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A new species of Bryocamptus from North America, B. pilosus n. sp., is described and illustrated. Some remarks are made on the occurrence of a specific piliform seta on the ventral side of the caudal ramus in the vejdovskyi species group.  相似文献   


A new earthworm species belonging to the acanthodriline genus Rhododrilus is described from the North Island of New Zealand, elevating the generic total (excluding Australian forms) to 30 species. The new taxon forms part of the species-group with incomplete fusion of the male and prostatic terminalia. Its most closely related congener is the geographically proximate R. papaensis. Though exhibiting great heterogeneity, suggestive of polyphyly, the genus remains taxonomically convenient. It probably encompasses convergent forms, the ancestral affinities of which may never be ascertained.  相似文献   

Sorex rohweri sp. nov. is described on the basis of a series of specimens from the Olympic Peninsula and adjacent western regions of Washington State, USA, and southwestern British Columbia, Canada. It has been misidentified as Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1792, which occurs in the Cascade Range in west-central Washington, in coastal British Columbia, and regions farther to the northeast. The new species is distinguished from S. cinereus by numerous morphological characters: differences in craniodental dimensions; different location and form of the medial tines of the upper incisors; presence of patent postmandibular foramina; different intensity and distribution of dental pigmentation; and different form of the glans penis, along with other details. The combination of characters also separates it from sympatric species of Sorex. Phylogenetic inference of cytochrome b sequences from two specimens of the proposed new species shows them to be distinct from Sorex cinereus and from five sympatric Sorex species, supporting their designation as members of a new species.  相似文献   

Three new species of Lumbriculidae were collected from floodplain seeps and small streams in southeastern North America. Some of these habitats are naturally acidic. Sylphella puccoon gen. n., sp. n. has prosoporous male ducts in X–XI, and spermathecae in XII–XIII. Muscular, spherical atrial ampullae and acuminate penial sheaths distinguish this monotypic new genus from other lumbriculid genera having similar arrangements of reproductive organs. Cookidrilus pocosinus sp. n. resembles its two subterranean, Palearctic congeners in the arrangement of reproductive organs, but is easily distinguished by the position of the spermathecal pores in front of the chaetae in X–XIII. Stylodrilus coreyi sp. n. differs from congeners having simple-pointed chaetae and elongate atria primarily by the structure of the male duct and the large clusters of prostate cells. Streams and wetlands of Southeastern USA have a remarkably high diversity of endemic lumbriculids, and these poorly-known invertebrates should be considered in conservation efforts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology, infraciliature, and molecular phylogeny of Pseudodiophrys nigricans n. g., n. sp., and Paradiophrys zhangi n. sp., isolated from a sandy beach near Qingdao, China, were investigated. Pseudodiophrys is characterized by the Diophrys‐like ciliature pattern, but having only a single, reduced undulating membrane. Pseudodiophrys nigricans, the type species by monotypy, is described from live and silver‐impregnated specimens. Paradiophrys zhangi is similar to the type species Paradiophrys irmgard but can be recognized by its border body and the number (7 vs. 8–10) and arrangement (in rows vs. sparsely distributed) of the frontoventral cirri. Small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data support the validity of both species. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rRNA gene sequence data currently available for uronychiids and other related taxa indicate that P. nigricans is most closely related to Diophrys scutum and Diophrys apoligothrix, while P. zhangi clusters most closely with Apodiophrys ovalis within a clade that also includes two other Paradiophrys species.  相似文献   

Previously only a single species of Ilyocryptus Sars , 1862 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Ilyocryptidae) was reported from Thailand, I. spinifer Herrick , 1882. However, our examination of numerous samples from this country resulted in the discovery of four other species of Ilyocryptus. Ilyocryptus thailandensis sp. nov. is described from two adjacent water bodies in Uttaradit Province, North Thailand. It has at least two characters which distinguish it from any other species of the Ilyocryptus: (1) a row of lateral setae reaching medial anus, and continuing along preanal margin up to base of the postabdomen; (2) a large projection bearing the sensory setae, situated on the coxal region of antenna II. It appears to be a rare species, may be, endemic of the North Thailand.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Tunicothrix rostrata n. g., n. sp., isolated from the Yellow Sea, are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Tunicothrix rostrata measures about 160 x 40 mum in vivo, and has a frontal beak-like protrusion, a conspicuous cortical alveolar layer, two right marginal rows, and usually three distinct midventral pairs. The discovery of T. rostrata enables us to reconsider the classification of Erniella wilberti, a curious ciliate with obscure midventral pairs. Both species are highly similar in overall appearance and nuclear and ciliary pattern. Thus, they are united in a new genus of the family Urostylidae, Tunicothrix, and E. wilberti is transferred to Tunicothrix: Tunicothrix wilbertiLin and Song, 2004 n. comb. By contrast, Erniella filiformis, type species of Erniella, has several ventral rows and does not belong to the urostylids. Tunicothrix rostrata is easily distinguished from T. wilberti by its beak-like anterior protrusion and by the distinctly elongated right marginal row 2, which curves anteriorly on the dorsal side of the cells. Tunicothrix is closely related to Parabirojimia, differing by the invariably two (vs. five-eight) right marginal rows and the conspicuous (vs. ordinary) alveolar layer, a unique feature in urostylid ciliates.  相似文献   

A new species of the family Zerconidae, Zercon kadiri sp. n., is described based on female, male, deutonymph and protonymph specimens. The material was collected in litter and soil under stone pines (Pinus pinea) in the Malatya Province of Turkey. The similarities and differences between the related species within the same genus are discussed. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C56027B1-4A4B-4018-83B6-04B41A4C51FC  相似文献   


A new genus and species of heteronemertean, Praealbonemertes whangateaunienses n. gen. and n. sp., is described and illustrated. The species is characterised by inter alia a cephalic lacuna with strands of longitudinal muscle fibres, a proboscis with three muscle layers, and a well-developed muscle plate dorsal to the foregut and anterior intestine. The material was collected in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Helicopsyche trispina sp. n. is described from Grande Terre, New Caledonia, based on pharate males, larvae and pupae. The species appears to belong to the monophyletic New Caledonian Helicopsyche clade.  相似文献   

A new diatom genus, Brevilinea gen. nov., is described from an acidic freshwater lake situated on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA. The type for the genus, Brevilinea pocosinensis sp. nov., differs from other diatoms by the presence of a unique and reduced raphe that is restricted to the central portion of the valve. The new taxon has large and distinctive areolae that also serve to separate it from existing genera. The taxonomic placement of the new organism relative to other diatoms possessing a reduced raphe is discussed. Although Brevilinea may eventually be placed into a new family, given the current dynamic state of diatom systematics, it is premature to do so at this time.  相似文献   

A new species of chimaeroid, Chimaera opalescens n. sp., was described from 31 type specimens caught in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean at 950-1400 m depth. This species differed from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: body uniformly pale brown to bronze, iridescent on fresh specimens; unpaired fins brown to purple, uniformly coloured or with pale or whitish edges; iris black; claspers tripartite and divided for a third of their length, not extending beyond the pelvic fins in adults; dorsal spine equal to or shorter than first dorsal fin; ventral caudal lobe equal to or deeper than dorsal caudal lobe. Comparison of DNA sequences of the CO1 gene with those of related species supported C. opalescens n. sp. as a distinct species. Specimens of C. opalescens n. sp. were previously misidentified as Chimaera monstrosa, a species sharing a similar geographical distribution. Chimaera opalescens n. sp. lives in deeper water and is a larger-bodied species than C. monstrosa. The two species were newly exploited by deep-sea fisheries and confused under a single landing name.  相似文献   

A new Bithyniidae species Pseudobithynia guldeni sp.n. is described from the Mediter-ranean region of Turkey based on shell and male genitalia morphology. An identification key for the species of Pseudobithynia of Turkey is given.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FA659D77-5B02-4C2F-9A6D-D61E676778E1  相似文献   

Cytherella maremensis sp. n., belonging to the family Cytherellidae, is described as new from a hydrothermal vent, located in the west of Marmara Island on the North Anatolian Fault crossing the Sea of Marmara. It was collected from a sediment core 55 m below sea level. Cytherella maremensis sp. n. is clearly separated from closely related species by its shape, length-height ratio and ornamentation.  相似文献   

Jäger P  Kunz D 《ZooKeys》2010,(67):1-9
Palystes kreutzmannisp. n. is described from habitats close to Kleinmond, in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Spiders of this new species live in the typical fynbos vegetation of the Western Cape region. They build retreats between apical leaves of Leucadendron bushes. The systematic position of Palystes kreutzmannisp. n. is discussed. Male and female show characters of different species groups, especially the female copulatory organ seems to be unique within the genus Palystes L. Koch, 1875.  相似文献   

Boromophus saudicus sp. n. (subfamily Pimeliinae Latreille, 1802, tribe Boromorphini Skopin, 1978) is described from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Rawdhat Khorim, Riyadh Province). This finding represents the first record of the genus Boromorphus Wollaston, 1854 from the Arabian Peninsula. The species was collected from Acacia trees and from pitfall traps.  相似文献   

A new, monotypic genus and species in the subfamily Mesorhabditinae is described and illustrated. The primary character which separates the species and genus from all others in the Rhabditidae is a lip region with six set-off and well-separated liplets of two alternating shapes. Other diagnostic characters are transverse and fine longitudinal body striations, cuticular micropores, a prismatic prostom, well-developed esophageal collar, and three denticles on each metarhabdion. Males have a peloderan, open bursa bearing two pre- and seven post-anal bursal papillae, fused spicules over 50 μm long, and paired diverticulate cement glands associated with the vas deferens.  相似文献   

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