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Population expansions of boreal species are among the most substantial ecological consequences of climate change, potentially transforming both structure and processes of northern ecosystems. Despite their importance, little is known about expansion dynamics of boreal species. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are forecasted to become a keystone species in northern Europe, a process stemming from population expansions that began in the 19th century. To identify the relative roles of geographic and demographic factors and the sources of northern European red fox population expansion, we genotyped 21 microsatellite loci in modern and historical (1835–1941) Fennoscandian red foxes. Using Bayesian clustering and Bayesian inference of migration rates, we identified high connectivity and asymmetric migration rates across the region, consistent with source‐sink dynamics, whereby more recently colonized sampling regions received immigrants from multiple sources. There were no clear clines in allele frequency or genetic diversity as would be expected from a unidirectional range expansion from south to north. Instead, migration inferences, demographic models and comparison to historical red fox genotypes suggested that the population expansion of the red fox is a consequence of dispersal from multiple sources, as well as in situ demographic growth. Together, these findings provide a rare glimpse into the anatomy of a boreal range expansion and enable informed predictions about future changes in boreal communities.  相似文献   

The pine marten, Martes martes, is a medium-sized terrestrial carnivore associated with woodland habitats of the western Palearctic region. The present distribution area of the species also includes six islands of the western Mediterranean basin. The origin of these insular populations and their taxonomic status are still debated; their molecular characterization appears relevant for conservation purposes. To describe the genetic variability of the pine martens from Sardinia we characterized 40 insular and 14 Italian individuals at seven nuclear microsatellite loci. The identification of private alleles and the calculated F(ST) value of 0.074 revealed some genetic differentiation between the two populations, which accounts for the high percentages of correct allocation (96.39-98.80%) scored by the genotype assignment test. The presence of two distinct clusters corresponding to Sardinia and mainland Italy was further confirmed by the multivariate Factorial Correspondence Analysis of individual genotypes. Moreover, the genome of the Sardinian individuals bore signs of past demographic fluctuations, i.e. the presence of the monomorphic locus Ma-4, a lower allelic richness and a lower number of private alleles, which may derive from the combination of drift, founder effects, and human overexploitation. Anyway, if such events ever affected the Sardinian population, this is likely to have happened in the past since, according to our microsatellite data, the present-day population does not show evidence of recent bottlenecks or inbreeding, the Wilcoxon sign-rank test and the F(IS) index being not statistically significant (both P > 0.05). Based on this genetic evidence, we advance hypotheses about the distinctiveness of the Sardinian population and its significance for taxonomy and conservation.  相似文献   

Monitoring postrelease establishment and movement of animals is important in evaluating conservation translocations. We translocated 39 wild pine martens Martes martes (19 females, 20 males) from Scotland to Wales. We released them into forested areas with no conspecifics in 2015, followed by a second release in 2016, alongside the previously released animals. We used radio‐tracking to describe postrelease movement and habitat selection. Six martens (15%) were not re‐encountered during the tracking period, of which four undertook long‐distance dispersal. For the remaining individuals, we characterized two phases of movement, “exploration” followed by “settlement,” that differed between releases. In the first release, martens remained in exploration phase for a mean of 14.5 days (SE = 3.9 days) and settled at a mean distance of 8.7 km (SE = 1.8 km) from release sites, whereas martens released in year two, alongside resident conspecifics, traveled away from release sites at a faster rate, settling sooner, at a mean of 6.6 days (SE = 1.8 days), but further, at a mean distance of 14.0 km (SE = 1.7 km) from release sites. Animals released in year one did not exhibit habitat preferences overall but within forests they favored recently felled areas, whereas animals released in year two showed strong selection for forested habitat but did not discriminate between forest types. The presence of conspecifics appeared influential for settlement and site fidelity of translocated martens and was associated with more rapid but more distant dispersal of the later cohort. Releases of animals in close proximity appeared to promote site fidelity and rapid establishment of ranges in the recipient environment.  相似文献   

The activity patterns of red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes L.) living and breeding in urban areas of Oxford, and the interactions between individuals, were analysed from detailed radio-tracking data on 17 adults. Foxes were nocturnal and active during the night for a mean of 6h 52min min, irrespective of the time of year. The number of active/resting periods increased in autumn and winter, and in winter and spring the night was characteristically divided into several short cycles of activity of 2–2 1/2 h each, interspersed with similar periods of rest. The foxes occupied mutually exclusive group ranges and group members remained within 50m of each other for up to one-third of the time spent active at night. The implications of fox spatial relationships for rabies transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

Two juvenile male red foxes exhibited stereotypic patterns of food-caching behaviour when moved into a dirt-floored pen from a concrete-floored run in which they had been raised since being removed from their natal den. The dominant animal did not prevent the subordinate fox from unearthing and/or reburying food which it had buried. Of a total of 44 unearthings of buried food items, 56.8% were made by the subordinate fox. Urine-marking behaviour was not noted in connection with the burying of food and may suggest that this is either learned behaviour or simply related to the lack of maturity of the foxes studied.  相似文献   

Scent marking was studied in pine martens (Martes martes) in female-female and male-female pairs. Results show that agonistically dominant individuals generally had higher scent marking frequencies. However, environmental familiarity can modify the social relationship, whatever the previous social experiences, and, consequently, marking activity. Despite important intra-and interindividual variations, the subjects appeared to react to physical and social modifications by an increased marking rate. One factor affecting marking activity in both novel and established pairs was the activity level of the conspecific partner. the data support the hypothesis that pine martens react in the same way to physical and social modifications, but with different response levels. The discussion focuses on possible functions of scent marking. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. We studied feeding frequency in free-ranging grey seals using stomach temperature telemetry to test if previously reported sex differences in the diving, movement and diet were reflected in the temporal pattern of foraging success. 2. Data were retrieved from 21 of 32 grey seals from 1999 to 2001, totalling 343 days and 555 feeding events, with individual record length varying from 2 to 40 days (mean: 16.33 +/- 2.67 days/seal). 3. Seals fed on 57.8 +/- 6.46% of days sampled and had an average of 1.7 +/- 0.26 meals per day, but individual variability was apparent in the temporal distribution of feeding as evidenced by high coefficients of variation (coefficient of variation = 69.0%). 4. Bout analysis of non-feeding intervals of six grey seals suggests that feeding intervals of individuals were varied and probably reflect differences in prey availability. Grey seals tended to have many single feeding events with long periods separating each event, as would be expected for a large carnivore with a batch-reactor digestive system. 5. We found significant sex differences in the temporal distribution of feeding. The number of feeding events per day was greater in males (2.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.2), as was time associated with feeding per day (56.6 +/- 5.8 min vs. 43.9 +/- 9.4 min). 6. The number of feeding events varied with time of day with the least number occurring during dawn. Feeding event size differed significantly by time of day, with greater meal sizes during the dawn and the smallest meals during the night. 7. The length of time between meals increased with the size of the previous meal, and was significantly less in males (541.4 +/- 63.5 min) than in females (1092.6 +/- 169.9 min). 8. These results provide new insight into the basis of sex differences in diving and diet in this large size-dimorphic marine predator.  相似文献   

The effects of dominant allele Ar of locus Agouti on the morphology of hair pigmentation were described in foxes. The Ar allele was shown to determine the type of melanin and its content in hair with no effect on the morphology of pigment granules and their distribution throughout a hair. Using the method of electron spin resonance (ESR), the types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) and their content in the hair of red (ArArEE) and silver (aaEE) foxes and their hybrids (AraEE) were determined. In silver foxes, only one type of melanin (eumelanin) was found. In red foxes and their hybrids (which are phenotypically similar but darker than red foxes), both types of melanin (eu- and pheomelanin) were found. The highest melanin content was detected in the coat of silver foxes. In the hybrids, the total melanin content was lower than in silver foxes, but significantly higher than in red foxes. In red foxes, the contribution of pheomelanin to the total hair melanin content was twice as large as in the hybrids.  相似文献   

Eurasian pine martens are considered habitat specialists, associated primarily with mature stands of mesic mixed wood forest habitats, and avoid areas without overhead cover The species is found throughout the temperate and boreal regions of the continent but on the Mediterranean island of Minorca, introduced pine martens thrive in a competitor- and predator-free environment I test the prediction that because of evolved prey-capture and predator avoidance strategies Minorcan martens should select habitats most similar to temperate and northern parts of their range Scat index routes were used to quantify pine marten habitat selection Marten did not demonstrate any habitat type preferences although observed use of pine forests and coastal shrublands was slighly greater than expected Marten were indifferent to overhead cover whereas mesic sites and areas of tall high shrub density were favored Small mammal trap indices and preferred prey suggested that martens commonly used non-forested areas My results demonstrated that on Minorca pine martens were habitat generalists In the absence of predators open non-forested habitats were equally important to pine marten as were forested ones  相似文献   

Vertebrate animals are known to consume other species'' faeces, yet the role of such coprophagy in species dynamics remains unknown, not least due to the methodological challenges of documenting it. In a large‐scale metabarcoding study of red fox and pine marten scats, we document a high occurrence of domestic dog DNA in red fox scats and investigate if it can be attributed to interspecific coprophagia. We tested whether experimental artifacts or other sources of DNA could account for dog DNA, regressed dog occurrence in the diet of fox against that of the fox’s main prey, short‐tailed field voles, and consider whether predation or scavenging could explain the presence of dog DNA. Additionally, we determined the calorific value of dog faeces through calorimetric explosion. The high occurrence of dog DNA in the diet of fox, the timing of its increase, and the negative relationship between dog and the fox''s main prey, point to dog faeces as the source of DNA in fox scats. Dog faeces being highly calorific, we found that foxes, but not pine martens, regularly exploit them, seemingly as an alternative resource to fluctuating prey. Scattered accounts from the literature may suggest that interspecific coprophagia is a potentially frequent and widespread form of interaction among vertebrates. However, further work should address its prevalence in other systems and the implications for ecological communities. Tools such as metabarcoding offer a way forward.  相似文献   

The flora and fauna of Europe are linked by a common biogeographic history, most recently the Pleistocene glaciations that restricted the range of most species to southern refugial populations. Changes in population size and migration, as well as selection, have all left a signature on the genetic differentiation. Thus, three paradigms of postglacial recolonization have been described, inferred from the patterns of DNA differentiation. Yet some species, especially wide-ranging carnivores, exhibit little population structuring between the proposed refugia, although relatively few have been studied due to the difficulty of obtaining samples. Therefore, we investigated mitochondrial variation in pine martens, Martes martes, in order to understand the extent to which they were affected by glacial cycles, and compared the results with an analysis of sequences from polecats, Mustela putorius. A general lack of ancient lineages, and a mismatch distribution that is consistent with an expanding population, is evidence that the present-day M. martes and Mu. putorius in central and northern Europe colonized from a single European refugium following a recent glaciation. There has also been interspecific mitochondrial introgression between M. martes and the sable M. zibellina in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) is an ecologically and economically important forest tree species of northeastern North America and is considered one of the most genetically depauperate conifer species in the region. We have isolated and characterized 13 nuclear microsatellite loci by screening a partial genomic library with di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide repeat oligonucleotide probes. In an analysis of over 500 individuals representing 17 red pine populations from Manitoba through Newfoundland, five polymorphic microsatellite loci with an average of nine alleles per locus were identified. The mean expected and observed heterozygosity values were 0.508 and 0.185, respectively. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with excess homozygosity indicating high levels of inbreeding were evident in all populations studied. The population differentiation was high with 28-35% of genetic variation partitioned among populations. The genetic distance analysis showed that three northeastern (two Newfoundland and one New Brunswick) populations are genetically distinct from the remaining populations. The coalescence-based analysis suggests that "northeastern" and "main" populations likely became isolated during the most recent Pleistocene glacial period, and severe population bottlenecks may have led to the evolution of a highly selfing mating system in red pine.  相似文献   

  1. Urban areas are often considered to be a hostile environment for wildlife as they are highly fragmented and frequently disturbed. However, these same habitats can contain abundant resources, while lacking many common competitors and predators. The urban environment can have a direct impact on the species living there but can also have indirect effects on their parasites and pathogens. To date, relatively few studies have measured how fine‐scale spatial heterogeneity within urban landscapes can affect parasite transmission and persistence.
  2. Here, we surveyed 237 greenspaces across the urban environment of Edinburgh (UK) to investigate how fine‐scale variation in socio‐economic and ecological variables can affect red fox (Vulpes vulpes) marking behavior, gastrointestinal (GI) parasite prevalence, and parasite community diversity.
  3. We found that the presence and abundance of red fox fecal markings were nonuniformly distributed across greenspaces and instead were dependent on the ecological characteristics of a site. Specifically, common foraging areas were left largely unmarked, which indicates that suitable resting and denning sites may be limiting factor in urban environments. In addition, the amount of greenspace around each site was positively correlated with overall GI parasite prevalence, species richness, and diversity, highlighting the importance of greenspace (a commonly used measure of landscape connectivity) in determining the composition of the parasite community in urban areas.
  4. Our results suggest that fine‐scale variation within urban environments can be important for understanding the ecology of infectious diseases in urban wildlife and could have wider implication for the management of urban carnivores.

Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were determined in sera from 222 coyotes (Canis latrans), 283 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and 97 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio during 1990-1993. Sera were examined in 1:25, 1:100, and 1:500 dilutions by the modified direct agglutination test (MAT) with formalinized whole tachyzoites plus mercaptoethanol. Antibodies were found in 131 (59.0%) of 222 coyotes, 243 (85.9%) of 283 red foxes, and 73 (75.3%) of 97 gray foxes. Antibodies were also measured by different serologic tests in 4 littermate T. gondii-free red foxes fed T. gondii tissue cysts or oocysts; the fifth littermate fox was not fed T. gondii. Antibodies were measured in fox sera obtained 0, 14, and 36-55 days after infection with T. gondii. All 4 foxes fed T. gondii developed MAT and dye test antibody titers of 1:200 or more 14 days later. The latex agglutination test (LAT) and indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) were less sensitive than MAT for the diagnosis of T. gondii infection in foxes. Antibodies were not detected by LAT (titer 1:64) in the 2 foxes fed tissue cysts nor by IHAT in 1 of the foxes fed tissue cysts. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of all 4 foxes fed T. gondii. The control fox had no T. gondii antibodies detectable by any of the serologic tests.  相似文献   

A series of measurements (lengths, circumferences, skinfolds, masses and resistance) was taken on 29 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) of both sexes before and after their death during the autumns of 1994 and 1995. Body composition of each carcass was determined by chemical analysis of homogenized samples of viscera, carcass and skin. Eight multiple regression models were then developed to predict body water, fat, protein, and mineral mass using body measurements as independent variables taken on live or dead animals. All final models were highly significant (P < 0.0001) and included three or four explanatory variables. Adjusted coefficients of determination varied between 0.95 for water mass and 0.81 for mineral mass. The models cover a wide range of conditions as percent body fat in the 29 samples varied between 1.1 and 28.4%. Our models can serve for management or research purposes with live or dead red foxes as they are quick, inexpensive and nondestructive.  相似文献   

Capsule Three quarters of tracked Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) at Grassholm gathered in rafts around the colony, concentrated within a recently designated at-sea Special Protection Area (SPA), but rafting was not correlated with foraging effort.

Aims To investigate the incidence, distribution and foraging implications of Northern Gannet rafting behaviour in waters adjacent to a large colony.

Methods Using bird-borne global positioning system (GPS) loggers we reconstructed at-sea movement and used a speed filter to identify rafting behaviour within 10?km of the colony. We mapped the spatial distribution of rafting events from 160 breeding individuals over 5 years, and investigated the relationship between foraging effort (trip duration and total distance travelled) and the presence/absence of rafting.

Results On average, 74% of tracked birds engaged in rafting. Of the 381 foraging trips analysed, rafting was recorded on 237 (62%). Birds were more likely to raft on outbound (224 trips, 59%), than inbound journeys (38 trips, 10%). Presence/absence of rafting did not correlate significantly with foraging trip distance or duration nor with duration of nest attendance. The majority of rafting was concentrated in a 2-km radius around the colony within a recently designated seaward SPA extension. Birds showed low individual repeatability in rafting, although there was lower variation within, than among, individuals.

Conclusion Our results show that rafting is important for breeding gannets on Grassholm, and a recently designated at-sea SPA encapsulates the core distribution of rafting. Rafting did not appear to be correlated with foraging behaviour. Given the dearth of literature on rafting and the wealth of GPS tracking data for seabirds, we suggest that similar research be conducted elsewhere to further elucidate the ecological and applied significance of this behaviour.  相似文献   

We investigate how central-place seed foragers with a nest in the proximity of one or more seed sources determine the formation of different vegetation patterns. In particular, we discuss the ecological conditions that lead to the formation of hump-shaped (Janzen–Connell) patterns in a two-dimensional landscape. Our analysis shows that central-place predation can generate Janzen–Connell patterns even if predators’ movement strategies are exclusively based on resource abundance, both in the single-plant/single-nest case and in a forest with several seed sources. We also show that social foraging may either promote or work against the formation of Janzen–Connell patterns, depending upon the way foragers take advantage of social interactions.  相似文献   

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