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Plant Growth Regulation - Waterlogging is a major abiotic stress limiting crop growth and yield. There is a distinct difference among cereal crops in their responses to waterlogging stress,...  相似文献   

Singh H  Sharma SN  Sain RS 《Hereditas》2004,141(2):106-114
A set of diallel crosses involving 10 parents was made to have information on the extent of heterosis over mid-parent and better parent and inbreeding depression for yield and yield contributing characters under three different environments. Marked heterobeltiosis for grain yield and its important components were observed. For grain yield, 83 crosses showed significant positive heterobeltiosis in all the three sowing dates, however, twenty crosses showed significant consistent heterobeltiosis for grain yield per plant over all the three environments. The maximum heterobeltiosis for grain yield per plant observed was 50.94% (Raj 3765 x HD 2285), 121.08% (PBW 373 x HD 2329) and 93.96% (PBW 373 x HD 2329) under early, normal and late sowing conditions, respectively. Cross PBW 373 x HD 2329 in both early and normal plantings and cross Raj 3765 x HD 2285 under late planting were observed most heterotic for grain yield. The crosses showing heterosis for grain yield were not heterotic for all the characters. Heterosis for grain yield per spike followed by tillers per plant and 1000-grain weight was independently associated with heterosis for grain yield in early and normal plantings. However, heterosis for grain yield per spike, dwarf plant height and tillers per plant contributed maximum towards yield heterosis. Significant inbreeding depression was recorded frequently for yield and yield contributing traits, however, in a few traits it was observed significant negative indicated that F(2) was superior to F(1) considered desirable combination for trait(s). The study reveals good scope for commercial exploitation of heterosis as well as isolation of pure lines among the progenies of heterotic F(1) for improvement of yield levels in bread wheat.  相似文献   

旱地小麦休闲期覆盖保水与产量构成因素的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探索旱地小麦休闲期覆盖保水、增产技术途径,于2011—2012年在山西省闻喜县进行了前茬小麦收获后30 d或60 d深翻后进行地面全覆盖、半覆盖、不覆盖的大田试验,研究休闲期覆盖时间和覆盖方式对土壤水分和小麦产量形成的影响。结果表明:休闲期覆盖后,播种-孕穗期土壤蓄水量显著提高,尤其播种期140~200 cm,越冬期和返青期160~300 cm,拔节期80~160 cm,孕穗期0~120 cm、200~300 cm土层效果明显,且以前茬小麦收获后30 d采用全覆盖效果较好;覆盖后,越冬-孕穗期群体分蘖数增加,成熟期植株干物质量显著提高,穗数显著提高(3%~14%),产量显著提高(171~815 kg·hm-2);全覆盖处理成穗率、经济系数、产量及其构成因素均高于半覆盖,且以麦收后30 d覆盖效果较好;播种期土壤水分与穗数、穗粒数和产量关系密切,尤其是深层土壤水分,且直至孕穗期200~300 cm土壤水分与干物质量、穗数和产量关系仍密切;休闲期提早覆盖有利于蓄保休闲期降水于深层,且至孕穗期300 cm深处土壤水分仍有提高;有利于构建合理群体,主要通过提高穗数实现增产,且以全覆盖效果最好。  相似文献   

Three crosses of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) involving six cultivars (WC29, WH291, SGP 14, RAJ. 1972, WH377 and HD 2329) were selected on the basis of combining ability analysis to study genetics of transgressive segregation for tillers/plant, grains/spike, 1000 grain weight and grain yield/plant using various mating designs. Diallel analysis indicated that both additive and non- additive components were significant for all the characters. On the basis of general combining ability and specific combining ability effects, the parents WH 291 and WH 377 were found to be good general combiners for tillers/ plant, 1000 grain weight and grain yield/plant. For grains/spike SGP 14 was found to be a good general combiner. The cross WH 377 × HD 2329 for tillers/plant, SGP 14 × Raj. 1972 for grains/spike and grain yield/plant and WC 29 × WH 291 for 1000 grain weight were found to be good cross combinations. Generation mean analysis indicated that the additive-dominance model was inadequate for all the characters in all the crosses except for 1000 grain weight in WC29 × WH291. Additive component was more pronounced than non-additive components for all the characters in all the crosses except for tillers/ plant in WH 377 × HD 2329. Predictions for transgressive segregants from F3 was more accurate than that from generation mean analysis. However, prediction from both the sources were equally efficient if additive-dominance model was adequate. In general, observed frequencies of transgressive segregants were more in F2 and BIPi than F4 but the majority of them were discarded on progeny testing. Biparental mating had an impact in increasing the frequencies of transgressive segregants for different characters in all the crosses. The crosses, WH 377 × HD 2329 for grain yield/ plant, SGP 14 × Raj. 1972 for tillers/plant and WC 29 × WH 291 for grains/spike and 1000 grain weight were found to be potential crosses for transgressive segregants. A comparison of combining ability of parents and crosses, and observed and predicted frequencies of transgressive segregants indicated that the potential crosses for transgressive segregants were those that had high sea effects and involved high and low general combiners. The crosses involving low general combiners irrespective of their sea effects showed poor performance with respect to transgressive segregation.  相似文献   

Setter  T.L.  Waters  I. 《Plant and Soil》2003,253(1):1-34
A review is presented for prospects of germplasm improvement for waterlogging tolerance in wheat, barley and oats using a mechanistic approach based on adaptive physiological traits. In `The waterlogged environments for crop production' section, the extent of waterlogging is reviewed commencing with determination of environmental factors which may limit plant growth and development in waterlogging prone regions. This highlights that different types of waterlogging may exist, there may be large spatial and temporal variation in waterlogging, and that waterlogging may be confounded in field experiments with additional environmental factors. Environmental characterisation is therefore a key step to using mechanistic approaches for germplasm improvement for target environments, for extrapolation to other environments, and for development of screening protocols under controlled conditions that accurately reflect the field environment. In the `Information on key components required for germplasm improvement' section, the genetic diversity in wheat, barley and oats for waterlogging tolerance is confirmed. Physiological mechanisms for waterlogging tolerance are diverse and can be grouped into adaptive traits relating to (1) phenology, (2) morphology and anatomy, (3) nutrition, (4) metabolism including anaerobic catabolism and anoxia tolerance, and (5) post anoxic damage and recovery. For wheat and barley, there is some genetic diversity for waterlogging tolerance at the germination stage, however the full potential seems yet to be exploited. Varietal differences in tolerance at the germination stage often differ from tolerance at later stages of development, and this supports the view that different mechanisms of tolerance exist at the whole plant and tissue level. Limited work from genetic studies indicates a high heritability for waterlogging tolerance. It is concluded that the best opportunities for germplasm improvement are for further exploration and utilisation of genetic diversity by improving selection criteria including the use of marker assisted selection. Additional opportunities are described for increasing genetic diversity using wide hybridisations and development of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Summary Genetical analysis of the F2 triple test cross design combined with conventional early generations was used to elucidate the genetical control of yield and yield components in two crosses of winter wheat. From estimates of the additive, {d}, and additive X additive, {i}, components of means, together with the additive genetical variance, D, predicted frequencies of recombinant inbred lines that would transgress the parental range were calculated for each cross. The accuracy of predictions was evaluated by comparing expected frequencies with observed numbers in populations of F6 lines previously developed by single seed descent.For both crosses and all characters where an adequate genetical model was found to explain the observed variation between the early generations, good agreement between predicted and observed frequencies of transgressive segregants was obtained. Furthermore, for characters exhibiting significant epistasis, allowance for additive X additive {i} epistasis in the prediction equations was sufficient to allow for skewness of the recombinant inbred population.These results demonstrate that cross performance in wheat can be predicted from genetical analysis of early generations, and the value of this approach in breeding new varieties is discussed.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Negative effects of waterlogging on wheat and barley yield are expressed mainly through reductions in grain number per plant. Physiological traits associated with reductions in...  相似文献   

试验以化杀杂种CH-1和不育系杂种VH-2及其亲本为材料,比较研究了杂种小麦开花后生物产量及其组分的动态变化,结果表明:(1)杂种小麦开花后的营养体于重量大,籽粒的增长速率高,增量大,收获指数高,生物产量具有较强的杂种优势。杂种的粒重超双亲平均值(MP)9.5%-18.7%,超对照(CK)15.8%;(2)不同器官的干重变化有别。CH-1与其双亲平均值(MP1)和对照(CK)比,中上部器官倒1-3节茎鞘叶中的光合产物输出的多,失重大,对籽粒的贡献大,而中下部器官倒4节下茎鞘叶中的光合产物输出的少,失重小,物质积累的多,不育系杂种VH-2营养体干重的变化规律同CH-1,但器官失重少,与其双亲平均值(MP2)和CK相比,虽然生物产量高,但器官干重于减少量低,收获指数小,究其原因主要是不育系杂种结实率低(88%-94%),器官中光合产物输出少,积累多,使库源关系不协调所致;(3)营养体干重与籽粒重呈现显著正相关关系(r=0.8728^**),而杂种的粒重优势恰是体现在营养体干重的优势上,因此,通过增加营养重量,进而增加粒重,提高产量,是协调和提高杂种小麦生物产量和收获指数的关键所在。  相似文献   

Chromosome 5A of wheat is known to carry a number of genes affecting adaptability and productivity. To localize quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling grain yield and its components, an RFLP map was constructed from 118 single-chromosome recombinant lines derived from the F1 between Chinese Spring (Cappelle-Desprez 5A) and Chinese Spring (Triticum spelta 5A). The map was combined with the field-trial data scored over 3 years. A total of five regions in chromosome 5A contributed effects on yield traits. Increases in grain yield, 50-grain weight and spikelet number/ear were determined by complementary QTL alleles from both parents. The effects associated with the vernalization requirement gene Vrn-A1 or a closely linked QTL were significant only in the favorable growing season where the later-flowering vrn-A1 allele from Cappelle-Desprez 5A produced a higher tiller number/plant and spikelet number/ear. The effects of the ear morphology gene q or closely linked QTL(s) were detected for grain yield and ear grain weight. Three other QTLs with minor effects were dispersed along chromosome 5A. These QTLs had large interactions with years due to changes in the magnitude of the significant response. The alleles from T. spelta, however, conferred a higher yield performance. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 25 March 2000  相似文献   

The efficiency of visual assessment for grain yield and its components in spring barley rows was examined using a number of assessors. In 20 out of 28 combinations of assessor and character, only 20 or less lines were needed to be retained from the set of 99 lines to save at least 50% of the best 10 lines. Assessments of tillers/row and to a lesser extent 1000-grain weight were generally more effective than assessments of yield/row and grain/ear. The low effectiveness of assessment of grains/ear was attributed to inadequate sampling of ears. Four out of five assessors showed bias towards assessment of tillers/row, the most easily assessed character, in their assessments of yield/row. Experienced barley workers were more successful in their assessments than others less familiar with the crop. Specially developed keys, aimed at making visual assessment more objective, generally had only small positive effects on the efficiency of assessment. Repeated assessments of characters by some assessors were consistent. It was concluded that visual assessment rather than direct measurement should be recognised as a basic tool of breeding in the early generations, using a large number of lines as a ‘safety net’ allowing the loss of some of the best lines.  相似文献   

Response of wheat genotype HD 2329 to individual and combined effects of alkalinity and waterlogging (WL) at tillering, panicle emergence and anthesis stage was studied. Both stresses increased Na accumulation and reduced K uptake which leads to higher Na+/K+ ratio in the leaves. Yield was decreased under all the stress treatments and highly correlated with Na+/K+ ratio at all the three growth stages (r = −0.83, −0.82 and −0.73, respectively) with maximum reduction under pH 9.4 + WL. Increase in pH from 7.2 to 9.1 and 9.4 delayed complete panicle emergence (4 and 8 days) and flowering (1 and 2 days) at both, tillering and panicle emergence stages. Dual stress further increased days, required for complete panicle emergence and flowering. These results suggested that high Na+/K+ ratio of plant tissue may be the critical factor for growth and development of wheat under WL, alkalinity and dual stress. Due to this delay in flowering and panicle emergence, times required for maturity of grains shorten, resulted in lower grain yield.  相似文献   

渍水对四川小麦生理性状及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用二因素裂区设计,连续2年(2011-2012和2012-2013年)以川麦104和内麦836为对象,在小麦苗期、拔节期、孕穗期、开花期分别进行35 d的渍水处理,研究渍水对四川小麦生长和产量形成的影响.结果表明: 苗期渍水减产最大,减产10%~15%,随渍水时期的后移,对产量的影响减小.苗期渍水降低了第3~6叶SPAD值、单株分蘖力和单株成穗数,降低了有效穗数、花后干物质积累量和成熟期干物质量.拔节期渍水降低了第4~7叶SPAD值,孕穗期渍水降低了倒4、倒3、倒2叶SPAD值,拔节期和孕穗期渍水导致花后旗叶SPAD值下降,渐增期灌浆速率(R1)和平均灌浆速率(Rmean)下降,千粒重下降.开花期渍水对产量影响较小.表明苗期渍水是四川稻茬小麦渍害临界期.  相似文献   

Waterlogging stress limits the productivity of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell.) in many parts of the world.When wheat is grown under waterlogged conditions, a reddish-brownmineral coating can form on the epidermal surface of the roots.In wetland plants such as rice, the amount of mineral coatingformed on root surfaces is positively related to yield. Thisstudy was conducted to determine whether mineral coating onthe roots of wheat is related to yield potential under waterloggedconditions. Root mineral coatings formed under waterlogged conditionswere studied in 12 cultivars and two breeding lines over threeyears of greenhouse pot studies. Soil redox potential in thewaterlogged treatment ranged between - 46 and 171 mV, and grainyield was suppressed by 28–49% compared to well-drainedcontrols. Mineral coating formed on the roots from the waterloggedtreatment was determined to be composed primarily of iron, basedon ICP elemental analysis, iron-specific staining, and ion-mappingby scanning electron microscopy using an X-ray detector. Of11 elements quantified by ICP spectroscopy, six were significantlyaffected by waterlogging treatment, and three of these, Fe,Mn and P, were well-correlated negatively to yield. Aerenchymaformation in the heavily coated waterlogged roots appeared todisrupt the internal root structure, and exceeded 40% of cross-sectionalarea in one cultivar. Unlike rice, which shows a positive relationshipbetween oxygen release from roots, grain yield and mineral coating,in winter wheat, the amount of mineral coating is negativelyrelated to grain yield under waterlogged conditions. Key words: Wheat, mineral coating, waterlogging, aerenchyma, hypoxia  相似文献   

Visual assessments of yield/plant and tillers/plant were more effective than unaided assessments of grains/ear and 1000-grain weight on a per plant basis. Assessments of the latter yield components were generally improved by the use of specially developed keys described by Ismail & Valentine (1983). Gains in efficiency were associated with the amount of extra time spent on making these assessments. Assessments of yield/ear were not more effective than assessments of yield/plant. This was attributed to the ease of assessment of tillers/plant which was strongly associated with yield/plant. Assessments of grains/ear and 1000-grain weight in single ears were clearly more effective than corresponding assessments in single plants in which there is high variability between ears. Apart from using keys, further improvements in the assessments of grains/ear and 1000-grain weight are necessary in order to increase the effectiveness of single plant selection in the F2 generation which is the first opportunity of increasing yield in later generations.  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了花后渍水、盐胁迫和盐渍处理对2个小麦品种(扬麦12和淮麦17)籽粒产量及蛋白质和淀粉积累与组分的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,花后渍水、盐胁迫和盐渍处理显著降低了小麦花前贮藏氮素(花前贮藏干物质)转运量和花后同化氮素(花后同化物)输入籽粒量,从而导致小麦籽粒产量、蛋白质和淀粉产量显著降低,其中盐胁迫和盐渍处理表现更为明显.与对照和渍水处理相比,盐胁迫和盐渍处理显著降低了小麦籽粒蛋白质积累量及谷/醇蛋白比,显著提高了蛋白质组分含量;同时降低了小麦籽粒淀粉积累量、淀粉组分含量及直/支链淀粉比;盐胁迫处理对扬麦12的影响较盐渍处理明显,而盐渍处理对淮麦17的影响较盐胁迫处理明显.渍水条件下小麦籽粒蛋白质和淀粉积累量均下降,除淮麦17谷蛋白和清蛋白含量有所提高外,淮麦17其他蛋白组分含量和扬麦12各蛋白组分含量均下降.  相似文献   

The critical weed-free period in organically-grown winter wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments were conducted in central southern England between September 1994 and August 1996 to identify the critical weed-free period in organically grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, cv. Mercia). In competition with a mixed weed infestation of predominately Alopecurus myosuroides and Tripleurospermum inodorum it was found that wheat yield decreased as the duration of the weed-infested period increased and that the crop needed to be kept free of weeds from sowing in order to completely avoid any yield loss. Also, weeds emerging in the wheat crop (predominately T. inodorum) during the growing season had a significant and detrimental effect on yield. The existence of the critical period, therefore, depends on the imposition of an acceptable yield loss. If a 5% yield loss gives a marginal benefit compared with the cost of weed control, the critical period will begin at 506°C days after sowing (November) and end at 1023°C days after sowing (February). This information could be used by farmers to target mechanical weeding operations to control weeds at a time that will have maximum benefit to the crop.  相似文献   

Grain protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is generally considered a highly heritable character that is negatively correlated with grain yield and yield-related traits. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for protein content was mapped using data on protein content and protein content conditioned on the putatively interrelated traits to evaluate possible genetic interrelationships between protein content and yield, as well as yield-related traits. Phenotypic data were evaluated in a recombinant inbred line population with 302 lines derived from a cross between the Chinese cultivar Weimai 8 and Luohan 2. Inclusive composite interval mapping using IciMapping 3.0 was employed for mapping unconditional and conditional QTL with additives. A strong genetic relationship was found between protein content and grain yield, and yield-related traits. Unconditional QTL mapping analysis detected seven additive QTL for protein content, with additive effects ranging in absolute size from 0.1898% to 0.3407% protein content, jointly accounting for 43.45% of the trait variance. Conditional QTL mapping analysis indicated two QTL independent from yield, which can be used in marker-assisted selection for increasing yield without affecting grain protein content. Three additional QTL with minor effects were identified in the conditional mapping. Of the three QTLs, two were identified when protein content was conditioned on yield, which had pleiotropic effects on those two traits. Conditional QTL mapping can be used to dissect the genetic interrelationship between two traits at the individual QTL level for closely correlated traits. Further, conditional QTL mapping can reveal additional QTL with minor effects that are undetectable in unconditional mapping.  相似文献   

明确气候变化特征及其对小麦生产的影响,有助于为农业适应气候变化方案的制定提供理论依据.本研究分析了晋南小麦主产区临汾、运城市1957-2015年降水量、气温、日照时长、潜在蒸散量、干燥度等变化及其对冬小麦生育期及产量的影响.结果 表明:1957-2015年,临汾、运城市全年降水量和冬小麦生育期日照时长均呈下降趋势,冬小...  相似文献   

Summary The effects of winter waterlogging and a subsequent drought on the growth of winter barley and winter wheat have been examined. We used lysimeters containing soil monoliths with facilities to control the water table and a mobile shelter to control rainfall. Winter wheat was grown on a clay and on a sandy loam, but winter barley only on the clay soil. Lysimeters were either freely-drained during the winter or waterlogged with the water table 10 cm below the soil surface from 2 December until 31 March (that could occur by rainfall with a return period of 2 to 3 years). The lysimeters then were either irrigated so that the soil moisture deficit did not exceed 84 mm, or subjected to drought by limiting rainfall (equivalent to a 1 in 10 dry year in the driest area of England) so that the deficits reached maximum values of 150 mm in the clay and 159 mm in the sandy loam by harvest.Winter waterlogging restricted tillering and restricted the number of ears for all crops; grain yield of the winter barley was decreased by 219 g/m2 (30%), and that of winter wheat by 170 g/m2 (24%) and 153 g/m2 (21% on the clay and sandy loam respectively.The drought treatment reduced the straw weight of winter barley by 75 g/m2 (12%) but did not significantly depress the grain yield. For winter wheat on the clay, where the soil was freely-drained during the winter, drought depressed total shoot weight by 344 g/m2 (17%) and grain weight by 137 g/m2 (17%), but after winter waterlogging, drought did not further depress total or grain weight. In contrast, the winter wheat on the sandy loam was not significantly affected by drought.From these results, which are discussed in relation to other experiments in the United Kingdom, it seems that winter waterlogging is likely to cause more variation in the yield of winter barley and winter wheat than drought.  相似文献   

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