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Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick is considered as one of the main problem of ruminants’ productivity in endemic countries such as parts of Africa, the Middle East and India. The disease is economically important and hence, its control and eradication is a priority. This problem reinforces the need for alternative approach like vaccine to control tick infestations instead of continuous application of acaricide which led to the natural selection of the acaricide-resistant ticks. Therefore, the present study provided evidence for the construction of transformant containing the chromosomally integrated multi-copy expression cassettes of HAO3, its successful and efficient expression in Pichia pastoris yeast and purification of the secreted protein by ultrafiltration (UF) system in a high level yield and purity.The result of antigenicity assay for the rHAO3 protein pointed well toward its capability for the elicitation of antibody response in immunized rabbits. Interestingly, the results indicated that the expressed HAO3 protein reacted well with mid gut antigen (MGAg) and rBm86 (Gavac) antisera in ELISA and western blot assays making it evident that the epitopes present in expressed protein are well recognized by the antibodies against MGAg and rBm86 proteins. Moreover, the presence of cross-reactive epitopes between rHAO3 protein with its native antigen from mid gut cells was also determined.  相似文献   

Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick is widely distributed in many parts of Iran and while the commercial vaccines based on the application of midgut-derived recombinant Bm86 antigen are used for its control, limited information about the efficiency of this vaccination in Iran is available. Herein, with the final aim of evaluation of Bm86-based heterologous vaccination, as the primary step the Bm86 homologue of the H. a. anatolicum (Hao3) from an Iranian isolate was characterized and compared with the commercialized Bm86 and other Bm86 homologoue sequences available in GenBank.  相似文献   

Sun M  Ren Q  Liu Z  Guan G  Gou H  Ma M  Li Y  Liu A  Yang J  Yin H  Luo J 《Experimental parasitology》2011,(3):192-195
Owing to the need to combat the spread of chemical acaricide resistance in ticks, we evaluated the efficacy of a mixture of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana AT17 and acaricides for the control of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum in China. A mixture of B. bassiana AT17 at the concentration of 108 conidia/mL and the synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin at concentrations of 2500, 250, 25, 5, 2.5, 0.5 and 0.25 ppm was tested in vitro. The germination capability, vegetative growth, conidia production, and viability of B. bassiana AT17 were assessed and the efficacy of the mixture in killing engorged H. anatolicum anatolicum females was measured. High mortality rates were achieved when the entomopathogen was combined with different concentrations of deltamethrin. Neither B. bassiana AT17 nor deltamethrin alone at the same concentrations could cause the higher mortality rates seen with the combination. In addition the combination killed the ticks more rapidly than did either agent alone (3–5 days more rapidly). Our results indicate that the mixture of B. bassiana AT17 and deltamethrin has potential as a new type of reagent for integrated control of H. anatolicum anatolicum.  相似文献   

Babesiosis, the disease caused by tick-borne hematozoan parasites of the genus Babesia, is particularly common in dogs, and is caused by several “large” species of Babesia, as well as by an increasing number of “small” species of Babesia, some of which appear to be more closely related to members of the genus Theileria. In this work, blood samples were collected from 848 randomly selected, asymptomatic dogs and from 81 symptomatic dogs, microscopically positive for Babesia, and characterised by PCR and sequence analysis of a fragment of the ssrRNA gene. A prevalence of 3.42% (29 of 848) was found in asymptomatic dogs and sequence analysis revealed the presence of Babesia canis canis in 20 dogs (69%), Babesia gibsoni in six dogs (21%), Babesia canis vogeli in two dogs (7%) and Theileria annae in one dog (3%). In the group of symptomatic dogs, which were all positive by PCR, B. canis canis was the predominant species (78 dogs, or 96%), followed by single infections with B. canis vogeli, Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. Our study has confirmed that dogs are infected with a wide range of both large and small piroplasm species and subspecies, including B. caballi and T. equi, two parasites usually found in horses. The detection of the pathogenic species B. canis canis and B. gibsoni in asymptomatic dogs indicates that the relationship between parasite species/subspecies and clinical signs of infection in dogs deserves further investigation. Finally, the identities of the tick vectors transmitting T. annae and B. caballi remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Extracts prepared from unfed larvae of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography using anti-gut IgG as ligand. Affinity purified antigen (Aff-GHLAg) was used to immunize cross-bred (Bos taurus×B. indicus) calves of 6–7 months of age. Immunized calves rejected 70.6% larvae, 54.5% nymphs and 61.9% adults. No significant changes in the engorged weight of females was observed; however, significant decrease in the engorgement weight of larvae and nymphs was recorded. There was a significant decrease in the emerging nymphs (p<0.05) and adults (p<0.01) of the tick stages fed on immunized animals. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed three antigenic proteins of 100, 59.4 and 37kDa responsible for induction of resistance in the host.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 989/990 primers was conducted to identify a newly isolated Theileria sp. in Xinjiang Province of China. The target DNA fragments of the complete 18S rRNA gene were cloned and sequenced. The phylogenetic relationship of newly isolated Theileria spp. was inferred based on the 18S rRNA gene. The results showed that the new Theileria sp. belonged to the cluster of Theileria ovis. Moreover, the findings were confirmed by T. ovis species-specific PCR. An expected 520 bp fragment of T. ovis DNA was obtained from 25 out of 320 (8%) field blood samples, and blood of an experimental sheep infested by Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum collected in Xinjiang. The infection rate of T. ovis was 78% (25/32) in Xinjiang province. The investigation did not find T. ovis positive samples from the field samples collected from the other twelve provinces. This study indicates that T. ovis is prevalent in Xinjiang province of China and its transmission vector is H. anatolicum anatolicum.  相似文献   

Four red-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures of approximately 55–60 °C and an optimum pH for growth between 7.5 and 8.5, were recovered from hot springs in Central France. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. The new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus primarily by the glycolipid profile and fatty acid composition because these organisms lacked the hydroxy fatty acids and the glycolipid variant GL-1a found in all other isolates of the species of Meiothermus examined. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus rufus for the new species, which is represented by strains CAL-4T (=DSM 22234T=LMG 24878T) and CAL-12 (=DSM 22235=LMG 24879). We also propose emending the genus Meiothermus to include strains that have only one glycolipid instead of two glycolipid variants.  相似文献   

Five Mycoplasma strains from wild Caprinae were analyzed: four from Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) which died at the Berlin Zoo between 1993 and 1994, one from a Rocky Mountain goat collected in the USA prior to 1987. These five strains represented a population different from the populations belonging to the ‘Mycoplasma mycoides cluster’ as tested using multi locus sequence typing, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene (rrs), genomic sequence based in silico as well as laboratory DNA–DNA hybridization, and the analysis of phenotypic traits in particular their exceptionally rapid growth all confirmed that they do not belong to any Mycoplasma species described to date. We therefore suggest these strains represent a novel species, for which we propose the name Mycoplasma feriruminatoris sp. nov. The type strain is G5847T (= DSM 26019T = NCTC 1362T).  相似文献   

Ferret-badgers, genus Melogale, are distributed in the Indochinese region, Java, Bali and NE-Borneo. There are currently four species described each having very similar phenotypes. In March 2005, a living ferret-badger of a different phenotype was confiscated by rangers from Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. This individual died and the carcass was not preserved. In January 2006, a newly deceased individual of the same phenotype was found at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, Cuc Phuong National Park. Due to several different characteristics these individuals vary greatly from the current species. Thus, we describe an additional species, M. cucphuongensis sp. nov. from northern Vietnam, which occurs sympatrically with M. moschata and M. personata, but differs from both species clearly in skull morphology and other features.Based on a 423 bp-long fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, M. cucphuongensis sp. nov. is a member of the genus Melogale and represents a sister lineage to a clade consisting of M. personata and M. moschata.  相似文献   

Two red-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures between 45 and 50 °C, were recovered from a hot spring in the Furnas, Área da Fonte 1825 on the Island of São Miguel in the Azores. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. These new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus primarily by the fatty acid composition and polar lipid pattern, since they did not possess 2-OH fatty acids or glycolipid variant GL-1a. Moreover, the two new isolates had the lowest growth temperature range of any of the known species of the genus Meiothermus. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus granaticius for the new species represented by strains AF-68T (=DSM 23260T = LMG 25524T) and AF-49 (=DSM 23259 = LMG 25525).  相似文献   

A new microsporidium was isolated from Ocinara lida Moore (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), a pest of Ficus microcarpa L. f. in Taiwan. The microsporidium produces systemic infections in O. lida larvae; the midgut epithelium, Malpighian tubules, and midgut muscle tissues were the target tissues for this isolate, and atrophied fat body tissues were found in heavily infected larvae. Two types of spores were observed, diplokaroytic spores with 11-13 coils of polar tube, and monokaryotic spores with 12 coils of the polar tube that developed within a sporophorous vesicle to form octospores. Electron-dense granules were abundant in the episporontal space of the sporophorous vesicles, and were similar to those of Vairimorpha invictae isolated from Solenopsis invicta, but different from granules or inclusions of other Vairimorpha species. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence, this isolate is unique within the Vairimorpha complex. Morphological and genetic characters showed this isolate to be a new species. It is placed in the genus Vairimorpha and is described as Vairimorpha ocinarae n. sp.  相似文献   

The genus Hebeloma has a number of species highly specific to Cistus and others that occur with several host genera. This paper discusses the species of Hebeloma that appear to be ectomycorrhizal with Cistus, judging from their occurrence when Cistus is the only available host. The previously unknown species H. plesiocistum spec. nov. is described. We also provide a key to the known Hebeloma associates of Cistus. Molecular analyses based on ITS sequence data further illustrate the distinctness of the newly described species and difficulties in the species delimitation with view to H. erumpens. Specific associations with Cistus may have evolved more than once within the genus Hebeloma.  相似文献   

Gynoecium development is a complex process which is regulated by key factors that control the spatial formation of the apical, medial and basal parts. SHATTERPROOF1 (SHP1) and SHP2, two closely related MADS-box genes, redundantly control the differentiation of the dehiscence zone and promote the lignification of adjacent cells. Furthermore, SHP1 and SHP2 have shown to play an important role in ovule identity determination. The present work identifies a new function for these two genes in promoting stigma, style and medial tissue development. This new role was discovered by combining the shp1 shp2 double mutant with the aintegumenta (ant) and crabs claw (crc) mutants. In quadruple mutant flowers, the inner whorl is composed of unfused carpels which lack almost completely apical and medial tissues, a phenotype similar to the previously reported fil ant and lug ant double mutants.  相似文献   

A revision of Chamaeleo caroliquarti Moody and Ro?ek is presented. The comparisons of the holotypic left dentary with those of specimens subsequently assigned to C. caroliquarti and of the Recent species of Chamaeleo, Furcifer and Calumma is carried out. It is shown that the type dentaries of C. caroliquarti include two different morphotypes with the absence of unique features. Within the Recent chameleons, the exact determination of the individual species merely on the basis of the dentaries is impossible. The holotypic dentary of C. caroliquarti is basically identical with that of C. calyptratus. However, the same morphology of the dentary as present in C. caroliquarti is also present in other species of different genera such as Calumma globifer and Furcifer pardalis. The paratypic dentaries of C. caroliquarti have a different morphology to the holotype and are indistinguishable from that in the Recent C. chamaeleon. On the other hand, a new species of the genus Chamaeleo, C. andrusovi, is described on the basis of isolated cranial elements, which possess clear autapomorphic features. This material comes from the Lower Miocene (Ottnangian) zone MN 4 in the Dolnice locality of the Czech Republic, and it differs from Recent and fossil chameleons in the following combination of characters: (1) its typically developed strongly pustular ornamentation and its distribution on the external surfaces of the skull roofing bones; (2) the frontoparietal suture is digitiform with a well-developed, anteriorly directed mesial spine, and (3) the parietal bone narrows posteriorly at its midlength, it is not bowed dorsally and it does not contribute posteriorly to a dorsal sagittal crest. This new material expands our knowledge of the cranial anatomy of Lower Miocene chameleons.  相似文献   

Centrosema is an American indigenous legume that can be used in agroecosystems for recovery of acidic and degraded soils. In this study, a Centrosema-nodulating rhizobial collection of strains isolated in a poor acid savanna soil from Venezuela was characterized, and the members of the collection were compared to other Centrosema strains from America. The analysis of the rrs gene showed that the strains nodulating Centrosema in American countries were closely related to different species of the genus Bradyrhizobium. However, the analysis of the atpD and recA genes, as well as the 16S–23S ITS region, showed that they formed several new phylogenetic lineages within this genus. The Venezuela strains formed three lineages that were divergent among themselves and with respect to those formed by Centrosema strains isolated in other countries, as well as to the currently described species and genospecies of Bradyrhizobium. In addition, the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH carried by Centrosema-nodulating strains were analyzed for the first time, and it was shown that they belonged to three new phylogenetic lineages within Bradyrhizobium. The nodC genes of the Centrosema strains were divergent among themselves and with respect to the genistearum and glycinearum symbiovars, indicating that Centrosema is a promiscuous legume. According to these results, the currently known Centrosema-nodulating strains represent several new putative species and symbiovars of the genus Bradyrhizobium.  相似文献   

The morphology of the larval stages of three species (Arrenurus mediorotundatus, Arrenurus conicus and Arrenurus cylindratus) belonging to the Megaluracarus subgenus is described. Particular attention is paid to the common characters of the three species in which they differ from the other species belonging to the other subgenera. These are: the shape of the excretory pore plate, the shape of the dorsal plate, the length of coxal plate II medial margin and the C1-CpI, C4-CpIII distances. Other characters differ between the three species also. These are: the shape of the dorsal plate, the shape of coxal plate III, the shape of excretory pore plate and the presence or absence of secondary setae of the IFe3 setae.  相似文献   

As part of studies of metabolites from fungi common in the built environment in Canadian homes, we investigated metabolites from strains of three Eurotium species, namely E. herbariorum, E. amstelodami, and E. rubrum as well as a number of isolates provisionally identified as Aspergillus ustus. The latter have been recently assigned as the new species A. insuetus and A. calidoustus. E. amstelodami produced neoechinulin A and neoechinulin B, epiheveadride, flavoglaucin, auroglaucin, and isotetrahydroauroglaucin as major metabolites. Minor metabolites included echinulin, preechinulin and neoechinulin E. E. rubrum produced all of these metabolites, but epiheveadride was detected as a minor metabolite. E. herbariorum produced cladosporin as a major metabolite, in addition to those found in E. amstelodami. This species also produced questin and neoechinulin E as minor metabolites. This is the first report of epiheveadride occurring as a natural product, and the first nonadride isolated from Eurotium species. Unlike strains from mainly infection-related samples, largely from Europe, neither ophiobolins G and H nor austins were detected in the Canadian strains of A. insuetus and A. calidoustus tested, all of which had been reported from the latter species. TMC-120 A, B, C and a sesquiterpene drimane are reported with certainty for the first time from indoor isolates, as well as two novel related methyl isoquinoline alkaloids.  相似文献   

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