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We analyse the current situation of the Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) in the region of Galicia in NW Spain. At present, the entire Galician population (five pairs) is located within an area of about 2000 km2 in the province of Ourense. To identify high-priority areas for golden eagle conservation, we derived predictive models of habitat suitability using logistic regression and a Geographic Information System (GIS). Specifically, to model the distribution of the breeding population we considered topographic features, land use and degree of humanization, using a 10 × 10 km grid. Presence/absence of golden eagle nests was used as the dependent variable; analyses were performed both considering current nesting areas and considering old nesting areas (1960s and 70s). At the spatial scale considered, the best predictors of habitat suitability for breeding were topographical variables indicative of rugged relief. For current nesting areas the most parsimonious model included maximum altitude. We consider that the predictive models obtained may be of use for the monitoring and conservation management of the golden eagle population in this region. Conservation problems associated with habitat constraints such as food supply, availability of nesting sites, changes in land use and human disturbance are discussed.  相似文献   

A review of the paleontological records of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) and the Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti) in the context of the paleoecological environment in Eurasia during the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs is presented. The Eastern Imperial Eagle expanded its range in Eurasia during the last Pleistocenic glaciation favoured by the expansion of the steppes. The first records of Spanish Imperial Eagles are from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the eastern Iberian Peninsula, and their distribution seems to have been limited to the distribution areas of Mediterranean vegetation and the European rabbit. Individuals of migrant A. heliaca could have reached the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the Pleistocene–beginning of the Holocene. These individuals could have adapted to the Mediterranean ecosystem, subsequently specializing in a diet of rabbit, a prey which is in abundance all year round. Due to the availability of such prey, A. heliaca would become more sedentary. These individuals may have overcome their breeding phenology and paired up assortatively, becoming genetically separate from the migrant populations and initiating the speciation mechanisms for sympatry or parapatry that resulted in A. adalberti. This is one possible mechanism. These findings reported here support the recent age of divergence between both taxons, and the incipient speciation supports its taxonomical considerations as a semi-species. The study reported here complies with the current laws of Spain.  相似文献   

We evaluate the areas with potential negative impacts in a golden eagle population derived of the development of wind farms. At present, the entire golden eagle Galician population (5–6 pairs) is located within an area of about 2,000 km2. Grid squares of 10 × 10 km UTM in the province were scored for current and future wind turbine density and probability of occurrence of golden eagle. This probability was obtained using cartographic models of habitat selection for two different historic periods. Potential risk index (PRI) was calculated for each grid square by multiplying the wind turbine density score by the probability of occurrence score. With the PRIs obtained a cartographic model of potential impact of wind farms on the golden eagle population was constructed. No significant correlation was observed between current wind turbine density and the probability of occurrence of golden eagle. A significant positive correlation was observed between current and future wind turbine density and the probability of occurrence of golden eagle. The areas with highest potential risk are eastern and the central mountains of Ourense where the species breeds. The risk model presented could be applied to future wind farm proposals and monitor potential interactions of golden eagles with wind farms in the Province of Ourense.  相似文献   

The lesser spotted eagle Aquila pomarina and the greater spotted eagle A. clanga are closely related endangered raptors whose taxonomic status, field identification, and ultimately conservation, have been complicated due to morphological similarity. However, the partial overlap in morphological features may also involve hybrids, which are known to exist, but which have so far been poorly described. This study investigated spotted eagle nestlings in Estonia, pre-identifying them according to mitochondrial DNA, nape patch and the appearance of their parents. Relative size of bill and toes (corrected for nestling growth) enabled us to separate the smaller A. pomarina, but hybrids were as large as A. clanga. All three groups had distinct plumages with hybrids being intermediate; the separation was clearest using both size and plumage indices. In all, 164 of 168 birds were correctly identified using a three-step procedure, separating: (1) A. clanga, having no nape patch; (2) 9 of 13 hybrids according to plumage index; and (3) the remaining hybrids by their large size (at least two features over the mean+2 SD values of A. pomarina). Knowing the sex helped to interpret size, but not plumage, characteristics, and its overall value for assisting identification was not high. The results support the view that spotted eagles with intermediate characters are usually hybrids which can be recognised by their appearance.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

In northern Slovakia an adult male Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) occupied the same nest site for 11 years running (1992–2002), where it was ringed and fitted with two satellite transmitters. In six of these years it successfully reared a young. In 1994 and 2000–2002 its behaviour during migration could be followed in detail by means of satellite telemetry. The eagle took the known route for this species to South Africa. In 2001, it spent 43% of the year at its breeding site, 33% in its winter quarters, the remaining 24% being spent on migration. In three cases the autumn migration took 40, 48 and 61 days respectively. In two cases the spring migration took 49 days. All five recorded autumn and spring migrations averaged a daily flight distance of 178 km. In spring the daily flight distance was in general slightly greater than in autumn. The longest was recorded from 30 March to 2 April 2001, between Uganda and the Red Sea, during which the bird covered a total of 1,650 km, averaging 412 km per day. In 2001, the spring migration from the wintering grounds was 2 weeks later than in 2002. The wintering grounds, where in 2 years the bird spent around 3.5 months, covering at least 1,666 and 2,269 km, respectively, comprised a large part of Zimbabwe together with the Kruger National Park in South Africa and neighbouring parts of Mozambique. The annual journeys flown, including movements around the wintering grounds, amounted in 2000-2001 to at least 20,396 km and in 2001-2002 to 19,041 km. Except during its crossing of the Sahara, the eagle must have taken food on nearly all its days of migration.  相似文献   

The contamination of German peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) with organochlorine (CHC) biocides and mercury (Hg) was investigated over the years 1955–2002. A total of 960 unhatched eggs from eastern Germany, Baden-Württemberg (BW) and North Rhine-Westphalia/Rhineland Palatinate (NRW/RP) were analysed for the biocides DDE, HCB, PCB, etc., and for shell index and shell thickness. Hg analyses from 367 samples (unhatched eggs, moulted and nestling feathers, tissue samples) complete the investigation. The results confirm that the collapse of the German peregrine populations is correlated with the application of the insecticide DDT. The mean DDE values in BW over the years 1970–1976 were above the relevant threshold values of 70–100 g/g (all concentrations refer to the dry sample mass), with single analyses showing values above 100 g/g until as late as 1987. The mean contamination levels in the 1960s can be retrospectively assumed to have lain above 200 g/g. With the help of thorough conservation measures it was possible after a fall in numbers of about 80% to stabilise the remnant population in BW . Following the West German DDT ban in 1972 and the resulting decline in environmental CHC contamination, this core population was able to recover from about 1980 onwards and has since increased tenfold. The shell index improved steadily from 1.48 (1970–1971) to a normal value of 1.80–1.88 (2000–2002). Hg contamination in western Germany stayed under toxic threshold values over the period 1969–1991. The significantly more intense application of DDT in eastern Germany, continuing until 1989, led to the extinction of the peregrine falcon, of both the cliff- and tree-nesting populations. This phenomenon is described with respect to DDE analysis data and shell thickness/index studies, complemented by observations of breeding biology. In addition, the employment in the GDR of methyl/phenyl Hg as seed treatments had dramatic local toxic effects on embryo survival and shell thickness. Hg burdens reached very high levels in feathers (147 µg/g) and eggs (65 g/g). The combination of DDT and Hg was responsible for the species extinction in this region. The current peregrine falcon population of eastern Germany even now shows biocide contaminant burdens up to 3 times higher than in samples from western German falcons. Shell index and shell thickness had, however, normalised to a large extent by 2002. The tree-nesting habit of the peregrines formerly breeding in the forested lowlands of Central and Eastern Europe, a tradition which had been passed on by imprinting, has been completely eradicated as a result of the effects of the environmental contamination. In NRW/RP unhatched eggs over the period 1989–2002 show uncritical DDE contamination levels in the region of 4–20 g/g with normal shell index values. PCB analyses from all three regions confirm the highest levels of contamination from industrial centres with no clear trend so far. HCB burdens peaked at a maximum of 80 g/g and have been stable at <1 g/g since 1983. Population parameters did not improve in BW until 1976, after DDE and HCB contamination levels had started to decrease as a result of the bans on use. In East Germany and NRW/RP, the documented recolonisation and increases in breeding success parameters were only possible after the DDE levels (and in East Germany additionally the Hg levels) had fallen to below toxic threshold levels.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

From 1947 to 1992, successive pathologists at The Game Conservancy Trust carried out 1,318 post-mortems on adult wild grey partridges found dead in the UK. During a study of chick food from 1968 to 1978 on the Sussex Downs, the gizzards of 29 wild chicks aged up to 6 weeks were also examined. This paper reports the incidence of lead gunshot ingestion in these two groups of birds. On the assumption that there is no temporal bias, the incidence of lead poisoning increased from 1947–1958 to 1963–1992. During 1963–1992, the incidence of lead gunshot ingestion was 4.5±1.0% in adults and 6.9±4.7% in chicks. The weights of individual lead shot in the chick gizzards showed a rapid rate of erosion, indicating a short retention time in the gizzard, as also reported for adult waterfowl and game birds. The incidence rates in grey partridge and waterfowl found dead can therefore be compared. From 1963 to 1992, the overall incidence of ingested lead gunshot in the grey partridge in the UK was 52% of that of waterfowl (Anatidae excluding mute swan), significantly lower.  相似文献   

Tetradenia riparia (Lamiaceae) is a well-known herbal medicine with a variety of useful properties, including its acaricidal effect. This experiment was carried out to study the bioacaricidal activity of T. riparia essential oil (EO) against engorged females of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari; Ixodidae). For this purpose, nine serial concentrations (12.50%, 6.25%, 3.75%, 1.80%, 0.90%, 0.45%, 0.22%, 0.11%, and 0.056% w/v) of T. riparia were used for the adult immersion test (AIT). For the larval packet test (LPT), we used 14 serial concentrations (100.00%, 50.00%, 25.00%, 12.50%, 6.25%, 3.65%, 1.82%, 0.91%, 0.45%, 0.228%, 0.114%, 0.057%, 0.028%, and 0.014% w/v). The results for AIT showed 100.00% and 2.05% mortality, 19.00 and 90.20% for the total number of eggs, egg-laying inhibition of 0.00% and 90.20%, hatchability inhibition of 0.00% and 70.23%, and product effectiveness of 100.00% and 2.89%, respectively. The AIT indicated that the LC50 and LC99.9, calculated using the Probit test, were for mortality (%) 0.534 g/mL (0.436–0.632) and 1.552 g/mL (1.183–1.92); for total number of eggs were 0.449 g/mL (0.339–0.558) and 1.76 g/mL (1.27–2.248); and for hatchability inhibition were 0.114 g/mL (0.0–0.31) and 2.462 g/mL (1.501–3.422), respectively. Larvae between 14 and 21 days old were fasted and placed in each envelope. Bioassays were performed at 27° ± 1 °C, RH ? 80%. Larval mortality was observed 24 h after treatment and showed 10.60–100% mortality in the LPT bioassay. The LPT showed that the LC50 and LC99.9 were 1.222 g/mL (0.655–1.788) and 11.382 g/mL (7.84–14.91), respectively. A positive correlation between T. riparia EO concentration and tick control, was observed by the strong acaricidal effects against R. (B.) microplus, and the mortality rate of ticks was dose-dependent. Our results showed that T. riparia is a promising candidate as an acaricide against resistant strains of R. (B.) microplus.  相似文献   

Markov chains have been frequently used in community ecology to model successional changes, but little attention has been paid to its application in population ecology as a tool to explore the outcomes of species interactions. Markov models can be regarded as “null models” that provide predicted values under a no-change scenario against which the consequences of changes in variables of interest can be assessed. Here we explore Markov chains’ potential to project population trends of competing species and derive sensible management strategies. To do that we use six years of field data on territory occupancy and turn-over of two competing top predators in a Mediterranean landscape: the golden and Bonelli’s eagles. The results suggest that long-term coexistence of both species in the study area is likely, with the main limitation for their coexistence being the difficulties Bonelli’s eagles have in colonising new territories that become available. To avoid future declines in the population of Bonelli’s eagle, it is important to take into account that the positive effects of conservation strategies focused on encouraging colonization (e.g. decreasing disperser mortality) are likely to be larger than those focused on avoiding territory abandonment (e.g. decreasing adult mortality). Markov chains are likely to be useful to evaluate the relative merit of alternative management options in other territorial species when patterns of territory occupancy are the only reliable data available, as often happens with large predators.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a bioactive molecule, which in plants was found to function as prooxidant as well as antioxidant. In the present study, we found that NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) stimulates seed germination and root growth of lupin (Lupinus luteus L. cv. Ventus). Seed germination is promoted at concentrations between 0.1 and 800 μM SNP in a dose-dependent manner. The stimulation was most pronounced after 18 and 24 h and ceased after 48 h of imbibition. The promoting effect of NO on seed germination persisted even in the presence of heavy metals (Pb, Cd) and sodium chloride. Pretreatment of lupin seedlings for 24 h with 10 μM SNP resulted in efficient reduction of the detrimental effect of the abiotic stressors on root growth and morphology. The inhibitory effect of heavy metals on root growth was accompanied by increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, which in roots preincubated with SNP was significantly higher. Some changes in the activity of other antioxidant enzymes, peroxidase (POX, EC and catalase (CAT, EC were also detected. Using the superoxide anion (O2•–)-specific indicator dihydroethidium (DHE), we found intense DHE-derived fluorescence in heavy metal-stressed roots, whereas in those pretreated with SNP the fluorescence was very low, comparable to the level in unstressed roots. On the basis of the above data, we conclude that the protective effect of NO in stressed lupin roots may be at least partly due to the stimulation of SOD activity and/or direct scavenging of the superoxide anion.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the influence of toxic substances with different modes of action on a two-species system: an aphid-specific parasitoid, Aphidius ervi Haliday, feeding on the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). The instantaneous rate of population increase (ri) was used as a measure of population level toxic effect in this study. The toxicants evaluated were imidacloprid, a nonpersistent neurotoxic insecticide, and cadmium, a chronic pollutant with a tendency to accumulate. We evaluated the effects of cadmium and imidacloprid on A. pisum and A. ervi because both toxicants can occur together in polluted areas where crops are grown. Cadmium (200 or 400 mg kg−1 dry weight soil) and imidacloprid (4 or 40 g a.i. ha−1) were applied to soil contained in plastic pots in which broad bean plants, Vicia faba L., were grown. Results of this study indicated that cadmium at the concentrations tested, reduced population growth rate of the pea aphid. Imidacloprid also reduced aphid growth rate, but only at the highest concentration tested (40 g a.i. ha−1). Combinations of cadmium and imidacloprid had the greatest impact on aphid growth rate. Imidacloprid alone had no effect on population growth rate of the parasitoid. However, cadmium alone or in combination with imidacloprid had a negative impact on A. ervi by reducing population growth rate 77%. These results indicate that negative impacts on parasitoids may occur in areas where cadmium contamination is present and imidacloprid is used to control aphids.  相似文献   

贾彤  王瑞宏  曹苗文 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6623-6631
通过对北方铜业铜矿峪矿十八河尾矿坝的优势植被白羊草进行叶鞘内生真菌分离,并对白羊草内生真菌的形态特征及孢子形态进行描述,同时,选取其中7个菌株进行act G、tef A和tub B扩增、测序和系统发育分析。结果表明,从白羊草中分离出的内生真菌属于为Epichlo3属,菌落正面呈白色,背面浅黄色,白羊草内生真菌生长速度较慢,孢子大小为1.208—8.048μm之间,孢子形态椭圆、球型。根据分子系统发育学分析结果,将白羊草内生真菌鉴定为Epichlo3 sibiria。通过对白羊草内生真菌进行不同浓度的重金属胁迫处理,发现其对重金属具有一定耐受性,具体表现为:Zn2+(120 mg/L)、Cu2+(160 mg/L)、Pb2+(240 mg/L)和Cd2+(8 mg/L)。对丰富天然禾草内生真菌资源,以及铜矿区生态修复过程中,白羊草内生真菌提高宿主抗性方面的应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A comparative investigation was carried out on the ovule and seed development of three mountain species ofGentianaceae, the perennial speciesGentiana pyrenaica, and the two short-lived monocarpic speciesGentianella caucasea andG. germanica. In all three species most embryological characters conform to those generally found in the family of theGentianaceae. In some features, however,G. pyrenaica and the twoGentianella species differ from each other. InG. pyrenaica the ovule is anatropous, the integument 8–10 layered and the three reduced antipodals degenerate soon after fertilization. In contrast,G. caucasea andG. germanica form a hemitropous ovule, a 4–5 layered integument and up to 16 antipodal cells by secondary multiplication. All three species exhibit differences in synchronization between embryogenesis and endosperm development. Functional relations between the antipodal structure and the dynamics of seed development of the investigated species are postulated.  相似文献   

D. J. Goyder 《Kew Bulletin》2008,63(3):471-472
Summary  Four species of tropical African Sarcostemma are transferred to Cynanchum together with two subspecies of S. viminale. In addition, Sarcostemma mulanjense is reduced to subspecific rank under C. viminale.  相似文献   

R. Pan  C. Oxnard 《Human Evolution》2001,16(3-4):199-223
Because they have been less studied than most other non-human primates (partly due to the difficulties in accessing their habitat) the origins and phylogenetic relationships ofR. roxellana andR. bieti are controversial. These controversies may be clarified to some degree by adding information on the cranium. To this end, ten cranial dimensions analysed morphometrically here provide data about cranial differences among species of the genusRhinopithecus, and between species ofRhinopithecus andPygathrix nemaeus. Though more similar to each other than to any others in the same genus, the results show a significant separation betweenR. roxellana andR. bieti to the degree that they may be regarded as two different species. This confirms the conclusions of prior studies of external features, qualitative morphological characteristics and biochemical evidence (Yeet al, 1987; Zhang and Ryder, 1995; Jablonski, 1998; Penget al., 1988). The differences between these two species are mainly size-related, being highly correlated with cranial length. Other differences, probably non-size related shape differences, however, are highly correlated with cranial width. Sexual dimorphism plays a part in these findings. In relation to the other species, however, the results show that the Vietnam golden monkey (R. avunculus) has closer craniometric relationships with the douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus) rather than with the three Chinese golden monkey species. Of these, the Gouzhou species (R. brelichi) shares more similarity withR. avunculus and is more separate fromRhinopithecus roxellana and R. bieti. The smaller differentiation between the two latter species could be due to their more recent separation following the dramatic elevation of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau after the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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