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Ecology and urban planning   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
Urban areas harbour diverse nature ranging from semi-natural habitats to wastelands, parks and other highly human-influenced biotopes with their associated species assemblages. Maintenance of this urban biodiversity for the residents and for its intrinsic value in the face of increasing population and expanding cities requires that ecological knowledge should be better integrated into urban planning. To achieve this goal understanding of ecological patterns and processes in urban ecosystems is needed. The first step in the necessary urban ecological research is to find out what kind of nature exists in cities. Second, knowledge about ecological processes important in urban nature is required. Although ecological processes in cities are the same as in rural areas, some of them, such as invasion by alien species, are more prevalent in urban than in rural conditions. Third, based on ecological knowledge, management schemes maintaining the diversity of urban nature should be designed. These procedures should also include protection of urban nature, e.g. in urban national parks. Finally, as ecology alone cannot provide the complex information about human influence on urban ecosystems, interdisciplinary research involving natural and social sciences is imperative for a holistic approach to integrating ecology into the process of urban planning.  相似文献   

袁嘉  欧桦杰  金晓东  钱深华 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1703-1713
荒野是地球表面未受人类开发建设影响或基本不受人类活动干扰的自然区域,在城市的局部人为干扰极低区域也存在荒野片段。城市荒野作为城市内部及周边区域中以自然过程主导的景观单元,其物种组成、结构、过程和功能处于基本不受人类活动干扰的状况,因此具有高度自我调节的生态过程,以及良好的生态系统服务潜力,是城市生态系统的高保护价值区域。城市荒野有别于一般人工生态系统的生态特征及生物多样性保育等高价值服务功能开始引起人们的广泛重视,被认为是完善城市生态网络、保护城市生物多样性以及应对人类世人地矛盾激化的重要机遇。当前,国内外城市荒野研究尚处在初级阶段,有关城市荒野辨识、分类及生态特征等方面的研究滞后,制约了城市荒野的价值判断与保护决策。研究系统分析了城市荒野生态研究的进展与趋势,深入辨析了城市荒野的概念、分类与生态特征,探讨了城市荒野与人类的共存挑战和协同机遇,针对现有研究不足提出了保护和修复对策,并就值得进一步关注的研究方向给出了相关建议。研究旨在阐明基于城市荒野恢复城市与自然联系的机遇和挑战,可为城市生物多样性可持续管理提供科学依据,对城市自然资本保护与增强城市生态系统韧性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

城市生物多样性水平是反映人与自然和谐共处水平的重要指标,对促进城市可持续发展有着重要意义。城市及其基础设施的扩张改变了土地原有的生态系统、水文状况和地表结构,不断加快的城市化进程对生物多样性造成了严重影响,城市生物多样性保护已成为当下城市生态建设中重要且紧迫的工作。与传统的生物多样性研究不同,城市生物多样性保护工作以保护生物多样性为前提,争取科学利用生物多样性为城市带来更广泛的经济效益和社会效益。当前城市生物多样性研究成果丰富且涉及层面多元,但仍面临缺乏系统性、整体性评价框架以及跨界、多尺度管理等关键问题。故对国内外城市生物多样性的状况评价、效益评价和提升路径三方面的相关研究进行综述,总结当前城市生物多样性评价的标准与方法,并从城市生物多样性保护面对的主要挑战出发,梳理介绍国际合作、国家政策、城市规划、专项保护以及基于自然的解决方案等角度的城市生物多样性提升路径。讨论了城市生物多样性的关注点与未来研究方向,并对城市生物多样性保护提出政策建议,为各地编制生物多样性保护规划和开展城市生物多样性保护工作提供借鉴,以期促进城市生物多样性保护和人与自然的协调发展。  相似文献   

实现有效生物多样性保护的关键在于提升生物多样性丰富的人口密集区的保护效率。北京人口密集且生物多样性丰富, 存在3类具有生态保护功能的区划——自然保护区、生态保护红线和限制建设线。上述区域可视为生态保护潜力区。本文以在北京有分布的30种受胁鸟类为主要对象, 探讨现有生态保护潜力区对这些物种栖息地的覆盖程度, 并对如何改善上述受胁鸟类栖息地的保护状况进行了建议。根据物种对栖息地的选择, 基于高分辨率卫星解译的土地利用类型图, 利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)掩膜栖息地分布图, 得到各受胁鸟类的预测空间分布。叠加这些分布获得北京受胁鸟类丰富度分布格局并进行验证。依据物种丰富度高低, 将受胁鸟类栖息地划分为一至四级(最重要的栖息地是一级栖息地, 以此类推)。同时, 依据地表覆盖类型和人类活动强度高低将北京市域划分为城市建成区、乡村生境区和自然生境区。分别计算3类保护潜力区对上述3类区域以及四级栖息地的覆盖面积比例。结果表明: (1) 95.64%的一级关键栖息地和86.32%的二级关键栖息地分布在乡村生境区, 但仅有0.69%和15.15%的乡村生境区分别被自然保护区和生态保护红线覆盖; (2)未受到自然保护区和生态保护红线覆盖的一、二级关键栖息地主要为水域和沼泽地等湿地、高覆盖度草地和部分耕地, 以及含有较高比例水体的大型城市绿地。基于以上结果, 我们建议至少在一定区域内试行如下保护措施: (1)严格保护湿地及其周边的高覆盖度草地, 确保面积不减少; (2)维持基本农田规模和粮食种植模式; (3)将乡村生境区位于河道附近的水域、沼泽地、高覆盖草地和灌木林纳入生态保护红线范围; (4)在公园绿地中划定生物多样性保护区; (5)优化平原地区林地结构。以上措施将使北京的受胁鸟类栖息地得到更好保护, 为中国东部人口密集区生物多样性保护提供示范。  相似文献   

The critically endangered golden sun‐moth Synemon plana occurs in urban fringe areas of southeastern Australia that are currently experiencing rapid and extensive development. The urban fringe is a complex and uncertain environment in which to manage threatened species with the intersection of fragmented natural habitats, built environments and human populations generating novel, poorly understood interactions. In this context, management frameworks must incorporate ecological processes as well as social considerations. Here, we explore how biodiversity sensitive urban design might improve the fate of the golden sun‐moth, and threatened species generally, in urban fringe environments. We: (i) developed an expert‐informed Bayesian Belief Network model that synthesizes the current understanding of key determinants of golden sun‐moth population viability at sites experiencing urbanizing pressure; (ii) quantified the nature and strength of cause‐effect relationships between these factors using expert knowledge; and (iii) used the model to assess expectations of moth population viability in response to different combinations of management actions. We predict that adult survival, bare ground cover and cover of resource plants are the most important variables affecting the viability of golden sun‐moth populations. We also demonstrate the potential for biodiversity sensitive urban design as a complementary measure to conventional management for this species. Our findings highlight how expert knowledge may be a valuable component of conservation management, especially in addressing uncertainty around conservation decisions when empirical data are lacking, and how structured expert judgements become critical in supporting decisions that may help ameliorate extinction risks faced by threatened species in urban environments.  相似文献   

Urban development is a leading cause of stream impairment that reduces biodiversity and negatively affects ecosystem processes and habitat. Out‐of‐stream restoration practices, such as stormwater ponds, created wetlands, and restored riparian vegetation, are increasingly implemented as management strategies to mitigate impacts. However, uncertainty exists regarding how effectively they improve downstream ecosystems because monitoring is uncommon and results are typically reported on a case‐by‐case basis. We conducted a meta‐analysis of literature and used response ratios to quantify how downstream ecosystems change in response to watershed development and to out‐of‐stream restoration. Biodiversity in unrestored urban streams was 47% less than that in reference streams, and ecological communities, habitat, and rates of nutrient cycling were negatively affected as well. Mean measures of ecosystem attributes in restored streams were significantly greater than, and 156% of, those in unrestored urban streams. Measures of biodiversity in restored streams were 132% of those in unrestored urban streams, and indices of biotic condition, community structure, and nutrient cycling significantly improved. However, ecosystem attributes and biodiversity at restored sites were significantly less than, and only 60% and 45% of, those in reference streams, respectively. Out‐of‐stream management practices improved ecological conditions in urban streams but still failed to restore reference stream conditions. Despite statistically significant improvements, assessing restoration success remains difficult due to few comparisons to reference sites or to clearly defined targets. These findings can inform future monitoring, management, and development strategies and highlight the need for preventative actions in a watershed context.  相似文献   

城市绿色空间研究进展与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在总结国内外城市绿色空间概念和类型的基础上,从城乡边缘区规划保育、自然区与乡土物种恢复保护、绿色廊道恢复规划、生物多样性保护以及绿色空间结构-功能研究和管理政策等6个方面,对近年来城市绿色空间的研究状况进行了分析,探讨国内外城市绿色空间基础研究与实践的不同之处,并提出未来城市绿色空间研究的主要方向,以期对我国未来城市绿色空间研究与构建有所启示.  相似文献   

城市湿地公园具有与湿地类似的生态功能和典型特征,对城市地区的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文对不同地区的城市湿地公园进行研究,包括不同气候类型、使用年份和面积大小等不同方面,并对野生动物栖息地特别是鸟类栖息地进行了数据统计和分类分析。通过文献研究、数据统计和比较分析,探索城市湿地公园生物多样性保护指标体系的基本组成及其相关性。本文写作目的是建立适当的城市湿地公园栖息地评估标准,支持生态中国建设。  相似文献   

城市生物多样性分布格局研究进展   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:12  
城市生物多样性分布格局由自然生态环境和城市化过程所决定;其动态和机理与自然生态系统迥然不同.城市生物多样性为城市生态系统提供了诸多生态系统功能和服务,对改善城市环境、维持城市可持续发展有着重要的意义和作用.城市化过程深刻改变了城市的生物多样性分布格局,导致了诸如本地物种多样性降低、外来物种多样性增加、物种同质化等一系列问题.近年来,城市生物多样性受到学界高度关注,大量研究结果既回答了一些关键性问题,又提出了诸多新的论题和挑战.分析了当前城市生物多样性分布格局研究的若干热点问题,总结了影响城市生物多样性格局的主要因素,探讨了城市生物多样性格局研究方法的关键问题,指出了未来城市生物多样性研究的发展方向,特别强调了城市生物多样性的生态系统功能研究在未来城市生物多样性研究中的重要地位.  相似文献   

1. Urban ecosystems create suitable habitats for many plant and animal species, including pollinators. However, heterogenic habitats in city centres and suburban areas have various effects on pollinators due to variations in the composition of vegetation and in landscape management by humans. 2. This study compared the abundance and species richness of three main groups of pollinators – wild bees, butterflies, and hoverflies – in Poznań, western Poland, and in three different types of urban green areas – urban grasslands, urban parks, and green infrastructure in housing estates. 3. The total abundance of pollinators was higher in urban grasslands than in housing estates and urban parks. Species composition of pollinator communities differed between the three habitat types. 4. The study results showed that species richness and abundance of butterflies varied between habitat types, whereas no such differences were found in the case of wild bees and hoverflies. Cover of green area, vegetation structure, and plant height were important for the pollinator community; however, these variables had different effects depending on habitat type. 5. These findings revealed that not all urban green areas are equally valuable in terms of local biodiversity. High‐quality urban habitats such as urban grasslands are capable of supporting rich and abundant populations of pollinators. Therefore, it is important to protect high‐value urban green areas and simultaneously strive to improve intensively managed urban habitats through effective planning and new management practices.  相似文献   

城市公园是城市生态系统的重要组成部分和城市生物多样性热点地区,具有丰富的声景观资源。由于声景观及声学方法具有信息量大,成本低,低侵入的特点,因此其研究和应用对生态系统健康及监测具有较高价值。声景观研究通过总结生物声的活动或多样性来衡量生物多样性。记录了北京20个城市公园的春季声景观,使用定量方法描述了声景观特征与变化;测试三种了已被证明与生物多样性相关并被广泛使用的声学指数(BIO、ADI、NDSI)与植被群落关系,完成了城市环境中声景观与环境关系的初步探究。研究结果表明:(1)声学指数能够有效表征城市公园声景观信息,具有显著的时间动态特性,能准确反映鸟类黎明合唱等重要生物生态活动;(2)声学强度指数也具有显著的时间动态变化和沿频率梯度的变化,不同的频率区间反映了不同声学群落的活动信息;(3)植被结构尤其是垂直结构对声景观起着重要作用,垂直异质性越大,声学多样性越高。发现支持声景观作为公园植被状况的度量,强调了其作为生物多样性和生态系统健康状况监测方法,用于城市管理和可持续发展的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

Including ecosystem functions into restoration ecology has been repeatedly suggested, yet there is limited evidence that this is taking place without bias to certain habitats, species, or functions. We reviewed the inclusion of ecosystem functions in restoration and potential relations to habitats and species by extracting 224 publications from the literature (2004–2013). Most studies investigated forests, fewer grasslands or freshwaters, and fewest wetlands or marine habitats. Of all studies, 14% analyzed only ecosystem functions, 44% considered both biotic composition and functions, 42% exclusively studied the biotic component, mostly vascular plants, more rarely invertebrates or vertebrates, and least often microbes. Most studies investigating ecosystem functions focused on nutrient cycling (26%), whereas productivity (18%), water relations (16%), and geomorphological processes (14%) were less covered; carbon sequestration (10%), decomposition (6%), and trophic interactions (6%) were rarely studied. Monitoring of ecosystem functions was common in forests and grasslands, but the functions considered depended on the study organisms. These associations indicate research opportunities for certain habitats, species, and functions. Overall, the call to include ecosystem functions in restoration has been heard; however, a lack of clarity about the ecosystem functions to be included and deficits of feasible field methods are major obstacles for a functional approach. Restoration ecology should learn from recent advances in rapid assessment of ecosystem functions, and by a closer integration with biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. Not all functions need to be measured in all ecosystems, but more functions than the few commonly addressed would improve the understanding of restored ecosystems.  相似文献   

Current and predicted trends indicate that an increasing proportion of the world’s population is living in urban and suburban places. The nature of the urban environment becomes an important factor if we are concerned with the restoration and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in and around cities. This article highlights the varied impacts of cities on soils and their implications for restoration planning and expectations of restoration “success.” Urban soils exist in different historical and formational trajectories than their local nonurbanized counterparts due to direct anthropogenic disturbance and indirect environmental impacts from urbanization. Therefore, urban soils often exhibit altered physical, chemical, and biological characteristics in comparison to local nonurbanized soils. Several unique features of urban soils and urban ecosystems pose particular issues for ecological restoration or the improvement of degraded soil conditions in cities. The creation of novel soil types, conditions that promote invasion by non‐natives, the strong influence of past land use on soil properties, and the presence of strong interactions and alternative stable states set up unique difficulties for the restoration of urban soils. Soils in urban restorations are a medium that can be deliberately manipulated to improve site conditions or in the monitoring of soil conditions as indices of ecosystem status. Including an explicit role for strong manipulations of soils in urban ecosystems changes how we approach baselines, management, and reference conditions in urban ecological restoration. With an understanding of urban soil ecological knowledge, we can guide aspects of urban ecological restoration toward successful outcomes.  相似文献   

Urban greenspace has gained considerable attention during the last decades because of its relevance to wildlife conservation, human welfare, and climate change adaptation. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation worldwide require the formation of new concepts of ecological restoration and rehabilitation aimed at improving ecosystem functions, services, and biodiversity conservation in cities. Although relict sites of natural and semi-natural ecosystems can be found in urban areas, environmental conditions and species composition of most urban ecosystems are highly modified, inducing the development of novel and hybrid ecosystems. A consequence of this ecological novelty is the lack of (semi-) natural reference systems available for defining restoration targets and assessing restoration success in urban areas. This hampers the implementation of ecological restoration in cities. In consideration of these challenges, we present a new conceptual framework that provides guidance and support for urban ecological restoration and rehabilitation by formulating restoration targets for different levels of ecological novelty (i.e., historic, hybrid, and novel ecosystems). To facilitate the restoration and rehabilitation of novel urban ecosystems, we recommend using established species-rich and well-functioning urban ecosystems as reference. Such urban reference systems are likely to be present in many cities. Highlighting their value in comparison to degraded ecosystems can stimulate and guide restoration initiatives. As urban restoration approaches must consider local history and site conditions, as well as citizens’ needs, it may also be advisable to focus the restoration of strongly altered urban ecosystems on selected ecosystem functions, services and/or biodiversity values. Ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation in cities can be either relatively inexpensive or costly, but even expensive measures can pay off when they effectively improve ecosystem services such as climate change mitigation or recreation. Successful re‐shaping and re-thinking of urban greenspace by involving citizens and other stakeholders will help to make our cities more sustainable in the future.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(1):308-321
Conserving native biodiversity in the face of human‐ and climate‐related impacts is a challenging and globally important ecological problem that requires an understanding of spatially connected, organismal‐habitat relationships. Globally, a suite of disturbances (e.g., agriculture, urbanization, climate change) degrades habitats and threatens biodiversity. A mosaic approach (in which connected, interacting collections of juxtaposed habitat patches are examined) provides a scientific foundation for addressing many disturbance‐related, ecologically based conservation problems. For example, if specific habitat types disproportionately increase biodiversity, these keystones should be incorporated into research and management plans. Our sampling of fish biodiversity and aquatic habitat along ten 3‐km sites within the Upper Neosho River subdrainage, KS, from June‐August 2013 yielded three generalizable ecological insights. First, specific types of mesohabitat patches (i.e., pool, riffle, run, and glide) were physically distinct and created unique mosaics of mesohabitats that varied across sites. Second, species richness was higher in riffle mesohabitats when mesohabitat size reflected field availability. Furthermore, habitat mosaics that included more riffles had greater habitat diversity and more fish species. Thus, riffles (<5% of sampled area) acted as keystone habitats. Third, additional conceptual development, which we initiate here, can broaden the identification of keystone habitats across ecosystems and further operationalize this concept for research and conservation. Thus, adopting a mosaic approach can increase scientific understanding of organismal‐habitat relationships, maintain natural biodiversity, advance spatial ecology, and facilitate effective conservation of native biodiversity in human‐altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物多样性和生态系统功能(BEF)之间的关系是目前陆地生态系统生态学研究的热点, 对于生态系统的高效利用与管理意义重大, 而且对于退化生态系统功能的恢复及生物多样性的保护有重要的指导作用。高寒草地是青藏高原生态系统的主体, 近年来, 在气候变化与人为干扰等因素的驱动下, 高寒草地生态系统功能严重衰退。为此, 本文在综述物种多样性和生态系统功能及其相互关系研究进展的基础上, 首先从地下生态学过程研究、全球变化对生态系统多功能性的影响等方面解析了目前关于草地生物多样性和生态系统功能研究中存在的问题。继而, 从不同草地类型、草地退化程度、放牧、模拟气候变化、刈割、施肥、封育和补播等干扰利用方式对高寒草地物种多样性与生态系统功能的影响进行了全面的评述。并指出了高寒草地BEF研究中存在的不足, 今后应基于物种功能多样性开展高寒草地BEF研究, 全面且综合地考虑非生物因子(养分资源、外界干扰、环境波动等)对生物多样性与生态系统功能之间关系的影响, 关注尺度效应和要素耦合在全球气候变化对高寒草地BEF研究中的作用。最后, 以高寒草地BEF研究进展和结论为支撑依据, 综合提出了高寒草地资源利用和生物多样性保护的措施与建议: 加强放牧管理, 保护生物多样性; 治理退化草地, 维持生物多样性功能; 加强创新保护理念, 增强生态系统功能。  相似文献   

Fire is a keystone ecological process in many ecosystems. In such ecosystems, the exclusion of fire can lead to fundamental shifts in vegetation structure, composition and distribution and poses a major threat to the biodiversity dependent on these habitats. Programmes to manage and restore native vegetation have increased rapidly over recent decades, and while many such programmes have demonstrable success managing a range of environmental threats, their effectiveness in identifying and addressing the major threat of fire exclusion in fire‐dependent vegetation is questionable. This study sought to identify impediments to the management of fire‐excluded vegetation at the assessment and planning stage of ecological management programmes in Byron Shire in north‐east New South Wales. Sixty ecological management and restoration plans for sites known to be fire‐excluded in the shire were reviewed to determine the rate at which fire exclusion was identified and addressed in planning over the last decade. Document analysis found the majority of plans failed to accurately identify fire exclusion or to recommend the reintroduction of fire in fire‐excluded management sites. Absence of standardised guidelines that require comprehensive consideration of fire exclusion in ecological management and restoration plans is suggested as a key factor in the low response rates observed. Furthermore, it was found that existing implicit prompts to address inappropriate‐fire regimes generally, including government policies, project objectives and site‐assessment prompts had little effect on identification and response rates, further confirming the need for more‐explicit assessment prompts relating to fire‐frequency issues. Without improvements of the current ecological assessment and planning process to increase identification and management of fire exclusion in the study area, fire‐dependent biodiversity values will continue to decline wherever fire exclusion remains unmanaged. It is recommended that explicit assessment and planning templates are developed and implemented to effectively manage fire exclusion and conserve the fire‐dependent biodiversity of Byron Shire and the far north coast of NSW.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservation in urban habitats is increasingly important due to current urbanization trends. We review the different approaches to studying birds in urban landscapes, and point out the importance of the habitat island ecological theory as a research framework for the management and conservation of urban birds. Based on two comprehensive research projects conducted at urban parks in Spain (Madrid) and Finland (Oulu and Rovaniemi), several different issues related to bird conservation in cities are discussed, main findings of these projects are presented, and future research needs are suggested. Urban parks are important biodiversity hotspots in cities. Fragmentation conditions have the same deleterious effects to urban birds as in other fragmented landscapes. Park size accounts for species accumulation in urban parks; this pattern being highly nested. Urban parks of 10–35 ha would contain most of the species recorded in cities, but other indicators related to the probabilities of persistence of the target species should be obtained. Wooded streets can increase urban landscape connectivity by providing alternative habitat for feeding and nesting during the breeding season. Because increasing the size of parks is difficult in cities, enhancement of habitat diversity and resource availability for birds within parks (e.g. nest boxes, winter feeding tables, etc.) appears to be a straightforward way of increasing urban bird diversity. However, human disturbance (pedestrians) should be controlled since it can negatively influence many urban birds. We present a conceptual model for urban bird conservation, which includes three aspects (management, environmental education and research) and new alternatives to promote the involvement of different sectors of the society.  相似文献   

Loss of marine habitats due to urbanisation has been met with growing research efforts to mitigate ecological impacts through eco‐engineering. Research in this area has focused on scientific and engineering outcomes, not considering that seawalls are a socially driven insertion into the environment. Further, management concerns when employing eco‐engineering projects include public opinion regarding the aesthetic value of enhanced structures. It is therefore important for ecologists working in urban systems to understand how the public connects with the environment. Here, we used surveys to quantify perceptions of marine environmental issues and attitudes towards an example of eco‐engineering research from Sydney Harbour, Australia. We also evaluated the effect of disclosing the costs of enhancing seawalls to participants regarding their support for the initiative. Results showed there was high support for applied management to improve biodiversity. This result is promising for the implementation of future eco‐engineering projects. Understanding social values towards our coastlines and new conservation initiatives will provide end users with the tools to optimise coastal management plans. In summary, consideration of public values in urban conservation is essential for effective management.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands have become severely threatened habitats in Europe. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in plant species richness, and functional and phylogenetic diversity in northern Estonian calcareous (alvar) grasslands resampled after 90 years of land-use change. Functional traits characterizing species that have benefited most from decreased habitat area and altered environmental conditions, and additional species that can potentially inhabit the remaining grassland patches were identified. Also changes in the relative amount of habitat-specific species were studied to detect a possible decrease in habitat integrity. Although grasslands in the studied region had lost most of their original area (~90 %), species richness had substantially increased due to invasion by more competitive, nutrient-demanding native species. Functional diversity generally increased, whereas phylogenetic diversity showed no response to altered conditions. Overall, these grasslands have lost their integrity as calcareous grassland habitat type in the region, because the relative amount of habitat-specific characteristic species has declined significantly. However, although the grasslands have transformed to a ‘hybrid’ habitat type and restoration to their previous state is likely not reasonable, such degraded species-rich grassland fragments can still be recognized as important habitats to preserve high local biodiversity and several characteristic species of calcareous grasslands. As current landscapes consist of an increasing number of hybrid and novel communities, new tools to supplement traditional conservation or restoration practices are necessary to recognize and maintain regions and habitats of high local biodiversity.  相似文献   

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