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Pupylation is a bacterial post-translational modification of target proteins on lysine residues with prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein Pup. Pup-tagged substrates are recognized by a proteasome-interacting ATPase termed Mpa in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mpa unfolds pupylated substrates and threads them into the proteasome core particle for degradation. Interestingly, Mpa itself is also a pupylation target. Here, we show that the Pup ligase PafA predominantly produces monopupylated Mpa modified homogeneously on a single lysine residue within its C-terminal region. We demonstrate that this modification renders Mpa functionally inactive. Pupylated Mpa can no longer support Pup-mediated proteasomal degradation due to its inability to associate with the proteasome core. Mpa is further inactivated by rapid Pup- and ATPase-driven deoligomerization of the hexameric Mpa ring. We show that pupylation of Mpa is chemically and functionally reversible. Mpa regains its enzymatic activity upon depupylation by the depupylase Dop, affording a rapid and reversible activity control over Mpa function.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications in the form of covalently attached proteins like ubiquitin (Ub), were long considered an exclusive feature of eukaryotic organisms. The discovery of pupylation, the modification of lysine residues with a prokaryotic, ubiquitin-like protein (Pup), demonstrated that certain bacteria use a tagging pathway functionally related to ubiquitination in order to target proteins for proteasomal degradation. However, functional analogies do not translate into structural or mechanistic relatedness. Bacterial Pup, unlike eukaryotic Ub, does not adopt a β-grasp fold, but is intrinsically disordered. Furthermore, isopeptide bond formation in the pupylation process is carried out by enzymes evolutionary descendent from glutamine synthetases. While in eukaryotes, the proteasome is the main energy-dependent protein degradation machine, bacterial proteasomes exist in addition to other architecturally related degradation complexes, and their specific role along with the role of pupylation is still poorly understood. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the Pup–proteasome system contributes to pathogenicity by supporting the bacterium's persistence within host macrophages. Here, we describe the mechanism and structural framework of pupylation and the targeting of pupylated proteins to the proteasome complex. Particular attention is given to the comparison of the bacterial Pup–proteasome system and the eukaryotic ubiquitin–proteasome system. Furthermore, the involvement of pupylation and proteasomal degradation in Mtb pathogenesis is discussed together with efforts to establish the Pup–proteasome system as a drug target. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Ubiquitin–Proteasome System. Guest Editors: Thomas Sommer and Dieter H. Wolf.  相似文献   

真核泛素-蛋白酶体系统是细胞内蛋白质降解的重要机制,参与细胞生理功能调控,因此泛素-蛋白酶体通路的机制和功能研究备受关注.20世纪80年代,人们就发现放线菌中存在原核蛋白酶体,但是对于原核蛋白酶体的功能和作用机理长期以来了解甚少.2008年,Pearce等在结核分枝杆菌中发现了原核类泛素蛋白(prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein,Pup).在Dop、PafA、Mpa等辅助因子的作用下,Pup可以共价标记多种功能蛋白,并介导被标记蛋白质通过蛋白酶体降解,Pup-蛋白酶体系统的发现揭示了原核生物中一个崭新的蛋白质降解机制.Pup-蛋白酶体系统的靶蛋白涉及物质中间代谢、信号通路、毒性和抗毒性因子、细胞壁和细胞膜组分等多个方面,并且与结核分枝杆菌的致病性相关,被认为是新的结核病治疗药物靶点.本文就原核Pup-蛋白酶体系统的作用机理及其功能的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

The modification of proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) by the prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein (Pup) targets them for degradation by mycobacterial proteasomes. Although functionally similar to eukaryotic deubiquitylating enzymes, the deamidase of Pup, called Dop, has no known mammalian homologs. Because Dop is necessary for persistent infection by Mtb, its selective inhibition holds potential for tuberculosis therapy. To facilitate high-throughput screens for Dop inhibitors, we developed a time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (TR–FRET)-based assay for Dop function. The TR–FRET assay was successfully applied to determine the Michaelis constant for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding and to test the cofactor tolerance of Dop.  相似文献   

FliI, the ATPase involved in bacterial flagellar protein export, forms a complex with its regulator FliH in the cytoplasm and hexamerizes upon docking to the export gate composed of integral membrane proteins. The extreme N-terminal region of FliI is involved not only in its interaction with FliH but also in its oligomerization, but the regulatory mechanism of oligomerization remains unclear. Using in-frame 10-residue deletions within the 100 residues of the N-terminal domain, we demonstrate that the first 20 residues are required for FliH binding and that the conformation of the N-terminal domain is sensitive to the export function, even though the oligomerization and FliH-binding ability are retained and the ATPase activity is maintained in most of the deletion variants.  相似文献   

In prokaryotes, operon encoded proteins often form protein-protein complexes. Here, we show that the native structure of operons can be used to efficiently overexpress protein complexes. This study focuses on operons from mycobacteria and the use of Mycobacterium smegmatis as an expression host. We demonstrate robust and correct stoichiometric expression of dimers to higher oligomers. The expression efficacy was found to be largely independent of the intergenic distances. The strategy was successfully extended to express mycobacterial protein complexes in Escherichia coli, showing that the operon structure of gram-positive bacteria is also functional in gram-negative bacteria. The presented strategy could become a general tool for the expression of large quantities of pure prokaryotic protein complexes for biochemical and structural studies.

Structured summary

MINT-7542207: ESAT-6 (uniprotkb:Q50206) and CFP-10 (uniprotkb:O33084) bind (MI:0407) by blue native page (MI:0276)MINT-7542534: ESAT-6 (uniprotkb:P0A564) and CFP-10 (uniprotkb:P0A566) bind (MI:0407) by X-ray crystallography (MI:0114)MINT-7542187: CFP-10 (uniprotkb:P0A566) and ESAT-6 (uniprotkb:P0A564) bind (MI:0407) by blue native page (MI:0276)MINT-7542652: CFP-10 (uniprotkb:P0A566) and ESAT-6 (uniprotkb:P0A564) bind (MI:0407) by molecular sieving (MI:0071)MINT-7542474, MINT-7542303: CFP-10 (uniprotkb:P0A566) physically interacts (MI:0915) with ESAT-6 (uniprotkb:P0A564) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   

S-nitrosylation is associated with signal transduction and microbicidal activity of nitric oxide (NO). We have recently described the S-nitrosylation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase A, PtpA, an enzyme that plays an important role in mycobacteria survival inside macrophages. This post-translational modification decreases the activity of the enzyme upon modification of a single Cys residue, C53. The aim of the present work was the investigation of the effect of S-nitrosylation in PtpA kinetic parameters, thermal stability and structure. It was observed that the KM of nitrosylated PtpA was similar to its unmodified form, but the Vmax was significantly reduced. In contrast, treatment of PtpA C53A with GSNO, did not alter either KM or Vmax. These results confirmed that PtpA S-nitrosylation occurs specifically in the non-catalytic C53 and that this modification does not affect substrate affinity. Using circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques it was shown that PtpA S-nitrosylation decreased protein thermal stability and promoted a local effect in the surroundings of the C53 residue, which interfered in both protein stability and function.  相似文献   

Cyclase-associated proteins (CAPs) are highly conserved, ubiquitous actin binding proteins that are involved in microfilament reorganization. The N-termini of CAPs play a role in Ras signaling and bind adenylyl cyclase; the C-termini bind to G-actin. We report here the NMR characterization of the amino-terminal domain of CAP from Dictyostelium discoideum (CAP(1-226)). NMR data, including the steady state (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear NOE experiments, indicate that the first 50 N-terminal residues are unstructured and that this highly flexible serine-rich fragment is followed by a stable, folded core starting at Ser 51. The NMR structure of the folded core is an alpha-helix bundle composed of six antiparallel helices, in a stark contrast to the recently determined CAP C-terminal domain structure, which is solely built by beta-strands.  相似文献   

In this work we are proposing Homology modeled structures of Mycobacterium leprae 18kDa heat shock protein and its mutant. The more closely related structure of the small heat shock protein (sHSP) belonging to the eukaryotic species from wheat sHSP16.9 and 16.3kDa ACR1 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis were used as template structures. Each model contains an N-terminal domain, alpha-crystalline domain and a C-terminal tail. The models showed that a single point mutation from serine to proline at 52nd position causes structural changes. The structural changes are observed in N-terminal region and alpha-crystalline domains. Serine in 52nd position is observed in β4 strand and Proline in 52nd position is observed in loop. The number of residues contributing α helix at N-terminal region varies in both models. In 18S more number of residues is present in α helix when compared to 18P. The loop regions between β3 and β4 strands of both models vary in number of residues present in it. Number of residues contributing β4 strand in both models vary. β6 strand is absent in both models. Major functional peptide region of alpha crystalline domains of both models varies. These differences observed in secondary structures support their distinct functional roles. It also emphasizes that a point mutation can cause structural variation.  相似文献   

A great challenge is posed to the treatment of tuberculosis due to the evolution of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drugresistant (XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in recent times. The complex cell envelope of the bacterium contains unusual structures of lipids which protects the bacterium from host enzymes and escape immune response. To overcome the drug resistance, targeting “drug targets” which have a critical role in growth and virulence factor is a novel approach for better tuberculosis treatment. The enzyme Phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PptT) is an attractive drug target as it is primarily involved in post translational modification of various types-I polyketide synthases and assembly of mycobactin, which is required for lipid virulence factors. Our in silico studies reported that the structural model of M.tuberculosis PptT characterizes the structure-function activity. The refinement of the model was carried out with molecular dynamics simulations and was analyzed with root mean square deviation (RMSD), and radius of gyration (Rg). This confirmed the structural behavior of PptT in dynamic system. Molecular docking with substrate coenzyme A (CoA) identified the binding pocket and key residues His93, Asp114 and Arg169 involved in PptT-CoA binding. In conclusion, our results show that the M.tuberculosis PptT model and critical CoA binding pocket initiate the inhibitor design of PptT towards tuberculosis treatment.  相似文献   

PknB is an essential serine/threonine protein kinase required for mycobacterial cell division and cell-wall biosynthesis. Here we demonstrate that overexpression of the external PknB_PASTA domain in mycobacteria results in delayed regrowth, accumulation of elongated bacteria and increased sensitivity to β-lactam antibiotics. These changes are accompanied by altered production of certain enzymes involved in cell-wall biosynthesis as revealed by proteomics studies. The growth inhibition caused by overexpression of the PknB_PASTA domain is completely abolished by enhanced concentration of magnesium ions, but not muropeptides. Finally, we show that the addition of recombinant PASTA domain could prevent regrowth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and therefore offers an alternative opportunity to control replication of this pathogen. These results suggest that the PknB_PASTA domain is involved in regulation of peptidoglycan biosynthesis and maintenance of cell-wall architecture.  相似文献   

Invulnerability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to various drugs and its persistency has stood as a hurdle in the race against eradication of the pathogenecity of the bacteria. Identification of novel antituberculosis compounds is highly demanding as the available drugs are resistant. The ability of the bacteria to surpass the body''s defenses and adapt itself to survive for disease reactivation is contributed by secreted proteins called resuscitating promoting factors (Rpfs). These factors aid in virulence and resuscitation from dormancy of the bacteria. Sequence analysis of RpfB was performed and compounds were first screened for toxicity and high-throughput virtual screening eliminating the toxic compounds. To understand the mechanism of ligand binding and interaction, molecular docking was performed for the compounds passing through the filter resulting with better docking studies predicting the possible binding mode of the inhibitors to the protein. Of all the active residues the binding conformation shows that residues Arg194, Arg196, Glu242, and Asn244 of the RpfB protein play vital role in the enzyme activity and interacts with the ligands. Promising compounds have been identified in the current study, thus holding promise for design of antituberculosis drugs.  相似文献   

The GLUT4-regulating protein, TUG, functions to retain GLUT4-containing membrane vesicles intracellularly and, in response to insulin stimulation, releases these vesicles to the cellular exocytic machinery for translocation to the plasma membrane. As part of our on going effort to describe the molecular basis for TUG function, we have determined the tertiary structure and characterized the backbone dynamics for an N-terminal ubiquitin-like domain (TUG-UBL1) using NMR spectroscopy. A well-ordered conformation is observed for residues 10-83 of full-length TUG, and confirms a beta-grasp or ubiquitin-like topology. Although not required for in vitro association with GLUT4, the functional role of the TUG-UBL1 domain has not yet been described. We undertook a limited literature review of similar N-terminal UBL domains and noted that a majority participate in protein-protein interactions, generally functioning as adaptor modules to physically associate the over all activity of the protein with a specific cellular process, such as the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In consistent fashion, TUG-UBL1 is not expected to participate in a covalent protein modification reaction as it lacks the characteristic C-terminal diglycine ("GG") motif required for conjugation to an acceptor lysine, and also lacks the three most common acceptor lysine residues involved in polyubiquitination. Additionally, analysis of the TUG-UBL1 molecular surface reveals a lack of conservation of the "Ile-44 hydrophobic face" typically involved in ubiquitin recognition. Instead, we speculate on the possible significance of a concentrated area of negative electrostatic potential with increased backbone mobility, both of which are features suggestive of a potential protein-protein interaction site.  相似文献   

The mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) method is one of the most important methods that have been used in recent years for genotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Agarose gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis have been used to determine the size of amplicons, however, both of these methods have shortcomings. Here, we develop and evaluate a novel method for MIRU-VNTR typing based on high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. The MIRU40 locus was selected to evaluate different real-time PCR machines and the accuracy of our method; the Roche LightCycler 480 provided greatest consistency between the Tm value and repeat number and was used in subsequent evaluations. Our method gives greater accuracy in comparison with conventional agarose gel electrophoresis (98.9% vs. 90.9%, p = 0.017), and, with the help of fitting formulae, can be used to obtain the number of MIRU tandem repeats from the Tm value. To validate our method we analyzed 12 classical MIRU loci to genotype 88 clinical isolates. The number of MIRU tandem repeats was determined accurately, quickly and conveniently.  相似文献   

Via high-throughput screening of a natural compound library, we have identified a lipopeptide aldehyde, fellutamide B (1), as the most potent inhibitor of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) proteasome tested to date. Kinetic studies reveal that 1 inhibits both Mtb and human proteasomes in a time-dependent manner under steady-state condition. Remarkably, 1 inhibits the Mtb proteasome in a single-step binding mechanism with Ki = 6.8 nM, whereas it inhibits the human proteasome β5 active site following a two-step mechanism with Ki = 11.5 nM and  = 0.93 nM. Co-crystallization of 1 bound to the Mtb proteasome revealed a structural basis for the tight binding of 1 to the active sites of the Mtb proteasome. The hemiacetal group of 1 in the Mtb proteasome takes the (R)-configuration, whereas in the yeast proteasome it takes the (S)-configuration, indicating that the pre-chiral CHO group of 1 binds to the active site Thr1 in a different orientation. Re-examination of the structure of the yeast proteasome in complex with 1 showed significant conformational changes at the substrate-binding cleft along the active site. These structural differences are consistent with the different kinetic mechanisms of 1 against Mtb and human proteasomes.  相似文献   

The histone-like nucleoid structuring (H-NS) protein is a global modulator of gene expression in Gram-negative bacteria. VicH, the H-NS protein of Vibrio cholerae, regulates the expression of certain major virulence determinants implicated in the pathogenesis of cholera. We present here the 2.5A crystal structure of the N-terminal oligomerisation domain of VicH (VicH_Nt). VicH_Nt adopts the same fold and dimeric assembly as the NMR structure of Escherichia coli H-NS_Nt, thus validating this fold against conflicting data. The structural similarity of V.cholerae VicH_Nt and E.coli H-NS_Nt, despite differences in origin, system of expression, experimental conditions and techniques used, indicates that the fold determined in our studies is robust to experimental conditions. Structural analysis and homology modelling were carried out to further elucidate the molecular basis of the functional polyvalence of the N-terminal domain. Our analysis of members of the H-NS superfamily supports the suggestion that the oligomerisation function of H-NS_Nt is conserved even in more distantly related proteins.  相似文献   

The proposed role of the mammalian cell entry protein 1A (Mce1A) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is to facilitate invasion of host cells. The structure of Mce1A was modelled on the basis of the crystal structure of Colicin N of Escherichia coli by fold prediction and threading. Mce1A, as the model predicts, is an alpha/beta protein consisting of two major (alpha and beta) domains, connected by a long alpha helix. The model further revealed that the protein contains 12 helices, 9 strands, and 1 turn. The final model of Mce1A was verified through the program VERIFY 3D and more than 90% of the residues were in the favourable region. A mouse monoclonal antibody, TB1-5 76C, is directed to an epitope within a 60-mer peptide that has been shown to promote uptake of bacteria in mammalian cells. We show here that the epitope could be narrowed down to a core of 4 amino acids, TPKD. Upstream flanking residues, KRR also contributed to binding. Mce2A does not promote uptake in mammalian cells and sequence comparison of Mce1A and Mce2A indicates that the epitope mediates uptake. The epitope was located at the surface of the Mce1A model at the distal beta strand-loop region in the beta domain. The localization of this epitope in the model confirms its potential role in promoting uptake of M. tuberculosis in host cells.  相似文献   

The Rv1625c Class III adenylyl cyclase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a homodimeric enzyme with two catalytic centers at the dimer interface, and shows sequence similarity with the mammalian adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. Mutation of the substrate-specifying residues in the catalytic domain of Rv1625c, either independently or together, to those present in guanylyl cyclases not only failed to confer guanylyl cyclase activity to the protein, but also severely abrogated the adenylyl cyclase activity of the enzyme. Biochemical analysis revealed alterations in the behavior of the mutants on ion-exchange chromatography, indicating differences in the surface-exposed charge upon mutation of substrate-specifying residues. The mutant proteins showed alterations in oligomeric status as compared to the wild-type enzyme, and differing abilities to heterodimerize with the wild-type protein. The crystal structure of a mutant has been solved to a resolution of 2.7A. On the basis of the structure, and additional biochemical studies, we provide possible reasons for the altered properties of the mutant proteins, as well as highlight unique structural features of the Rv1625c adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome contains about 4000 genes, of which approximately a third code for proteins of unknown function or are classified as conserved hypothetical proteins. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of one of these, the rv0216 gene product, which has been shown to be essential for M. tuberculosis growth in vivo. The structure exhibits the greatest similarity to bacterial and eukaryotic hydratases that catalyse the R-specific hydration of 2-enoyl coenzyme A. However, only part of the catalytic machinery is conserved in Rv0216 and it showed no activity for the substrate crotonyl-CoA. The structure of Rv0216 allows us to assign new functional annotations to a family of seven other M. tuberculosis proteins, a number if which are essential for bacterial survival during infection and growth.  相似文献   

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