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In mycobacteria, MmpL proteins represent key components that participate in the biosynthesis of the complex cell envelope. Whole genome analysis of a spontaneous rough morphotype variant of Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii identified a conserved tyrosine that is crucial for the function of MmpL family proteins. Isogenic smooth (S) and rough (R) variants differed by a single mutation linked to a Y842H substitution in MmpL4a. This mutation caused a deficiency in glycopeptidolipid production/transport in the R variant and a gain in the capacity to produce cords in vitro. In zebrafish, increased virulence of the M. bolletii R variant over the parental S strain was found, involving massive production of serpentine cords, abscess formation and rapid larval death. Importantly, this finding allowed us to demonstrate an essential role of Tyr842 in several different MmpL proteins, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis MmpL3. Structural homology models of MmpL4a and MmpL3 identified two additional critical residues located in the transmembrane regions TM10 and TM4 that are facing each other. We propose that these central residues are part of the proton‐motive force that supplies the energy for substrate transport. Hence, we provide important insights into mechanistic/structural aspects of MmpL proteins as lipid transporters and virulence determinants in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria are able to enter into a state of non-replication or dormancy, which may result in their chronic persistence in soil, aquatic environments, and permissive hosts. Stresses such as nutrient deprivation and hypoxia provide environmental cues to enter a persistent state; however, a clear definition of the mechanism that mycobacteria employ to achieve this remains elusive. While the concept of sporulation in mycobacteria is not novel, it continues to spark controversy and challenges our perceptions of a non-replication. We investigated the potential role of sporulation in one-year old broth cultures of Mycobacterium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). We show that dormant cultures of MAP contain a mix of vegetative cells and a previously unknown morphotype resembling a spore. These spore-like structures can be enriched for using sporulating media. Furthermore, purified MAP spore forms survive exposure to heat, lysozyme and proteinase K. Heat-treated spores are positive for MAP 16SrRNA and IS900. MAP spores display enhanced infectivity as well as maintain acid-fast characteristics upon germination in a well-established bovine macrophage model. This is the first study to demonstrate a new MAP morphotype possessing spore-like qualities. Data suggest that sporulation may be a viable mechanism by which MAP accomplishes persistence in the host and/or environment. Thus, our current understanding of mycobacterial persistence, pathogenesis, epidemiology and rational drug and vaccine design may need to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity for mice of 12 strains of Mycobacterium abscessus was compared with that for 8 strains of M. fortuitum. Both species caused lesions in kidneys and produced "spinning disease" resulting from inner ear infections. No major differences in pathogenicity of these two species were demonstrated. Strain to strain variation was marked, especially with M. abscessus. For example, 1.6 x 10(6) organisms of strain 11188 of M. abscessus produced death in four of five animals within 42 days, whereas strain 380 of M. abscessus failed to produce any deaths within 42 days. In the case of M. fortuitum, the greatest mortality observed was one of five animals, yet the incidence of spinning disease and kidney disease occurred earlier postinfection than in mice infected with M. abscessus. Histologically, abscess formation by a strain of M. abscessus was greater than by a strain of M. fortuitum, but this difference cannot be interpreted as a species difference.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA sequences were isolated and characterized from a Puerto Rican population of communally nesting smooth‐billed anis for use in a parentage/kinship study. Lambda Zap Express (Stratagene) was used to construct a library of 350 000 independent recombinant phage and screened with TG and AAT probes. In total, 85 positive clones (73 TG and 12 AAT) were isolated. Primer pairs were designed for 17 sequences and five polymorphic loci were found (three TG and two AAT). The five loci were characterized with between four and nine alleles and heterozygosity values ranged from 0.538 to 0.840. The combined total parental exclusionary power (with neither parent known) of the five loci was 0.8869.  相似文献   

Witzmann F. (2011). Morphological and histological changes of dermal scales during the fish‐to‐tetrapod transition. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 281–302. The gastral scales of limbed tetrapodomorphs evolved from the ‘elpistostegid’‐type of scale by an enlargement and differentiation of the articulation facets and a shortening and broadening of the keel. These changes caused a tighter connection between gastral scales within a scale row and a greater overlap between the rows. Dorsal round scales of limbed tetrapodomorphs developed from a gastral scale‐type by an alteration of the ontogenetic pathway. The posterolateral direction of scale rows in ‘elpistostegids’ was retained in the gastral scalation of most limbed tetrapodomorphs, whereas the arrangement of round dorsal scales is modified to a transverse orientation. Both gastral and dorsal scales of limbed tetrapodomorphs consist solely of parallel‐fibred bone with circumferential growth marks. The proportionally larger overlap surfaces of gastral scales and their mode of articulation in the ventral midline indicate that the body of limbed tetrapodomorphs might have been more flexible than that of their finned relatives. The alteration of dermal scales was one of the most rapid morphological changes during the fish‐to‐tetrapod transition. Once established, gastral and dorsal scales were retained as a conservative character in different lineages of basal tetrapods, in both the amphibian and the amniote lineages.  相似文献   

genodive version 3.0 is a user‐friendly program for the analysis of population genetic data. This version presents a major update from the previous version and now offers a wide spectrum of different types of analyses. genodive has an intuitive graphical user interface that allows direct manipulation of the data through transformation, imputation of missing data, and exclusion and inclusion of individuals, population and/or loci. Furthermore, genodive seamlessly supports 15 different file formats for importing or exporting data from or to other programs. One major feature of genodive is that it supports both diploid and polyploid data, up to octaploidy (2n = 8x) for some analyses, but up to hexadecaploidy (2n = 16x) for other analyses. The different types of analyses offered by genodive include multiple statistics for estimating population differentiation (φST, FST, F?ST, GST, G?ST, G??ST, Dest, RST, ρ), analysis of molecular variance‐based K‐means clustering, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, hybrid index, population assignment, clone assignment, Mantel test, Spatial Autocorrelation, 23 ways of calculating genetic distances, and both principal components and principal coordinates analyses. A unique feature of genodive is that it can also open data sets with nongenetic variables, for example environmental data or geographical coordinates that can be included in the analysis. In addition, genodive makes it possible to run several external programs (lfmm , structure , instruct and vegan ) directly from its own user interface, avoiding the need for data reformatting and use of the command line. genodive is available for computers running Mac OS X 10.7 or higher and can be downloaded freely from: http://www.patrickmeirmans.com/software .  相似文献   

The consequences of inbreeding on fitness can be crucial in evolutionary and conservation grounds and depend upon the efficiency of purging against deleterious recessive alleles. Recently, analytical expressions have been derived to predict the evolution of mean fitness, taking into account both inbreeding and purging, which depend on an ‘effective purging coefficient (de)’. Here, we explore the validity of that predictive approach and assay the strength of purging by estimating de for egg‐to‐pupae viability (EPV) after a drastic reduction in population size in a recently captured base population of Drosophila melanogaster. For this purpose, we first obtained estimates of the inbreeding depression rate (δ) for EPV in the base population, and we found that about 40% was due to segregating recessive lethals. Then, two sets of lines were founded from this base population and were maintained with different effective size throughout the rest of the experiment (= 6; = 12), their mean EPV being assayed at different generations. Due to purging, the reductions in mean EPV experienced by these lines were considerably smaller than the corresponding neutral predictions. For the 60% of δ attributable to nonlethal deleterious alleles, our results suggest an effective purging coefficient de > 0.02. Similarly, we obtain that de > 0.09 is required to roughly account for purging against the pooled inbreeding depression from lethal and nonlethal deleterious alleles. This implies that purging should be efficient for population sizes of the order of a few tens and larger, but might be inefficient against nonlethal deleterious alleles in smaller populations.  相似文献   

Summary Root proliferation can be induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes on carrot discs both on the apical and basal surface (facing the root apex and base, respectively) or on the apical surface only, depending on the bacterial strain. This differential response on the two surfaces is denominated polarity. We correlate the polarity of some strains with the absence of an Ri plasmid genetic locus, present in non polar strains such as A. rhizogenes 1855, which bears sequence homology with the auxin genes of Ti plasmid T-DNA. We demonstrate that this locus is responsible for root induction on the basal surface since insertion of a transposon in this region of pRi1855 induces polarity in this strain.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of Bacillus cereus strains responsible for food poisoning is scantly known, mostly because the genotypic and toxigenic properties of the B. cereus strains isolated during food-poisoning outbreaks have been never catalogued. The occurrence of two simultaneous food-poisoning outbreaks gave us the opportunity to wonder whether (i) the identity of individual strains isolated from clinical, environmental, and food samples could be established by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR and multiplex RAPD-PCR, and (ii) the toxigenic potential of the isolates could be determined by testing their ability to secrete hemolysin BL, phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C, and cereulide, as well as by determining the presence of the genes encoding enterotoxins NHE, T, and FM/S, cytotoxin K, sphingomyelinase, and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. This is the first report demonstrating that the combination of several phenotypic and genotypic traits provides a powerful tool for tracing the source of infection of toxigenic B. cereus strains relevant for epidemiological survey.  相似文献   

Zebrafish has in recent years emerged as a popular vertebrate model for use in pharmacological and toxicological studies. While there have been sporadic studies on the zebrafish glutathione S‐transferases (GSTs), the zebrafish GST gene superfamily still awaits to be fully elucidated. We report here the identification of 15 zebrafish cytosolic GST genes in NCBI GenBank database and the expression, purification, and enzymatic characterization of the zebrafish cytosolic GST Pi‐1 (GSTP1). The cDNA encoding the zebrafish GSTP1 was cloned from a 3‐month‐old female zebrafish, expressed in Eschelichia coli host cells, and purified. Purified GSTP1 displayed glutathione‐conjugating activity toward 1‐chloro‐2,4‐dinitrobenzene as a representative substrate. The enzymatic characteristics of the zebrafish GSTP1, including pH‐dependency, effects of metal cations, and kinetic parameters, were studied. Moreover, the expression of zebrafish GSTP1 at different developmental stages during embryogenesis, throughout larval development, onto maturity was examined.  相似文献   

Abstract. In recent decades, cattle ranchers of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil, have pointed to the accelerated spread of several herbaceous and woody plant species that invade natural and artificial pastures (campos). It has been speculated that overgrazing by an increasing number of cattle, lack of grazing in abandoned areas, or large‐scale changes in environmental conditions may be the reason for this invasion. This study focuses on ecological and ecophysiological aspects of Vochysia divergens (cambará), a flood‐tolerant tree that began spreading in the Pantanal during the last 30 years and is considered a very aggressive invasive plant. The study shows that the spread of cambará can be related to natural multi‐years wet periods. During multi‐years dry periods the species is reduced by the increasing impact of fires in the Pantanal. This points to the great importance of multi‐years climatic events on the vegetation cover of the Pantanal and indicates a very dynamic development in plant communities.  相似文献   

A major phenotypic trait of the Mycobacterium avium complex is the ability to produce rough and smooth colony variants. The chemical basis of this morphological variation is the loss of an antigenic surface structure, termed glycopeptidolipid (GPL), by rough variants. Using M. avium serovar 2 strain 2151 as a model system, this laboratory previously reported that rough variants arise via the deletion of large genomic regions encoding GPL biosynthesis. One such deletion encompasses the gene cluster (ser2) responsible for production of the serovar 2 GPL haptenic oligosaccharide. In this study, nucleotide sequencing revealed that both ends of the ser2 gene cluster are flanked by a novel insertion sequence (IS1601) oriented as direct repeats. Detailed analyses of the site of deletion in the genome of M. avium 2151 Rg-1 demonstrated that a single copy of IS1601 remained and that the ser2 gene cluster was deleted by homologous recombination. This same deletion pattern was observed for 10 out of 15 rough colony variants tested. Additionally, these studies revealed that IS1601 contains portions of three independent insertion sequences. This report is the first to define the precise genetic basis of colony variation in Mycobacterium spp. and provides further evidence that homologous recombination between insertion sequence elements can be a primary determinant of genome plasticity in these bacteria.  相似文献   

A protein fraction which has a high affinity for polyribosomes was isolated from rough microsomal membranes of rat liver. The mode of polyribosome binding to this fraction (R-fraction) was studied by using CsCl equilibrium centrifugation and compared with that for stripped rough microsomal membranes. The following were found. (1) The polyribosome-binding cpacity of the R-fraction was heat-labile and sensitive to trypsin, and was suppressed by increasing KCl concentration and addition of 0.1 mM-aurintricarboxylic acid. (2) Of the four subfractions obtained by gel filtration of the R-fraction on a Sephadex G-200, only the R1-fraction, eluted at the void volume, showed a high affinity for polyribosomes. The polyribosome-binding capacity of the R1-fraction decreased with time on storage at 4 degrees C. (3) The R1-fraction contained three major proteins with mol. wts. 108,000, 99,000 and 65,000.  相似文献   

Enhanced intracellular survival (Eis) proteins belonging to the superfamily of the GCN5‐related N‐acetyltransferases play important functions in mycobacterial pathogenesis. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Eis enhances the intracellular survival of the bacilli in macrophages by modulating the host immune response and is capable to chemically modify and inactivate aminoglycosides. In nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), Eis shares similar functions. However, Mycobacterium abscessus, a multidrug resistant NTM, possesses two functionally distinct Eis homologues, Eis1Mab and Eis2Mab. While Eis2Mab participates in virulence and aminoglycosides resistance, this is not the case for Eis1Mab, whose exact biological function remains to be determined. Herein, we show that overexpression of Eis1Mab in M. abscessus fails to induce resistance to aminoglycosides. To clarify why Eis1Mab is unable to modify this class of antibiotics, we solved its crystal structure bound to its cofactor, acetyl‐CoA. The structure revealed that Eis1Mab has a typical homohexameric Eis‐like organization. The structural analysis supported by biochemical approaches demonstrated that while Eis1Mab can acetylate small substrates, its active site is too narrow to accommodate aminoglycosides. Comparison with other Eis structures showed that an extended loop between strands 9 and 10 is blocking the access of large substrates to the active site and movement of helices 4 and 5 reduces the volume of the substrate‐binding pocket to these compounds in Eis1Mab. Overall, this study underscores the molecular determinants explaining functional differences between Eis1Mab and Eis2Mab, especially those inherent to their capacity to modify aminoglycosides.  相似文献   

M Givskov  P Stougaard  J Light  S Molin 《Gene》1987,57(2-3):203-211
Initiation of replication of the resistance plasmid R1 is carefully regulated by the two negatively acting factors, CopA and CopB. It is shown here that the temperature-dependent runaway-replication phenotype of an R1 plasmid mutant is caused by two point mutations in each of the promoters for the genes of these control factors. Expression of the two genes is affected in the following way: (1) one C-to-T transition in the putative -35 box of the copB-repA operon creates a two- to three-fold stronger promoter from which expression is temperature-dependent; (2) another C-to-T transition in a G + C-rich area immediately downstream from the -10 box of the copA promoter reduces expression of the copA gene three-fold. The phenotypic consequences of the two mutations are discussed in the light of the current model for R1 replication control.  相似文献   

To optimize resources, randomized clinical trials with multiple arms can be an attractive option to simultaneously test various treatment regimens in pharmaceutical drug development. The motivation for this work was the successful conduct and positive final outcome of a three‐arm randomized clinical trial primarily assessing whether obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil in patients with chronic lympocytic lymphoma and coexisting conditions is superior to chlorambucil alone based on a time‐to‐event endpoint. The inference strategy of this trial was based on a closed testing procedure. We compare this strategy to three potential alternatives to run a three‐arm clinical trial with a time‐to‐event endpoint. The primary goal is to quantify the differences between these strategies in terms of the time it takes until the first analysis and thus potential approval of a new drug, number of required events, and power. Operational aspects of implementing the various strategies are discussed. In conclusion, using a closed testing procedure results in the shortest time to the first analysis with a minimal loss in power. Therefore, closed testing procedures should be part of the statistician's standard clinical trials toolbox when planning multiarm clinical trials.  相似文献   

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