. Of all these species, 1787 (94.35%) were obtained from chemical meat bait traps (CMBTs), while 107 (5.65%) were obtained from basic meat bait traps (BMBTs). To determine the diversity of species in CMBT and BMBT sample groups in our study, Shannon Wiener and Simpson diversity and dominance indices were used. Shannon Evenness Index was calculated to determine the relationship between species community‐density. Cluster analysis provided a summary of the similarity in species composition of different regions. The CMBT and BMBT trap groups similarity/dissimilarity feature was checked using Bray–Curtis cluster analysis. The number of species collected from CMBTs was considerably higher than in BMBTs. The results of this study will help researchers to save time. In addition, it should be kept in mind that thiamethoxam is harmful to the environment when it contaminates sources of water.  相似文献   

The crayfish Procambarus clarkii is a paradigmatic example of aquatic invasive species. Native to north-eastern Mexico and south-central USA, it has today reached a worldwide distribution. Several attempts have been made to mitigate its impacts but none was successful. In this study, we have investigated in the field whether sex pheromones may be used to control invasive populations of this species. Along two canals of the study area (“Padule di Fucecchio”, Central Italy, a wetland of conservation concern), in the summer 2006, we installed 18 traps for each of four types, i.e., (1) empty traps as control, and traps containing (2) sexually receptive males, (3) sexually receptive females, and (4) food. The number, sex, and size of the crayfish captured by each trap in 2 days were recorded and compared among types. The results confirm that males are attracted by the females’ sex pheromones: the sex ratio of the crayfish captured by the traps containing females was significantly biased towards males. However, when the overall number of the captured crayfish was compared among types of trap, food appeared to be the most attractive bait. The method could be improved using purified and concentrated sex pheromone instead of live animals. The use of pheromones has not been successfully applied to control crustacean decapod invaders so far, and a multidisciplinary approach is needed to face the problem.  相似文献   

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