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To protect themselves from predation by amoebae and protozoa in the natural environment, some bacteria evolved means of escaping killing. The same mechanisms allow survival in mammalian phagocytes, producing opportunistic human pathogens. The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is a powerful system for analysis of conserved host–pathogen interactions. This report reviews recent insights gained for several bacterial pathogens using Dictyostelium as host.  相似文献   

An effective immune response requires the engagement of host receptors by pathogen‐derived molecules and the stimulation of an appropriate cellular response. Therefore, a crucial factor in our ability to control an infection is the accessibility of our immune cells to the foreign material. Exosomes—which are extracellular vesicles that function in intercellular communication—may play a key role in the dissemination of pathogen‐ as well as host‐derived molecules during infection. In this review, we highlight the composition and function of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles produced during viral, parasitic, fungal and bacterial infections and describe how these vesicles could function to either promote or inhibit host immunity.  相似文献   

Intracellular bacterial pathogens often rely on their hosts for essential nutrients. Host cells, in turn, attempt to limit nutrient availability, using starvation as a mechanism of innate immunity. Here we discuss both host mechanisms of amino acid starvation and the diverse adaptations of pathogens to their nutrient‐deprived environments. These processes provide both key insights into immune subversion and new targets for drug development.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human pathogen, which can cause life‐threatening disease. Proteome analyses of the bacterium can provide new insights into its pathophysiology and important facets of metabolic adaptation and, thus, aid the recognition of targets for intervention. However, the value of such proteome studies increases with their comprehensiveness. We present an MS–driven, proteome‐wide characterization of the strain S. aureus HG001. Combining 144 high precision proteomic data sets, we identified 19 109 peptides from 2088 distinct S. aureus HG001 proteins, which account for 72% of the predicted ORFs. Peptides were further characterized concerning pI, GRAVY, and detectability scores in order to understand the low peptide coverage of 8.7% (19 109 out of 220 245 theoretical peptides). The high quality peptide‐centric spectra have been organized into a comprehensive peptide fragmentation library (SpectraST) and used for identification of S. aureus‐typic peptides in highly complex host–pathogen interaction experiments, which significantly improved the number of identified S. aureus proteins compared to a MASCOT search. This effort now allows the elucidation of crucial pathophysiological questions in S. aureus‐specific host–pathogen interaction studies through comprehensive proteome analysis. The S. aureus‐specific spectra resource developed here also represents an important spectral repository for SRM or for data‐independent acquisition MS approaches. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000702 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000702 ).  相似文献   

1 The role of pathogens in insect population dynamics remains poorly understood and their performance in biological control is erratic. Here we identify that temperature and host thermal behaviour, both the active interaction with environmental temperature and solar radiation via thermoregulation and the passive interception of these factors by thermal generalists, are central to understanding host–pathogen interactions. 2 We demonstrate that pathogenicity, the latent period of infection and host recovery rate can all vary dramatically across and between seasons due to thermal biology of the host and changes in environmental temperature. 3 Such effects have not been thoroughly explored in any previous investigations but may have major implications for disease dynamics in insects and possibly in ectotherms in general, and for development of effective biopesticides.  相似文献   

The complement system is an innate immunity effector mechanism; its action is antagonized by a wide array of pathogens and complement evasion determines the virulence of several infections. We investigated the evolutionary history of the complement system and of bacterial‐encoded complement‐interacting proteins. Complement components targeted by several pathogens evolved under strong selective pressure in primates, with selection acting on residues at the contact interface with microbial/viral proteins. Positively selected sites in CFH and C4BPA account for the human specificity of gonococcal infection. Bacterial interactors, evolved adaptively as well, with selected sites located at interaction surfaces with primate complement proteins. These results epitomize the expectation under a genetic conflict scenario whereby the host's and the pathogen's genes evolve within binding avoidance‐binding seeking dynamics. In silico mutagenesis and protein–protein docking analyses supported this by showing that positively selected sites, both in the host's and in the pathogen's interacting partner, modulate binding.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, increasing populations of a blood feeding land leech (Haemadipsa japonica) have become a serious issue in several Japanese prefectures, and it may be caused by the increases in sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations seen over the last quarter of the century. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the host animal species of H. japonica using iDNA (vertebrate DNA isolated from invertebrates) and to test the hypothesis that the increasingly widespread distribution of sika deer results in increased H. japonica populations through changes to the host–parasite interface. We amplified mitochondrial DNA 16S ribosome RNA fragments from iDNA isolated from the blood clots of H. japonica collected across Japan. We identified 17 host animal species, including four orders of Mammalia (Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha) and two orders of Amphibia (Caudata and Anura). The sika deer was the dominant host species of H. japonica. Additionally, the host animal species composition of H. japonica differed according to the presence or absence of sika deer. In the sites where sika deer were not found, Anura (frog) species were the most commonly identified hosts of H. japonica. These results suggest that the increases in H. japonica populations might have occurred via a change in host preference to sika deer. This change might be driven by the increases in sika deer populations and subsequent increase in the frequency that H. japonica uses the sika deer as easy prey, as well as by sika deer providing more reproductive energy per blood meal than blood meal from frog species. The present study suggests that a more widespread distribution of sika deer resulted in an increase in H. japonica through a change in the host–parasite interface. Therefore, management that focuses on decreasing sika deer populations would likely be an effective method for the reduction of H. japonica populations.  相似文献   

Sex and infection are intimately linked. Many diseases are spread by sexual contact, males are thought to evolve exaggerated sexual signals to demonstrate their immune robustness, and pathogens have been shown to direct the evolution of recombination. In all of these examples, infection is influencing the evolution of male and female fitness, but less is known about how sex differences influence pathogen fitness. A defining characteristic of sexual dimorphism is not only divergent phenotypes, but also a complex genetic architecture involving changes in genetic correlations among shared fitness traits, and differences in the accumulation of mutations—all of which may affect selection on an invading pathogen. Here, we outline the implications that the genetics of sexual dimorphism can have for host–pathogen coevolution and argue that male–female differences influence more than just the environment that a pathogen experiences.  相似文献   

A claimed, specific interaction of tetrodotoxin with cholesterol monolayers could not be repeated. An observed expansion of cholesterol monolayers on a subphase of the toxin in citrate and phosphate buffer was shown to be time dependent and probably due to a surfactant impurity of the phosphate salts.  相似文献   

Pathogens are a significant component of all plant communities. In recent years, the potential for existing and emerging pathogens of agricultural crops to cause increased yield losses as a consequence of changing climatic patterns has raised considerable concern. In contrast, the response of naturally occurring, endemic pathogens to a warming climate has received little attention. Here, we report on the impact of a signature variable of global climate change – increasing temperature – on the long‐term epidemiology of a natural host–pathogen association involving the rust pathogen Triphragmium ulmariae and its host plant Filipendula ulmaria. In a host–pathogen metapopulation involving approximately 230 host populations growing on an archipelago of islands in the Gulf of Bothnia we assessed changes in host population size and pathogen epidemiological measures over a 25‐year period. We show how the incidence of disease and its severity declines over that period and most importantly demonstrate a positive association between a long‐term trend of increasing extinction rates in individual pathogen populations of the metapopulation and increasing temperature. Our results are highly suggestive that changing climatic patterns, particularly mean monthly growing season (April‐November) temperature, are markedly influencing the epidemiology of plant disease in this host–pathogen association. Given the important role plant pathogens have in shaping the structure of communities, changes in the epidemiology of pathogens have potentially far‐reaching impacts on ecological and evolutionary processes. For these reasons, it is essential to increase understanding of pathogen epidemiology, its response to warming, and to invoke these responses in forecasts for the future.  相似文献   

The plant apoplast constitutes a space for early recognition of potentially harmful non-self. Basal pathogen recognition operates via dynamic sensing of conserved microbial patterns by pattern recognition receptors or of elicitor-active molecules released from plant cell walls during infection. Recognition elicits defence reactions depending on cellular export via SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) complex-mediated vesicle fusion or plasma membrane transporter activity. Lipid rafts appear also involved in focusing immunity-associated proteins to the site of pathogen contact. Simultaneously, pathogen effectors target recognition, apoplastic host proteins and transport for cell wall-associated defence. This microreview highlights most recent reports on the arms race for plant disease and immunity at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Microbial pathogens and viruses can often maintain sufficient population diversity to evade a wide range of host immune responses. However, when populations experience bottlenecks, as occurs frequently during initiation of new infections, pathogens require specialized mechanisms to regenerate diversity. We address the evolution of such mechanisms, known as stochastic phenotype switches, which are prevalent in pathogenic bacteria. We analyze a model of pathogen diversification in a changing host environment that accounts for selective bottlenecks, wherein different phenotypes have distinct transmission probabilities between hosts. We show that under stringent bottlenecks, such that only one phenotype can initiate new infections, there exists a threshold stochastic switching rate below which all pathogen lineages go extinct, and above which survival is a near certainty. We determine how quickly stochastic switching rates can evolve by computing a fitness landscape for the evolutionary dynamics of switching rates, and analyzing its dependence on both the stringency of bottlenecks and the duration of within‐host growth periods. We show that increasing the stringency of bottlenecks or decreasing the period of growth results in faster adaptation of switching rates. Our model provides strong theoretical evidence that bottlenecks play a critical role in accelerating the evolutionary dynamics of pathogens.  相似文献   

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