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Females of social Hymenoptera show developmental plasticity in response to varying social and environmental conditions, though some species have strong genetic influences on the form of the female reproductives. In ants, a queen polymorphism can occur in which large queens initiate new colonies on their own, while small queens enter established nests. Most queen polymorphisms studied to date originate due to genetic differences between individuals of differing form. Here, we report on the development of female form in response to social factors within the nest in the queen-polymorphic ant Temnothorax longispinosus. Three queen size morphs occur: a rare large queen with higher fat stores that can found new colonies independently, a large queen that has low fat stores and is behaviorally flexible, and a small queen that rejoins the natal nest. Both in nesting units collected from the field and those reared in the lab, queen presence during larval development led to fewer larvae developing as gynes (virgin, winged queens), and most of those gynes were the small morph. This queen effect is transferred to developing gyne larvae by close, physical interaction between queens and workers, and causes slower larval development. We conclude that gyne size, and therefore reproductive behavior, in T. longispinosus is developmentally plastic in response to queen presence. Plasticity in reproductive behavior may be an adaptive response to the nest sites utilized by this species. T. longispinosus nests predominantly in acorns and hickory nuts, which can vary dramatically from 1 year to the next. Since queens are more likely to be present in each nesting unit when fewer nest sites are available, the queen effect that results in more small gynes produced links the expression of colony-founding traits to ecological conditions across habitat patches.  相似文献   

Pleometrosis (colony founding by multiple queens) may improve life history characteristics that are important for early colony survival. When queens unite their initial brood, the number of workers present when incipient colonies open may be higher than for single queen colonies. Further, the time until the first worker emerges may shorten. For territorial species and species that rob brood from neighbouring colonies, a faster production of more workers may improve the chance of surviving intraspecific competition. In this study, the time from the nuptial flight to the emergence of the first worker in incipient Oecophylla smaragdina Fabr. colonies founded by 1–5 queens was compared and the production of brood during the first 68 days after the nuptial flight was assessed. Compared to haplometrotic colonies, pleometrotic colonies produced 3.2 times more workers, their first worker emerged on average 4.3 days (8%) earlier and the queen’s per capita egg production almost doubled. Further, colony production was positively, correlated with the number of founding queens and time to worker emergence was negatively correlated. These results indicate that pleometrotic O. smaragdina colo-nies are competitively superior to haplometrotic colonies as they produce more workers faster and shorten the claustral phase, leading to increased queen fecundity.  相似文献   

Queen number, mating frequency and nest kin-structure of the ant Formica japonica were studied in the field and the laboratory. Nest excavation in the study site, the east slope of Mt. Fuji, Gotenba, Japan, revealed that F. japonica is weakly polygynous all year round and the queen number increases after the nuptial flight season, suggesting the adoption of newly mated queens by established nests. Dissection and laboratory rearing demonstrated that nearly all queens in polygynous nests had mated and were fertile with mature oocytes in their ovaries. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting was used to examine kin relationships among ants found in the same nests. The fingerprint band patterns were apparently governed by a simple genetic rule and suggested monoandry (single mating per queen). The mean band sharing score of DNA fingerprints among full sisters was 0.90, and the mean value between queens and their daughters was 0.75. Comparison of DNA fingerprints of adult and pupal workers with pupal gynes suggested that multiple queens in a nest may contribute unequally to gyne (new queen) production.  相似文献   

Nest foundation in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens is claustral, and the single queen completely relies on its body reserves throughout, approximately, 9 weeks until the first workers emerge and initiate foraging. Nest digging is much time- and energy-consuming, and it is an open question how queens decide on the length of the tunnel they dig and therefore the depth of the initial chamber. Shallow founding nests may be energetically cheaper to dig, but queens may be more exposed to changing environmental variables. Deeper nests, on the other hand, may be climatically more stable and suitable, but more expensive to dig. We hypothesized that the maximal nest depth excavated by Atta founding queens may represent the outcome of an evolutionary trade-off between maximizing nest depth and minimizing energy expenditure during digging, so as to save energy for the long claustral phase. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the fitness consequences of increased digging effort in queens that were experimentally stimulated to excavate a complete founding nest either once, twice or three times consecutively compared to control queens that did not dig. Fitness was quantified as mortality rates, rates of egg-laying and offspring production, and size of the fungus garden until the emergence of the first workers. Results showed that, in contrast with the initial expectations, fungus growth, egg-laying rates and offspring production were not affected by the increased digging effort in the experimentally induced successive excavations. However, a significant higher mortality was observed in queens with increased digging effort, i.e., those that dug two or three nests consecutively. It is argued that in queens a behavioral mechanism for the control of nest depth has evolutionary been selected for as a trade-off between maximizing nest depth, to favor protection of the queen against unsuitable environmental variables, and minimizing energy expenditure during digging, which significantly affects survival.  相似文献   

Although day length plays a critical role in the seasonal development of many temperate insects, this study showed that this variable is less important than temperature for seasonal regulation of an ant’s life cycle. Here, we examined the effects of temperature on queen oviposition and seasonal colony development of Lasius japonicus Santschi. Queens were collected soon after their nuptial flight and were reared under constant laboratory conditions; colony development was analyzed. The percentage of larvae- and pupae-emerged colonies was reduced in low rearing temperatures, indicating that temperature is the primary environmental factor for the regulation of seasonal development. Larval diapause was induced at higher temperatures than the reproductive diapause of queens. Larvae need to enter diapause before winter; nevertheless, eggs that were still unhatched in late autumn would not necessarily be wasted because they could be eaten by queens. Cyclic fluctuation in the egg number was observed. At 25 °C, the second increase in egg number was synchronized with pupation, suggesting a social effect on queen oviposition. In contrast, at 20 and 17.5 °C, the clear second peak of oviposition was found in colonies wherein larvae did not emerge, suggesting that endogenous rhythmicity is involved in the regulation of queen oviposition.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments show that the number of winged virgin queens of the Argentine ant Iridomyrmex humilis allowed to remain alive in the nest is under social control. When reared in their natal nest, survival of virgin queens depends on the presence of males. In the presence of mature alate males or even male pupae only 20% of the gynes are executed before they are 4 days old. By contrast, if pupal and adult males are absent, about 55% of the gynes are executed. The workers tend to kill the lightest ones. Although the Argentine ant is a unicolonial species exhibiting complete acceptance of foreign conspecific workers and mated queens, regardless of whether the recipient nest is queenright or queenless, the acceptance of gynes is variable: they are executed by foreign queenless workers but widely accepted in queenright nests. These results are discussed with regard to possible existence of queen and gyne pheromones allowing recognition and to the lack of nuptial flight in this species.  相似文献   

Here we examine dispersal, metrosis, and claustrality in the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex salinus at an unusually large mating aggregation. We found that mode of queen dispersal from the mating aggregation is not a function of queen mass and that wing damage among queens was relatively rare. P. salinus is haplometrotic in the field and foundress queens placed together in forced associations eventually fight to the death. While queens of Pogonomyrmex salinus can survive claustrally, producing a single minim from their body reserves in the laboratory, fed queens produce up to four significantly larger minims along with concurrent larvae and pupae during the same period. Since queens forage in the field, we interpret claustrality as a secondary reserve strategy when foraging fails, and suggest that foraging is obligate for P. salinus queens in an overdispersed and temperate environment. Thus, nest founding strategies employed by P. salinus may be environmentally determined and represent a continuum between fully claustral and obligate foraging. We discuss our results with reference to theories of pleometrosis and claustral colony founding. Received 12 November 2004; revised 12 April 2004; accepted 29 July 2005.  相似文献   

Claustral colony founding, in which new queens rear their first clutch of workers solely from internal reserves, is common in the higher ant subfamilies and is believed to represent a major innovation in ant life histories. The ability to store large amounts of amino acids contained in storage proteins is an essential physiological trait for claustral colony founding by ant queens. To determine whether there is an association between storage protein content and colony-founding strategy, we identified and quantified two major storage proteins in queens of five harvester ant species in the genus Pogonomyrmex that differ in colony-founding strategy. Queens of the fully claustral nonforaging species Pogonomyrmex rugosus and Pogonomyrmex maricopa contained the greatest amount of these proteins. Facultatively foraging semiclaustral Pogonomyrmex occidentalis queens contained an intermediate amount. Obligately foraging semiclaustral Pogonomyrmex californicus queens from two different populations contained significantly less storage protein than the other independent-founding species. Queens of the dependent-founding social parasite Pogonomyrmex anergismus also contained little storage protein. Our results suggest that storage protein content has evolved in concert with colony-founding strategies in the genus Pogonomyrme and provides a good functional marker for colony-founding strategy.  相似文献   

The evolution of queens that rear their first brood solely using body reserves, i.e. fully claustral, is viewed as a major advance for higher ants because it eliminated the need for queens to leave the nest to forage. In an apparently unusual secondary modification, the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus displays obligate queen foraging, i.e. queens must forage to garner the resources necessary to survive and successfully rear their first brood. I examined the potential benefits of queen foraging by comparing ecological and physiological traits between P. californicus and several congeners in which the queen can rear brood using only body reserves. The primary advantage of foraging appears to lie in providing the queens of P. californicus with the energy to raise significantly more brood than possible by congeners that use only body reserves; the workers reared in the first brood were also heavier in mass than that predicted by their head width. Other correlates of queen foraging in P. californicus relative to tested congeners included a significantly lower total fat content for alate queens, a small queen body size, and a low queen to worker body mass ratio. Queens also forage in several other well-studied species of Pogonomyrmex, suggesting the possibility that queen foraging may be more common than previously thought in higher ants.  相似文献   

In the Found or Fly (FoF) hypothesis ant queens experience reproduction-dispersal tradeoffs such that queens with heavier abdomens are better at founding colonies but are worse flyers. We tested predictions of FoF in two globally invasive fire ants, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius, 1804) and S. invicta (Buren, 1972). Colonies of these species may produce two different monogyne queen types—claustral queens with heavy abdomens that found colonies independently, and parasitic queens with small abdomens that enter conspecific nests. Claustral and parasitic queens were similarly sized, but the abdomens of claustral queens weighed twice as much as those of their parasitic counterparts. Their heavier abdomens adversely impacted morphological predictors of flight ability, resulting in 32–38% lower flight muscle ratios, 55–63% higher wing loading, and 32–33% higher abdomen drag. In lab experiments maximum flight durations in claustral S. invicta queens decreased by about 18 minutes for every milligram of abdomen mass. Combining our results into a simple fitness tradeoff model, we calculated that an average parasitic S. invicta queen could produce only 1/3 as many worker offspring as a claustral queen, but could fly 4 times as long and have a 17- to 36-fold larger potential colonization area. Investigations of dispersal polymorphisms and their associated tradeoffs promises to shed light on range expansions in invasive species, the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies, and the selective forces driving the recurrent evolution of parasitism in ants.  相似文献   

We investigated worker regulation of queen activity during reproductive swarming by examining the rates at which workers performed vibration signals and piping on queens during the different stages of the swarming process. Worker–queen interactions were first examined inside observation hives during the 2–3 wk that preceded the issue of the swarm (pre‐swarming period) and then inside the swarm clusters during the period that preceded liftoff and relocation to a new nest site (post‐swarming period). Queen court size did not differ between the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods, but workers fed the queens less inside the swarm clusters. Workers performed vibration signals on the queens at increasing rates throughout the pre‐swarming period inside the natal nest, but rarely or never vibrated the queen inside the swarm. Piping was performed on the queens during both the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods and always reached a peak immediately before queen flight. During the final 2–4 h before swarm liftoff, queens were increasingly contacted by waggle dancers for nest sites, some of which piped the queen. The vibration signal may operate in a modulatory manner to gradually prepare the queen for flight from the natal nest, and the cumulative effects of the signal during the pre‐swarming period may make further vibrations on the queen unnecessary when inside the swarm cluster. In contrast, worker piping may function in a more immediate manner to trigger queen takeoff during both the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods. Workers that vibrate and pipe the queen tend to be older, foraging‐age bees. The regulation of queen activity during colony reproduction may therefore be controlled largely by workers that normally have little contact with queens, but help to formulate colony reproductive and movement decisions.  相似文献   

Summary. Founding queens of the arboreal ant Polyrhachis moesta aggregate independently of kinship and cooperate in caring for their brood. In field studies, the number of queens in a founding nest varied from 1 to 8. The number of queens in the nests with multiple queens decreased significantly with time after the nuptial flight, resulting in monogynous or oligogynous nests. Single- and multiple-founding queens did not differ in characteristics representing nutritional states or body size immediately after the nuptial flight. Wet body weight decreased as days passed, whereas head width of founding queens who overwintered successfully were relatively larger. In laboratory studies, founding queens performed liquid food exchanges more frequently with queens from other founding nests or immature colonies than with those from the same nests. Queens in founding nests and immature colonies were observed to show no aggression against non-nestmate queens, whereas queens in established colonies showed aggressive behaviours against non-nestmates. This indicates that founding queens change drastically in their aggression levels before and after colony establishment. Multiple-founding queens started laying eggs earlier than single-founding queens under laboratory conditions. Higher brood productivity and lower brood mortality were observed in multiple-queen nests. These potential advantages in multiple-queen founding may support the cooperative association among unrelated founding queens.Received 1 December 2003; revised 25 March and 20 May 2004; accepted 3 June 2004.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects exhibit reproductive division of labour, in which one or a few queens perform almost all of the reproduction, while the workers are largely sterile and assist in rearing their siblings. Consequently, many of the colony’s tasks (e.g. nest construction and brood rearing) should be modulated depending on whether the queen is fertile. Here, we tested whether queens’ cuticular lipids could provide reliable signals of fertility in the honeybee Apis mellifera, as they do in other social Hymenoptera. Specifically, we tested whether cuticular lipids differ between virgin queens of different ages, and between queens exposed to different artificial insemination treatments being semen (sperm and seminal fluid), seminal fluid only or saline control. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, we found 27 lipids: 21 different hydrocarbons, namely alkanes, alkenes and dienes, as well as six wax esters. The lipid profile changed dramatically in the first 10 days after eclosion, and there were differences in lipid composition between virgin and artificially inseminated queens. Insemination with semen, seminal fluid or saline did not result in distinct chemical profiles. Our findings indicate that the physical stimulus of insemination was responsible for the observed changes in the cuticular profile in honeybee queens. Our results demonstrate that cuticular lipid profiles encode information on queen age, fertility and mating status, which could in principle be utilised by workers and rival queens.  相似文献   

The mating system of honey bees (genus Apis) is extremely polyandrous, where reproductive females (queens) typically mate with 12 or more males (drones) during their mating flight(s). The evolutionary implications for hyperpolyandry have been subject to considerable debate and empirical testing because of the need to understand the proximate mechanisms that drive such extreme mating behavior despite the potential costs. The ability of queens to gauge and adjust their reproductive success is therefore important for selection to act on queen mating number at both the evolutionary (colony-level) and proximate (individual-level) timescales. We observed the mating flight activities of 80 queens in their respective mating nucleus hives each with a modified entrance that restricts flight attempts. We also attached a small weight (0, 16, or 38 mg) onto each queen’s thorax as a means of imposing additional flight costs. We then compared queens that were restricted from taking multiple mating flights to those that started oviposition after a single flight for their mating numbers as quantified by microsatellite analyses of their respective worker offspring. We found that neither additional weight nor restricted mating attempts had any significant effect on the effective mating frequencies of the experimental queens during their single mating flight. This observation suggests that queens are not adjusting their nuptial flight activity according to their precise mating number during their flight. These findings provide insights into the proximate regulation of honey bee queen mating behavior and the fitness consequences of hyperpolyandry at the colony level.  相似文献   

Abstract A possible stimulatory effect of overwintering on gyne development in Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) was investigated. Although gyne-potent larvae are present in the nest throughout the year, small queenless colony fragments composed of freshly overwintered ants (collected in late winter or early spring) produced 3–8 times more gynes than comparable fragments made up of non-freshly overwintered ants (collected at other times of the year). Apparently, this stimulatory effect of overwintering acts on both the developmental potential of larvae and the tendency of workers to rear sexually competent larvae as gynes; queenless colony fragments in which either the brood or workers were freshly overwintered produced more gynes than fragments composed of non-freshly overwintered workers or brood but fewer than fragments containing both brood and workers freshly overwintered. This increased sexualization potential of larvae due to overwintering is enough to overcome weak pheromonal inhibition of queens associated with low queen number; a single queen in a large freshly overwintered colony fragment is insufficient to inhibit gyne development, whereas ten queens are totally inhibitory. In non-freshly overwintered colony fragments one queen is completely inhibitory. Variability in egg developmental potential according to queen age does not appear to play a major role in the seasonal production of gynes, because at least some eggs of very young queens (less than 3 weeks old) are capable of gyne development. In the field this stimulatory effect of overwintering is superimposed on a seasonal fluctuation in the combined strength of pheromonal queen control. In southern France, gynes are produced only in spring where they arise primarily from overwintered larvae just after a sharp drop in queen number, and presumably the total level of inhibitory queen pheromone, due to the massive execution of queens by workers.  相似文献   

Synthetic juvenile hormone (methyl trans,trans,cis-10-epoxy-7-ethyl-3,11-dimethyl-2,6-tridecadienoate, 1 μg/μl acetone per animal) (JH) was topically applied to 2- to 3-day-old worker honeybee larvae in the hive. Eighty per cent of the hormone-treated larvae were removed from their brood cell before pupation. Only 1 out of 42 adults showed characteristics of an intercaste. Fifty per cent of the control larvae (1 μl acetone) developed to adults, all of which were workers.After topical application of JH and feeding on royal jelly under in vitro conditions, the rate of survival is high (up to 85 per cent adults), but up to 67 per cent of queens and 44 per cent of workers exhibit eye malformations with characteristics of somatic mutation. Formation of a more solid web by the spinning larvae, shortening of the diapause by 1 to 2 days, and unusual shapes of mandibles, legs, and abdomen are a consequence of hormone treatment. The effects are less marked after application of 0·1 instead of 1 μg hormone or after its addition to the food (2 μg/g royal jelly). Treatment of the 2- to 3-day-old worker larvae and subsequent rearing on royal jelly is followed by a shift in caste differentiation from queens and workers to intercastes. In no case, are more queens developed after juvenile hormone treatment.Queen bee determinator, partially purified from royal jelly, induces a concentration-dependent shift from workers to queen differentiation. A threefold increase in the natural determinator concentration of royal jelly results in an almost exclusive (98 per cent) queen formation from 2- to 3-day-old worker larvae. In contrast to this direct effect, the influence of JH is explained as an indirect morphogenetic effect not directly coupled with honeybee caste differentiation.  相似文献   

Although nests are central to colonial life in social insects, nests are sometimes damaged by predators or natural disasters. After nest destruction, individuals usually construct new nests. In this case, a sophisticated mechanism like the scent trail pheromone used in large insect colonies that recruit individuals to new nest sites would be important for the maintenance of eusociality. In independent-founding Polistes wasps, it is well known that queens enforce workers physiologically on the natal nests even if evidence of trail pheromone use has not been exhibited. We investigated the effect of the queen on an alternative strategy for the maintenance of eusociality by first females after nest destruction in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis. We predicted that the first females in queen-absent colonies have various behavioral options after nest destruction. Even if the females construct new nests cooperatively with other individuals, the new nest construction should be conducted more smoothly in queen-present colonies because the queens regulate the behavior of wasps. We made wasps construct new nests by removing the entire brood from existing nests. The presence of the queen did not cause variation in the alternative strategy of the first females, as the first females (workers) usually constructed new nests cooperatively irrespective of the queen-presence. Thus, the workers in the queenpresent colonies affiliated to the new nest construction more smoothly and constructed new nests more efficiently than workers in the queen-absent colonies. Our results suggest that the presence of the queen is important for maintaining eusociality in primitively eusocial wasps after nest destruction. Received 8 February 2005; revised 5 October 2005; accepted 17 October 2005.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour ofCataglyphis cursor workers towards queens at 15 days, one month or two months after worker emergence was tested. Workers reared entirely with their own maternal queen were tested with this queen or with an unfamiliar alien queen. Workers transferred within 48 h of emerging to a new definitive nest with an alien queen were tested with this queen or with the original maternal queen. The degree of attraction to each of these queens and the workers' behavioural repertoire were measured and analysed. The results showed the following: 1) The attractiveness of queens and the workers' queen recognition behaviour were linked. 2) Although unfamiliar alien queens hardly attract workers, familiar alien queens were as attractive as maternal queens, and induced the same strongly marked and unique worker response, indicating that workers learn queen attractant cues in the days immediately after emergence. 3) Agonistic reactions were observed, but workers continued to be attracted to their maternal queen even after developing an attraction response to an alien queen with which they had been reared. These results agree with the proposal that queens produce two kinds of pheromones, those that attract workers and those that mediate recognition of queens by workers. These results show the ability of workers to discriminate between queens. Workers are attracted to any queen, but recognize as nestmates only maternal or alien queens with which they have been maintained. 4) The differential in worker attraction and recognition from 15 days to 2 months and its modifications by post-imaginal experience illustrate worker behavioural ontogeny, which is a basis of social discrimination.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The energetics of colony founding is investigated in the fungus gardening ants (Attini) Trachymyrmex septentrionalis and Cyphomyrmex rimosus . Similar to most ants, inseminated queens of these two species found nests independently unaccompanied by workers (haplometrosis). Whereas most ant founding queens seal themselves in a chamber and do not feed when producing a brood entirely from metabolic stores (claustral founding), the majority of fungus gardening ants must forage during the founding phase (semiclaustral founding). Laboratory-reared T. septentrionalis individuals comprise 84 dealate females collected after mating flights in June 2004. Twenty are immediately killed to obtain values for queen traits and another 20 after worker emergence for queen, fungus garden and worker traits. Cyphomyrmex rimosus comprise 22 dealate females collected in June 2005; ten of which are immediately killed and similarly prepared. Newly-mated T. septentrionalis queens have 25% of their dry weight as fat; whereas newly-mated C. rimosus queens contain 11% fat. These amounts are 50–75% less than most independently founding ant species. Trachymyrmex septentrionalis queens lose merely 5% of their energetic content during colony founding, whereas the total energetic content of their brood is more than three-fold the amount lost by the queen. Incipient T. septentrionalis colonies produce approximately half as much ant biomass per gram of fungus garden as do mature colonies. Similar to most ants, T. septentrionalis produces minim workers that are approximately 40% lighter than workers from mature colonies. Regardless of their size, T. septentrionalis workers contain much lower fat than do workers of claustral species. These data indicate that fungus gardening is adaptive because colonies can produce much cheaper offspring, making colony investment much lower.  相似文献   

Parental care is an important component of social behavior in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Social wasps are a useful system for investigating the interplay between behaviors associated with the feeding of larvae by adults and their role in the evolution and maintenance of sociality. Females of the primitively eusocial wasp genus Polistes perform conspicuous vibratory behaviors closely associated with adult–larva feeding interactions. Prior research strongly indicates that these signals are directed toward the larvae, but their function(s) remain unclear. Existing hypotheses on the function(s) have posited releaser effects on larvae, either stimulating or inhibiting release of larval saliva, a nutrient‐rich glandular secretion attractive to adults. Polistes fuscatus queens perform antennal drumming (AD), a behavior in which they rapidly beat their antennae synchronously on the rims of the nest cells during the feeding of larvae. We used radiolabeled prey to show that adults extract juice from the prey, which they subsequently regurgitate to larvae immediately following each AD burst. We also show that no saliva is imbibed by the queen during the contact. These results are consistent with the inhibition hypothesis on the function of AD, but not the stimulation hypothesis. We further demonstrate that AD is first performed on nests when the oldest larvae reach the third instar, and that the third instar is the first to produce measurable volumes of larval saliva. Removal of third‐, fourth‐, and/or fifth‐instar larvae from single‐foundress, pre‐pupal‐stage colonies did not cause a reduction in the queen’s AD rates compared with controls, suggesting that later‐stage larvae do not maintain AD behavior via an immediate releaser effect. We propose instead that third‐instar larvae, possibly via chemical components of the salivary secretion itself, modulate the physiology of queens so as to indirectly cause the onset and maintenance of AD behavior.  相似文献   

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