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Diurnal variation of eight common behaviors was studied in a social group of pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina). In agreement with previous work, all behaviors showed marked variation throughout the day, and differences between day and night levels were significant for most behaviors. Several significant inter-behavior correlations were found which suggested that common factors were major determinants of groups of behaviors. Significant correlations between separate diurnal cycles of sleep, grooming, and general activity demonstrated that these behaviors were among the most consistent with respect to diurnal cycles. The results point to the usefulness of diurnal studies in planning primate research designs, e.g., in controlling for variables associated with diurnal cycles.  相似文献   

A survey of aggressive behavior in 72 groups of pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) housed under identical spatial conditions revealed that frequency of contact aggression (grab, push, hit, bite) was directly related to social density. This result conforms with expectations of effects of crowding, but contrasts with previous work on responses to manipulation of spatial density. A similar paradoxical contrast between the effects of social density and spatial density has been documented in humans, and consequently development of a nonhuman primate model for study of crowding stress may be warranted. The choice of social density for captive nonhuman primate groups should be made with great care to avoid densities that result in destructive aggression.  相似文献   

Pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) were time-mated using female perineal “sex skin” tumescence cyclicity as an indicator of ovulation time. The goal of these matings was production of infants of known gestational age for an investigation using a nonhuman primate model to study causes, correlates, and consequences of premature birth. Two breeding strategies were employed. The first involved allowing breeders constant access to one another for 72 hours at the time ovulation was predicted to occur from previous data on cyclicity of perineal tumescence. The second method limited exposure to two hours daily until perineal detumescence occurred. The second strategy has been considerably more effective than the first.  相似文献   

A study was made of the relationship between ovulation and perineal detumescence in the pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina). Daily laparoscopic examation of both ovaries was made beginning on the 9th day of the menstrual cycle. The appearance of the ovaries was recorded and photographs were taken of the perineum and ovaries. This procedure was repeated daily until the 5th day after ovulation or until the 20th day of the menstrual cycle for presumed anovulatory cycles. The time at which ovulation occurred was correlated with first signs of detumescence, both events occurring within a 24-hour period.  相似文献   

A field study of the pigtail monkey (Macaca nemestrina) was conducted in Malaysia. An initial six month survey revealed a badly disturbed, diminishing population. Intensive observation required prolonged extensive habituation efforts including a modified form of provisionization and the use of a trained captive pigtail monkey. The pigtail monkey was found to be an arboreal deep forest animal which, nonetheless, came to the ground more often than any other monkey in the forests of Malaya. Responses observed in the natural habitat could not be differentiated from those seen in captive groups; but response frequencies differed. Social patterns observed were similar to those seen in other macaques but differed notably from those seen in sympatric leaf monkeys. Travel patterns, feeding, agonistic responses, sexual behavior, play and other responses are described and discussed.  相似文献   

A species-typical gesture, the “jaw thrust”, was sequentially analyzed in a group of adultM. nemestrina. The major finding was a sex difference in apparent function with male jaw thrust sequences most likely to result in sexual behavior and female sequences most likely to terminate in agonistic behavior. Sex differences in the initiation and reception of jaw thrusts were also observed; they were most commonly initiated by males and directed toward females. Marked stereotypy of the behavioral sequences including jaw thrusts was observed: only a small proportion of the species’ behavioral repertoire was exhibited in temporal association with the gesture. Despite the striking nature of the gesture and the frequency with which it was exhibited, a majority of the signals had no overt social effect.  相似文献   

Human epidemiological studies have suggested that social variables can modulate the effects of stress on the immune system, and this concept has been gaining increasing attention with positive results emerging from empirical studies using nonhuman primates over the last two decades. Results from a previous study in rhesus monkeys suggested that receiving grooming positively affected recovery of T-helper and T-suppressor cells following the initial stress associated with group formation, and this co-varied with high dominance rank. Thus, the present study was undertaken in order to determine: (1) if the stress effect of formation could be replicated in another species and (2) if social behaviors or dominance rank, given that formation is a stressor, might independently correlate with physiological recovery from the stressor. Eight adult female pigtail macaques were moved from individual cages and simultaneously introduced into an outdoor enclosure along with an adult male, while eight weight-matched controls remained in individual caging. Behavioral data were collected during the introduction and over 4 weeks thereafter. Blood samples were collected prior to and at intervals for 4 weeks following formation. Compared to control subjects, the test subjects showed an increase in basal cortisol secretion (+28.9%) and a significant decrease in T-helper cells (-33.6%), T-suppressor cells (-30.8%), and B cells (-22.5%), while there was a significant increase in white blood cells (+29.5%) 24 hr following formation. When dominance rank and seven behavioral categories were analyzed, only the frequency of receiving grooming significantly predicted change, with animals who received a greater frequency of grooms showing a lesser negative percent change from baseline in the absolute number of T-helper cells 1 week following formation. The establishment of a dominance hierarchy, apparent within 1 week, was accomplished with no serious fighting and a complete absence of wounding or trauma, suggesting that psychosocial stress was responsible for the physiological changes observed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The tendency in primates for former antagonists to approach and affiliate following aggression has been termed reconciliation because the response is thought to resolve social conflicts produced by aggression. In primate societies, however, an aggressive interaction between two individuals often spreads to include other group members, especially the kin of the combatants. If post conflict affiliation resolves aggressive conflicts in a group, then affiliative increases might occur between combatants and the kin of their opponents following aggression as well as between former opponents. This hypothesis was tested in a captive group of 39 pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) by comparing affiliative response frequencies of combatants during the 5 minute period following aggression to affiliative response frequencies during 5 minute baseline periods not preceded by aggressive activity. Following aggression, affiliation rates increased between combatants and their opponents, aggressors and the kin of their opponents, and aggressors and their own kin. Additional analyses showed that aggression among kin was reconciled more often than aggression among nonkin. Recipients of aggression reconciled with their attackers more often than aggressors reconciled with their victims. Animals with similar dominance ranks reconciled proportionately more often than those with large rank disparities and aggressive infractions of a calculated dominance hierarchy were reconciled more often than attacks consistent with the hierarchy. Results suggest that both dyadic and triadic reconciliations occur in M. nemestrina and that compared to other primate species M. nemestrina exhibit a moderate-to-high conciliatory tendency.  相似文献   

Food rewards were given contingent upon the performance of one of three natural responses in adult male pigtail macaques: scratching, yawning, and the facial expression “protruded lips.” Scratching rapidly increased in frequency when it was followed by food, as did variability in form of scratching and one form in particular, using the feet. The facial expression was resistant to the conditioning procedures. Yawning increased in frequency when followed by food, with extinction and reconditioning procedures confirming the establishment of the conditioned response. This is the first report of the conditioning of yawning in primates. Together, the results contribute to the literature on the differential conditionability of different classes of behavior, and suggest the possibility that macaques can voluntarily display “reflexive” acts for social goals.  相似文献   

Daily oral administration of 10 mg/kg retinoic acid to pregnant Macaca nemestrina monkeys on days 20 to 44 resulted in a high frequency of craniofacial and musculoskeletal malformations. Craniofacial defects including cleft palate and anomalies of the prinna were common as were ectrodactyly, kyphosis, and muscular-joint contractures. Transposition of the great vessels of the heart occurred in one animal and polycystic kidney and associated urogenital anomalies in another. Shorter treatment periods with similar or higher dosages were not teratogenic and were less fetocidal. Although only relatively long treatment courses were teratogenic, the defects that resulted were morphologically similar to those induced with retinoic acid or other vitamin A compounds in other animal orders.  相似文献   

An artificial group of 18 pigtailed monkeys, selected by sex and size (age) to simulate the composition of natural groups of macaques, was formed. All were strangers to each other. Observations were made over five months. Data on the monkeys' resting and clustering locations in the compound were analyzed in two ways. Spatial organization emerged about one month after the group was formed when the group acquired a competent leader. The leader, certain high ranking females, and/or females in estrus were seen consistently in a geographically central area of the compound and therefore were termed central monkeys. This central subgroup, coherent in terms of area and roles, persisted throughout the study. Development of increased group structure was also indicated by increased stability of dyadic affectional relationships. The study indicates that social organization of the pigtailed macaque will develop when some of the environmental and prior experience variables are controlled. The results highlighted the leader's role and suggest that it is at least as essential in social organization as kinship and factors inherent in a natural environment. Estrous cycles of females and seasonal variations of temperature in the compound were other factors affecting spatial and social relationships of the group members.  相似文献   

Vaginal cytology, basal body temperature, and perineal tumescence were correlated with laparoscopic observations during the menstrual cycles of five pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) of known fertility. Percentages of cells obtained in vaginal smears revealed systematic variation in the presence of cell types in relation to the menstrual cycle. Measuring the percentage of exfoliate vaginal epithelial cells containing pyknotic nuclei proved to be of little value for separating the menstrual cycle into its follicular and luteal phases, nor did body temperature provide an accurate index for the occurrence of ovulation. Perineal tumescence, however, measured from the first day of menses to onset of detumescence, was a reliable indicator of the lengths of the follicular and luteal phases as correlated with laparoscopic confirmation of ovulation. Maximal perineal tumescence usually occurred within 12 hours of ovulation, although on one occasion the two events were separated by 48 hours.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine taste difference thresholds for monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sodium chloride (NaCl) in pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Using a two-bottle preference test of brief duration, three animals of each species were presented with four different reference concentrations of 50, 100, 200, and 400 mM of a tastant and tested for their ability to discriminate these from lower concentrations of the same tastant. The just noticeable differences (JNDs), expressed as Weber ratios (DeltaI/I), were found to range from 0.1 to 0.5 for MSG and 0.2 to 0.45 for NaCl in the pigtail macaques, with a significant tendency for higher Weber ratios with higher reference concentrations. In the spider monkeys, JNDs ranged from 0.15 to 0.4 for MSG and 0.1 to 0.25 for NaCl, with Weber ratios staying fairly constant across the reference concentrations tested. Thus, the JNDs were found to be generally similar in both species and to be at least as low as those found in humans for MSG and NaCl, as well as those found in spider monkeys for sucrose. The results support the assumption that both pigtail macaques and spider monkeys may use differences in perceived intensity of MSG and NaCl as a criterion for food selection.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA variation was surveyed in nine populations of the pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina), covering all three recognized subspecies in Southeast Asia. To do this, a 2,300 base pair fragment spanning the mitochondrial NAD 3 and NAD 4 genes and flanking tRNA subunits leucine and glycine was targeted for amplification and digested with a battery of 16 restriction endonucleases. Out of a total of 107 individuals, 32 unique haplotypes could be distinguished. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses grouped the haplotypes into five strongly supported assemblages representing China/Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, and Siberut. These results indicate that the mainland and island mtDNA haplotypes are strictly and uniquely limited to the geographic ranges of the recognized morphological subspecies. Cladistic and neighbor-joining analyses indicate that inferred phylogenies of mtDNA haplotypes are congruent with subspecies designations. Furthermore, in support of morphological studies, results indicate that the Mentawai macaque is most likely not a distinct species but a subspecies of M. nemestrina. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:35–45, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

W Russell 《Prostaglandins》1975,10(1):163-183
Non-pregnant pigtail monkeys (M. nemestrina) were given ICI 80996 subcutaneously and ICI 81008 and PGF2alpha subcutaneously or intravaginally, once daily on days 20-30 inclusive, or two or three times on days 24 or 26 only. Doses of 50 mug/kg of ICI 80996, 100 mug/kg of ICI 81008 and approx. 1 mg/kg of PGF2alpha were used. In the majority of monkeys treated subcutaneously a rapid fall in circulating progesterone concentrations and earlier than normal menstrual bleeding occurred. When given per vaginam, ICI 81008 was as effective as when given subcutaneously, though PGF2alpha was less effective intravaginally than by the subcutaneous route.  相似文献   

Previous study of captive pigtail monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) revealed that victims of an attack by a group member employed one of four acoustically different recruitment calls (Gouzoules&Gouzoules: Animal Behaviour 37:383–401, 1989). The calls appear to provide allies with information pertinent to decisions about fight intervention. Each call was associated with an agonistic context distinguished by the relative rank of the opponent and the severity of the attack. Monkeys younger than 3 years of age were significantly less likely to use a contextually appropriate call than were older animals and their calls tended to be acoustically less like the prototype for a given context. Analyses reported on here revealed that, among juveniles, females were more proficient than males in both the proper contextual use and the production of these calls. These findings suggest parallels with human sex differences in the development of communicative competence. The evolutionary origins for these sex differences in macaque vocal development may be based in the different life history patterns males and females exhibit.  相似文献   

The control role of a dominant male in a captive group of pigtail macaques is described in this paper, with a particular emphasis on broadening this concept. A number of behavioral categories are shown to be highly correlated with the control role, making the concept of control role more useful in the study of non-human primate sociality.  相似文献   

Obesity was studied in a colony of 873 Macaca nemestrina to establish tools for epidemiologic studies, to examine a genetic form of obesity, to document age/sex relationships to obesity, and to compare metabolic profiles of obese and normal monkeys. Age/weight growth curves were analyzed to select the most obese monkeys and age- and sex-matched normal controls. Degree of adiposity was determined using tritiated water for estimation of lean body mass. Body weight, anterior trunk height, and abdominal and triceps skinfolds were measured. Fasting insulin, fasting free fatty acids, and glucose disappearance rate were determined. The results give evidence of similarities between macaque and human obestiy.  相似文献   

Sixteen pigtailed monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) were studied to determine patterns of estrous cycles and sexual behavior. The average estrous cycle lasted 42 days, the average tumescent period 21 days, and the average quiescent period 17 days. Results are consistent with those obtained from studies of individually caged monkeys. The mean length of gestation for five live births was 174.6 days with a range of 167 to 179 days. Patterns of heterosexual, homosexual, and self-oriented sexual behavior are described and quantified.Mating behaviors of Japanese and pigtailed monkeys were compared. Although individual elements of sexual patterns were similar, there were quantitative differences and differences in the temporal patterning of the behavior.Supported by Grant FR 00166 from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

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