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Against a background of scams to treat HIV/AIDS, the government's erratic approach to the epidemic, and an increasingly cynical but desperate public, a team from the Medical University of South Africa recently announced Inactivan as an anabolic steroid which stops HIV from replicating in white blood cells. The development of the drug was announced in a well-publicized press conference after a 5-day trial on humans. However, few people in South Africa are ready to accept the team's findings since it comes shortly after 2 poorly-qualified scientists claimed to have found a cure for AIDS in 1998. Their drug, Virodene, was actually a toxic industrial solvent. South Africa's minister of health, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, tarnished her reputation by associating herself with the drug, which had not been through any of the usual research protocols, peer review, or drug regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

During the 13th international AIDS conference in Durban, former president Nelson Mandela pulled the morale of the conference highlighting the need to confront the needs and concerns of those suffering and dying of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, mostly in sub-Saharan. He also stated that to challenge the grave threat posed by HIV and AIDS, efforts should be combined to save the people. This concluding remark was in direct contrast to the opening words of South Africa's current president, Thabo Mbeki, who failed to deal with the impression he has created internationally that he has doubts about the etiology of AIDS. In addition, the need to focus on the accessibility and affordability of treatment for HIV/AIDS or the opportunistic infections associated with it was highlighted. The conference focused on this issue with the help of AIDS activists, who emphasized that pharmaceutical companies needed to address how their drugs could reach those who most need them.  相似文献   

The UN has reported that five multinational pharmaceutical companies would cut down HIV drug prices in the developing world. One of these drug companies is GlaxoWellcome, which has promised to reduce the price of zidovudine and lamivudine to US$2 in the poorest nations, a fifth of its price in the US. Although Peter Piot, director of the UN Program on HIV/AIDS, welcomed the companies' promises, he warned that price cuts alone will not curb the epidemic. He stated that this initiative is only one critical factor in what must become a much broader and more urgent effort to help people living with HIV/AIDS. Moreover, health and development agencies expressed concern that AIDS drugs will still be unaffordable for the vast majority of those in need in developing countries. In addition, poor countries lack the infrastructure to deliver these drugs safely and effectively. During the time of the UN announcement, US President Bill Clinton also signed an executive order allowing sub-Saharan Africa to adopt legal measures to obtain cheap HIV drugs. Meanwhile, South Africa's reaction to the offer to cut antiretroviral drug prices has been lukewarm.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the views of school pupils on sexual violence and on the risk of HIV infection and AIDS and their experiences of sexual violence.Design National cross sectional study.Setting 5162 classes in 1418 South African schools.Participants 269 705 school pupils aged 10-19 years in grades 6-11.Main outcome measure Answers to questions about sexual violence and about the risk of HIV infection and AIDS.Results Misconceptions about sexual violence were common among both sexes, but more females held views that would put them at high risk of HIV infection. One third of the respondents thought they might be HIV positive. This was associated with misconceptions about sexual violence and about the risk of HIV infection and AIDS. Around 11% of males and 4% of females claimed to have forced someone else to have sex; 66% of these males and 71% of these females had themselves been forced to have sex. A history of forced sex was a powerful determinant of views on sexual violence and risk of HIV infection.Conclusions The views of South African youth on sexual violence and on the risk of HIV infection and AIDS were compatible with acceptance of sexual coercion and “adaptive” attitudes to survival in a violent society. Views differed little between the sexes.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that more than 80% of people in Africa use traditional medicine (TM). With the HIV/AIDS epidemic claiming many lives in Africa, the majority of people affected rely on TM mainly because it is relatively affordable and available to the poor populations who cannot afford orthodox medicine. Whereas orthodox medicine is practiced under stringent regulations and ethical guidelines emanating from The Nuremburg Code, African TM seems to be exempt from such scrutiny. Although recently there have been calls for TM to be incorporated into the health care system, less emphasis has been placed on ethical and regulatory issues. In this paper, an overview of the use of African TM in general, and for HIV/AIDS in particular, is given, followed by a look at: (i) the relative laxity in the application of ethical standards and regulatory requirements with regards to TM; (ii) the importance of research on TM in order to improve and demystify its therapeutic qualities; (iii) the need to tailor-make intellectual property laws to protect traditional knowledge and biodiversity. A framework of partnerships involving traditional healers' associations, scientists, policy makers, patients, community leaders, members of the communities, and funding organizations is suggested as a possible method to tackle these issues. It is hoped that this paper will stimulate objective and constructive debate that could enhance the protection of patients' welfare.  相似文献   

The emergence of alternative medicines for AIDS in Asia and Africa was discussed at a satellite symposium and the parallel session on alternative and traditional treatments of the AIDSImpact meeting, held in Marseille, in July 2007. These medicines are heterogeneous, both in their presentation and in their geographic and cultural origin. The sessions focused on the role of these medications in selected resource poor settings in Africa and Asia now that access to anti-retroviral therapy is increasing. The aims of the sessions were to (1) identify the actors involved in the diffusion of these alternative medicines for HIV/AIDS, (2) explore uses and forms, and the way these medicines are given legitimacy, (3) reflect on underlying processes of globalisation and cultural differentiation, and (4) define priority questions for future research in this area. This article presents the insights generated at the meeting, illustrated with some findings from the case studies (Uganda, Senegal, Benin, Burkina Faso, China and Indonesia) that were presented. These case studies reveal the wide range of actors who are involved in the marketing and supply of alternative medicines. Regulatory mechanisms are weak. The efficacy claims of alternative medicines often reinforce a biomedical paradigm for HIV/AIDS, and fit with a healthy living ideology promoted by AIDS care programs and support groups. The AIDSImpact session concluded that more interdisciplinary research is needed on the experience of people living with HIV/AIDS with these alternative medicines, and on the ways in which these products interact (or not) with anti-retroviral therapy at pharmacological as well as psychosocial levels.  相似文献   

We describe an interesting historical case of a blood-stained letter received in 1993 by Slovenian HIV/AIDS Reference Laboratory. According to the statement of the sender, the letter was spotted with HIV-infected blood. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification with two gag and env primer sets excluded the presence of HIV proviral DNA in the spot punches obtained from the dried blood spots. Although the presence of HV DNA was confirmed in 5 positive control blood spots using the same sets of primers, we still doubted in the accuracy of the HIV negative result. Fortunately, we obtained a serum sample of the author of the letter four months later from a psychiatric institution where he was hospitalized for paranoid schizophrenia. Since no anti HIV-1/2 antibodies were detected in his serum sample, our initial HIV negative findings based on PCR testing of blood spots were confirmed.  相似文献   

Stan Tu?ek was a neurochemist of international stature whose research encompassed the whole cholinergic field. His collaborations with eminent scientists in Canada, France, the UK and the USA gave him a truly global vision. During the time when contacts between scientists in Eastern Europe and the rest of the world were severely restricted for political reasons, Stan managed to facilitate such contacts, exemplified by the international symposium he organised in 1978 on ‘The Cholinergic Synapse’ in Western Bohemia, where many established cholinergists from the East and West were able to meet for the first time. He was an enthusiastic member of ESN Council, becoming our President in 1984. In 1986 he hosted a most successful meeting of the ESN in Prague at a time of the utmost political difficulty. It was typical of Stan's dedication and ability to work quietly behind the scenes that international political problems were overcome without fuss. As an acknowledged leader in neuroscience he is sorely missed by his many friends throughout the world.  相似文献   

Robert Chambers and Thomas Henry Huxley helped popularize science by writing for general interest publications when science was becoming increasingly professionalized. A non-professional, Chambers used his family-owned Chambers' Edinburgh Journal to report on scientific discoveries, giving his audience access to ideas that were only available to scientists who regularly attended professional meetings or read published transactions of such forums. He had no formal training in the sciences and little interest in advancing the professional status of scientists; his course of action was determined by his disability and interest in scientific phenomena. His skillful reporting enabled readers to learn how the ideas that flowed from scientific innovation affected their lives, and his series of article in the Journal presenting his rudimentary ideas on evolution, served as a prelude to his important popular work, Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Huxley, an example of the new professional class of scientists, defended science and evolution from attacks by religious spokesmen and other opponents of evolution, informing the British public about science through his lectures and articles in such publications as Nineteenth Century. He understood that by popularizing scientific information, he could effectively challenge the old Tory establishment -- with its orthodox religious and political views -- and promote the ideas of the new class of professional scientists. In attempting to transform British society, he frequently came in conflict with theologians and others on issues in which science and religion seemed to contradict each other but refused to discuss matters of science with non-professionals like Chambers, whose popular writing struck a more resonant chord with working class readers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The extraordinary complexity of emerging infectious diseases calls for new paradigms and approaches to understand the casual mechanisms underlying pathogen emergence and to improve disease prevention. An attempt was made to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and stimulate transdisciplinary approaches to improve emerging infectious disease research during and subsequent to a meeting held in March 2005 as part of the US NIH Roadmap initiative “Research Teams of the Future.” The meeting drew on models and theories associated with the idea of humans and nature as interactive, complex systems. Of the three diseases chosen as case studies to represent the wide range of social and ecological emergence factors involved (dengue, leptospirosis, and HIV/AIDS), HIV/AIDS proved especially difficult. This Profile examines the meeting themes with a particular focus on the deliberations of a working group focused on HIV/AIDS. Attention is given to the challenges of bridging different disciplines and perspectives in applying a social-ecological framework to analyze HIV/AIDS and the benefits of reductionistic vs. holistic strategies in responding to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. The issues raised point to opportunities to significantly deepen understanding of HIV/AIDS as a transdisciplinary problem. Disclaimer: The author is Director of the Research Program at the East–West Center and was chair of the HIV/AIDS mini-symposium. This Profile is based on the important contributions and efforts of all the members of the HIV/AIDS working group. All omissions or misrepresentations are the author’s.  相似文献   

Objective: To contrast relief efforts for the 26 December 2004 tsunami with current global HIV/AIDS relief efforts and analyse possible reasons for the disparity. Methods: Literature review and ethical analysis. Results: Just over 273,000 people died in the tsunami, resulting in relief efforts of more than US$10 bn, which is sufficient to achieve the United Nation’s long‐term recovery plan for South East Asia. In contrast, 14 times more people died from HIV/AIDS in 2004, with UNAIDS predicting a US$8 bn funding gap for HIV/AIDS in developing nations between now and 2007. This disparity raises two important ethical questions. First, what is it that motivates a more empathic response to the victims of the tsunami than to those affected by HIV/AIDS? Second, is there a morally relevant difference between the two tragedies that justifies the difference in the international response? The principle of justice requires that two cases similarly situated be treated similarly. For the difference in the international response to the tsunami and HIV/AIDS to be justified, the tragedies have to be shown to be dissimilar in some relevant respect. Are the tragedies of the tsunami disaster and the HIV/AIDS pandemic sufficiently different, in relevant respects, to justify the difference in scope of the response by the international community? Conclusion: We detected no morally relevant distinction between the tsunami and the HIV/AIDS pandemic that justifies the disparity. Therefore, we must conclude that the international response to HIV/AIDS violates the fundamental principles of justice and fairness.  相似文献   

On 13 June, donors to the GAVI Alliance will gather in London to affirm their commitment to fund immunizations in the developing world. At the meeting, participants will address the estimated $3.7 billion financing gap needed over the next four years to scale up childhood vaccination efforts to meet the demand forecasts for those countries that receive assistance from the Geneva-based organization. But attendees of the pledging conference will also be discussing something not on the formal agenda: the announcement last month that Seth Berkley, who founded and heads the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), will take over the helm of the alliance in August. Berkley will lead a unique chapter in GAVI's development as the organization narrows in on the looming deadline set by Millennium Development Goal 4, which aims to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015. Yet, in a sense, these efforts will be a continuation of the work Berkley has fostered at IAVI since he formally launched the New York-based nonprofit in 1996. Berkley, an epidemiologist who previously held jobs with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carter Center and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has witnessed ups and downs in the vaccination field, from the disappointing STEP trial in 2007 to the more recent good news from the 2009 Thai study, which reported as much as 31% protection against HIV. Roxanne Khamsi spoke with Berkley about what he has learned in his quest for a preventative shot against AIDS.  相似文献   

Primary research on HIV/AIDS in India has predominantly focused on known risk groups such as sex workers, STI clinic attendees and long-distance truck drivers, and has largely been undertaken in urban areas. There is evidence of HIV spreading to rural areas but very little is known about the context of the infection or about issues relating to health and social impact on people living with HIV/AIDS. In-depth interviews with nineteen men and women infected with HIV who live in rural areas were used to collect experiences of testing and treatment, the social impacts of living with HIV and differential impacts on women and men. Eight focus group discussions with groups drawn from the general population in the four villages were used to provide an analysis of community level views about HIV/AIDS. While men reported contracting HIV from sex workers in the cities, women considered their husbands to be the source of their infection. Correct knowledge about HIV transmission co-existed with misconceptions. Men and women tested for HIV reported inadequate counselling and sought treatment from traditional healers as well as professionals. Owing to the general pattern of husbands being the first to contract HIV women faced a substantial burden, with few resources remaining for their own or their children's care after meeting the needs of sick husbands. Stigma and social isolation following widowhood were common, with an enforced return to the natal home. Implications for potential educational and service interventions are discussed within the context of gender and social relations.  相似文献   

At the Linnean Society on 1 July 1858, Charles Lyell and Joseph Hooker, using only an extract from Charles Darwin's unpublished essay of 1844, and a copy of a recent letter to Asa Gray in Boston, argued successfully that Darwin understood how species originate long before a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace outlining his own version of the theory of evolution arrived at Darwin's home. That letter from Ternate in the Malay Archipelago, however, was not the first letter Darwin received from Wallace. This article will contend that two of the three letters Wallace sent Darwin between 10 October 1856 and 9 March 1858 arrived much earlier than Darwin recorded, thereby allowing him time to assess Wallace's ideas and claim an independent understanding of how the operation of divergence and extinction in the natural world leads strongly marked varieties to be identified as new species. By the time of the Linnean meeting Darwin's new ideas had filtered into his letters and ‘big’ species book, despite the absence of any independent evidence from the natural world to justify his constant insistence to have been guided only by inductive reasoning. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 725–736.  相似文献   

Two ‘papers’ of Darwin's were read at the famous 1 July 1858 meeting of the Linnean Society: an excerpt from his 1844 essay and a summary of his theory, enclosed in an 1857 letter to Asa Gray. Quite apart from not selecting the essay excerpt, Darwin's letters appear to indicate that he definitely did not want, and hence did not expect, an excerpt from his 1844 essay to be included (and that he did not learn of its inclusion until some 2 weeks after the meeting). As a result, we refine Darwin's role in ‘the delicate arrangement’, as well as the basis for Hooker's and Lyell's. In particular, why did they choose an essay excerpt to be presented contrary to Darwin's wishes? In direct opposition to the popular view, the essay excerpt was the afterthought, the last‐minute add‐on, not the enclosure to the Gray letter.  相似文献   

During the 13th international AIDS conference in Durban, Judge Edwin Cameron of the High Court in Johannesburg, castigated the South African government for its flirtation with those who claim that AIDS is not caused by HIV, and for its slow response to the epidemic. In his deliberation of the Jonathan Mann memorial lecture, the government was admonished for failing to adopt a program to prevent vertical transmission of HIV infection by providing pregnant women with antiretroviral therapy. Quoting an article by the African intellectual Dr. Mamphela Ramphele, he commented that failure to recognize HIV as the country's utmost priority is an irresponsibility that borders on criminality on the part of the government. Moreover, Cameron called on the pharmaceutical industry and developed countries to take steps to lower the prices of drugs and make them more readily available to poverty stricken countries that are more affected by the epidemic.  相似文献   

Tolwinski NS 《Fly》2008,2(3):156-158
The 49(th) Annual Drosophila Research Conference was held in the sunny confines of San Diego. As usual, large numbers of Drosophila scientists working in fields as different as immunology and evolution descended on the venue. The meeting showed that the fly community is still vibrant and diverse even with the funding crunch at the NIH and the renewed rumors that Drosophila may have outlived its usefulness. This short review will focus on one session of platform presentations detailing the recent advances in the field of pattern formation. This session offered a variety of topics reviewing the formation of pattern in various tissues through diverse mechanisms. I will focus on early embryonic patterning through pair-rule genes, specificity of FGF signaling, and tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

The etiological agent of AIDS known as HIV has been shown to bind on different insect cell lines including Drosophila, Mosquito, Ceratitis; and his DNA to be integrated in the cellular genome, but no expression of the viral genome was detected in those cells. None of the human lymphocytes markers is expressed at the surface of the insect cells. HIV proviral DNA has been also found in various insects from Central Africa (Za?re and Central Africa Republic) but not similar insects from the Paris area. These data suggest that insects could be a reservoir or a vector for the AIDS virus.  相似文献   

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