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The amounts of flavonoid (myricetin , quercetin and kaempferol), antioxidant contents ( total phenolic and total flavonoid) and antioxidant activities (DPPH and FRAP) were analyzed in strawberry. Quantitative analysis of conjugated flavonoid contents were obtained after different hydrolysis concentration and reaction period . The highest yields of myricetin and quercetin were found with 1.0M HCl and a reaction period of 0.5 hr, however , for kaempferol was 1.0M HCl and a reaction period of 1hr , respectively. In the study, we also estimated the correlation coefficient of TPC, TFC, DPPH and FRAP. In addition , a positive correlation was observed ( r = 0.980, P < 0.05) between TPC and TFC, TPC and TFC are correlated to the DPPH activity (r = 0.913, P < 0.05 and r = 0.899 , P < 0.05 , respectively) , and to the FRAP activity ( r = 0.958, P < 0.05 and r = 0.936, P < 0.05, respectively), respectively. These results pointed out that strawberry generally possesses a high level of antioxidant activities, which could be linked to the levels of phenolic compounds in the fruit.  相似文献   

To accomplish adaptability, all living organisms are constructed of regulatory networks on different levels which are capable to differentially respond to a variety of environmental inputs. Structure of regulatory networks determines their phenotypical plasticity, that is, the degree of detail and appropriateness of regulatory replies to environmental or developmental challenges. This regulatory network structure is encoded within the genotype. Our conceptual simulation study investigates how network structure constrains the evolution of networks and their adaptive abilities. The focus is on the structural parameter network size. We show that small regulatory networks adapt fast, but not as good as larger networks in the longer perspective. Selection leads to an optimal network size dependent on heterogeneity of the environment and time pressure of adaptation. Optimal mutation rates are higher for smaller networks. We put special emphasis on discussing our simulation results on the background of functional observations from experimental and evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

The complete genome sequences of four new isolates of strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV) were determined and analysed. The isolates, designated as AB41‐01, AB41‐02, NB1165 and NS26, were found from strawberry fields showing strawberry decline symptoms in eastern Canada. AB41‐01 and AB41‐02 were from a single‐plant sample originating from Prince Edward Island, while NB1165 came from New Brunswick and NS26 from Nova Scotia. Nucleotide sequence identities are 95.8% between AB41‐01 and NB1165, 99.6% between AB41‐02 and NS26, and 84% between AB41‐01/NB1165 and AB41‐02/NS26. The four isolates share nucleotide sequence identities of 83.5–89.9% to two previously identified SMYEV isolates, namely MY18 and D7. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the four Canadian isolates represented two new SMYEV strain types and the strain divergences were not likely from recombination events among all presently known SMYEV isolates.  相似文献   

多效唑对草莓种质离体保存的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
取离体培养形成的草莓单芽接种到1/2MS附加不同浓度多效唑和0.5mg/L6—BA的培养基上,研究了多效唑对草莓试管苗生长及其保存的影响。结果表明,多效唑对草莓试管苗芽的分化有明显的促进作用,对草莓试管苗的伸长具明显的抑制作用。当多效唑浓度为0.04mg/L,苗高为对照(多效唑浓度为0mg/L)的29%~63%,当多效唑浓度较高(0.2mg/L)时,延迟了试管苗的发根,且抑制根的伸长。在继代培养中,多效唑抑制芽的分化,同时抑制苗的生长。在本试验中,不同浓度的多效唑对草莓试管苗保存成活率差异不十分明显,但野生草莓品种在离体保存中多效唑浓度不宜高,以0.1mg/L为好。  相似文献   

调查了160个草莓品种对灰霉病的田间抗、感病情况,结果表明,草莓品种对灰霉病均无免疫能力,但品种之间的抗、感病程度有差异,抗病性较强的品种为硕蜜,感病率为4.8%,感病率最高的品种为绥陵,达66.7%。筛选出硕蜜、83-11、益芳、明宝、83-21等7个品种(系)表现为高抗(HR)。高抗品种中,生长势以中偏强者、株态以半直立至半开张者较多。  相似文献   

该研究以草莓‘红颜’(Fragaria ananassa Duch.‘Benihoppe’)为试材,于草莓花后15d采用注射法开始注射茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA,浓度为400μmol/L),分析MeJA对草莓果实发育进程的影响及其相关基因的表达,以揭示MeJA在草莓果实发育和成熟调控中的作用及其分子机理。结果表明:(1)MeJA处理草莓果实后,果实变红成熟期比对照显著提前,平均提前4d;(2)随着草莓果实发育成熟,MeJA处理的茉莉酸(JA)合成基因FaOPDA1的表达量迅速升高;(3)FaOPDA1基因在草莓果实中的超表达能够促进草莓果实提前成熟3~5d,且FaOPDA1基因的超表达能够诱导与草莓果实成熟相关的一系列基因的表达量升高,从而促进草莓果实提前成熟。  相似文献   

Bruce Page  Rob Slotow 《Biotropica》2011,43(4):489-495
Differences in intraspecific foraging strategies have been documented between sexes of strongly dimorphic large herbivore species. Body size implications on diet quality requirements, however, can be extended to within‐species age‐specific comparisons. We investigated the hierarchical separation of foraging behavior at the scale of plant type, plant species, plant part and vertically through the canopy. For this, we studied African elephant adult females (lower quality diet required) and weaned calves (higher quality diet) within the elephant family unit, which is socially constrained to traverse the landscape together. Grass and browse were used with similar seasonal frequency. Both females and calves tracked the phenology of woody species, including these species in the diet when new growth was available. Forage utilization differed at the plant part level, with calves selecting for less fibrous and more nutritious plant parts (e.g., stripped leaves), while adult females selected branches, bark and roots with greater frequency. There was displacement of females to higher foraging levels in the canopy when these females fed <3 m away from calves. Elephant family unit foraging strategies were driven by body size, age‐specific nutritional requirements and intraspecific competition. This has broader application to other large herbivore species with great variance in intraspecific body size.  相似文献   

随着草莓果实采后成熟衰老,ABA和乙烯生成迅速增长,乙烯累积与果实的变质腐烂程度呈正相关。ABA处理能增高纤维素酶活性和呼吸,而GA有抑制作用。ABA能促进乙烯、ACC生成,对MACC则无影响。GA_3抑制乙烯、ACC生成,促进MACC积累。CO_2对草莓有良好保鲜效果,并有效地抑制ABA和乙烯生成,低温下效果更为显著。  相似文献   

转化酶和己糖激酶调控草莓聚合果内糖积累   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以设施栽培的草莓品种‘枥乙女’为试材,用高效液相色谱法分析了果实发育进程中草莓聚合果内不同部位糖含量及相关酶活性的变化。果实成熟过程中草莓聚合果果顶部分含糖量高,中间部位次之,果柄端最低。转化酶活性呈现与糖含量相似的梯度变化。己糖激酶和果糖激酶则表现出与糖梯度相反的变化。上述结果表明,聚合果顶端转化酶活性高,有利于形成蔗糖梯度,从而促进光合产物向果顶端转移;聚合果近果柄端的己糖代谢酶活性高,促进果柄端的己糖消耗,导致果柄端相对低的糖含量。  相似文献   

Size Matters: Use of YACs,BACs and PACs in Transgenic Animals   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In 1993, several groups, working independently, reported the successful generation of transgenic mice with yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) using standard techniques. The transfer of these large fragments of cloned genomic DNA correlated with optimal expression levels of the transgenes, irrespective of their location in the host genome. Thereafter, other groups confirmed the advantages of YAC transgenesis and position-independent and copy number-dependent transgene expression were demonstrated in most cases. The transfer of YACs to the germ line of mice has become popular in many transgenic facilities to guarantee faithful expression of transgenes. This technique was rapidly exported to livestock and soon transgenic rabbits, pigs and other mammals were produced with YACs. Transgenic animals were also produced with bacterial or P1-derived artificial chromosomes (BACs/PACs) with similar success. The use of YACs, BACs and PACs in transgenesis has allowed the discovery of new genes by complementation of mutations, the identification of key regulatory sequences within genomic loci that are crucial for the proper expression of genes and the design of improved animal models of human genetic diseases. Transgenesis with artificial chromosomes has proven useful in a variety of biological, medical and biotechnological applications and is considered a major breakthrough in the generation of transgenic animals. In this report, we will review the recent history of YAC/BAC/PAC-transgenic animals indicating their benefits and the potential problems associated with them. In this new era of genomics, the generation and analysis of transgenic animals carrying artificial chromosome-type transgenes will be fundamental to functionally identify and understand the role of new genes, included within large pieces of genomes, by direct complementation of mutations or by observation of their phenotypic consequences.  相似文献   

Angiosperms represent one of the key examples of evolutionary success, and their diversity dwarfs other land plants; this success has been linked, in part, to genome size and phenomena such as whole genome duplication events. However, while angiosperms exhibit a remarkable breadth of genome size, evidence linking overall genome size to diversity is equivocal, at best. Here, we show that the rates of speciation and genome size evolution are tightly correlated across land plants, and angiosperms show the highest rates for both, whereas very slow rates are seen in their comparatively species-poor sister group, the gymnosperms. No evidence is found linking overall genome size and rates of speciation. Within angiosperms, both the monocots and eudicots show the highest rates of speciation and genome size evolution, and these data suggest a potential explanation for the megadiversity of angiosperms. It is difficult to associate high rates of diversification with different types of polyploidy, but it is likely that high rates of evolution correlate with a smaller genome size after genome duplications. The diversity of angiosperms may, in part, be due to an ability to increase evolvability by benefiting from whole genome duplications, transposable elements and general genome plasticity.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) impacts over 180,000 men every year in the USA alone, with 26,000 patients expected to succumb to the disease (cancer.gov). The primary cause of death is metastasis, with secondary lesions most commonly occurring in the skeleton. Prostate cancer to bone metastasis is an important, yet poorly understood, process that is difficult to explore with experimental techniques alone. To this end we have utilized a hybrid (discrete–continuum) cellular automaton model of normal bone matrix homeostasis that allowed us to investigate how metastatic PCa can disrupt the bone microenvironment. Our previously published results showed that PCa cells can recruit mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that give rise to bone-building osteoblasts. MSCs are also thought to be complicit in the establishment of successful bone metastases (Lu, in Mol Cancer Res 4(4):221–233, 2006). Here we have explored the aspects of early metastatic colonization and shown that the size of PCa clusters needs to be within a specific range to become successfully established: sufficiently large to maximize success, but not too large to risk failure through competition among cancer and stromal cells for scarce resources. Furthermore, we show that MSC recruitment can promote the establishment of a metastasis and compensate for relatively low numbers of PCa cells seeding the bone microenvironment. Combined, our results highlight the utility of biologically driven computational models that capture the complex and dynamic dialogue between cells during the initiation of active metastases.  相似文献   

The variation in genome size and basic chromosome number was analyzed in the wide range of angiosperm plants. A divergence of monocots vs. dicots (eudicots) genome size distributions was revealed. A similar divergence was found for annual vs. perennial dicots. The divergence of monocots vs. dicots genome size distributions holds at different taxonomic levels and is more pronounced for species with larger genomes. Using nested analysis of variance, it was shown that putative constraints on genome size variation are not only stronger in dicots as compared to monocots but in the former they start to operate already at the family level, whereas in the latter they do so only at the order level. At the same time, variation in basic chromosome number is constrained at the order level in both groups. Higher basic chromosome numbers were found in perennial plants as compared to the annual ones, which can be explained by their need for a higher genetic recombination as compensation for the longer life-cycles. A negative correlation was found between genome size and basic chromosome number, which can be explained as a trade-off between different recombination mechanisms.  相似文献   

Reduction of genome size and gene shortening have been observed in a number of parasitic and mutualistic intracellular symbionts. Reduction of coding capacity is also a unifying principle in the evolutionary history of mitochondria, but little is known about the evolution of gene length in mitochondria. The genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunits I–III, cytochrome b, and the large and small subunit rRNAs are, with very few exceptions, always found on the mitochondrial genome. These resident mitochondrial genes can therefore be used to test whether the reduction in gene lengths observed in a number of intracellular symbionts is also seen in mitochondria. Here we show that resident mitochondrial gene products are shorter than their corresponding counterparts in -proteobacteria and, furthermore, that the reduction of mitochondrial genome size is correlated with a reduction in the length of the corresponding resident gene products. We show that relative genomic AT content, which has been identified as a factor influencing gene lengths in other systems, cannot explain gene length/genome size covariance observed in mitochondria. Our data are therefore in agreement with the idea that gene length evolves as a consequence of selection for smaller genomes, either to avoid accumulation of deleterious mutations or triggered by selection for a replication advantage.  相似文献   

Introgression of spontaneous or induced mutations has been used to increase the levels and diversify the profile of antioxidants in many fruits including tomato. The high-pigment (hp) and old-gold (og) alleles exemplify this approach as attractive genetic resources suitable to inbred elite high-lycopene (HLY) tomato lines with improved color and nutritional attributes. Although several studies have been published on HLY tomatoes, a systematic analysis of the information on their agronomic performances, processing features, and functional quality is lacking, leaving room for the assumption of their poor competitiveness with conventional tomato cultivars and limiting their agricultural diffusion. Therefore, the aim of this study is to critically review the most important agronomic, horticultural, and functional traits of HLY tomatoes, as well as the advances in some emerging (pre)industrial applications. Field experiments performed in different countries showed that most available HLY lines are productive, vigorous, with excellent foliage cover and with morphologically acceptable fruit. Tomato yield of HLY genotypes ranged from ~30 to ~178 t/ha exceeding, in some trials, that of highly productive cultivars. Red-ripe fruits of most HLY lines showed commercially suitable soluble solids and titratable acidity, in addition to increased levels of lycopene (up to 440 mg/kg fw) and other bioactive phytochemicals (mainly flavonoids and vitamin C) compared to their near isogenic conventional counterparts. Innovative (pre)industrial uses of HLY tomato include the following: (1) production of HLY sauces, juices, and powders; (2) supercritical-CO2 extraction of lycopene containing oleoresins; and (3) preparation of lycopene rich micro- and nano-carriers with improved stability and specific tissue delivery. In turn, the use of these innovative high-quality ingredients in the formulation of lycopene fortified foods, cosmetic products, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals has been proposed as the basis of a novel highly profitable tomato product chain.  相似文献   

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