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Toxoplasma gondii infection is common worldwide and highly important to pregnant women as it can be transmitted to the fetus via the placenta. This study aimed at evaluating the prevention of placental transmission in two different strains after chronic infection with each one of the strains. A BALB/c mice model was inoculated 30 days before breeding (immunization) and re-infected 12 and 15 days after pregnancy (challenge). Seven experimental groups were assayed: G1: ME49-immunization (type II), M7741-challenge (type III); G2: M7741-immunization, ME49-challenge; G3, ME49-immunization; G4: M7741-immunization; G5: ME49-challenge; G6: M7741-challenge; G7: saline solution inoculation. Serology, mouse bioassay, PCR and RLFP of the uterus, placenta and fetus were performed to determine the congenital transmission of the strains challenged after chronic infection. IgG T. gondii antibodies were detected in G1, G2, G3 and G4, but not in G5, G6 and G7. All animals of G5 and G6 were IgM-positive. Congenital infection was not detected by bioassay and PCR. Nonetheless, placentas from G3 and G4 resulted positive but no corresponding fetal infection was detected. G1 and G2 did not show the genotype of the strain challenged during pregnancy, only those of chronic infection. Thus, the chronically infected BALB/c mice showed no re-infection after inoculation with another strain during pregnancy. Further studies with different parasite loads and different mice lineages are needed.  相似文献   

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has been found to be involved in host resistance to several parasitic infections. To determine the mechanisms of MIF-dependent responses to Toxoplasma gondii, we investigated host resistance in MIF−/− mice (BALB/c background) during natural oral infection. We focused on the potential involvement of MIF in Dendritic Cell (DC) maturation and IL-12 production. Following oral T. gondii infection, wild type mice developed a strong IL-12 response with an adequate maturation of their draining mesenteric lymph node DC (MLNDC) population and were resistant to challenge with either 40 or 100 cysts (ME49 strain). In contrast, similarly infected MIF−/− mice mounted a weak IL-12 response, displayed immature MLNDCs in the early phases of infection and rapidly succumbed to both type of challenges. Lack of maturation and IL-12 production of DCs in response to T. gondii antigens was confirmed by in vitro studies, and these effects were reversed following treatment with recombinant MIF. These findings demonstrate that MIF-induced early DC maturation and IL-12 production mediate resistance to T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Toxoplasma gondii infection reactivation in the brain and muscles was analyzed in this study to determine the preferred tissue by the parasite during immunosuppression. Two groups of Wistar rats (G1 and G2) were inoculated with 104 bradyzoites of BTU10 strain (genotype I), p.o., and other two groups (G3 and G4) were inoculated with 0.9% saline solution. G2 and G4 were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone (DXM) and hydrocortisone sodium succinate (HSS). The presence of antibodies was researched in all groups through modified agglutination test (MAT) on days 0 and 21 p.i., and brain and muscle tissues of the rats were bioassayed in mice. G2 rats died at approximately 19.2 days after drug treatment, while G1 rats survived. The reactivation was initially observed in G1 brain and G2 muscles. Thus, the initial reactivation in muscles after immunosuppression allows doctors to save precious time to control the evolution of reactivated infection, preventing brain damage to the host.  相似文献   

Ocular toxoplasmosis is the principal cause of posterior uveitis and a leading cause of blindness. Animal models are required to improve our understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease. The method currently used for the detection of retinal cysts in animals involves the observation, under a microscope, of all the sections from infected eyes. However, this method is time-consuming and lacks sensitivity. We have developed a rapid, sensitive method for observing retinal cysts in mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii. This method involves combining the flat-mounting of retina - a compromise between macroscopic observation and global analysis of this tissue - and the use of an avirulent recombinant strain of T. gondii expressing the Escherichia coli β-galactosidase gene, visually detectable at the submacroscopic level. Single cyst unilateral infection was found in six out of 17 mice killed within 28 days of infection, whereas a bilateral infection was found in only one mouse. There was no correlation between brain cysts number and ocular infection.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to test the hamster for a model of transmission of congenital toxoplasmosis. A non-invasive method for the diagnosis of pregnancy in hamsters was designed, with a specificity and a sensitivity of 70.2 and 94.7%, respectively (n = 168). Of 32 females with a chronic toxoplasma infection, 3 transmitted Toxoplasma congenitally during their first pregnancy, but not during the subsequent pregnancy. Congenital transmission rates of infections initiated during pregnancy with 2 stages of 2 strains of Toxoplasma were in the range of 33 to 100% of the 76 females inoculated. Only 1 of 17 females transmitted the parasite exclusively via milk. It was concluded that the hamster is a promising species for a model of transmission of congenital toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

In this study, human sera reactivity against nine peptides derived from the Toxoplasma gondii P30 protein was assessed by ELISA in patients with different clinical forms of toxoplasmosis. Same as has been reported in mice, sera from congenital, ocular and chronic asymptomatic toxoplasmosis patients recognized more strongly peptides from the protein’s carboxy-terminus, being peptide 2017 (amino acids 301-320) the one most strongly recognized by sera from patients with ocular toxoplasmosis. Serum samples collected from 13 patients without ocular infection, 13 with inactive chorioretinal scars, 6 with active ocular infection and 10 seronegative individuals were then screened for anti-2017 IgG. Peptide 2017 was recognized by all patients’ samples but not by sera from T. gondii-seronegative individuals. No statistically significant differences were found between the absorbance levels of groups with and without lesions or with active or inactive ocular lesions, as determined by ANOVA.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a serious neuropsychiatric disease of uncertain etiology, which causes human mental disorder and affects about 1% of the population. In recently years, some studies showed that some cases of schizophrenia may be associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection. In order to investigate a potential association between Toxoplasma infection and schizophrenia, we investigated the relative clinical symptom of schizophrenia such as learning and memory capability, depression and stereotypy to find some useful information by behavioral test in mouse models. Our results demonstrated that mice from Toxoplasma infection and MK-801 administration (as the model of schizophrenia) were impaired in learning and memory capability, and they had more serious depression and stereotypy compared with the control mice, especially the mice from congenital Toxoplasma infection. In addition, our results clearly showed that the number of cysts in brain tissue of congenital Toxoplasma infection mice was significantly low than in acquired Toxoplasma infected mice. Collectively, these results suggested a potential association between Toxoplasma infection and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an important opportunistic pathogen affecting immunocompromised patients with AIDS. Toxoplasmic encephalitis is responsible for high morbidity and mortality. In this study, we investigated the activity of the antifungals fluconazole (FLZ) and itraconazole (ITZ) against T. gondii in mice infected with the Me49 strain. As previously reported for ITZ, FLZ also demonstrated a selective effect against T. gondii in vitro; the IC50 values obtained for FLZ were 8.9 μM and 3.1 μM after 24 h and 48 h of treatment, respectively. A 10-day treatment of mice with orally or intraperitoneally administered 20 mg/kg/day FLZ showed a significant survival difference compared to untreated mice. The administration of 20 mg/kg/day ITZ significantly reduced the brain cyst burden compared to untreated mice but did not exert significant protection against death. The results obtained in this work are rather promising as ITZ and FLZ are safe and low-cost drugs available on the market.  相似文献   

Ten male dogs were distributed into three experimental groups for infection with Toxoplasma gondii: GI - three dogs inoculated with 2.0 × 105 P strais oocysts, GII - three dogs infected with 1.0 × 106 RH strain tachyzoites, and GIII - four controls dogs. Several clinical parameters were evaluated. IFAT was performed to detect anti-T. gondii antibodies. Presence of the parasite in semen was evaluated by PCR and bioassay techniques. Tissue parasitism was examined using bioassays and immunohistochemistry in testicle and epididymis fragments collected after orchiectomy. In semen samples collected from these two groups, the presence of T. gondii was verified by bioassays and PCR. T. gondii was detected by immunohistochemistry in tissues (testicle and epididymis fragments) of all six experimentally infected dogs. The T. gondii-positive seminal samples were used in the artificial insemination (AI) of four female dogs free of toxoplasmic infection. Seven days after AI, all of the female dogs presented serologic conversion (IFAT). Fetal reabsorption occurred in two of the dogs, while the others sustained full-term gestation. Several T. gondii cysts were detected in the brains of four offspring. These results suggest that T. gondii can be sexually transmitted in domestic dogs.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular parasite, has two distinctive growth stages, namely rapidly growing tachyzoites and slowly growing bradyzoites. Here we report a unique physiological function of the last committed glycolytic enzyme of T. gondii, lactate dehydrogenase (TgLDH), which is present in two isoforms and expressed in a stage-specific manner. TgLDH1 is present in tachyzoites while TgLDH2 is found in bradyzoites. Using clonal transgenic parasites over-expressing either TgLDH1 or TgLDH2, we showed that the enzymatic activity, growth, and virulence of tachyzoites were unaffected by the presence of the recombinant protein. Interestingly, under alkaline conditions the presence of the recombinant TgLDH proteins increased the differentiation, as detected by the formation of cyst structures in vitro, while green fluorescent protein did not. The differentiation enhancement of the recombinant TgLDH1 and TgLDH2 strongly suggests that TgLDH1 and TgLDH2 have an important physiological function, in addition to being glycolytic enzymes and differentiation markers.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that is globally widespread and infects man and animals. With the aim of studying the influence of toxoplasmosis on male reproductive parameters, we investigated sperm motility, concentration and morphology of male rats experimentally infected by T. gondii. The GT F1 strain of T. gondii tissue cysts were fed at a dose of 5 × 103 tissue cysts per rat by oral gavage in an experimental group of 42 healthy adult male Wistar rats, while 42 male rats were used as controls. On days 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 post-inoculation (p.i.) 7 rats from each group were anesthetized. The body weight of each animal was recorded, then epididymis and testes were immediately removed, weighed and semen evaluation was undertaken. Weight of the right epididymis was significantly decreased on day 30 p.i., sperm motility was significantly decreased on days 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 p.i. and sperm concentration was significantly decreased on days 10, 30, 40 and 60 p.i. A marked increase of sperm abnormalities was noticed on days 30 and 40 p.i. No pathological lesions were detected either in the pituitary gland or the testes. In this study it was found that toxoplasmosis can affect main reproductive parameters in male rats, which are the most predictive of their fertilizing capacity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to refine the rat model of congenital toxoplasmosis. In Fischer rats we found that visualization of spermatozoa in vaginal exudates and the detection of at least 6 g body weight increase between days 9 and 12 of pregnancy, allowed the diagnosis and timing of pregnancy with 60% specificity and 84% sensitivity. A dose of 104Toxoplasma gondii bradyzoites or 102T. gondii oocysts of the Prugniaud strain resulted in more than 50% of congenital infection of the rat litters. Transmission of T. gondii via lactation was not detected in rats inoculated with either bradyzoites or oocysts. Bioassays of 51 neonates born from mothers inoculated with bradyzoites (in tissue cysts) and 29 neonates from mothers inoculated with oocysts demonstrated that both liver and lungs can be used for the diagnosis of congenital transmission in this model.  相似文献   

In order to examine the role of IFN-γ, TNFRp55 and iNOS in inflammatory reaction during toxoplasmosis, IFN-γ−/−, TNFRp55−/− and iNOS−/− mice were experimentally infected with Toxoplasma gondii ME-49 strain. The organs of the mice were evaluated for histology and immunohistochemistry in detection of tissue parasitism and iNOS positive cells. IFN-γ−/− mice presented mild inflammation in peripheral organs associated with a high parasitism and mortality in the acute phase of infection. In contrast, the peripheral organs of WT, TNFRp55−/− and iNOS−/− mice, presented a significant inflammatory reaction and low tissue parasitism in the same period of infection. The inflammatory lesions and tissue parasitism were increased and more severe in the Central Nervous System (CNS) of TNFRp55−/− and iNOS−/− with a progression of infection, when compared to WT mice. In these knockout animals, the inflammatory changes were associated with low levels or no expression of iNOS in TNFRp55−/− and iNOS−/− mice, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to evaluate protective activity against brain cyst formation in BALB/c mice intranasally vaccinated with recombinant proteins from Toxoplasma gondii. The recombinant proteins rROP2, rGRA5 and rGRA7 were used in vaccine preparation. Thirty-three female mice were divided into three groups, these animals received two doses by intranasal route at days 0 and 21 as follows; group 1 (G1, n=11) received 12.5 microg of each recombinant protein plus 0.5 microg of cholera toxin, group 2 (G2, n=11) received phosphate buffer saline (PBS) plus 0.5 microg of cholera toxin, and group 3 (G3, n=11) received PBS only. At challenge day (day 33) three animals from each group were euthanatized for IgA measure from intestine. Mice were infected orally with 50 cysts from the VEG strain at day 33. At challenge day the G1 animals had high immunoglobulin A levels, however, they only showed IgG antibody titers against rROP2 and rGRA7. Animals from G1 also exhibited strong resistance to cyst formation compared with the control group (G3, P<0.05). However, we did not observe differences in protection against brain cyst formation between G1 and G2 (P>0.1). These results indicate that intranasal immunization in BALB/c mice with recombinant proteins rROP2, rGRA5 and rGRA7 associated with cholera toxin induced partial protection, when compared with G3, against tissue cyst formation after oral infection with tissue cysts from T. gondii.  相似文献   

Considering that the treatment for toxoplasmosis is based on drugs that show limited efficacy due to their substantial side effects, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Artemisia annua on in vitro and in vivo Toxoplasma gondii infection. A. annua infusion was prepared from dried herb and tested in human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) or mice that were infected with the parasite and compared with sulfadiazine treatment. For in vitro experiments, treatment was done on parasite before HFF infection or on cells previously infected with T. gondii and the inhibitory concentration (IC50) values for each treatment condition were determined. Viability of HFF cells in the presence of different concentrations of A. annua infusion and sulfadiazine was above 72%, even when the highest concentrations from both treatments were tested. Also, the treatment of T. gondii tachyzoites with A. annua infusion before infection in HFF cells showed a dose-response inhibitory curve that reached up to 75% of inhibition, similarly to the results observed when parasites were treated with sulfadiazine. In vivo experiments with a cystogenic T. gondii strain demonstrated an effective control of infection using A. annua infusion. In conclusion, our results indicate that A. annua infusion is useful to control T. gondii infection, due to its low toxicity and its inhibitory action directly against the parasite, resulting in a well tolerated therapeutic tool.  相似文献   

The rhoptries are key secretory organelles from apicomplexan parasites that contain proteins involved in invasion and modulation of the host cell. Some rhoptry proteins are restricted to the posterior bulb (ROPs) and others to the anterior neck (RONs). As many rhoptry proteins have been shown to be key players in Toxoplasma invasion and virulence, it is important to identify, understand and characterise the biological function of the components of the rhoptries. In this report, we identified putative novel rhoptry genes by identifying Toxoplasma genes with similar cyclical expression profiles as known rhoptry protein encoding genes. Using this approach we identified two new rhoptry bulb (ROP47 and ROP48) and one new rhoptry neck protein (RON12). ROP47 is secreted and traffics to the host cell nucleus, RON12 was not detected at the moving junction during invasion. Deletion of ROP47 or ROP48 in a type II strain did not show major influence in in vitro growth or virulence in mice.  相似文献   

The first clue to the elucidation of the complete life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii was the identification of an infectious form in cat faeces that could be transmitted orally and could survive in the external environment for extended periods. This personal review describes the scientist (W.M. Hutchison) and the background to the initial discovery and covers the period to the complete elucidation of the life cycle of T. gondii.  相似文献   

In many ways the history of the discovery of the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii and the development of biological electron microscopy progressed in parallel through the 1950s and 1960s. Although Toxoplasma was discovered in 1908, it was only in the 1950s that the extent of the infection in humans and domestic animals was realised and work was undertaken to elucidate its life cycle (reviewed elsewhere in this edition). The development of ultrastructural techniques and their application to biological systems including Toxoplasma developed over the same period. This resulted in a synergistic effect with the re-classification of previously unrelated parasites within a single phylum, the Apicomplexa, which was based on the ultrastructural appearances of the infectious stages. This review will describe the central role played by electron microscopy and Toxoplasma in the developments associated with this progress.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii, the etiological agent of toxoplasmosis, is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that infects a variety of mammals including humans. In an attempt to find new antigen-adjuvant combinations that enhance the immunogenicity of antigen candidates for toxoplasma vaccines, we analyzed the potent protection in mice immunized with recombinant protein ROP18 when co-administered with ginsenoside Re, a most important component isolated from Panax ginseng. All immunized mice produced specific anti-rROP18 immunoglobulins, with high levels of IgG antibody and a mixed IgG1/IgG2a response, with predominance of IgG1 production. The cellular and humoral immune responses were associated with the production of IFN-γ and IL-4 cytokines respectively. Vaccinated mice displayed a significantly increased survival time compared with control mice which died within 6 days of challenge with RH strain. Our data demonstrate that by addition of ginsenoside Re, the rROP18 triggered a stronger humoral and cellular response against T. gondii, and that Re is a promising vaccine adjuvant against toxoplasmosis, deserves further evaluation and development.  相似文献   

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