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In Rhodobacter capsulatus and Rhizobium leguminosarum, an internal transcribed spacer consisting of helices 9 and 10 is removed during 23S rRNA processing, which leads to the occurrence of a 5.8S-like rRNA. The particular rRNA maturation steps are not known, with exception of the initial RNase III cleavage in helix 9. We found that GC-rich stem-loop structures of helix 9, which are released by RNase III, are immediately degraded. The degradation of helix 10 is slower and its kinetics differs in both species. Nevertheless, the helix 10 processing mechanism is conserved and includes cleavages by RNase E.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain, designated BzDS03 was isolated from water sample, collected from Dal Lake Srinagar. The strain was characterized by using 16S ribosomal RNA gene and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer region sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that 16S rRNA sequence of the isolate formed a monophyletic clade with genera Escherichia. The closest phylogenetic relative was Escherichia coli with 99% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. The result of Ribosomal database project's classifier tool revealed that the strain BzDS03 belongs to genera Escherichia.16S rRNA sequence of isolate was deposited in GenBank with accession number FJ961336. Further analysis of 16S-23S rRNA sequence of isolate confirms that the identified strain BzDS03 be assigned as the type strain of Escherichia coli with 98% 16S-23S rRNA sequence similarity. The GenBank accession number allotted for 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer sequence of isolate is FJ961337.  相似文献   

The isomerization of uridine to pseudouridine is the most common type of RNA modification found in RNAs across all domains of life and is performed by RNA-dependent and RNA-independent enzymes. The Escherichia coli pseudouridine synthase RluE acts as a stand-alone, highly specific enzyme forming the universally conserved pseudouridine at position 2457, located in helix 89 (H89) of the 23S rRNA in the peptidyltransferase center. Here, we conduct a detailed structure–function analysis to determine the structural elements both in RluE and in 23S rRNA required for RNA–protein interaction and pseudouridine formation. We determined that RluE recognizes a large part of 23S rRNA comprising both H89 and the single-stranded flanking regions which explains the high substrate specificity of RluE. Within RluE, the target RNA is recognized through sequence-specific contacts with loop L7–8 as well as interactions with loop L1–2 and the flexible N-terminal region. We demonstrate that RluE is a faster pseudouridine synthase than other enzymes which likely enables it to act in the early stages of ribosome formation. In summary, our biochemical characterization of RluE provides detailed insight into the molecular mechanism of RluE forming a highly conserved pseudouridine during ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

The maturation of ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) is an important but incompletely understood process required for rRNAs to become functional. In order to determine the enzymes responsible for initiating 3' end maturation of 23S rRNA in Escherichia coli, we analyzed a number of strains lacking different combinations of 3' to 5' exo-RNases. Through these analyses, we identified RNase PH as a key effector of 3' end maturation. Further analysis of the processing reaction revealed that the 23S rRNA precursor contains a CC dinucleotide sequence that prevents maturation from being performed by RNase T instead. Mutation of this dinucleotide resulted in a growth defect, suggesting a strategic significance for this RNase T stalling sequence to prevent premature processing by RNase T. To further explore the roles of RNase PH and RNase T in RNA processing, we identified a subset of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) that contain an RNase T stall sequence, and showed that RNase PH activity is particularly important to process these tRNAs. Overall, the results obtained point to a key role of RNase PH in 23S rRNA processing and to an interplay between this enzyme and RNase T in the processing of different species of RNA molecules in the cell.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain Bz02 was isolated from a water sample collected from river Gomti at the Indian city of Lucknow. We characterized the strain using 16S rRNA sequence. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the strain formed a monophyletic clade with members of the genus Comamonas. The closest phylogenetic relative was Comamonas testosteroni with 95% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity. It is proposed that the identified strain Bz02 be assigned as the type strain of a species of the genus Comamonas (Comamonas sp Bz02) based on 16S rRNA gene sequence search in Ribosomal Database Project, small subunit rRNA and large subunit rRNA databases together with the phylogenetic tree analysis. The sequence is deposted in GenBank with the accession number FJ211417.  相似文献   

High incidence (up to 40%) of symptoms of yellowing and yellow mottling was observed in 5–8 years old orchards of kinnow mandarin {Citrus reticulate Balanco (‘King’ × ‘Willow mandarin’)} in the Punjab state of India during a survey in January 2007. These symptoms are often confused with nutrient deficiency and other stress related disorders. However, a greening bacterium has been attributed to cause the disease. The disease was graft transmissible and sequencing of 16S rRNA, 16S/23S intergenic spacer region and 23S rRNA of the greening bacterium associated with yellowing disease in kinnow mandarin confirmed it to be Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (‘Ca L. asiaticus’) showing maximum identity of 95.9% with ‘Ca L. asiaticus’ from USA and Brazil in 16S rRNA. The study indicates definite association of ‘Ca L. asiaticus’ with yellowing/chlorotic mottling symptoms of greening disease of kinnow mandarin in Punjab state of India.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans is an endospore-forming bacterial parasite of Meloidogyne spp. This organism is among the most promising agents for the biological control of root-knot nematodes. In order to establish the phylogenetic position of this species relative to other endospore-forming bacteria, the 16S ribosomal genes from two isolates of P. penetrans, P-20, which preferentially infects M. arenaria race 1, and P-100, which preferentially infects M. incognita and M. javanica, were PCR-amplified from a purified endospore extraction. Universal primers for the 16S rRNA gene were used to amplify DNA which was cloned, and a nucleotide sequence was obtained for 92% of the gene (1,390 base pairs) encoding the 16S rDNA from each isolate. Comparison of both isolates showed identical sequences that were compared to 16S rDNA sequences of 30 other endospore-forming bacteria obtained from GenBank. Parsimony analyses indicated that P. penetrans is a species within a clade that includes Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius, A. cycloheptanicus, Sulfobacillus sp., Bacillus tusciae, B. schlegelii, and P. ramosa. Its closest neighbor is P. ramosa, a parasite of Daphnia spp. (water fleas). This study provided a genomic basis for the relationship of species assigned to the genus Pasteuria, and for comparison of species that are parasites of different phytopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

Methylation at the 5-position of cytosine [m5C (5-methylcytidine)] occurs at three RNA nucleotides in Escherichia coli. All these modifications are at highly conserved nucleotides in the rRNAs, and each is catalyzed by its own m5C methyltransferase enzyme. Two of the enzymes, RsmB and RsmF, are already known and methylate 16S rRNA at nucleotides C967 and C1407, respectively. Here, we report the identity of the third E. coli m5C methyltransferase. Analysis of rRNAs by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry showed that inactivation of the yccW gene leads to loss of m5C methylation at nucleotide 1962 in E. coli 23S rRNA. This methylation is restored by complementing the knockout strain with a plasmid-encoded copy of the yccW gene. Purified recombinant YccW protein retains its specificity for C1962 in vitro and methylates naked 23S rRNA isolated from the yccW knockout strain. However, YccW does not methylate assembled 50S subunits, and this is somewhat surprising as the published crystal structures show nucleotide C1962 to be fully accessible at the subunit interface. YccW-directed methylation at nucleotide C1962 is conserved in bacteria, and loss of this methylation in E. coli marginally reduces its growth rate. YccW had previously eluded identification because it displays only limited sequence similarity to the m5C methyltransferases RsmB and RsmF and is in fact more similar to known m5U (5-methyluridine) RNA methyltransferases. In keeping with the previously proposed nomenclature system for bacterial rRNA methyltransferases, yccW is now designated as the rRNA large subunit methyltransferase gene rlmI.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a molecular and cytogenetic characterization of three different 5S rDNA clusters in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus; this study, performed at DNA level only, lends itself as starting point to verify that these clusters could contain transcribed genes, then, to demonstrate the presence of heterogeneity at functional RNA level, also. In the present work we report in P. lividus ribosomes the existence of several transcribed variants of the 5S rRNA and we associate all transcribed variants to the cluster to which belong.  相似文献   

5′-R and 5′-S diastereoisomers of 8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyadenosine (cdA) and 8,5′-cyclo-2′-deoxyguanosine (cdG) containing a base-sugar covalent bond are formed by hydroxyl radicals. R-cdA and S-cdA are repaired by nucleotide excision repair (NER) in mammalian cellular extracts. Here, we have examined seven purified base excision repair enzymes for their ability to repair S-cdG or S-cdA. We could not detect either excision or binding of these enzymes on duplex oligonucleotide substrates containing these lesions. However, both lesions were repaired by HeLa cell extracts. Dual incisions by human NER on a 136-mer duplex generated 24–32 bp fragments. The time course of dual incisions were measured in comparison to cis-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG, an excellent substrate for human NER, which showed that cis-anti-B[a]P-N2-dG was repaired more efficiently than S-cdG, which, in turn, was repaired more efficiently than S-cdA. When NER efficiency of S-cdG with different complementary bases was investigated, the wobble pair S-cdG·dT was excised more efficiently than the S-cdG·dC pair that maintains nearly normal Watson-Crick base pairing. But S-cdG·dA mispair with no hydrogen bonds was excised less efficiently than the S-cdG·dC pair. Similar pattern was noted for S-cdA. The S-cdA·dC mispair was excised much more efficiently than the S-cdA·dT pair, whereas the S-cdA·dA pair was excised less efficiently. This result adds to complexity of human NER, which discriminates the damaged base pairs on the basis of multiple criteria.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease (RNase) P and RNase MRP are closely related catalytic ribonucleoproteins involved in the metabolism of a wide range of RNA molecules, including tRNA, rRNA, and some mRNAs. The catalytic RNA component of eukaryotic RNase P retains the core elements of the bacterial RNase P ribozyme; however, the peripheral RNA elements responsible for the stabilization of the global architecture are largely absent in the eukaryotic enzyme. At the same time, the protein makeup of eukaryotic RNase P is considerably more complex than that of the bacterial RNase P. RNase MRP, an essential and ubiquitous eukaryotic enzyme, has a structural organization resembling that of eukaryotic RNase P, and the two enzymes share most of their protein components. Here, we present the results of the analysis of interactions between the largest protein component of yeast RNases P/MRP, Pop1, and the RNA moieties of the enzymes, discuss structural implications of the results, and suggest that Pop1 plays the role of a scaffold for the stabilization of the global architecture of eukaryotic RNase P RNA, substituting for the network of RNA–RNA tertiary interactions that maintain the global RNA structure in bacterial RNase P.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae the rRNA genes were cloned in phage vectors EMBL3 and EMBL4. By subcloning the restriction fragments into various plasmids and analysing the resulting clones by Southern and Northern blot hybridization, a restriction map of the rRNA genes was generated and the organization of the rRNA genes was determined. The results show that the genes for the 16S and 23S rRNAs are closely spaced and occur only once in the genome, whereas the 5S rRNA gene is separated from the other two genes by more than 4 kb.  相似文献   

A 20,115-nt region of theMycoplasma gallisepticum A5959 genome was sequenced (GenBank accession no. AF036708). The region contains therrn23-5 and S10 operons, the lactate dehydrogenase gene, and two open reading frames (ORF293 and ORF129/ORF171) coding for proteins of unknown function. Therrn23-5 operon includes genes for 23S and 5S rRNAs. The S10 operon includes genes for 20 ribosomal proteins, Sec Y transport protein, adenylate kinase, and methionine aminopeptidase, and lacks theinfA-rpl36-rps13-rpoA-rpl17 genes found in the S10 operon ofM. genitalium, M. pneumoniae, andBacillus subtilis. The product ofM. gallisepticum ldh is equally similar to the corresponding proteins of mycoplasmata andB. subtilis but contains only a part of the motif characteristic of the active center of lactate dehydrogenases. The chromosome region adjacent to the sequenced one containsuvrA,nrdE,nrdF, andptsI.  相似文献   

The 23S rRNA gene was evaluated as target for the development of Sybr Green-based quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the analysis of nitrogen-fixing members of the genus Frankia or subgroups of these in soil. A qPCR with a primer combination targeting all nitrogen-fixing frankiae (clusters 1, 2 and 3) resulted in numbers similar to those obtained with a previously developed qPCR using nifH gene sequences, both with respect to introduced and indigenous Frankia populations. Primer combinations more specifically targeting three subgroups of the Alnus host infection group (cluster 1) or members of the Elaeagnus host infection group (cluster 3) were specific for introduced strains of the target group, with numbers corresponding to those obtained by quantification of nitrogen-fixing frankiae with both the 23S rRNA and nifH genes as target. Method verification on indigenous Frankia populations in soils, i.e. in depth profiles from four sites at an Alnus glutinosa stand, revealed declining numbers in the depth profiles, with similar abundance of all nitrogen-fixing frankiae independent of 23S rRNA or nifH gene targets, and corresponding numbers of one group of frankiae of the Alnus host infection only, with no detections of frankiae representing the Elaeagnus, Casuarina, or a second subgroup of the Alnus host infection groups.  相似文献   

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