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The tangerine pathotype of the ascomycete fungus Alternaria alternata is the causal agent of citrus brown spot, which can result in significant losses of both yield and marketability for tangerines worldwide. A conditionally dispensable chromosome (CDC), which harbours the host-selective ACT toxin gene cluster, is required for tangerine pathogenicity of A. alternata. To understand the genetic makeup and evolution of the tangerine pathotype CDC, we isolated and sequenced the CDCs of the A. alternata Z7 strain and analysed the function and evolution of their genes. The A. alternata Z7 strain has two CDCs (~1.1 and ~0.8 Mb, respectively), and the longer Z7 CDC contains all but one contig of the shorter one. Z7 CDCs contain 254 predicted protein-coding genes, which are enriched in functional categories associated with ‘metabolic process’ (55 genes, P = 0.037). Relatively few of the CDC genes can be classified as carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) (4) and transporters (19) and none as kinases. Evolutionary analysis of the 254 CDC proteins showed that their evolutionary conservation tends to be restricted within the genus Alternaria and that the CDC genes evolve faster than genes in the essential chromosomes, likely due to fewer selective constraints. Interestingly, phylogenetic analysis suggested that four of the 25 genes responsible for the ACT toxin production were likely transferred from Colletotrichum (Sordariomycetes). Functional experiments showed that two of them are essential for the virulence of the tangerine pathotype of A. alternata. These results provide new insights into the function and evolution of CDC genes in Alternaria.  相似文献   

The necrotrophic fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata causes brown spot diseases in many citrus cultivars. The FUS3 and SLT2 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK)-mediated signaling pathways have been shown to be required for conidiation. Exogenous application of cAMP to this fungal pathogen decreased conidia formation considerably. This study determined whether a cAMP-activated protein kinase A (PKA) is required for conidiation. Using loss-of-function mutations in PKA catalytic and regulatory subunit-coding genes, we demonstrated that PKA negatively regulates conidiation. Fungal mutants lacking PKA catalytic subunit gene (PKA cat ) reduced growth, lacked detectable PKA activity, and produced higher amounts of conidia compared to wild-type. Introduction of a functional copy of PKA cat into a null mutant partially restored PKA activity and produced wild-type level of conidia. In contrast, fungi lacking PKA regulatory subunit gene (PKA reg ) produced detectable PKA activity, exhibited severe growth reduction, formed swelling hyphal segments, and produced no mature conidia. Introduction of the PKA reg gene to a regulatory subunit mutant restored all phenotypes to wild type. PKA reg -null mutants induced fewer necrotic lesions on citrus compared to wild-type, whereas PKA cat mutant displayed wild-type virulence. Overall, our studies indicate that PKA and FUS3-mediated signaling pathways apparently have very different roles in the regulation of conidia production and A. alternata pathogenesis in citrus.  相似文献   

Black spot disease, Alternaria alternata Japanese pear pathotype, produces the host-specific toxin AK-toxin, an important pathogenicity factor. Previously, we have found that hydrogen peroxide is produced in the hyphal cell wall at the plant–pathogen interaction site, suggesting that the fungal reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation machinery is important for pathogenicity. In this study, we identified two NADPH oxidase (NoxA and NoxB) genes and produced nox disruption mutants. ΔnoxA and ΔnoxB disruption mutants showed increased hyphal branching and spore production per unit area. Surprisingly, only the ΔnoxB disruption mutant compromised disease symptoms. A fluorescent protein reporter assay revealed that only NoxB localized at the appressoria during pear leaf infection. In contrast, both NoxA and NoxB were highly expressed on the cellulose membrane, and these Nox proteins were also localized at the appressoria. In the ΔnoxB disruption mutant, we could not detect any necrotic lesions caused by AK-toxin. Moreover, the ΔnoxB disruption mutant did not induce papilla formation on pear leaves. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that the ΔnoxB disruption mutant also did not penetrate the cuticle layer. Moreover, ROS generation was not essential for penetration, suggesting that NoxB may have an unknown function in penetration. Taken together, our results suggest that NoxB is essential for aggressiveness and basal pathogenicity in A. alternata.  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体是存在于真核细胞中的一类单层膜细胞器,参与多种生理生化代谢过程,而Pex13和Pex14是过氧化物酶体膜上的对接复合体蛋白,参与基质蛋白-受体复合体的跨膜运输。目前,Pex13和Pex14在大多数植物病原真菌中的生物学功能尚不清楚。本研究鉴定了柑橘褐斑病菌链格孢柑橘致病型(the tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata)的对接复合体蛋白Pex13和Pex14,并构建基因敲除突变体与回补菌株,探究其生物学功能。结果表明,与野生型和回补菌株相比,ΔAaPex13和ΔAaPex14营养生长、分生孢子形成显著下降,分生孢子的萌发率显著降低,抗氧化能力和抗细胞壁胁迫能力也显著减弱,病菌的ACT毒素产量分别降低30%和33%,在离体叶片上丧失致病力。此外,AaPex13和AaPex14的缺失导致基质蛋白无法定位到过氧化物酶体,过氧化物酶体生物发生存在缺陷。本研究明确了AaPex13和AaPex14在病菌生长发育、过氧化物酶体形成、ACT毒素产生以及维持致病力方面都具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

Fungi respond and adapt to different environmental stimuli via signal transduction systems. We determined the function of a yeast SLT2 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase homologue (AaSLT2) in Alternaria alternata, the fungal pathogen of citrus. Analysis of the loss-of-function mutant indicated that AaSLT2 is required for the production of a host-selective toxin, and is crucial for fungal pathogenicity. Moreover, the A. alternata slt2 mutants displayed hypersensitivity to cell wall-degrading enzymes and chemicals such as Calcofluor white and Congo red. This implicates an important role of AaSLT2 in the maintenance of cell wall integrity in A. alternata. The A. alternata slt2 mutants were also hypersensitive to a heteroaromatic compound, 2-chloro-5-hydroxypyridine, and a plant growth regulator, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. Developmentally, the AaSLT2 gene product was shown to be critical for conidial formation and hyphal elongation. Compared with the wild-type, the mutants produced fewer but slightly larger conidia with less transverse septae. The mutants also accumulated lower levels of melanin and chitin. Unlike the wild-type progenitor, the A. alternata slt2 mutants produced globose, swollen hyphae that did not elongate in a straight radial direction. All defective phenotypes in the mutant were restored by transformation and expression of a wild-type copy of AaSLT2 under the control of its endogenous promoter. This study highlights an important role of the AaSLT2 MAP kinase-mediated signalling pathway, regulating diverse physiological, developmental and pathological functions, in the tangerine pathotype of A. alternata.  相似文献   

Summary A number of factors affecting simultaneous production of cell-bound glucose oxidase and catalase by the fungus Alternaria alternata have been investigated. Consecutive optimization of the type and concentration of nitrogen and carbon source, the initial pH and growth temperature resulted in a simultaneous increase in glucose oxidase and catalase by 780% and 68% respectively. Two second-order equations, describing the combined effect of pH and temperature on the activity of each enzyme, revealed that glucose oxidase had its optima at pH 7.9 and 32.3°C and catalase at pH 8.5 and 18.1°C. Under certain growth conditions, yields as high as 23.5 and 18,100 units/g carbon source for glucose oxidase and catalase, respectively, were simultaneously obtained.Offprint requests to: B. J. Macris  相似文献   

The enzymes mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase, mannitol-1-phosphatase, mannitol dehydrogenase and hexokinase participate in an enzymatic cycle in the fungus Alternaria alternata. One turn of the cycle gives the net result: NADH + NADP+ + ATP leads to NAD+ + NADPH + ADP + Pi. The cycle alone can meet the total need of NADPH formation for fat synthesis in the organism. A polyketide producing strain of A. alternata shows a lower mannitol oxidation as well as a lower fat synthesis than a nonproducing mutant, supporting the hypothesis that polyketide formation is favoured at limiting NADPH production. It is further suggested that the mannitol cycle is regulating the glycolytic flux by substrate withdrawal from phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

The apple pathotype of Alternaria alternata produces host-specific AM-toxin and causes Alternaria blotch of apple. Previously, we cloned two genes, AMT1 and AMT2, required for AM-toxin biosynthesis and found that these genes are encoded by small, supernumerary chromosomes of <1.8 Mb in the apple pathotype strains. Here, we performed expressed sequence tag analysis of the 1.4-Mb chromosome encoding AMT genes in strain IFO8984. A cDNA library was constructed using RNA from AM-toxin-producing cultures. A total of 40,980 clones were screened with the 1.4-Mb chromosome probe, and 196 clones encoded by the chromosome were isolated. Sequence analyses of these clones identified 80 unigenes, including AMT1 and AMT2, and revealed that the functions of 43 (54%) genes are unknown. The expression levels of the 80 genes in AM-toxin-producing and nonproducing cultures were analyzed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Most of the genes were found to be expressed in both cultures at markedly lower levels than the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene used as an internal control. Comparison of the expression levels of these genes between two cultures showed that 21 genes, including AMT1 and AMT2, were upregulated (>10-fold) in AM-toxin-producing cultures. Two of the upregulated genes were newly identified to be involved in AM-toxin biosynthesis by the gene disruption experiments and were named AMT3 and AMT4. Thus, the genes upregulated in AM-toxin-producing cultures contain ideal candidates for novel AM-toxin biosynthetic genes.  相似文献   

The remaining unclarified taxon among the seven known pathotypes of host-selective toxin (HST)-producing Alternaria alternata, namely, the strawberry pathotype (the strawberry black leaf spot pathogen), is taxonomically revised and re-described herein. According to our morphological observations, reference isolates of strawberry and Japanese pear pathotypes, which are toxic to leaves of Japanese pear ‘Nijisseiki’, have conidia that are formed in chains of 3–13, usually without lateral branches, after 7?d incubation on potato-carrot agar. The mean size of the conidia is 27–31?×?11–13?μm. Morphological characteristics of the examined isolates are identical to those of A. gaisen rather than A. alternata. A phylogenetic tree obtained by analysis of a combined dataset of ITS, gapdh, rpb2, tef1, Alt a 1, and endoPG sequences also strongly supports both pathotypes as one species, A. gaisen. We re-describe the fungus as A. gaisen Nagano ex Bokura and propose two formae speciales of the species, A. gaisen f. sp. fragariae producing AF-toxin and f. sp. pyri producing AK-toxin. The epitype specimen and ex-epitype culture of A. gaisen are newly designated.  相似文献   

The Japanese pear pathotype of Alternaria alternata causes black spot of Japanese pear by producing a host-specific toxin known as AK-toxin. Restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) mutagenesis was used to tag genes required for toxin biosynthesis. Protoplasts of a wild-type strain were treated with a linearized plasmid along with the restriction enzyme used to linearize the plasmid. Of 984 REMI transformants recovered, three produced no detectable AK-toxin and lost pathogenicity on pear leaves. Genomic DNA flanking the integrated plasmid was recovered from one of the mutants. With the recovered DNA used as a probe, a cosmid clone of the wild-type strain was isolated. Structural and functional analyses of an 8.0-kb region corresponding to the tagged site indicated the presence of two genes. One, designated AKT1, encodes a member of the class of carboxyl-activating enzymes. The other, AKT2, encodes a protein of unknown function. The essential roles of these two genes in both AK-toxin production and pathogenicity were confirmed by transformation-mediated gene disruption experiments. DNA gel blot analysis detected AKT1 and AKT2 homologues not only in the Japanese pear pathotype strains but also in strains from the tangerine and strawberry pathotypes. The host-specific toxins of these two pathotypes are similar in structure to AK-toxin. Homologues were not detected in other pathotypes or in non-pathogenic strains of A. alternata, suggesting acquisition of AKT1 and AKT2 by horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

The rough lemon pathotype of Alternaria alternata produces host-selective ACR-toxin and causes Alternaria leaf spot disease of rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri). The structure of ACR-toxin I (MW = 496) consists of a polyketide with an α-dihydropyrone ring in a 19-carbon polyalcohol. Genes responsible for toxin production were localized to a 1.5-Mb chromosome in the genome of the rough lemon pathotype. Sequence analysis of this chromosome revealed an 8,338-bp open reading frame, ACRTS2, that was present only in the genomes of ACR-toxin-producing isolates. ACRTS2 is predicted to encode a putative polyketide synthase of 2,513 amino acids and belongs to the fungal reducing type I polyketide synthases. Typical polyketide functional domains were identified in the predicted amino acid sequence, including β-ketoacyl synthase, acyl transferase, methyl transferase, dehydratase, β-ketoreductase, and phosphopantetheine attachment site domains. Combined use of homologous recombination-mediated gene disruption and RNA silencing allowed examination of the functional role of multiple paralogs in ACR-toxin production. ACRTS2 was found to be essential for ACR-toxin production and pathogenicity of the rough lemon pathotype of A. alternata.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that O(2) sensing in type I cells of the carotid body and erythropoietin (EPO)-producing cells of the kidney involves protein components identical to the NADPH oxidase system responsible for the respiratory burst of phagocytes. In the present study, we evaluated O(2) sensing in mice with null mutant genotypes for two components of the phagocytic oxidase. Whole body plethysmography was used to study unanesthetized, unrestrained mice. When exposed to an acute hypoxic stimulus, gp91(phox)-null mutant and wild-type mice increased their minute ventilation by similar amounts. In contrast, p47(phox)-null mutant mice demonstrated increases in minute ventilation in response to hypoxia that exceeded that of their wild-type counterparts: 98.0 +/- 18.0 vs. 20.0 +/- 13.0% (n = 11, P = 0.003). In vitro recordings of carotid sinus nerve (CSN) activity demonstrated that resting (basal) neural activity was marginally elevated in p47(phox)-null mutant mice. With hypoxic challenge, mean CSN discharge was 1.5-fold greater in p47(phox)-null mutant than in wild-type mice: 109.61 +/- 13.29 vs. 72.54 +/- 7.65 impulses/s (n = 8 and 7, respectively, P = 0.026). Consequently, the hypoxia-evoked CSN discharge (stimulus-basal) was approximately 58% larger in p47(phox)-null mutant mice. Quantities of EPO mRNA in kidney were similar in gp91(phox)- and p47(phox)-null mutant mice and their respective wild-type controls exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 72 h. These findings confirm the previous observation that absence of the gp91(phox) component of the phagocytic NADPH oxidase does not alter the O(2)-sensing mechanism of the carotid body. However, absence of the p47(phox) component significantly potentiates ventilatory and chemoreceptor responses to hypoxia. O(2) sensing in EPO-producing cells of the kidney appears to be independent of the gp91(phox) and p47(phox) components of the phagocytic NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Mannitol metabolism in fungi is thought to occur through a mannitol cycle first described in 1978. In this cycle, mannitol 1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase (EC was proposed to reduce fructose 6-phosphate into mannitol 1-phosphate, followed by dephosphorylation by a mannitol 1-phosphatase (EC resulting in inorganic phosphate and mannitol. Mannitol would be converted back to fructose by the enzyme mannitol dehydrogenase (EC Although mannitol 1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase was proposed as the major biosynthetic enzyme and mannitol dehydrogenase as a degradative enzyme, both enzymes catalyze their respective reverse reactions. To date the cycle has not been confirmed through genetic analysis. We conducted enzyme assays that confirmed the presence of these enzymes in a tobacco isolate of Alternaria alternata. Using a degenerate primer strategy, we isolated the genes encoding the enzymes and used targeted gene disruption to create mutants deficient in mannitol 1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase, mannitol dehydrogenase, or both. PCR analysis confirmed gene disruption in the mutants, and enzyme assays demonstrated a lack of enzymatic activity for each enzyme. GC-MS experiments showed that a mutant deficient in both enzymes did not produce mannitol. Mutants deficient in mannitol 1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase or mannitol dehydrogenase alone produced 11.5 and 65.7 %, respectively, of wild type levels. All mutants grew on mannitol as a sole carbon source, however, the double mutant and mutant deficient in mannitol 1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase grew poorly. Our data demonstrate that mannitol 1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase and mannitol dehydrogenase are essential enzymes in mannitol metabolism in A. alternata, but do not support mannitol metabolism operating as a cycle.  相似文献   

Two cases of cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis, one with a nodular appearance and the other with an erythematous infiltrating patch, are reported in immunocompromised patients. Diagnosis was based on histological examination, which revealed hyphae and round-shaped fungal cells in a granulomatous dermal infiltrate, and on identification of the moulds when biopsy fragments were cultured on Sabouraud-dextrose agar without cycloheximide. The pathogens were Alternaria tenuissima in the first case and A. alternata in the second. The fungi were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The patients were checked for bone and lung involvement and were then treated with surgical excision and itraconazole, and itraconazole only, respectively, with clinical and mycological resolution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Afternaria afternata apple pathotype causes Alternaria blotch of susceptible apple cultivars through the production of a cyclic peptide host-specific toxin, AM-toxin. PCR (polymerase chain reaction), with primers designed to conserved domains of peptide synthetase genes, amplified several products from A. alternata apple pathotype that showed high similarity to other fungal peptide synthetases and were specific to the apple pathotype. Screening of a Lambda Zap genomic library with these PCR-generated probes identified overlapping clones containing a complete cyclic peptide synthetase gene of 13.1 kb in length with no introns. Disruption of this gene, designated AM-toxin synthetase (AMT), by transformation of wild-type A. afternata apple pathotype with disruption vectors resulted in toxin-minus mutants, which were also unable to cause disease symptoms on susceptible apple cultivars. AM-toxin synthetase is therefore a primary determinant of virulence and specificity in the A. alternata apple pathotype/apple interaction.  相似文献   

Increased oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of beta-cell dysfunction and death. We studied isoforms of NADPH oxidase components in islets of Langerhans isolated from rat pancreas and tumoral rat beta-cell line RINm5F cells by RT-PCR and sequencing of its products. RT-PCR revealed that isolated islets constitutively expressed mRNA of NADPH oxidase components, Nox1, Nox2, Nox4 and p22(phox) as membrane-associated components and p47(phox), Noxo1 (homologue of p47(phox)), Noxa1 (homologue of p67(phox)), and p40(phox) as cytosolic components. RINm5F cells showed a similar pattern of expression but Nox2 mRNA was not detected. Expression of Nox1, Nox4, Noxo1 and Noxa1 was confirmed by sequencing the PCR products. Immunohistochemistry revealed the expression of NADPH oxidase component in beta-cells of rat pancreatic islets. Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from isolated islets was suppressed by diphenyleneiodonium, a flavocytochrome inhibitor, but not by apocynin, an inhibitor of p47(phox) translocation to membranes. Our results suggest that the functional significance of NADPH oxidase in insulin secretion may merit further investigation.  相似文献   

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