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The Central American hunting spider Cupiennius salei, like most other spiders, has eight eyes, one pair of principal eyes and three pairs of secondary eyes. The principal eyes and one pair of the secondary eyes have almost completely overlapping visual fields, and presumably differ in function. The retinae of the principal eyes can be moved independently by two pairs of eye muscles each, whereas the secondary eyes do not have such eye muscles. The behavioural relevance of retinal movements of freely moving spiders was investigated by a novel dual-channel telemetric registration of the eye muscle activities. Walking spiders shifted the ipsilateral retina with respect to the walking direction before, during and after a turning movement. The change in the direction of vision in the ipsilateral anterior median eye was highly correlated with the walking direction, regardless of the actual light conditions. The contralateral retina remained in its resting position. This indicates that Cupiennius salei shifts it visual field in the walking direction not only during but sometimes previous to an intended turn, and therefore “peers” actively into the direction it wants to turn.  相似文献   

Cupiennius salei single insulin-like growth factor binding domain protein (SIBD-1) is an 8.6 kDa Cys-, Pro-, and Gly-rich protein, discovered in the hemocytes of the Central American hunting spider Cupiennius salei. SIBD-1 exhibits high sequence similarity to the N-terminal domain of the insulin-like growth factor-binding protein superfamily and has been reported to play an important role in the spider's immune system. Here, the recombinant expression and the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of recombinant SIBD-1 and the characterization of the sugar moiety at Thr2 of native SIBD-1 is described in detail.  相似文献   

Summary Wolf spiders have four pairs of eyes distributed in three rows. The first row which lie in the frontal region of the caparace, just above the chelicera, contains four eyes: a medial pair known as the anterior medial eyes (AM eyes or principal eyes) and two smaller eyes known as the anterior lateral eyes (AL eyes). The second row which is located also in the frontal region of the prosoma consists of two big eyes. These are the posterior median eyes (PM eyes). The third row contains the posterior lateral eyes (PL eyes) which lie in the flanks of the prosomal caparace. The AL, PM and PL eyes are the so-called secondary eyes.The electron microscope shows that the AM eye photoreceptor cells have the rhabdomere in their distal segment, just behind the vitreous body. The rhabdomere consists of closely packed microvilli about 0.5 long exhibiting a uniform diameter of 500 Å. Each rhabdom consists of two rhabdomeres. The distal segment of the photoreceptor has a prismatic shape with four or five faces depending of their location within the retina.The distribution of the rhabdoms follows two different patterns or organization. In the peripheral portion of the retina they lie oriented either parallel or perpendicular to the retinal radii. In this zone most cells have four sides while in the central region five sided cells are predominant. These cells bear microvilli in three of their five faces and the rhabdoms show no preferential mode of orientation. Each retina contains approximately 450 photoreceptors. In the secondary eyes the rhabdoms lie far from the vitreous body behind the level of the cell nuclei. A light reflecting layer or tapetum is present in the three pairs of secondary eyes. The microvilli forming the rhabdomeres of the AL eyes are 0.5 long and 500 Å wide, while the microvilli of the rhabdomeres in the PM and PL eyes are longer and thicker (1.5 long and 550–660 Å wide). In these eyes the rhabdomeres are surrounded by abundant extracellular material. Like in the principal eyes each rhabdom consists of two rhabdomeres.In the AL eyes the photoreceptor cells send out collateral branches which end, without any specialization, in contact with other photoreceptors. Clear fibers running parallely to the tapetum have been found in the secondary eyes. These fibers show specialized regions corresponding to the zones of contact with the photoreceptor cells. These areas are characterized by an increased density of the membranes and groups of vesicles (the vesicles lie within the fibers).The optic nerves consist of photoreceptor axons, glial cells and a fibrous perineural sheath. The AM and AL eyes are connected to the CNS by a single compact optic nerve while in the PM and PL eyes the optic nerve consists of several individual bundles. The total number of optic fibers entering into the brain is about 12.000.A layer of glial cytoplasm covers each photoreceptor axon and the mesaxons appear as double lines which bifurcate frequently.Research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, under AFOSR Grant Nr. 618-64.  相似文献   

In this study we describe a distinctive pigment ring that appears in spider eyes after ecdysis and successively decreases in size in the days thereafter. Although pigment stops in spider eyes are well known, size variability is, to our knowledge, reported here for the first time. Representative species from three families (Ctenidae, Sparassidae and Lycosidae) are investigated and, for one of these species (Cupiennius salei, Ctenidae), the progressive increase in pupil diameter is monitored. In this species the pupil occupies only a fourth of the total projected lens surface after ecdysis and reaches its final size after approximately ten days. MicroCT images suggest that the decrease of the pigment ring is linked to the growth of the corneal lens after ecdysis. The pigment rings might improve vision in the immature eye by shielding light rays that would otherwise enter the eye via peripheral regions of the cornea, beside the growing crystalline lens.  相似文献   

Vision plays a major role in many spiders, being involved in prey hunting, orientation or substrate choice, among others. In Misumena vatia, which experiences morphological color changes, vision has been reported to be involved in substrate color matching. Electrophysiological evidence reveals that at least two types of photoreceptors are present in this species, but these data are not backed up by morphological evidence. This work analyzes the functional structure of the eyes of this spider and relates it to its color-changing abilities. A broad superposition of the visual field of the different eyes was observed, even between binocular regions of principal and secondary eyes. The frontal space is simultaneously analyzed by four eyes. This superposition supports the integration of the visual information provided by the different eye types. The mobile retina of the principal eyes of this spider is organized in three layers of three different types of rhabdoms. The third and deepest layer is composed by just one large rhabdom surrounded by dark screening pigments that limit the light entry. The three pairs of secondary eyes have all a single layer of rhabdoms. Our findings provide strong support for an involvement of the visual system in color matching in this spider.  相似文献   

Summary The retina of the phalangid, Opilio ravennae, consists of retinula cells with distal rhabdomeres, arhabdomeric cells, and sheath cells. The receptive segment of retinula cells shows a clear separation into a Proximal rhabdom, organized into distinct rhabdom units formed by three or four retinula cells, and a Distal rhabdom, consisting of an uniterrupted layer of contiguous rhabdomeres. One of the cells comprising a retinula unit, the so-called distal retinula cell (DRC), has two or three branches that pass laterally alongside the rhabdom, thereby separating the two or three principal retinula cells of a unit. The two morphologically distinct layers of the receptive segment differ with respect to the cellular origin of rhabdomeral microvilli: DRC-branches contribute very few microvilli to the proximal rhabdom and develop extremely large rhabdomeres in the distal rhabdom only, causing the rhabdom units to fuse. Principal retinula cells, on the other hand, comprise the majority of microvilli of the proximal rhabdom, but their rhabdomeres diminish in the distal rhabdom. It is argued that proximal and distal rhabdoms serve different functions in relation to the intensity of incident light.In animals fixed 4 h after sunset, pigment granules retreat from the distal two thirds of the receptive segment. A comparison of retinae of day- and night-adapted animals shows that there is a slight (approximately 15%) increase in the cross-sectional area of rhabdomeral microvilli in dark-adapted animals, which in volume corresponds to the loss of pigment granules from the receptive segment. The length of the receptive segment as well as the pattern and shape of rhabdom units, however, remain unchanged.Each retinula unit is associated with one arhabdomeric cell. Their cell bodies are located close to those of retinula cells, but are much smaller and do not contain pigment granules. The most remarkable feature is a long, slender distal dendrite that extends up to the base of the fused rhabdom where it increases in diameter and develops a number of lateral processes interdigitating with microvilli of the rhabdom. The most distal dendrite portion extends through the center of the fused rhabdom and has again a smooth outline. All dendrites end in the distal third of the proximal rhabdom and are never present in the layer of the contiguous distal rhabdom. Arhabdomeric cells are of essentially the same morphology in day- and night-adapted animals. They are interpreted as photoinsensitive secondary neurons involved in visual information-processing that channel current collected from retinula cells of the proximal rhabdom along the optic nerve. A comparison is made with morphological equivalents of these cells in other chelicerate species.  相似文献   

A number of invertebrates are known to be sensitive to the polarization of light and use this trait in orientation, communication, or prey detection. In these animals polarization sensitivity tends to originate in rhabdomeric photoreceptors that are more or less uniformly straight and parallel. Typically, polarization sensitivity is based on paired sets of photoreceptors with orthogonal orientation of their rhabdomeres. Sunburst diving beetle larvae are active swimmers and highly visual hunters which could potentially profit from polarization sensitivity. These larvae, like those of most Dytiscids, have a cluster of six lens eyes or stemmata (designated E1 through E6) on each side of the head capsule. We examined the ultrastructure of the photoreceptor cells of the principal eyes (E1 and E2) of first instar larvae to determine whether their rhabdomeric organization could support polarization sensitivity. A detailed electron microscopical study shows that the proximal retinas of E1 and E2 are in fact composed of photoreceptors with predominantly parallel microvilli and that neighboring rhabdomeres are oriented approximately perpendicularly to one another. A similar organization is observed in the medial retina of E1, but not in the distal retinas of E1&2. Our findings suggest that T. marmoratus larvae might be able to analyze polarized light. If so, this could be used by freshly hatched larvae to find water or within the water to break the camouflage of common prey items such as mosquito larvae. Physiological and behavioral tests are planned to determine whether larvae of T. marmoratus can actually detect and exploit polarization signals.  相似文献   

Only few electron microscopic studies exist on the structure of the main eyes (anterior median eyes, AME) of web spiders. The present paper provides details on the anatomy of the AME in the funnel-web spider Agelena labyrinthica. The retina consists of two separate regions with differently arranged photoreceptor cells. Its central part has sensory cells with rhabdomeres on 2, 3, or 4 sides, whereas those of the ventral retina have only two rhabdomeres on opposite sides. In addition, the rhabdomeres of the ventral retina are arranged in a specific way: Whereas in the most ventral part they form long tangential rows, those towards the center are detached and are arranged radially. All sensory cells are wrapped by unpigmented pigment cell processes. In agelenid spiders the axons of the sensory cells exit from the middle of the cell body; their fine structure and course through the eye cup is described in detail. In the central part of the retina efferent nerve fibres were found forming synapses along the distal region of the receptor cells. A muscle is attached laterally to each eye cup that allows mainly rotational movements of the eyes. The optical performance (image resolution) of these main eyes with relatively few visual cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Both larval and adult New Zealand cave glowworms exhibit reactions to light; their photoreceptors must, therefore, be regarded as functional. The two principal stemmata of the larva possess large biconvex lenses and voluminous rhabdoms. Approximately 12 retinula cells are present. In light-adapted larvae the diameter of the rhabdom is 8 μm and that of an individual microvillus is 49.5 nm. Dark-adapted eyes have rhabdoms that measure 14 μm in cross section and microvilli with an average diameter of 54 nm. The compound eye of the adult comprises approximately 750 ommatidia, each with a facet diameter of 27–28 μm. A facet is surrounded by 1–6 interommatidial hairs which are up to 30 μm long. The interommatidial angle is 5.5°. Cones, consisting of 4 crystalline cone cells, are of the ‘acone’ type. Pigment granules in the primary pigment cells are twice as large as those of the retinula cells which measure 0.6–0.75 μm in diameter. The rhabdom is basically of the dipteran type, i.e. six open peripheral rhabdomeres surround 2 central rhabdomers arranged in a tandem position. The microvilli of cells 1–6 and cell 8 have diameters ranging from 68 to 73 nm, but those of the distally-located central rhabdomere 7 are 20% larger. This is irrespective of whether the eye is dark or light-adapted. In the latter the cones are long and narrow, the screening pigment granules closely surround the rhabdomeres, and the rhabdom is less voluminous than that of the dark-adapted eye.  相似文献   

The cell polarity gene,crumbs (crb), has been shown to participate in the development and degeneration of theDrosophila retina. Mutations inCRB1, the human homologue ofDrosophila crb, also result in retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congential amaurosis. In this study, we used the gain-of-function approach to delineate the roles ofcrb in developingDrosophila eye. In the third-instar larval stage, eye development is initiated with photoreceptor differentiation and positioning of photoreceptor nuclei in the apical cellular compartment of retinal epithelium. In the pupal stage, differentiated photoreceptors begin to form the photosensitive structures, the rhabdomeres, at their apical surface. UsingGMR-Gal4 to drive overexpression of the Crb protein at the third-instar eye disc, we found that differentiation of photoreceptors was disrupted and the nuclei of differentiated photoreceptors failed to occupy the apical compartment. Usinghs-Gal4 to drive Crb overexpression in pupal eyes resulted in interference with extension of the adherens junctions and construction of the rhabdomeres, and these defects were stage-dependent. This gain-of-function study has enabled us to delineate the roles of Crb at selective stages of eye development inDrosophila.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Dorsoventral axis formation in the legs of the fly Drosophila melanogaster requires the T-box genes optomotor-blind ( omb ) and H15 . Evolutionary conservation of the patterning functions of these genes is unclear, because data on H15 expression in the spider Cupiennius salei did not support a general role of H15 in ventral fate specification. However, H15 has a paralogous gene, midline ( mid ) in Drosophila and H15 duplicates are also present in Cupiennius and the millipede Glomeris marginata . H15 therefore seems to have been subject to gene duplication opening the possibility that the previous account on Cupiennius has overlooked one or several paralogs. We have studied omb - and H15 -related genes in two additional spider species, Tegenaria atrica and Achearanea tepidariorum and show that in both species one of the H15 genes belongs to a third group of spider H15 genes that has an expression pattern very similar to the H15 pattern in Drosophila . The expression patterns of all omb -related genes are also very similar to the omb expression pattern in Drosophila . These data suggest that the dorsoventral patterning functions of omb and H15 are conserved in the arthropods and that the previous conclusions were based on an incomplete data set in Cupiennius . Our results emphasize the importance of a broad taxon sampling in comparative studies.  相似文献   

The cobweb spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C. L. Koch, 1841; syn.: Achaearanea tepidariorum) has become an important study organism in developmental biology and evolution as well as in genetics. Besides Cupiennius salei, it has become a chelicerate model organism for evo-devo studies in recent years. However, a staging system taking into account the entire development, and detailed enough to apply to modern studies, is still required. Here we describe the embryonic development of P. tepidariorum and provide a staging system which allows easy recognition of the distinct stages using simple laboratory tools. Differences between P. tepidariorum and other chelicerates, primarily C. salei, are discussed. Furthermore, cocoon production and the first postembryonic moulting procedure are described. Schematic drawings of all stages are provided to ease stage recognition.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings have been made from visual cells in principal and secondary eyes of in vitro wolf spider preparations. The responses of all cells to all wavelengths of light were graded depolarizations; no hyperpolarizations or nerve discharges were seen. Cells in a secondary eye, the anterior lateral eye, had a maximum sensitivity in the visible at 510 nm and a secondary maximum, or shoulder, of sensitivity in the near ultraviolet at 380 nm. Cells in principal eyes, the anterior median eyes, all responded maximally both in the visible at 510 nm and in the ultraviolet at 360–370 nm or less. However, there was no typical ratio of ultraviolet to visible sensitivities; the differences in log sensitivities (log UV/VIS) varied from 3.3 to -0.5. Each principal eye had a population of cells with different ratios. These populations varied with the time of the year, possibly due to changes in light upon the animals. Chromatic adaptations of cells in anterior median (but not anterior lateral) eyes resulted in small, selective changes in spectral sensitivities, and there was some facilitation of responses from cells repeatedly stimulated. It is concluded that cells of secondary eyes contain only a visual pigment absorbing maximally in the visible, while cells of principal eyes probably contain variable amounts of both this pigment and one absorbing in the ultraviolet as well.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of an ommatidium of a skipper butterfly, Parnara guttata, has been studied using the electron microscope. Each ommatidium has nine retinula cells, which were classified into three groups: two distal, six medial and one basal retinula cells. The rhabdomeres of the distal retinula cells are localized in the distal part of the rhabdom, while those of the six medial retinula cells appear throughout most of the rhabdom. The rhabdomere of the basal retinula cell occupies only the basal part of the rhabdom. The rhabdomeres of four medial cells are constructed of parallel microvilli, while fan-like microvilli form the rhabdomeres of other two medial retinula cells. The distal and basal retinula cells have rhabdomeres consisting of both parallel and fan-like microvilli. This is the first time the construction of the rhabdomeres of the distal and basal retinula cells has been described in such fine detail for a skipper butterfly. Nine retinula cell axons of each ommatidium extend to the first neuropile of the optic lobe, the lamina ganglionaris. No difference was found in the number of retinula cells of an ommatidium or the shape of the rhabdom between the dorsal and ventral regions of the compound eye.  相似文献   

Depending on the animal species, photoreceptors are located in the visual organs, in non-visual organs or in both. Because of unique characteristics of vision containing several different pairs of eyes, I chose the jumping spider (salticid) Marpissa marina (Araneae: Salticidae; Goyen, 1892) for this study. Eyes in spiders are categorized in two groups of principal and secondary. Specifically, my aim was to determine which eyes are dedicated to regulation of the central circadian rhythm and to illuminate the pathway(s) of ocular entrainment in jumping spiders. To achieve this, I used an opaque elastic paste to prevent entry of light to the photoreceptors. My procedure was to measure spider activity levels over eight days as well as spiders responses to a 6 h delay shift in light/dark cycle. This would be made first with uncovered eyes (and sham covers) and then with distinct pairs of eyes covered. The results revealed that, unlike the secondary eyes, light information gathered through AMEs did not lead directly or indirectly to the parts of the circadian system that contain circadian pacemakers.  相似文献   

Polarization sensitivity in arthropod photoreceptors is crucially dependent on the arrangement of the microvilli within the rhabdom. Here, we present an electron-microscopical study in which the degree of microvillar alignment and changes in the cross-sectional areas of the rhabdoms along their length were studied in the compound eye of the desert ant, Cataglyphis bicolor. Serial cross-sections through the retina were taken and the orientation of the microvilli was determined in the photoreceptors of individually identified ommatidia. The reconstructions of microvillar alignment were made in the three anatomically and functionally distinct regions of the Cataglyphis compound eye: the dorsal rim area (DRA), the dorsal area (DA), and the ventral area (VA). The following morphological findings are consistent with polarization sensitivities measured previously by intracellular recordings. (1) The microvilli of the DRA photoreceptors are aligned in parallel along the entire length of the cell from the distal tip of the rhabdom down to its proximal end, near the basement membrane. The microvilli of the retinular cells R1 and R5 are always parallel to each other and perfectly perpendicular, with only minor deviation, to the microvillar orientation of the remaining receptor cells. (2) In the DA and VA regions of the eye, the microvillar tufts of the small receptors R1, R3, R5, R7, and R9 change their direction repetitively every 1-4 7m for up to 90°. In contrast, the large receptor cells R2, R4, R6, and R8 maintain their microvillar orientation rigidly. (3) In the DRA ommatidia, the cross-sectional areas of the rhabdomeres do not change along the length of the rhabdom, but substantial changes occur in the DA and VA ommatidia.  相似文献   

Summary The superposition eye of the cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha, exhibits the typical features of many nocturnal and crepuscular scarabaeid beetles: the dioptric apparatus of each ommatidium consists of a thick corneal lens with a strong inner convexity attached to a crystalline cone, that is surrounded by two primary and 9–11 secondary pigment cells. The clear zone contains the unpigmented extensions of the secondary pigment cells, which surround the cell bodies of seven retinula (receptor) cells per ommatidium and a retinular tract formed by them. The seven-lobed fused rhabdoms are composed by the rhabdomeres of the receptor cells 1–7. The rhabdoms are optically separated from each other by a tracheal sheath around the retinulae. The orientation of the microvilli diverges in a fan-like fashion within each rhabdomere. The proximally situated retinula cell 8 does not form a rhabdomere. This standard form of ommatidium stands in contrast to another type of ommatidium found in the dorsal rim area of the eye. The dorsal rim ommatidia are characterized by the following anatomical specializations: (1) The corneal lenses are not clear but contain light-scattering, bubble-like inclusions. (2) The rhabdom length is increased approximately by a factor of two. (3) The rhabdoms have unlobed shapes. (4) Within each rhabdomere the microvilli are parallel to each other. The microvilli of receptor 1 are oriented 90° to those of receptors 2–7. (5) The tracheal sheaths around the retinulae are missing. These findings indicate that the photoreceptors of the dorsal rim area are strongly polarization sensitive and have large visual fields. In the dorsal rim ommatidia of other insects, functionally similar anatomical specializations have been found. In these species, the dorsal rim area of the eye was demonstrated to be the eye region that is responsible for the detection of polarized light. We suggest that the dorsal rim area of the cockchafer eye subserves the same function and that the beetles use the polarization pattern of the sky for orientation during their migrations.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the superposition eye of the Saturniid moth Antheraea polyphemus Cramer was investigated by electron microscopy. Each of the approximately 10000 ommatidia consists of the same structural components, but regarding the arrangement of the ommatidia and the rhabdom structure therein, two regions of the eye have to be distinguished. In a small dorsal rim area, the ommatidia are characterized by rectangularly shaped rhabdoms containing parallel microvilli arranged in groups that are oriented perpendicular to each other. In all other ommatidia, the proximal parts of the rhabdoms show radially arranged microvilli, whereas the distal parts may reveal different patterns, frequently with microvilli in two directions or sometimes even in one direction. Moreover, the microvilli of all distal cells are arranged in parallel to meridians of the eyes. By virtue of these structural features the eyes should enable this moth not only discrimination of the plane of polarized light but also skylight-orientation via the polarization pattern, depending on moon position. The receptor cells exhibit only small alterations during daylight within the natural diurnal cycle. However, under illumination with different monochromatic lights of physiological intensity, receptor cells can be unbalanced: Changes in ultrastructure of the rhabdomeres and the cytoplasm of such cells are evident. The effects are different in the daytime and at night. These findings are discussed in relation to the breakdown and regeneration of microvilli and the influence of the diurnal cycle. They are compared with results on photoreceptor membrane turnover in eyes of other arthropod species.  相似文献   

Females of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei attach a sex pheromone to their dragline. Males encountering the female dragline examine the silk thread with their pedipalps and then typically initiate reciprocal vibratory courtship with the sexual partner. The female pheromone was identified as (S)-1,1'-dimethyl citrate. The male pheromone receptive sensory cells are located in tip pore sensilla and respond to touching the sensillum tip with female silk or pieces of filter paper containing the synthetic pheromone.  相似文献   

Summary In the noctuid moth Spodoptera exempta, the distribution of visual pigments within the fused rhabdoms of the compound eyes was investigated by electron microscopy. Each ommatidium regularly contains eight receptor cells belonging to three morphological types: one distal, six medial, and one basal cell (Meinecke 1981); four different visual pigments — absorption maxima at approximately 355, 465, 515, and 560 nm — are known to occur within the eye (Langer et al. 1979). The compound eyes were illuminated in situ by use of monochromatic light of different wavelengths. This illumination produced a wide scale of structural changes in the microvilli of the rhabdomeres of individual cells. Preparation of eyes by freeze-substitution revealed the structural changes in the rhabdomeres to be effects of light occurring in vivo.The degree of structural changes may be considerably different in rhabdomeres within the same ommatidium; it was found to depend on the wavelength and the duration of illumination, the intensity received by the ommatidia as well as the spectral sensitivity of the receptor cells. Therefore, it was possible to estimate the spectral sensitivities of the morphological types of receptor cells. Generally, all medial cells are green receptors and all basal cells red receptors; distal cells are blue receptors in about two-thirds of the ommatidia, while in the remaining third of them distal cells are sensitive to ultraviolet light.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 114 (Bionach)  相似文献   

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