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The effects on embryo survival of procedures used in transferring eggs non-surgically were investigated in three experiments in ewes and heifers. In Exp. 1, two techniques for introducing eggs into the uterus through the cervix in heifers were compared; namely (i) deposition of the eggs high into the uterine horn or (ii) into the body of the uterus. Both methods were followed by inflation of the uterus with carbon dioxide. Out of a total of 34 heifers, only one became pregnant by the use of Method (i). Non-surgical egg tansfers early (Days 3 to 5) or later (Days 6 to 9) in the oestrous cycles of heifers were carried out in Exp. 2. Three transfer procedures were compared: (i) pipette transfer of an egg into the body of the uterus through the cervix (control), (ii) the control procedure performed under Fluothane anaesthesia, or (iii) followed by inflation of the uterus with carbon dioxide. Wide transfers carried out early in the cycle, pregnancies resulted in 1/10, 0/10 and 1/10 of the heifers in the control, carbon dioxide and Fluothane groups, respectively. With late transfers, 7/20, 1/10 and 8/20 heifers became pregnant in the respective treatment groups. This trend for pregnancy rate to be improved when late transfers were done in the control and Fluothane groups was significant only at the 10% level of probability when both groups were pooled. It was tentatively concluded, however, that non-surgical transfers of fertilized eggs to heifers may be best done during mid-cycle, after Day 6. Fluothane anaesthesia did not improve conception rate. Inflation of the uterus with carbon dioxide appeared to be deleterious when used at the mid-cycle stage in heifers. In Exp. 3, it was found that inflation of the ewe's uterus with carbon dioxide or nitrogen following the surgical thansfer of an egg did not affect the incidence of pregnancy. The introduction of 50 mul liquid Fluothane into the lumen of the uterus was embryotoxic.  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs, obtained from mature donor ewes, were transferred into the uteri of adult ewes and ewe lambs (1 or 2 eggs per recipient). The survival rate to term of the transferred eggs was similar in the two classes of recipients. The percentage of adult ewe and ewe lamb recipients which gave birth to twins was 45.3 and 41.1 respectively. Gestation length was shorter (P less than 0.01) and lamb birth weight lower (P less than 0.01) for ewe lamb recipients. The results indicate that the generally lower lambing rate of ewe lambs compared to adults is unlikely to be due to unfavourable uterine conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A simulation model is presented which describes, from field-estimated parameters, the effects of daily survival rate and proportion of sunny days on the lifetime egg production of females of the damselfly Coenagrion puella (L).
2. Lifetime egg production increases with daily survival rate and proportion of sunny days.
3. Estimates of mean lifetime egg production per female in bad and good summers in northern England ranged from 333 to 740.
4. The distribution, as well as the proportion, of sunny days influences lifetime egg production. For a given combination of daily survival and proportion of sunny days, lifetime egg production decreases as the distribution of sunny days becomes more clumped.
5. Lifetime egg production is largely determined by chance; females who begin their mature adult life during a period of sunny weather can produce many times more eggs than those whose mature adult life coincides with cloudy days.  相似文献   

Clipped,young Holtzman rats can be made to withstand cold exposure of 5 C as a result of adaptive mechanisms which are activated during pre-acclimatization.These mechanisms are less pronounced in clipped mature rats and seem to decline with age. Where inherent adaptive mechanisms are unable to allow the rat to withstand exposure to 5C,treatment with thyroid hormones seems to impart an artificial acclimatization which permits the survival of mature as well as of old, clipped rats in the cold.
Zusammenfassung Geschorene junge Hotzmann Ratten können gegen die Haltung bei 5C widerstandfÄhig werden auf Grund von Anpassungsfunktionen, die wÄhrend der Vorakklimatisation aktiviert werden.Diese Funktionen sind in geschorenen erwachsenen Ratten weniger ausgeprÄgt und scheinen mit dem Alter an Wirksamkeit zu verlieren. Wo angeborene AdaptationskrÄfte für die Ratte nicht ausreichen den Aufenthalt bei 5C zu ertragen, scheint die Behandlung mit Schilddrüsenhormonen eine künstliche Akklimatisation zu geben, die das überleben von erwachsenen und alten geschorenen Ratten ermöglicht.

Résumé De jeunes rats Holtzman tondus peuvent devenir résistants á une température de 5C, grâce à des mécanismes d'adaptation activés pendant la pré-acclimatation. Cette faculté est moins marquée chez les rats tondus adultes et semble diminuer avec l'âge. Si les mécanismes normaux d'adaptation ne suffisent pas à développer la résistance à 5C, les hormones thyroidiennes semblent conférer une acclimatation artificielle permettant la survie des rats tondus adultes et âgés.

Supported in part by Grants H-3901 and H-6778 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A simple technique for estimating the survival of eggs during their incubation in stream gravels by planting eggs in specially designed egg boxes is described. This technique ensures that all the live eggs and alevins present in the gravel at the time of sampling can be recovered. Survival can be calculated accurately from the ratio of the number of live recovered to the number of eggs originally planted and the errors caused by the loss of dead eggs and escape of live alevins from the sample area are avoided.  相似文献   

Reciprocal embryo transfers amongst two inbred strains (C3HeB/FeJ and SWR/J) and their F1 cross (C3SWF1) were used to examine donor and recipient genotype and heterosis effects on survival and prenatal growth of mouse embryos. Among inbred strains, significant recipient genotype effects were detected for both embryo survival (P less than 0.01) and prenatal growth (P less than 0.05), while no donor genotype effects were observed. The recipient effect on overall embryo survival was due to a higher proportion of C3H recipients maintaining pregnancy to term than SWR recipients (P less than 0.01), rather than survival within litters. Irrespective of their own genotype, embryos developing in C3H uteri achieved larger body weights (P less than 0.01) and longer tail lengths (P less than 0.05) at birth than did embryos developing in SWR uteri. Recipient heterosis was not significant, while donor heterosis was significant for prenatal growth traits (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

The feasibility of the inclusion of reaction field effects in accurate ab initio self-consistent field-molecular orbital calculations was studied in the case of proton transfer in the active site of actinidin. The effects of the polarizability of the environment were included, using the direct reaction field model, which treats the environment as a set of interacting polarizable atoms. Up to 1000 of these atoms could be treated but about 300 were sufficient. The full geometry of the active site and the environment was taken into account. The stabilization of the ion pair was calculated to be 3.5 kcal. but this value may be 10 kcal depending on the geometry used. The effect of the static field from the long alpha-helix present in the enzyme was also studied. Dispersion effects are shown to be unimportant. The orientational polarizability of side chains and water molecules was not included.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory of plant defences against herbivores predicts a trade-off between direct (anti-herbivore traits) and indirect defences (attraction of carnivores) when carnivore fitness is reduced. Such a trade-off is expected in plant species that kill herbivore eggs by exhibiting a hypersensitive response (HR)-like necrosis, which should then negatively affect carnivores. We used the black mustard (Brassica nigra) to investigate how this potentially lethal direct trait affects preferences and/or performances of specialist cabbage white butterflies (Pieris spp.), and their natural enemies, tiny egg parasitoid wasps (Trichogramma spp.). Both within and between black mustard populations, we observed variation in the expression of Pieris egg-induced HR. Butterfly eggs on plants with HR-like necrosis suffered lower hatching rates and higher parasitism than eggs that did not induce the trait. In addition, Trichogramma wasps were attracted to volatiles of egg-induced plants that also expressed HR, and this attraction depended on the Trichogramma strain used. Consequently, HR did not have a negative effect on egg parasitoid survival. We conclude that even within a system where plants deploy lethal direct defences, such defences may still act with indirect defences in a synergistic manner to reduce herbivore pressure.  相似文献   

In commercial hatcheries, it is common to store eggs before incubation. One practice to improve hatchability consists in egg turning during this storage. This work aims to highlight the effects of turning on the physicochemical aspects of eggs and, consequently, how this turning can influence the hatching of chicks. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of storage duration and egg turning during storage on egg quality, hatchability, and residual analysis. A total of 7 500 hatching eggs were collected from a 55-week-old commercial Cobb500 breeder flock and storage according to the treatments. The experiment was completely randomized in a 3 × 2 factorial design with three storage periods (4, 8, and 12 days) and egg turning (180° turn of eggs once a day) or no turning during storage, totaling six treatments. Regardless of turning, eggs stored for 4 days weighed more than turned eggs stored for 8 and 12 days, which were similar (P < 0.05). Non-turned eggs experienced an increase in relative shell weight with increased storage duration, and non-turned eggs stored for 4 and 8 days differed from non-turned eggs stored for 12 days (P < 0.05). Albumen pH of turned eggs stored for 4 and 8 days was lower than that of non-turned eggs stored for the same durations (P < 0.05). Albumen pH of turned eggs increased as storage duration increased (P < 0.05). Egg turning increased hatching by 2.02% over that of non-turning (P < 0.05). Eggs stored for 12 days, irrespective of turning, had higher late embryonic mortality (P < 0.05) compared to the other treatments. It was concluded that turning eggs during pre-incubation storage was adequate to improve hatchability of fertile eggs. Storing fertile eggs for 12 days is harmful to egg quality and increases embryo mortality even if eggs were turned.  相似文献   

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