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The conifers, which traditionally comprise seven families, are the largest and most diverse group of living gymnosperms. Efforts to systematize this diversity without a cladistic phylogenetic framework have often resulted in the segregation of certain genera and/or families from the conifers. In order to understand better the relationships between the families, we performed cladistic analyses using a new data set obtained from 28S rRNA gene sequences. These analyses strongly support the monophyly of conifers including Taxaceae. Within the conifers, the Pinaceae are the first to diverge, being the sister group of the rest of conifers. A recently discovered Australian genus Wollemia is confirmed to be a natural member of the Araucariaceae. The Taxaceae are nested within the conifer clade, being the most closely related to the Cephalotaxaceae. The Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae together form a monophyletic group. Sciadopitys should be considered as constituting a separate family. These relationships are consistent with previous cladistic analyses of morphological and molecular (18S rRNA, rbcL) data. Furthermore, the well-supported clade linking the Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae, which has not been previously reported, suggests that the common ancestor of these families, both having the greatest diversity in the Southern Hemisphere, inhabited Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

中国沿海蛾螺科5属10种28S rRNA基因的系统学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已报道在我国分布的蛾螺科种类有13个属,约31个种,系统学和分类地位仍存在较大的争议.本研究利用核糖体大亚基28S rRNA的部分序列对我国辽宁、山东、福建沿海蛾螺科5属10个种的系统发生进行了分析.通过PCR获得了大约1400 bp的片段,测序之后,通过遗传分析软件对序列进行了比对分析,以骨螺科的脉红螺作为外群,利用Neighbor-Joining (NJ)法和Minimum Evolution (ME)法建立了系统树.结果显示,所研究的蛾螺科5属10个种可以被分为5个亚群:第一大分支为香螺亚群,包括Neptunea属的香螺、新英格兰蛾螺、Neptunea eulimata Dall、和一个未知种以及Siphonalia属的略胀管蛾螺;第二个分支为侧平肩螺亚群;第三个分支为荻曷莺突坪6曷菅侨海坏谒母龇种止芏曷菅群;第五个分支为方斑东风螺亚群.由系统学分析可知,香螺是较为进化的种;未知种为香螺属内的种;略胀管蛾螺与Neptunea属的种类亲缘关系较近,序列相似系数为0.9%-1.4%,已经达到了属内水平,建议将略胀管蛾螺归为Neptunea属.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genetic markers are considered useful tools for discrimination between more closely related lepidopteran taxa. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the role of mitochondrial (mt) 16 s rRNA gene in the determination of the taxonomic position for two moth species within Ditrysia clade. Maximum likelihood analysis has indicated a well-supported dendrogram based on the Tamura-Nei model for the recovered lepidopterans. The mt 16 s rRNA query sequences from 24 species within seven families were analyzed. This analysis and bootstrap confidence revealed two major clades representing Glossata suborder within Lepidoptera, with a close relationship of Noctuoidea + (Pyraloidea (Hesperioidea + Papilionoidea)). The subfamily Heliothinae forming a sister group with Risobinae (Noctinae + Hadeninae). In addition, there is a clear observation about the close relation between Phycitinae + Galleriinae within Pyraloidea and Cyrestinae + Limenitidinae within Papilionoidea. The present study supported that the Helicoverpa and Meroptera species are the first accounts of these genera inhabiting Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the secondary structure of the human 28S rRNA molecule based on comparative analysis of available eukaryotic cytoplasmic and prokaryotic large-rRNA gene sequences. Examination of large-rRNA sequences of both distantly and closely related species has enabled us to derive a structure that accounts both for highly conserved sequence tracts and for previously unanalyzed variable-sequence tracts that account for the evolutionary differences in size among the large rRNAs.Human 28S rRNA is composed of two different types of sequence tracts: conserved and variable. They differ in composition, degree of conservation, and evolution. The conserved regions demonstrate a striking constancy of size and sequence. We have confirmed that the conserved regions of large-rRNA molecules are capable of forming structures that are superimposable on one another. The variable regions contain the sequences responsible for the 83% increase in size of the human large-rRNA molecule over that ofEscherichia coli. Their locations in the gene are maintained during evolution. They are G+C rich and largely nonhomologous, contain simple repetitive sequences, appear to evolve by frequent recombinational events, and are capable of forming large, stable hairpins.The secondary-structure model presented here is in close agreement with existing prokaryotic 23S rRNA secondary-structure models. The introduction of this model helps resolve differences between previously proposed prokaryotic and eukaryotic large-rRNA secondary-structure models.  相似文献   

【目的】小毛瓢虫属Scymnus Kugelann昆虫主要捕食蚜虫、蚧虫等害虫,是一类经济上重要的天敌昆虫。目前针对小毛瓢虫属的系统发育研究尚属空白,亚属之间的系统演化关系尚不明确,为了建立合理的分类系统,亟需对小毛瓢虫属的亲缘关系进行研究和探讨。【方法】以华南农业大学馆藏的小毛瓢虫属5亚属共44种为研究对象,采用PCR技术对12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因的部分序列进行扩增;运用MEGA 7.0分析了小毛瓢虫属内12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因的碱基组成,基于K2P模型计算了小毛瓢虫属44种的种间遗传距离;采用最大似然法(maximum-likelihood, ML)和贝叶斯推断法(Bayesian-inference, BI)构建该属的系统发育树。【结果】扩增获得小毛瓢虫属44种的12S rRNA基因序列平均长度为356 bp, 16S rRNA基因序列平均长度为351 bp, 28S rRNA基因序列平均长度为315 bp;序列分析表明,12S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为38.8%, 43.5%, 11.9%和5.8%, 16S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为37.6%, 40.3%, 14.4%和7.7%, 28S rRNA基因的A, T, G和C平均含量分别为26.7%, 18.3%, 31.4%和23.5%;基于联合序列分析的种间遗传距离为0.004~0.276,平均遗传距离为0.115。系统发育分析结果表明,小毛瓢虫属为单系起源,而小毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Scymnus) Kugelann、毛瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Neopullus) Sasaji、小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Pullus) Mulsant和拟小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Parapullus) Yang均为并系起源。【结论】基于12S, 16S和28S rRNA基因序列的小毛瓢虫属系统发育分析显示传统的形态学分类体系与基于分子数据分析的结果部分不一致,这表明应该对该属内各亚属的鉴别特征进行全面检视,筛选并确立各亚属的形态指标,同时也表明该属内的亚属分类单元需重新厘定。  相似文献   

本研究从担子菌毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus)菌丝中分离获得一条新的28S rRNA序列,序列长度为906bp(GenBank accession No.GU568178)。该序列是我们前期在从毛头鬼伞中克隆一种烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的抗性蛋白基因y3时意外获得的一条非目的条带。将此获得的序列通过NCBI的BLAST,以及与其同源序列进行Clustal w和MEGA聚类分析,证实该序列是28S rRNA,同时还发现毛头鬼伞的系统进化关系比较离散。此外,在这一新28S rRNA与TMV的抗性蛋白基因y3之间发现有两个同源区段有可能是PCR扩增y3基因时出现非目的条带的原因。在这两个同源区段中,其一区段与克隆y3基因时所用的PCR引物之一有较高的相似性,另一区段也是一般PCR引物的类似物。本研究中新28S rRNA序列的获得是PCR扩增中出现非目的条带的新例,该序列的发现及聚类分析的结果有助于真菌基因组学研究及真菌生物分子分类系统的建立。  相似文献   

Monkey mummy bones and teeth originating from the North Saqqara Baboon Galleries (Egypt), soft tissue from a mummified baboon in a museum collection, and nineteenth/twentieth-century skin fragments from mangabeys were used for DNA extraction and PCR amplification of part of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Sequences aligning with the 12S rRNA gene were recovered but were only distantly related to contemporary monkey mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences. However, many of these sequences were identical or closely related to human nuclear DNA sequences resembling mitochondrial 12S rRNA (isolated from a cell line depleted in mitochondria) and therefore have to be considered contamination. Subsequently in a separate study we were able to recover genuine mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences from many extant species of nonhuman Old World primates and sequences closely resembling the human nuclear integrations. Analysis of all sequences by the neighbor-joining (NJ) method indicated that mitochondrial DNA sequences and their nuclear counterparts can be divided into two distinct clusters. One cluster contained all temporary cytoplasmic mitochondrial DNA sequences and approximately half of the monkey nuclear mitochondriallike sequences. A second cluster contained most human nuclear sequences and the other half of monkey nuclear sequences with a separate branch leading to human and gorilla mitochondrial and nuclear sequences. Sequences recovered from ancient materials were equally divided between the two clusters. These results constitute a warning for when working with ancient DNA or performing phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial DNA as a target sequence: Nuclear counterparts of mitochondrial genes may lead to faulty interpretation of results.Correspondence to: A.C. van der Kuyl  相似文献   

Using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nuclear DNA 28S rRNA data, we explored the phylogenetic relationships of the family Pimoidae (Arachnida: Araneae) and tested the North America to Asia dispersal hypothesis. Sequence data were analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. A phylogenetic analysis suggested that vicariance, instead of dispersal, better explained the present distribution pattern of Pimoidae. Times of divergence events were estimated using penalized likelihood method. The dating analysis suggested that the emergence time of Pimoidae was approximately 140 million years ago (Ma). The divergence time of the North American and Asian species of Pimoa was approximately 110 Ma. Our phylogenetic hypothesis supports the current morphology‐based taxonomy and suggests that the cave dwelling might have played an important role in the speciation of pimoids in arid areas.  相似文献   

To clarify the phylogenetic relationships and species status of Pneumocystis, the 5.8S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacers (ITS, 1 and 2) of Pneumocystis rRNA derived from rat, gerbil and human were amplified, cloned and sequenced. The genetic distance matrix of six Pneumocystis species compared with other fungi like Taphrina and Saccharomyces indicated that the Pneumocystis genus contained multiple species including Pneumocystis from gerbil. The phylogenetic tree also showed that Pneumocystis from human and monkey formed one group and four rodent Pneumocystis formed another group. Among the four members, Pneumocystis wakefieldiae was most closely related to Pneumocystis murina and Pneumocystis carinii, and was least related to gerbil Pneumocystis.  相似文献   

从12S rRNA基因序列推测鹭科13种鸟类的系统发生关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对鹭科12个种的线粒体12S rRNA基因全长约975bp的序列进行了测定,并从GenBank获得黄顶夜鹭12S rRNA基因全序列。比对后的序列长993bp,含363变异位点,288个多态位点,187个简约信息位点。使用邻接法和最大简约法重建的分子系统树将13种鹭聚为2支:第一支包括白鹭、中白鹭、大白鹭、池鹭、牛背鹭、苍鹭、草鹭、夜鹭、黄顶夜鹭,第二支由黄苇渴Gan、黑苇Gan、栗苇Gan、大麻Gan组成。结果提示将鹭科分为鹭亚科和Gan亚科的传统观点是合理的,不支持Payne将鹭科分为日鹭亚科(Ardeinae)、夜鹭亚科(Nycticracinae)、Gan亚科(Botaurinae)和虎鹭亚科(Tigrisomatinae)的观点。进一步的分析表明:白鹭在系统演化中要早于大白鹭和中白鹭分支出来,大白鹭和中白鹭与苍鹭、草鹭和牛背鹭间的亲缘关系较近,而与白鹭较远,支持Sibley(1990)将大白鹭和中白鹭作为独立的大白鹭属(Casmerodius)和中白鹭属(Mesophoyx)的建议;黑Gan、栗苇Gan与黄苇Gan在系统发生中构成一单系群,提示将黑Gan置于苇Gan属(Ixobrychus)是合适的[动物学报49(2):205—210,2003]。  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene analysis is the most convenient and robust method for microbiome studies. Inaccurate taxonomic assignment of bacterial strains could have deleterious effects as all downstream analyses rely heavily on the accurate assessment of microbial taxonomy. The use of mock communities to check the reliability of the results has been suggested. However, often the mock communities used in most of the studies represent only a small fraction of taxa and are used mostly as validation of sequencing run to estimate sequencing artifacts. Moreover, a large number of databases and tools available for classification and taxonomic assignment of the 16S rRNA gene make it challenging to select the best-suited method for a particular dataset. In the present study, we used authentic and validly published 16S rRNA gene type strain sequences (full length, V3-V4 region) and analyzed them using a widely used QIIME pipeline along with different parameters of OTU clustering and QIIME compatible databases. Data Analysis Measures (DAM) revealed a high discrepancy in ratifying the taxonomy at different taxonomic hierarchies. Beta diversity analysis showed clear segregation of different DAMs. Limited differences were observed in reference data set analysis using partial (V3-V4) and full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences, which signify the reliability of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences in microbiome studies. Our analysis also highlights common discrepancies observed at various taxonomic levels using various methods and databases.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic status of the infra order Pecora is controversial, even though it is supported by paleontological, morphological, and molecular evidence. We analyzed two mitochondrial genes (i.e., 16S rRNA and cytochrome b) to resolve the phylogenetic position of pecoran species, i.e., the Bovidae, Cervidae, and Moschidae endemic to the Indian subcontinent. We used phylogenetic analysis based on different algorithms, including neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, minimum evolution, median joining network, along with multidimensional scaling, and DNA word analysis. Our results established the basal position of Tragulidae and the monophyly of the infra order Pecora within the Suborder Ruminantia. Our results also demonstrated that Bovidae, Cervidae, and Moschidae are allied with the placement of musk deer as more closely related to bovids than to cervids. Molecular dating based on sequence analysis shows that the radiation of Pecora occurred during the early Oligocene and that the majority of the pecoran families radiated and dispersed rapidly during the Oligocene/Miocene transition.  相似文献   

We studied the microbial diversity in the sediment from the Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Arctic, in the summer of 2005 based on the analysis of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene clone libraries. The sequences of the cloned 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene inserts were used to determine the species identity or closest relatives by comparison with sequences of known species. Compared to the other samples acquired in Arctic and Antarctic, which are different from that of ours, the microbial diversity in our sediment is much higher. The bacterial sequences were grouped into 11 major lineages of the domain Bacteria: Proteobacteria (include α-, β-, γ-, δ-, and ε-Proteobacteria); Bacteroidetes; Fusobacteria; Firmicutes; Chloroflexi; Chlamydiae; Acidobacteria; Actinobacteria; Planctomycetes; Verrucomicrobiae and Lentisphaerae. Crenarchaeota were dominant in the archaeal clones containing inserts. In addition, six groups from eukaryotes including Cercozoa, Fungi, Telonema, Stramenopiles, Alveolata, and Metazoa were identified. Remarkably, the novel group Lentisphaerae was reported in Arctic sediment at the first time. Our study suggested that Arctic sediment as a unique habitat may contain substantial microbial diversity and novel species will be discovered.  相似文献   

Forensic science uses scientific methods to help the scientists who study evidence to assist in the solving of crimes. Coleoptera is the most diverse and speciose group of insects that have an important role in many scientific fields especially forensic entomology. In addition, it is difficult to morphologically identify and discriminate between them. In the present study, the molecular analysis using mitochondrial DNA information was conducted to swiftly and accurately identify the recovered Coleoptera species. A molecular identification method involving a 221‐bp segment of the 16 s ribosomal RNA (16 s rRNA) gene from three beetle species, collected from a rabbit carcass, was evaluated. The analysis with maximum likelihood method recovered a generally well supported phylogeny, with most currently accepted taxa and species groups as monophyletic. These results will be instrumental for the implementation of the Saudian database of forensically relevant beetles.  相似文献   

The suborder Anthropoidea of the primates has traditionally been divided in three superfamilies: the Hominoidea (apes and humans) and the Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys), together comprising the infraorder Catarrhini, and the Ceboidea (New World monkeys) belonging to the infraorder Platyrrhini.We have sequenced an approximately 390-base-pair part of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene for 26 species of the major groups of African monkeys and apes and constructed an extensive phylogeny based upon DNA evidence. Not only is this phylogeny of great importance in classification of African guenons, but it also suggests rearrangements in traditional monkey taxonomy and evolution. Baboons and mandrills were found to be not directly related, while we could confirm that the known four superspecies of mangabeys do not form a monophyletic group, but should be separated into two genera, one clustering with baboons and the other with mandrills. Patas monkeys are clearly related to members of the genus Cercopithecus despite their divergence in build and habitat, while the talapoin falls outside the Cercopithecus clade (including the patas monkey). Correspondence to: A.C. van der Kuyl  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the group of molting protostomes were reconstructed by comparing the sets of 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences considered either separately or in combination. The reliability of reconstructions was estimated from the bootstrap indices for major phylogenetic tree nodes and from the degree of congruence of phylogenetic trees obtained by different methods. By either criterion, the phylogenetic trees reconstructed on the basis of both 18 and 28S rRNA gene sequences were better than those based on the 18S or 28S sequences alone. The results of reconstruction are consistent with the phylogenetic hypothesis classifying protostomes into two major clades: molting Ecdysozoa (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha, Nematoda + Nematomorpha, Onychophora + Tardigrada, Myriapoda + Chelicerata, and Crustacea + Hexapoda) and nonmolting Lophotrochozoa (Plathelminthes, Nemertini, Annelida, Mollusca, Echiura, and Sipuncula). Nematomorphs (Nematomorpha) do not belong to the clade Cephalorhyncha (Priapulida + Kinorhyncha). It is concluded that combined data on the 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences provide a more reliable basis for phylogenetic inferences.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 590–601.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Petrov, Vladychenskaya.  相似文献   

In this study, we sequenced both two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S rRNA) and nuclear genes (28S rRNA and elongation factor‐1α) from 71 species of Odonata that represent 7 superfamilies in 3 suborders. Phylogenetic testing for each two concatenated gene sequences based on function (ribosomal vs protein‐coding genes) and origin (mitochondrial vs nuclear genes) proved limited resolution. Thus, four concatenated sequences were utilized to test the previous phylogenetic hypotheses of higher taxa of Odonata via Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms, along with the data partition by the BI method. As a result, three slightly different topologies were obtained, but the BI tree without partition was slightly better supported by the topological test. This topology supported the suborders Anisoptera and Zygoptera each being a monophyly, and the close relationship of Anisozygoptera to Anisoptera. All the families represented by multiple taxa in both Anisoptera and Zygoptera were consistently revealed to each be a monophyly with the highest nodal support. Unlike consistent and robust familial relationships in Zygoptera those of Anisoptera were partially unresolved, presenting the following relationships: ((((Libellulidae + Corduliidae) + Macromiidae) + Gomphidae + Aeshnidae) + Anisozygoptera) + (((Coenagrionidae + Platycnemdidae) + Calopterygidae) + Lestidae). The subfamily Sympetrinae, represented by three genera in the anisopteran family Libellulidae, was not monophyletic, dividing Crocothemis and Deielia in one group together with other subfamilies and Sympetrum in another independent group.  相似文献   

目的通过克隆分析中国地鼠16S基因的部分序列,对中国地鼠16S基因的结构和功能进行初步探索和揭示。方法从GenBank中已报道的啮齿动物16S基因保守区设计一对引物,进行PCR扩增,测序。用Blastn与GenBank中七种啮齿类动物的16S基因进行序列比较,分析其碱基组成及变异情况,并用邻接法(NJ)、非加权组平均法(UPGMA)构建分子系统树,在分子水平上探讨中国地鼠和其他啮齿类动物的进化关系,对中国地鼠的种属地位进行了进一步验证。结果获得了中国地鼠线粒体16S基因的部分序列,其碱基组成A、T、C、G分别为40.5%、24.5%、18.7%、16.3%,与其他七种啮齿类动物的碱基含量相比,各碱基含量基本相似。NJ进化树表明,中国地鼠、金黄地鼠与欧洲仓鼠先聚为一支,小鼠与大鼠先聚为一支,东方田鼠、台湾田鼠与东欧田鼠先聚为一支。结论中国地鼠和金黄地鼠的亲缘关系最近,与传统的分类地位基本吻合。  相似文献   

AIM: To avoid the limitations of 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic analysis for Paenibacillus species, the usefulness of the RNA polymerase beta-subunit encoding gene (rpoB) was investigated as an alternative to the 16S rRNA gene for taxonomic studies. METHODS AND RESULTS: Partial rpoB sequences were generated for the type strains of eight nitrogen-fixing Paenibacillus species. The presence of only one copy of rpoB in the genome of P. graminis strain RSA19(T) was demonstrated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and hybridization assays. A comparative analysis of the sequences of the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes was performed and the eight species showed between 91.6-99.1% (16S rRNA) and 77.9-97.3% (rpoB) similarity, allowing a more accurate discrimination between the different species using the rpoB gene. Finally, 24 isolates from the rhizosphere of different cultivars of maize previously identified as Paenibacillus spp. were assigned correctly to one of the nitrogen-fixing species. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The data obtained in this study indicate that rpoB is a powerful identification tool, which can be used for the correct discrimination of the nitrogen-fixing species of agricultural and industrial importance within the genus Paenibacillus.  相似文献   

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