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Two species of mosquitoes were joined parabiotically with glass capillaries so as to share common hemolymph. In experiments designed to determine optimum physical factors was found that capillaries of 2.5 mm in length, 100 microns OD and with pointed ends were tolerated best by mosquitoes and permitted optimum hemolymph transfer. Maximum survival of mosquitoes was noted when capillaries were inserted in the post mesospiracular membranous area, in the largest mosquito first and allowed to fill with hemolymph prior to inserting in the second mosquito. Mosquitoes having blood meals prior to twinning retained capillaries best. Use of CO2 anesthetization and a 30-min holding period while anesthetized contributed to greater survival and union of the mosquitoes. In the principal experiments, designed to study the nature of innate immunity of Culex pipiens to Plasmodium gallinaceum, 243 of 2,126 parabiotic twins of C. pipiens and infected Aedes aegypti survived to be evaluated. None of the C. pipiens became infected and only four A. aegypti remained infected. The controls were 93 to 95% infected. It was concluded that the refractory species possessed substances that were toxic to the parasites and prevented parasite development in both species. If there was a lack of essential substances (that could not be transferred) in the refractory C. pipiens they could have been provided by the highly susceptible A. aegypti and both species would have become infected. Innate immunity is therefore antiblastic not atreptic.  相似文献   

Wolbachia, a common bacterial endosymbiont of insects, has been shown to protect its hosts against a wide range of pathogens. However, not all strains exert a protective effect on their host. Here we assess the effects of two divergent Wolbachia strains, wAlbB from Aedes albopictus and wMelPop from Drosophila melanogaster, on the vector competence of Anopheles gambiae challenged with Plasmodium berghei. We show that the wAlbB strain significantly increases P. berghei oocyst levels in the mosquito midgut while wMelPop modestly suppresses oocyst levels. The wAlbB strain is avirulent to mosquitoes while wMelPop is moderately virulent to mosquitoes pre-blood meal and highly virulent after mosquitoes have fed on mice. These various effects on P. berghei levels suggest that Wolbachia strains differ in their interactions with the host and/or pathogen, and these differences could be used to dissect the molecular mechanisms that cause interference of pathogen development in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei berghei is frequently ectopic, occurring deep within the tissue of the midgut with oocysts expelling sporozoites into its lumen. Inocula containing oocysts and sporozoites defecated with blood during the mosquito blood meal produced infections when introduced into mice. The fine structures and pellicle of luminal parasites appeared normal in all respects.  相似文献   

Basic knowledge of the sporogonic development of malarial parasites is crucial when evaluating the sporontocidal activity of antimalarial drugs or when determining why certain vectors are refractory to a particular parasite while others are competent vectors. We have developed a model which we have used to i) assess the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei ANKA in Anopheles stephensi and A. freeborni mosquitoes and ii) determine the effect of chloroquine on the sporogony of P. falciparum NF-54 in A. stephensi. Criteria used to assay sporogonic development include: i) number of oocysts present, ii) percentage of mosquitoes with oocysts, iii) time of release of sporozoites from the oocysts into the hemolymph, iv) time and degree of sporozoite invasion of salivary glands, and v) transmission (P. berghei) into vertebrate hosts. Parasite development in the mosquito is evaluated every other day, commencing on ca. day 7 post-feed (PF) and continuing until ca. day 22 PF. These detailed observations allow us to delineate the chronology of sporogonic development.  相似文献   

It is well documented that the density of Plasmodium in its vertebrate host modulates the physiological response induced; this in turn regulates parasite survival and transmission. It is less clear that parasite density in the mosquito regulates survival and transmission of this important pathogen. Numerous studies have described conversion rates of Plasmodium from one life stage to the next within the mosquito, yet few have considered that these rates might vary with parasite density. Here we establish infections with defined numbers of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei to examine how parasite density at each stage of development (gametocytes; ookinetes; oocysts and sporozoites) influences development to the ensuing stage in Anopheles stephensi, and thus the delivery of infectious sporozoites to the vertebrate host. We show that every developmental transition exhibits strong density dependence, with numbers of the ensuing stages saturating at high density. We further show that when fed ookinetes at very low densities, oocyst development is facilitated by increasing ookinete number (i.e., the efficiency of ookinete-oocyst transformation follows a sigmoid relationship). We discuss how observations on this model system generate important hypotheses for the understanding of malaria biology, and how these might guide the rational analysis of interventions against the transmission of the malaria parasites of humans by their diverse vector species.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the interactions between Anopheles stephensi midgut epithelial cells and Plasmodium berghei ookinetes during invasion of the mosquito by the parasite. In this mosquito, P. berghei ookinetes invade polarized columnar epithelial cells with microvilli, which do not express high levels of vesicular ATPase. The invaded cells are damaged, protrude towards the midgut lumen and suffer other characteristic changes, including induction of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression, a substantial loss of microvilli and genomic DNA fragmentation. Our results indicate that the parasite inflicts extensive damage leading to subsequent death of the invaded cell. Ookinetes were found to be remarkably plastic, to secrete a subtilisin-like serine protease and the GPI-anchored surface protein Pbs21 into the cytoplasm of invaded cells, and to be capable of extensive lateral movement between cells. The epithelial damage inflicted is repaired efficiently by an actin purse-string-mediated restitution mechanism, which allows the epithelium to 'bud off' the damaged cells without losing its integrity. A new model, the time bomb theory of ookinete invasion, is proposed and its implications are discussed.  相似文献   

When exposed to a human host, Anopheles gambiae started probing 4 h post-eclosion, but 95% successfully blood-fed by 16-20 h with maximal blood volumes of 5- 10 microl per female. When fed sugar, the 95% feeding was not observed until 36-40 h post-eclosion; sugar meals appeared to interfere with blood meals. Similarly in An. atroparvus, maximum volumes were 10 microl when starved but only 6 microl when fed sugar. This species did not bite before 2 d, and 95% biting was by 4 d. Given single blood meals to water-kept An. gambiae, a threshold body size for oogenesis was detected. With wing lengths below 2.8 mm, eggs never matured, but when sugar-fed, females of all sizes matured eggs including the synthesis of maternal deposits. Although sugar feeding interfered with blood feeding, more lipid was transferred to the yolk. In water-kept An. atroparvus only 5% of the females produced eggs. When sugar-fed for 4 d, all females matured eggs, so in this species sugar feeding appeared to be essential for oogenesis. An. gambiae always took multiple blood meals, tested at any time after the first ones, leading to 120 mature eggs/female. Yolk composition was 3.9 mcal protein and 3.8 mcal lipid/oocyte when kept on water, but 2.8 meal protein and 4.3 mcal lipid/oocyte with intermittent sugar meals, thus marking a surprising flexibility in synthesis of yolk protein and lipid that strongly depends on additional carbohydrates sources. Only 80% of water-fed An. atroparvus re-fed 2 d after a first blood meal with small females taking three blood meals but they still showed reduced fecundity. Only the large water-fed females matured eggs, with blood volumes higher than 9-12 microl. When fed sugar, the blood meal input was reduced, but oogenesis was possible, whereas water-fed females required three blood meals to reach the caloric level comparable to pre-feeding sugar-fed females. Water-fedAn. gambiae could survive on daily blood meals alone, but survival was further extended by intermittent sugar meals. When offered a blood donor daily, there was a behavioral difference. Females maintained alone showed a more or less regular 3 d feeding and oviposition activity, while females kept in groups fed daily followed a daily oviposition pattern, suggesting gonotrophic discordance.  相似文献   

Malaria remains the most serious vector-borne disease, affecting some 300-500 million people annually, transmitted by many species of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Monoclonal antibodies developed against specific circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of the main malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax have been used previously for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), widely employed for detection of malaria sporozoites in vector Anopheles for local risk assessment, epidemiological studies and targeting vector control. However, ELISA procedures are relatively slow and impractical for field use. To circumvent this, we developed rapid wicking assays that identify the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of CS protein of the most important P. falciparum and two strains (variants 210 and 247) of the more widespread P. vivax. The resulting assay is a rapid, one-step procedure using a 'dipstick' wicking test strip. In laboratory assessment, dipsticks identified 1 ng/ mL of any of these three CS protein antigens, with sensitivity nearly equal to the CS standard ELISA. We have developed and are evaluating a combined panel assay that will be both qualitative and quantitative. This quick and easy dipstick test (VecTest Malaria) offers practical advantages for field workers needing to make rapid surveys of malaria vectors.  相似文献   

Using a proteomic approach we identified polypeptides from Anopheles gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster protein extracts that selectively bind purified Plasmodium berghei ookinetes in vitro; these were two and three distinct polypeptides, respectively, with an apparent molecular weight of about 36 kDa. Combining two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF (matrix-associated laser desorption ionization time of flight) mass spectrometry we determined that the polypeptides correspond to isomorphs of the annexin B11 protein of the fruit fly. When protein extracts derived from A. gambiae and D. melanogaster tissue culture cells were further fractionated, the binding activity matching the annexin protein could be localized in the fraction derived from cell membranes in both diptera. Antibody staining showed that annexin also binds to ookinetes during the invasion of the mosquito midgut. Finally, inclusion of antiannexin antisera in a mosquito blood meal impaired parasite development, suggesting a facilitating role for annexins in the infection of the mosquito by Plasmodium.  相似文献   

G N Pleshkova 《Genetika》1984,20(12):2011-2017
Inversions and reciprocal translocations were induced in Anopheles atroparvus by irradiation of males with X-rays. 22 aberrations were produced in stocks and were identified as follows: 6 paracentric, 6 pericentric inversions and 10 reciprocal translocations (9 autosomal and 1 sex-linked). Partial sterility in the offspring of this stock is demonstrated. The practical significance of constructing stocks with inversions and translocations for genetic control of pest insects is considered.  相似文献   

We observed that Plasmodium berghei sporozoite-infected Anopheles stephensi was not impaired in its ability to locate blood on a host. When probing rats, infected mosquitoes took as long as non-infected mosquitoes to locate blood. Contrary to previous suggestions, infective mosquitoes delivered sporozoites into mineral oil even after extensively probing a vertebrate host. We observed that, in mosquitoes having probed a host, both the mean number of sporozoites ejected over 3 min into oil (35.9 v. 31.7 sporozoites) and the proportion of mosquitoes delivering sporozoites (60% v. 50%) were similar to mosquitoes not having probed. We then developed a model of sporozoite delivery, taking into account observations that sporozoites are clumped in the lumen of the glands as well as upon delivery, and that output is uneven and inconsistent. We conclude that clumping optimizes transmission, if a threshold of infection exists and the mean number of sporozoites per clump is greater than the threshold.  相似文献   

The mortality of P. berghei-infected Anopheles stephensi females can be about 30% higher during the first three days than in normal blood-fed mosquitoes. As expected the mortality is higher after feeding on highly infected mice but also depends on the date of feeding and the temperature. Infected mosquitoes kept at 25 degrees C die more often than those kept at 21 degrees C. On the other hand sporozoite production needs the low temperature of 21 degrees C. So the sporozoite production rate falls with increasing temperature, and the mortality rate increases.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the mechanisms and patterns of resistance to Plasmodium berghei in different mosquito species revealed a diversity of factors which prevent or inhibit sporogonic development in its different phases and in different sites in the mosquito vector. The experiments showed that Culex salinarius was a totally resistant species in which exflagellation and ookinete formation are prevented. In Aedes aegypti, ookinetes in small or moderate numbers are formed but penetration of the mosquito midgut wall is blocked and oocysts are not formed. In the three experimental vectors, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Anopheles aztecus, and Anopheles stephensi grades of enhanced susceptibility are recognized. They are expressed in lesser numbers of abnormal and degenerative oocysts, in higher numbers of sporozoites in the salivary gland, and greater viability and invasiveness of these sporozoites. In Anopheles dureni, the natural vector of rodent malaria, one observes both in nature and under experimental conditions the highest adaptation and most pronounced grade of susceptibility to P. berghei.  相似文献   

We have used confocal microscopy and an antibody against Anopheles gambiae beta integrin to study this protein's distribution in the mosquito midgut and its relationship to invading Plasmodium berghei parasites. An extensive reorganization of integrin is seen to take place in the midgut epithelial cells following the uptake of either non-infected or parasite-infected blood meal, probably reflecting the reshaping of the gut due to the presence of the food bolus and the peritrophic membrane that surrounds it. Furthermore, malaria parasites are coated with beta integrin immediately upon entry into the epithelium, independent of whether they develop intra- or extracellularly. Although this coat is shed a few days after the invasion, beta integrin remains concentrated in the cells surrounding the maturing oocyst for several days. Finally, the antibody detects a structural change in the midgut epithelial cells in the immediate vicinity of the invading ookinete, which is consistent with Plasmodium-induced apoptosis followed by wound healing. This intimate association suggests a specific role of beta integrin in the invasion process.  相似文献   

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