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Abstract. Spatial heterogeneity, an important characteristic in semi‐arid grassland vegetation, may be altered through grazing by large herbivores. We used Moran's I, a measure of autocorrelation, to test the effect of livestock grazing on the fine scale spatial heterogeneity of dominant plant species in the shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado. Autocorrelation in ungrazed plots was significantly higher than in grazed plots for the cover of the dominant species Bouteloua gracilis, litter cover and density of other bunchgrasses. No species had higher autocorrelation in grazed compared to ungrazed sites. B. gracilis cover was significantly auto‐correlated in seven of eight 60‐yr ungrazed exclosures, four of six 8‐yr exclosures, and only three of eight grazed sites. Autocorrelograms showed that B. gracilis cover in ungrazed sites was frequently and positively spatially correlated at lag distances less than 5 m. B. gracilis cover was rarely autocorrelated at any sampled lag distance in grazed sites. The greater spatial heterogeneity in ungrazed sites appeared linked to patches characterized by uniformly low cover of B. gracilis and high cover of C3 grasses. This interpretation was supported by simple simulations that modified data from grazed sites by reducing the cover of B. gracilis in patches of ca. 8 m diameter and produced patterns quite similar to those observed in ungrazed sites. In the one exclosure where we intensively sampled soil texture, autocorrelation coefficients for sand content and B. gracilis cover were similar at lag distances up to 12 m. We suggest that the negative effect of sand content on B. gracilis generates spatial heterogeneity, but only in the absence of grazing. An additional source of heterogeneity in ungrazed sites may be the negative interaction between livestock exclusion and B. gracilis recovery following patchy disturbance.  相似文献   

Question: Can wild ungulates efficiently maintain and restore open habitats? Location: Brandenburg, NE Germany. Methods: The effect of wild ungulate grazing and browsing was studied in three successional stages: (1) Corynephorus canescens‐dominated grassland; (2) ruderal tall forb vegetation dominated by Tanacetum vulgare; and (3) Pinus sylvestris‐pioneer forest. The study was conducted over 3 yr. In each successional stage, six paired 4 m2‐monitoring plots of permanently grazed versus ungrazed plots were arranged in three random blocks. Removal of grazing was introduced de novo for the study. In each plot, percentage cover of each plant and lichen species and total cover of woody plants was recorded. Results: Wild ungulates considerably affected successional pathways and species composition in open habitats but this influence became evident in alteration of abundances of only a few species. Grazing effects differed considerably between successional stages: species richness was higher in grazed versus ungrazed ruderal and pioneer forest plots, but not in the Corynephorus sites. Herbivory affected woody plant cover only in the Pioneer forest sites. Although the study period was too short to observe drastic changes in species richness and woody plant cover, notable changes in species composition were still detected in all successional stages. Conclusion: Wild ungulate browsing is a useful tool to inhibit encroachment of woody vegetation and to conserve a species‐rich, open landscape.  相似文献   

We tested the influence of grazing intensity and effect of landscape complexity on grassland specialist and generalist beetles of three beetle families, i.e. Carabidae, Chrysomelidae, and Curculionidae, on extensively and intensively grazed cattle pastures in three regions of the Hungarian Great Plain. In every region we investigated seven pairs of grazed grasslands. On each field, samples were taken along two 95-m-long transects; one transect at the edge and the other one 50 m away from the edge in the grassland interior (altogether 84 transects). Carabids (Carabidae) were sampled using funnel traps for three 2-week sampling periods during spring and early summer. Leaf-beetles (Chrysomelidae) and weevils (Curculionidae) were surveyed by sweep netting in May and June 2003. Analysing the grazing intensity and landscape complexity effects on generalist and specialist beetles with linear mixed models, grazing effect was detected only on specialist leaf-beetle species richness with more species in the extensively grazed sites. Landscape complexity had contrasting effects on specialist and generalist species. Habitat generalists were more and negatively affected by increasing grassland coverage (reduced heterogeneity) than specialists. At species level analyses on four species out of 21, landscape effects were shown, which suggested that landscape composition might have strong effects on the species composition of the beetle assemblages. Our results suggest that conservation of biodiversity in agricultural systems (such as in managed Central European grasslands) requires a landscape perspective besides investigating management effects.  相似文献   

Abstract The majority of existing remnants of wandoo Eucalyptus capillosa woodland in the Western Australian wheatbelt have been grazed by sheep for several decades and are often visibly degraded. A pilot survey was conducted into the effects of sheep on vegetation and soil variables, and the abundance, diversity and species frequency of occurrence of subterranean termite communities. Ten 1/4 ha study plots were used for paired grazed/ungrazed comparisons. Ungrazed plots had more litter mass (dry weight), leaf and woody litter, canopy cover (%) and soil moisture (moisture content <1.2% across study plots); grazed plots had a higher percentage of bare ground. Termites were as abundant, and as diverse, in grazed as in ungrazed plots, and were equally often sampled in the soil and surface wood. Termite species eating sound wood, decayed wood/debris and grass were sampled equally often, and were of equal diversity in sheep-grazed as in ungrazed plots. The mounds of Drepanotermes tamminensis were more abundant in grazed plots. These findings indicate that prolonged sheep grazing in remnants of wandoo woodland of the Western Australian wheatbelt has had no detrimental or beneficial effect on its subterranean termites.  相似文献   

Abstract. Data on floristic composition and environmental variables were collected in floristically homogeneous oligotrophic pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests with heath-like under- storey vegetation in eastern Fennoscandia, and ordinated by non-linear multidimensional scaling (NMDS) in order to study the effect of lichen grazing by reindeer on the understorey vegetation. The study sites included areas with varying grazing pressure, as well as 50-yr old grazing exclosures. Sites rich in respectively bryophytes and lichens were placed at opposite ends of the ordination axes, and heavily grazed sites were placed in between them. Reindeer grazing increased the abundance of bryophytes, especially Dicranum spp. and Pleurozium schreberi. Grazing changed the vegetation to the extent that it resembled more mesotrophic sites, but this did not show any relationship with tree volume or other site productivity indicators. This was observed both in the ordination and, in a more compelling way, when exclosures with adjacent grazed areas were compared. No such signs were evident at ungrazed sites, where especially Cladina spp. spatially replace Cladonia spp. and tiny bryophytes like Barbilophozia spp., Polytrichum spp. and Pohlia nutans during succession. Cladina stellaris had almost disappeared from the most intensively grazed sites. The soil at ungrazed sites was characterized by high Al and Fe concentrations and bryophyte-rich sites by high Mn concentrations. Shannon's diversity index, depth of humus layer and proportion of bare ground also increased in sites getting richer in bryophytes.  相似文献   

We studied the role of red deer Cervus elaphus L. as ecosystem modifier in boreal forest (Tingvoll municipality, 62°52′ N, 8°20′ E, Norway), during early summer of 2001. The effect of grazing by red deer on ground beetles (Carabidae) abundance and diversity was investigated across a gradient of grazing pressures. We trapped ground beetles by pit-fall traps from three homogeneous winter grazing areas (ungrazed, medium grazed, heavily grazed). Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus (the main winter food for red deer) was sampled and its dry weight was measured for the three locations. Gradient analyses showed that grazing by red deer affects carabid species composition. Grazing significantly affected the amount of bilberry, which correlated with species variation. According to our predictions, we found a higher abundance of carabids in the heavily grazed location, but the species richness and the diversity indices were similar for the three areas. This study shows that overall species composition is altered along a gradient as consequence of red deer winter grazing and that red deer act as ecosystem engineer, by reducing the bilberry heather which dominates the field layer in early summer.  相似文献   

Question: What are the changes in vegetation structure, soil attributes and mesofauna associated with grazing in mesic grasslands? Location: Southern Campos of the Río de la Plata grasslands, in south‐central Uruguay. Methods: We surveyed seven continuously grazed and ungrazed paired plots. Plant and litter cover were recorded on three 5‐m interception lines placed parallel to the fence in each plot. We extracted soil fauna from a 10 cm deep composite sample and analysed the oribatids. Soil attributes included bulk density, water content, organic carbon (in particulate and mineral associated organic matter) and nitrogen content and root biomass at different depths. Changes in floristic, Plant Functional Types and mesofauna composition were analysed by Non‐metric Multidimensional Scaling. Results: Species number was lower in ungrazed than in grazed plots. Of 105 species in grazed plots only three were exotics. Shrub and litter cover were significantly higher inside the exclosures, while the cover of Cyperaceae‐Juncaceae was lower. Grazing treatments differed significantly in plant and oribatid species composition. Grazing exclusion significantly reduced soil bulk density and increased soil water content. Carbon content in particulate organic matter was lower in the upper soil of ungrazed sites, but deeper in the profile, grazing exclosures had 8% more carbon in the mineral associated organic matter. Conclusions Our results generally agree with previous studies but deviate from the results of previous analyses in (1) the increase of shrub cover in ungrazed sites; (2) the redistribution of the soil organic carbon in the profile and (3) the low invasibility of the prairies regardless of grazing regime.  相似文献   

Abstract Stock grazing has degraded many riparian ecosystems around the world. However, the potential for ecosystem recovery following the removal of grazing stock is poorly known. We developed a conceptual model to predict the responses of native and exotic herbaceous plants to grazing exclusion, based on site productivity and the degree of initial vegetation degradation. The effects of excluding grazing stock on richness, cover and composition of herbaceous plants were examined over 12 years in the degraded understorey of a riparian forest in Gulpa Island State Forest in south‐eastern Australia. We predicted that grazing exclusion would lead to limited changes in vegetation cover, richness and composition, owing to presumed low site productivity and the high degree of understorey degradation. Results showed that the cover, richness and composition of native and exotic species varied significantly among years. Over all plots, regions and years, total cover was slightly but significantly lower in grazed than in ungrazed plots (43.4% vs. 50.8%). While the cover of native plants increased over time in both treatments, the rate of increase was slightly greater in ungrazed plots. Grazing exclusion had no effect on the richness of native or exotic species, but had a significant but minor impact on plant composition, with different common species (mostly exotics) being promoted or diminished in ungrazed plots. The composition of grazed and ungrazed areas did not become more different over time. Overall, the effects that could be attributed to grazing exclusion were relatively minor and transient. Results are consistent with predictions based on site productivity and initial degradation, and should not be extrapolated to other more productive, or less degraded, riparian systems.  相似文献   

Questions: Does vegetation structure display any stability over the grazing season and in two successive years, and is there any correlation between the stability of these spatial patterns and local sward composition? Location: An upland grassland in the French Massif Central. Method: The mosaic of short and tall vegetation stands considered as grazed and ungrazed patches respectively is modeled as the realization of a Boolean process. This method does not require any arbitrarily set sward‐height thresholds to discriminate between grazed and ungrazed areas, or the use of additional variables such as defoliation indexes. The model was validated by comparing empirical and simulated sward‐height distributions and semi‐variograms. Results: The model discriminated between grazed and ungrazed patches at both a fine (1 m2) and a larger (500 m2) scale. Selective grazing on legumes and forbs and avoidance of reproductive grass could partly explain the stability of fine‐scale grazing patterns in lightly grazed plots. In these plots, the model revealed an inter‐annual stability of large‐scale grazing patterns at the time peak biomass occurred. At the end of the grazing season, lightly grazed plots showed fluctuating patch boundaries while heavily grazed plots showed a certain degree of patch stability. Conclusion: The model presented here reveals that selective grazing at the bite scale could lead to the creation of relatively stable patches within the pasture. Locally maintaining short cover heights would result in divergent within‐plot vegetation dynamics, and thus favor the functional diversity of vegetation.  相似文献   

This paper documents changes in the floristic composition of Eucalyptus marginata Donn (jarrah) woodlands over 7 years of recovery from continual, intensive livestock grazing. In remnants of native woodland left after agricultural clearing, which have been subjected to livestock grazing, comparisons were made between the floristics of fenced exclosure plots and open plots that continued to be grazed. The vegetation in nearby remnants, which had not been subjected to livestock grazing, was also surveyed. An initial increase in annual exotic pasture species after grazing relief was only temporary and highly influenced by fluctuations in annual climatic patterns, particularly rainfall distribution and abundance. Subsequent years saw a decrease in exotic annuals in exclosure plots and an increase in native perennials, in a trend towards becoming more floristically similar to the ungrazed sites. Germination of overstorey species was observed in the exclosure plots, however, development of seedlings and saplings was sparse. Results indicate that for jarrah woodland in southwestern Australia, natural regeneration is possible after the removal of livestock, with the return (within 6 years) of native species richness to levels similar to those found in ungrazed vegetation. Re‐establishment of cover, however, appears to take longer. The floristic dynamics are described in terms of a nonequilibrium model. Two vegetation states exist, degraded remnants with an understorey dominated by annual species, and ungrazed vegetation with an understorey dominated by perennial shrubs and herbs. The former state is maintained by continual heavy grazing by livestock. Upon relief from grazing, the vegetation undergoes a transition towards floristic similarity to ungrazed vegetation. After 6 years, vegetation change in the exclosure plots appears to be continuing and therefore it is still in transition.  相似文献   


Naturalistic grazing by large herbivores is an increasingly practiced way of managing habitats with conservational value. It has the potential to restore and enhance biodiversity, creating self-sustainable environments vital for organisms requiring regular disturbances to moderate and/or reverse successional changes. European bison, Exmoor pony, and Tauros cattle were introduced in 2015 to a former military training area in Milovice, Czech Republic. The prevailing vegetation type is a forest-steppe savanna with Bromus erectus-dominated xeric grasslands mixed with deciduous shrubs and trees. After the cessation of military use, the area was abandoned which led to successional changes, including the dominance of tall grasses, litter accumulation, and bush encroachment. In 2017–2021, we monitored grassland vegetation in 30 grazed permanent plots (2?×?2 m) and 5 control plots representative of ungrazed, abandoned vegetation adjacent to the grazed areas. Naturalistic grazing increased species richness and the cover of forbs, while the cover of grasses and legumes was minimally affected. Grazing increased functional diversity of plant community, promoted a compositional change to small statured species and an increased incidence of red-list species. Seven years of continuous grazing increased the conservation value of this forest-steppe vegetation, a habitat type rapidly declining in Europe.


The effects of stock grazing on native grassy ecosystems in temperate southern Australia are well documented. However, less is known about the potential of ecosystems to recover after a long history of stock grazing and, in particular, whether the removal of stock will have positive, negative or neutral impacts on biodiversity. We examined the response of understorey vegetation to the removal of sheep grazing in a herb‐rich Eucalyptus camaldulensis (red gum) woodland in western Victoria. Using a space‐for‐time chronosequence, woodlands were stratified into groups based on their time‐since‐grazing removal; these were long‐ungrazed (>20 years), intermediate‐time‐since‐grazing (9–14 years), recently ungrazed (5 years) and continuously grazed. We found significantly higher species density in long‐ungrazed sites relative to sites with a more recent grazing history. No differences were found in species density between continuously grazed sites and those ungrazed in the previous 14 years. Species composition differed with time‐since‐grazing removal and indicator species analysis detected several native species (including tall native geophytes and herbs) associated with long‐ungrazed sites that were absent or in low abundance in the more recently grazed sites. Seven of the eight species significantly associated with continuously grazed sites were exotic. Removal of sheep grazing in red gum woodlands can have positive benefits for understorey diversity but it is likely that recovery of key indicators such as native species will be slow.  相似文献   

四川蜂桶寨国家自然保护区地表甲虫物种多样性   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:25  
在四川雅安蜂桶寨国家自然保护区(102°48′~103°18′ E,30°42′~30°54′ N)及其周边地区,就森林片段化和生态恢复程度的不同,选择4个代表地点,即位于保护区核心地带、以阔叶混交林为主的蜂桶寨天然林区(海拔1680~2080 m),受到经济开发干扰但植被类型丰富的锅巴岩天然林区(海拔2 280~3 340 m)、以人工针叶林进行生态恢复的蚂蝗沟人工林区(海拔2430~2525 m),以及森林高度片段化的双石镇农耕区(海拔870~1 165 m),共设26块样地,以巴氏罐诱法为主研究地表甲虫的群落组成和多样性变化。本研究共采集甲虫标本 2.338 号,隐翅虫数量最多,占39.6%;步甲次之,占29.3%,拟步甲、象甲和叶甲的数量也各在5% 以上,它们共同构成该地区地表甲虫的优势类群。锅巴岩物种的个体数量和丰富度(S)以及多样性指数(H′)较高;蚂蝗沟均匀度指数(J)较高,丰富度较低;蜂桶寨天然林区个体数量较少;双石镇农耕区的多样性和均匀度指数较低。锅巴岩、蜂桶寨和蚂蝗沟间物种分布都有一定程度的相似性,但后两者相似性程度更高,双石镇物种分布与其他3个地点差异较大,这反映了不同地点间的生境异质性和森林植被片段化程度的差异。整个鞘翅目、隐翅虫科和步甲科的个体数量分布在针叶林内较多,在阔叶林内较少;拟步甲科的数量分布在高山灌丛内较多;叶甲科的数量分布在针叶林较多;象甲科除了竹林外,在其他植被内的数量均较多。在总体趋势上,随着海拔的升高,在蜂桶寨和锅巴岩两个邻近的天然林地点,整个鞘翅目以及优势甲虫类群的种类和个体数量也逐渐增多。比较蜂桶寨林区内的个体数量、丰富度和多样性指数,北坡均大于南坡。以上结果表明,物种多样性与海拔、坡向以及生境类型密切相关,森林片段化和生态恢复对物种多样性有显著的影响。因此,在改善森林片段化进行生态恢复时,采取合理措施,增加生境异质性,有助于提高该地区地表甲虫物种多样性。  相似文献   

We investigate the persistent soil seed bank composition and its relation to the above-ground flora of grazed and non-grazed sub-Mediterranean deciduous oak forests of NW Greece. Twenty-eight taxa were recorded in the soil seed bank and 83 taxa (70 taxa in plots of seed bank sampling) in the above-ground vegetation. The dominant tree species and many woodland species found in the above-ground vegetation were absent from the soil seed bank. Similarity between the soil seed bank and the above-ground vegetation decreased with grazing, and grazing led to a decrease of species richness in above-ground vegetation and soil seed bank. Beta diversity of vegetation among grazed and among non-grazed plots did not differ, but was significantly higher between grazed and non-grazed areas. Beta diversity of the soil seed bank declined with grazing. When applying classification tree and logistic regression analyses, non-grazed forest sites are clearly differentiated by the presence of Phillyrea latifolia, Euphorbia amygdaloides and Brachypodium sylvaticum. PCA ordination of above-ground species composition reflected a gradient from sites grazed by ruminants to non-grazed sites, but no clear structure was detected in the seed bank.  相似文献   

Abstract. Savanna vegetation and pertinent soil features were studied on 43 sites in a dry tropical forest region of India. Grazing intensity ranged from 0.68 to 0.98. Soil moisture was positively related to the proportion of fine soil particles (< 0.1 mm), and the latter decreased while the proportion of coarse particles (2.0-0.5 mm) increased with increasing grazing intensity. Canopy biomass ranged from 28 to 104 g/m2 in grazed communities and from 230 to 337 g /m2 in ungrazed communities and was positively related to vegetation cover which ranged between 30–72 % in grazed and 68 - 91 % in ungrazed communities. Vegetation cover was negatively related to grazing intensity. Species richness and diversity were highest at low grazing intensity. Using community coefficients and Detrended Correspondence Analysis, the grazed stands were clustered into six and the ungrazed ones into three communities. The grazed communities were recognised as degradation stages and the ungrazed ones as recovery stages. Only five grass species, in various combinations were able to dominate in one of the different stages. Evidently the harsh climatic conditions (high temperatures, high variability in rainfall and a long dry period) in the region permit only a few species already adapted to these conditions to participate in the succession.  相似文献   

Otso Suominen 《Ecography》1999,22(6):651-658
Selective foraging by cervids can affect vegetation, and that in turn can have far-reaching effects on various components of the boreal forest ecosystem. Since terrestrial gastropods are sensitive to habitat alterations, they can be expected to respond to changes caused by grazing. This study is based on gastropod specimens from two data sets that were collected with pitfall traps in order to study the effects of moose and reindeer on ground-layer invertebrates. Invertebrates were trapped from 23 pairs of plots, where one plot was open to all animals while the other one was fenced to exclude large mammals. Half of the sites were in Finnish Lapland, where reindeer grazing was the main cause of differences between the plots; the rest were located in central Sweden and southern Finland, where moose was the most important cervid grazer. The composition of the gastropod fauna differed between grazed and ungrazed plots in both areas, and the abundance of gastropods in general and that of many species was higher in ungrazed plots (the number of gastropods caught was 17% lower in grazed than in ungrazed plots in moose sites, and 24% smaller in reindeer sites). Species richness differed significantly between grazed and ungrazed plots in the combined data of both site types, and was 15% higher in ungrazed plots. In moose sites the relative diversity (H′/H′max) of gastropods was 17% higher in grazed plots. In reindeer sites, the means of richness and diversity (H′) were considerably higher in ungrazed plots (35% and 40% respectively) but the differences were only marginally significant. By indirectly modifying the microclimate within the forest, cervids fulfil the criteria for a ‘physical ecosystem engineer’. Since the population density and distribution of terrestrial gastropods depend largely on the physical conditions of the microhabitat, the engineering effects of cervids are the most likely cause of the changes observed in the density and composition of the gastropod fauna in the boreal forest.  相似文献   

The succession of species-rich wetland vegetation in dune valleys into species-poor dwarf shrub vegetation was followed by means of permanent vegetation plots, in which the cover of vascular plant, moss and lichen species were recorded over a period of up to 33 years. Low density cattle grazing is an effective substitute for rabbits in stalling this succession, thus preserving the local plant species diversity. The influence of direct rabbit grazing pressure on the vegetation was studied in exclosures. The differences were significant, but not long-lasting after the exclosures had been opened again to the rabbits. Cladina lichen-rich Empetrum-heathland in the dunes is a stage in a probably cyclic succession that might be triggered by grazing. The total vascular plant, moss and lichen diversity of the dune ecosystem can be maintained by a combination of extensive cattle grazing and a regular but limited re-creation of pioneer situations.  相似文献   

Question: Does grazing by large herbivores affect species composition or community‐wide variation in plant functional traits? Location: Dune grasslands at the Belgian coast. Methods: Plant cover and soil data were collected in 146 plots that were randomly selected at 26 grazed and ungrazed grassland sites. Plant community composition was assessed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis and mean values of plant trait categories were calculated across the plots. Results: Differentiation of plant composition and community‐wide plant trait characteristics was largely determined by grazing, soil acidity and their interaction. In ungrazed situations, a clear floristic distinction appears between acidic (non‐calcareous) and alkaline (calcareous) grasslands. In grazed situations, these floristic differences largely disappeared, indicating that grazing results in a decrease of natural variation in species composition. At higher soil pH, a larger difference in plant community composition and community‐wide plant traits was observed between grazed and ungrazed plots. In ungrazed situations, shifts in plant functional traits along the acidity gradient were observed. Conclusions: Grazing is responsible for shifts in plant community composition, and hence a decrease in plant diversity among grasslands at opposing acidity conditions in coastal dune grasslands. Therefore, care should be taken when introducing grazing as a system approach for nature conservation in dune grasslands as it may eliminate part of the natural variation in plant diversity along existing abiotic gradients.  相似文献   

刘新民 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1406-1415
为阐明放牧对粪金龟子群落的影响, 于2004年5-9月, 选择内蒙古典型草原不同放牧强度 (无放牧、 适度放牧和过度放牧) 草地为样地, 采用诱捕法采集粪金龟子标本, 分析了放牧对粪金龟子群落的影响。结果表明: 共捕获粪金龟子60 839头, 隶属于3科5属24种。放牧影响下, 粪金龟子群落个体数、 种数和生物量均发生显著变化, 不同粪金龟子对放牧的敏感性不同, 并具有明显的季节特征。Pearson相关分析表明, 春季粪金龟子群落个体数、 生物量、 种数以及符号蜉金龟Aphodius comma和马粪蜉金龟Aphodius subterraneus个体数与放牧强度提高之间存在显著负相关关系; 夏季粪金龟子群落种数和叉角粪金龟Ceratophyus polyceros个体数与放牧强度提高也呈显著负相关; 秋季粪金龟子群落生物量和种数以及费氏粪金龟Ceratophyus fischeri、 墨侧裸蜣螂Gymnopleurus mopsus和小驼嗡蜣螂Onthophagus gibbulus个体数与放牧强度提高之间存在显著正相关关系。依据体长、 体重和行为特征, 将粪金龟子划分为4个功能群, 放牧对体型较小的功能群Ⅲ和Ⅳ的影响较显著。指示值计算结果表明, 费氏粪金龟、 毛蜉金龟Aphodius scofa和马粪蜉金龟可以作为不同放牧强度草地的特征指示种。  相似文献   

刘继亮  赵文智  李锋瑞  巴义彬 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7987-7996
干旱区人工植被恢复驱动的土地利用变化强烈影响了地表和土栖的节肢动物群落结构及多样性。然而,我们对地表节肢动物群落关键类群-蜘蛛和甲虫对固沙植被恢复的响应及与环境变化关系的认识还很有限。以天然固沙灌木林和2种人工固沙灌木林为研究对象,运用方差分析和多变量分析等方法定量研究了干旱区天然和人工固沙植被区地表蜘蛛和甲虫分布特征及影响要素。结果表明,天然灌木林与人工梭梭、柽柳林地表蜘蛛和甲虫群落组成明显不同,人工梭梭、柽柳林地表蜘蛛活动密度和甲虫多样性均显著高于天然灌木林,而地表甲虫密度和蜘蛛多样性变化与之相反。两种人工固沙灌木林之间蜘蛛和甲虫群落组成也存在一定差异,人工柽柳林地表蜘蛛活动密度、多样性和甲虫物种丰富度均显著高于人工梭梭林。进一步分析发现,蜘蛛群落中狼蛛科、平腹蛛科、皿蛛亚科和球蛛科与甲虫群落中拟步甲科、步甲科和象甲科等一些甲虫种属对3种生境的选择模式不同决定了蜘蛛和甲虫群落聚集结构。植被、土壤环境因子与蜘蛛和甲虫pRDA和pCCA结果表明,草本生物量、凋落物量、土壤含砂量、电导率和灌木盖度是影响蜘蛛分布的主要环境因子,它们解释了82.1%的蜘蛛群落变异;灌木盖度、草本生物量、土壤...  相似文献   

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