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The Ca2+-modulated ONE-GC membrane guanylate cyclase is a central component of the cyclic GMP signaling in odorant transduction. It is a single transmembrane spanning modular protein. Its intracellular region contains Ca2+ sensor recognition domains linked to GCAP1 and to neurocalcin δ, and a catalytic module. These domains sense increments in free Ca2+ and stimulate the catalytic module. The present study makes three significant mechanistic advancements. First, to date no ligand for the extracellular (ext) domain is known, for this reason ONE-GC has been deemed as an orphan receptor. The present study identifies its ligand. Uroguanylin stimulates ONE-GC through its ext domain. Second, so far no ligand is known that directly stimulates the catalytic module of any membrane guanylate cyclase. The presented evidence shows that in the presence of the semimicromolar range of free Ca2+, neurocalcin binds to the catalytic module and stimulates ONE-GC. Thus, ONE-GC has trimodal regulation, two occurring intracellularly and one extracellularly. Third, guanylin, a urine odorant, does not directly stimulate ONE-GC. This challenges the proposed hypothesis that the guanylin odorant signal occurs via ONE-GC [T. Leinders-Zufall, R.E. Cockerham, S. Michalakis, M. Biel, D.L. Garbers, R.R. Reed, F. Zufall, S.D. Munger, Contribution of the receptor guanylyl cyclase GC-D to chemosensory function in the olfactory epithelium, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104 (2007) 14507-14512].  相似文献   

In a subset of the olfactory sensory neurons ONE-GC$ membrane guanylate cyclase is a central component of two odorant-dependent cyclic GMP signaling pathways. These odorants are uroguanylin and CO2. The present study was designed to decipher the biochemical and molecular differences between these two odorant signaling mechanisms. The study shows (1) in contrast to uroguanylin, CO2 transduction mechanism is Ca2+-independent. (2) CO2 transduction site, like that of uroguanylin-neurocalcin δ, resides in the core catalytic domain, aa 880-1028, of ONE-GC. (3) The site, however, does not overlap the signature neurocalcin δ signal transduction domain, 908LSEPIE913. Finally, (4) this study negates the prevailing concept that CO2 uniquely signals ONE-GC activity (Sun et al. [19]; Guo et al. [21]). It demonstrates that it also signals the activation of photoreceptor membrane guanylate cyclase ROS-GC1. These results show an additional new transduction mechanism of the membrane guanylate cyclases and broaden our understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which different odorants using a single guanylate cyclase can regulate diverse cyclic GMP signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Almost four decades of research in the field of membrane guanylate cyclases is discussed in this review. Primarily, it focuses on the chronological development of the field, recognizes major contributions of the original investigators, corrects certain misplaced facts, and projects its future trend.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) receptor guanylate cyclase ANF-RGC is a single transmembrane spanning modular protein. Juxtaposed to each side of the transmembrane module is a Cys423-Cys432 disulfide ANF signaling module motif and the ATP-regulated transduction module (ARM) motif. The signaling module motif is conserved in nearly all membrane guanylate cyclases and is believed to be critical in the signaling activities of all membrane guanylate cyclases. The present study with the model system of the olfactory membrane guanylate cyclase shows that this concept is not valid. Furthermore, the study shows that in ANF-GC the signaling motif works through the ARM domain. A new signaling model is proposed where in its natural state the disulfide structural motif represses the ARM domain activity, which, in turn, represses the catalytic module activity of ANF-RGC. ANF signaling relieves the disulfide structural motif restraint on the ARM inhibition and stimulates the catalytic module of the cyclase.  相似文献   

Invertebrate model systems have a long history of generating new insights into neuronal signaling systems. This review focuses on cyclic GMP signaling and describes recent advances in understanding the properties and functions of guanylyl cyclases in invertebrates. The sequencing of three invertebrate genomes has provided a complete catalog of the guanylyl cyclases in C. elegans, Drosophila, and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Using this data and that from cloned guanylyl cyclases in Manduca sexta, C. elegans, and Drosophila, plus predictions and models from vertebrate guanylyl cyclases, evidence is presented that there is a much broader array of properties for these enzymes than previously realized. In addition to the classic homodimeric receptor guanylyl cyclases, C. elegans has at least two receptor guanylyl cyclases that are predicted to require heterodimer formation for activity. Soluble guanylyl cyclases are generally recognized as being obligate heterodimers that are activated by nitric oxide (NO). Some of the soluble guanylyl cyclases in C. elegans may heterodimeric, but all appear to be insensitive to NO. The β2 soluble guanylyl cyclase subunit in mammals and similar ones in Manduca and Drosophila are active in the absence of additional subunits and there is evidence that Drosophila and Anopheles also express an additional subunit that enhances this activity.  相似文献   

The type C natriuretic peptide (CNP)-activated guanylate cyclase (CNP-RGC) is a single-chain transmembrane-spanning protein, containing both CNP binding and catalytic cyclase activities. Upon binding CNP to the extracellular receptor domain, the cytosolic catalytic domain of CNP-RGC is activated, generating the second messenger cyclic GMP. Obligatory in this activation process is an intervening signal transduction step which is regulated by ATP binding to the cyclase. This bridges the events of ligand binding and cyclase activation. A defined sequence motif (Gly499-Xa-Xa-Xa-Gly503), termed ATP regulatory module (ARM), is critical for this step. The present study shows that ATP not only amplifies the signal transduction step, it also concomitantly reduces the ligand binding activity of CNP-RGC. Reduction in the ligand binding activity is a consequence of the transformation of the high affinity receptor-form to the low affinity receptor-form. A single ARM residue Gly499 is critical in the mediation of both ATP effects, signal transduction and ligand binding activity of the receptor. Thus, this residue represents an ATP bimodal switch to turn the CNP signal on and off.  相似文献   

伤害信号分子及其信号转导   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
伤害对于植物是一种常见的环境刺激。目前,对伤害刺激产生的防御反应及其机理都有了较为广泛的研究。简述了目前已确定的参与伤害反应的信号分子:寡糖素,系统素,脱落酸,茉莉酸,乙烯和电信号等,并初步探讨了伤害信号分子的信号转导途径。  相似文献   

P Fatt 《FEBS letters》1982,149(2):159-166
A model is described having the following features: Light induces Ca2+ release from vertebrate rod outer segments discs via pores composed of multimeric rhodopsin. Cytoplasmic Ca2+ reversibly blocks Na+ channels of the surface membrane, with the time course of development and amplitude of the response to light being influenced by restrictions on intradiscal Ca2+ diffusion. The falling phase of response reflects a decline in cytoplasmic [Ca2+] due to a Ca2+-binding protein controlled by cyclic GMP so that its binding capacity is increased by the reduction in cytoplasmic [cyclic GMP] which follows rhodopsin bleaching.  相似文献   

Frequenin is a member of the neuronal Ca2+ sensor protein family, implicated in being the modulator of the neurotransmitter release, potassium channels, phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway and the Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of dense-core granules in the PC12 cells. Frequenin exhibits these biological activities through its Ca2+ myristoyl switch, yet the switch is functionally inactive. These structural and functional traits of frequenin have been derived through the use of recombinant frequenin. In the present study, frequenin (BovFrq) native to the bovine hippocampus has been purified, sequenced for its 9 internal fragments, cloned, and studied. The findings show that structure of the BovFrq is identical to its form present in chicken, rat, mouse and human, indicating its evolutionary conservation. Its Ca2+ myristoyl switch is active in the hippocampus. And, BovFrq physically interacts and turns on yet undisclosed ONE-GC-like ROS-GC membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in the hippocampal neurons. This makes BovFrq a new Ca2+-sensor modulator of a novel ROS-GC transduction machinery. The study demonstrates the presence and mechanistic features of this cyclic GMP signaling pathway in the hippocampal neurons, and also provides one more support for the evolving concept where the Ca2+-modulated membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in its variant forms is a central operational component of all neurons.  相似文献   

植物体内磷脂代谢和信号转导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章文华  王学敏 《生命科学》2000,12(3):100-104
磷脂不但作为细胞结构的重要组成部分,其代谢产物主料可作为人信号分子,这一推断日益受到人们重视,并为越来越多的实验所证实。本文综述磷脂酶类、磷酸肌醇激酶及其代谢产物参与的植物细胞内的信号转导,阐述它们与植物激素和钙信使系统的关系。  相似文献   

Signal transduction is used by plants to coordinate their development and to sense and respond to fluctuations in their surroundings. Of prime importance is the ability to defend against pathogens and other environmental hazards such as cold temperatures, drought or wounding. Many transduction pathways are now characterized and the underlying genes are known. This suggests an obvious question—can we engineer signal transduction mechanisms for plant improvement? We address this question by presenting a rationale for an engineering approach and by discussing results from recent attempts to apply this approach. Calmodulin-like domain protein kinase (CDPK) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are used as primary examples. New technology that will aid these efforts is also covered.  相似文献   

p38 MAPK信号传导通路   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
姜勇  韩家淮 《生命科学》1999,11(3):102-106
丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activatedporoteinkinase,MAPK)介导了生长、发育,分裂,死亡,以及细胞间的功能同步等多种细胞生理功能,在哺乳动物细胞中已发现和克隆了ERK、JNK/SAPK,ERK5/BMK1和p38/RK四个MAPK亚族,这些新的MAPK介导了物理,化学反激,细菌产物,炎性细胞因子等多种刺激引起的细胞反应,p38亚族至少包括p38(α),p38β,p  相似文献   

Duda T  Sharma RK 《FEBS letters》2004,577(3):393-398
Gustatory transduction is a biochemical process by which the gustatory signal generates the electric signal. The microvilli of the taste cells in the gustatory epithelium are the sites of gustatory transduction. This study documents the biochemical, molecular, and functional identity of the Ca2+-modulated membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in the bovine gustatory epithelium. The machinery is a two-component system: the Ca2+-sensor protein, S100B; and the transducer, ROS-GC1. S100B senses increments in free Ca2+, undergoes conformational change, binds to the domain amino acids (aa) Gly962-Asn981 and via the transduction domain aa Ile1030-Gln1041 activates ROS-GC1, generating the second messenger, cyclic GMP. In a recent study, operational presence of this machinery has been demonstrated in the photoreceptor bipolar synapse [Duda et al., EMBO J. 21 (2002) 2547]. Thus, the machinery has a broader role in sensory perceptions, vision in the retinal neurons and gustation in the tongue. The entry of the ROS-GC transduction machinery defines the beginning of a new paradigm of Ca2+ signaling in the tongue.  相似文献   

树突状细胞免疫调节作用及其信号转导机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xu S  Yao YM  Sheng ZY 《生理科学进展》2006,37(4):313-318
树突状细胞(DC)是最强效的抗原提呈细胞。,在抗原的刺激下,DC通过趋化因子作用由外周组织迁移至淋巴组织和器官,同时上调主要组织相容性复合体分子、共刺激分子和黏附分子的表达,分泌细胞因子,获得预激幼稚T细胞的独特能力。DC通过不同的受体吞饮、吞噬和胞吞抗原,例如C型凝集素受体捕获和呈递抗原,通过Toll样受体识别病原体和激活DC。本文主要综述了DC的免疫调节效应及其不同病原体识别受体活化和细胞内信号机制。  相似文献   

赤霉素信号转导与棉纤维的分子发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王荣  崔百明  彭明  张根发 《遗传》2007,29(3):276-282
赤霉素(Gas)作为一种高效能的植物生长调节物质对棉纤维的分化和发育有着非常重要的影响, 但是, 一直以来有关赤霉素与棉纤维分化和发育的分子机制的研究还很少。文章论述了近年来GA信号组分、转导途径的分子生物学研究进展以及GA与棉纤维分子发育的相关研究成果, 旨在为揭示赤霉素调控棉纤维分化和发育的分子机制以及改善棉纤维品质的棉花育种工作提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Various parameters of the rat pineal gland display a 24-h rhythm. However, nothing is known about possible 24-h variations in cyclic GMP (cGMP) metabolism. In the present study, 24-h variations in pineal gland cGMP accumulation were investigated by determining the increase in cGMP level with and without inhibitors of phosphodiesterase at different time points over a light/dark cycle (12/12 h). Furthermore, the activity of guanylate cyclase (GC) was determined under substrate-saturated conditions regarding the cytosolic and particulate forms of the enzyme. It has been found that cGMP accumulation and GC activity display biphasic 24-h variations with two peaks--one approximately 7 h after lights "on" and the other approximately 7 h after lights "off." The activity of cytosolic GC remains unchanged in the presence of the nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibitor N-monomethyl-L-arginine, indicating that 24-h variations in the activity do not reflect changes in the synthesis of the GC stimulator NO.  相似文献   

The initial event in the neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells is the binding of the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF) to the Trk receptor. This interaction stimulates the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of TRk, initiating a signalling cascade involving the phosphorylation of intracellular proteins on tyrosine, serine, and threonine residues. These signals are then in turn propagated to other messengers, ultimately leading to differentiation, neurotrophin-dependent survival and the loss of proliferative capacity. To transmit NGF signals, NGF-activated Trk rapidly associated with the cytoplasmic proteins, SHC, PI-3 kinase, and PLC-γ1. These proteins are involved in stimulating the formation of various second messenger molecules and activating the Ras signal transduction pathway. Studies with Trk mutants indicate that the acivation of the Ras pathway is necessary for complete differentiation of PC12-derived cells and for the maintenance of the differentiated phenotype. Trk also induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of SNT, a specific target of neurotrophic factor activity in neuronal cells. This review will discuss the potential roles of Trk and the proteins of the Trk signalling pathways in NGF function, and summarize our attempts to understand the mechanisms used by Trk to generate dthe many phenotypic responses of PC12 cells to NGF. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

脂筏与T细胞信号转导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗原提呈细胞将抗原加工处理后通过MHCⅠ/MHCⅡ类分子提呈供T细胞识别。TCR对抗原的识别引起一系列下游信号事件的发生,最终使T细胞激活,但对TCR复合物结合抗原后引起胞内区磷酸化的早期事件机制还不是很清楚。最近的研究揭示脂筏参与了这一早期信号事件的发生。脂筏是一种膜脂双层内含有的特殊微区,T细胞膜表面参与T细胞激活的各种关键信号分子都定位于脂筏。T细胞激活过程中脂筏通过聚集和重分配形成一个信号转导的平台。  相似文献   

Signal transduction is a fundamental process that takes place in all living organisms and understanding how this event occurs at the cellular level is of vital importance to virtually all fields of biomedicine. There are several major steps involved in deciphering the signalling pathways: (a) Which molecules are involved in signalling? (b) Who talks to whom?, ie making sense of the molecular interactions in a context-dependent way. (c) Where are the signalling events taking place?, eg when a resting cell becomes activated. The challenge lies in reconstructing signalling modules and networks evoked in a particular response to a single input as well as correlating the signalling response to different cellular inputs. There is also the need for interpretation of cross-talk between signalling modules in response to single and multiple inputs. To follow up these questions there are many good databases that provide an information system on regulatory networks. This review aims to find some of the bioinformatics tools and websites available to conduct signal transduction research and to discuss the representation of databases available for the processes of signalling. The databases considered here can provide a well-structured overview on the subject and a basis for advanced bioinformatics analysis to interpret the function of genomic sequences or to analyse signalling networks within a cell. However, the knowledge of most signalling pathways is incomplete and for this reason the existing databases will provide insight, but very rarely a more complete picture.  相似文献   

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