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The majority of Trypanosoma evansi can be detected using diagnostic tests based on the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of Trypanosoma evansi Rode Trypanozoon antigen type (RoTat) 1.2. Exceptions are a number of T. evansi isolated in Kenya. To characterize T. evansi that are undetected by RoTat 1.2, we cloned and sequenced the VSG cDNA from T. evansi JN 2118Hu, an isolate devoid of the RoTat 1.2 VSG gene. A 273 bp DNA segment of the VSG gene was targeted in PCR amplification for the detection of non-RoTat 1.2 T. evansi. Genomic DNA samples from different trypanosomes were tested including 32 T. evansi, 10 Trypanosoma brucei, three Trypanosoma congolense, and one Trypanosoma vivax. Comparison was by PCR amplification of a 488 bp fragment of RoTat1.2 VSG gene. Results showed that the expected 273 bp amplification product was present in all five non-RoTat 1.2 T. evansi tested and was absent in all 27 RoTat 1.2-positive T. evansi tested. It was also absent in all other trypanosomes tested. The PCR test developed in this study is specific for non-RoTat 1.2 T. evansi.  相似文献   

The existence of cholinergic receptors in the immune system cells is well documented. This study aimed to evaluate the acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in lymphocytes from rats infected with Trypanosoma evansi in acute and chronic phase disease. Twenty animals were infected with 106 trypomastigotes forms each and 10 were used as negative controls. The two groups of inoculated rats were formed according to the degree of parasitemia and the period post-infection (PI). Group A: rats with 4 days PI and between 24 and 45 parasites/field (1000×); group B: rats with 30 days PI and parasitemia with jagged peaks between 0 and 1 parasites/field; group C: not-infected animals. At 4 days PI (acute phase) and 30 days PI (chronic phase) the rats were anesthetized to collect blood for hemogram and separation of lymphocytes. After separation, the AChE activity was measured in lymphocytes. It was observed that the number of lymphocytes increased significantly in group A compared to group C. The activity of AChE in lymphocytes significantly increased in acute phase and decreased in chronic phase in the infected rats when compared to not-infected (P < 0.05). Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between the number of lymphocytes and AChE activity in lymphocytes in 4 days PI (r2: 0.59). Therefore, the infection by T. evansi influences AChE activity in lymphocytes of rats indicating changes in the responses of cholinergic system in acute phase, possibly due to immune functions performed by these enzymes.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare two parasitological diagnostic techniques, such as by Micro-Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique (MHCT) and Direct Microscopic Examination (DME) with a serological method (iELISA), and a molecular procedure PCR, in rabbits experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi, in order to determine their sensitivity throughout the course of disease. The parasitological methods were not able of detecting the presence of the parasite during the phases of low parasitemia, the prepatency period and the chronic phase. In contrast, PCR detected T. evansi in the prepatency and chronic phase, when increase the amount of DNA from 100 to 300 ng. 100% detection was observed with iELISA only in the chronic stage of the disease. In the acute phase, all samples were positively diagnosed using either MHCT or PCR, whereas only few samples were diagnosed by DME. Samples obtained from day 15 post infection were also detected by iELISA. The highest diagnostic register during the course of infection was achieved by the PCR technique (93.8%), followed by iELISA (71.1%), MHCT (59%) and DME (13.6%). Therefore, we recommend the use of PCR in epidemiological studies in order to implement sanitary control plans for the improvement of livestock productivity in the country.  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating hemogram and erythropoietic changes in cats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi. Thirteen adult female non-breeding Felix catus were separated into two groups: seven animals were infected with 108 trypomastigotes each, and six animals were used as negative controls. Animals were kept in air-conditioned rooms and blood smears were performed daily for 49 days. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein at days 0, 7, 21, 35 and 49 and stored in blood-collecting tubes containing anticoagulant. Bone marrow was collected from the proximal epiphysis of the right femur at days 14 and 42 post-inoculation (PI). Total erythrocyte count, hematocrit and hemoglobin showed statistical differences among groups from the seventh day PI onwards (P < 0.05). The mean corpuscular volume and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration remained normal, characterizing a normocytic-normochromic anemia. Reticulocyte count increased in the infected group from the 21st day onwards, but remained near normal values suggesting a mild regenerative anemia. Moreover, the myeloid:erythroid ratio significantly reduced at day 42 PI, evidencing a bone marrow hematopoietic response. Based on these results we conclude that cats infected with T. evansi have normocytic, normochromic, regenerative anemia.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei brucei, the infectious agent of the disease known as Nagana, is a pathogenic trypanosome occurring in Africa, where it causes significant economic loss to domesticated livestock. Although many studies on the histopathology of organs of mice infected with T. b. brucei have been reported, little work has been done regarding gene expression in these organs in infected mice. In this paper, we describe the use of cDNA microarray to determine gene expression profiles in the liver and spleen of mice infected with T. b. brucei (STIB 920) at peak parasitaemia (12 days after infection). Our results showed that a total of 123 genes in the liver and 389 genes in the spleen were expressed differentially in T. b. brucei infected mice. In contrast, however, in an acute infection in mice caused by Trypanosoma brucei evansi, a species genetically related to T. b. brucei, 336 genes in the liver and 190 genes in the spleen were expressed, differentially, indicating that the liver of mice was more affected by the acute T. b. evansi infection whilst the spleen was more affected by the subacute T. b. brucei infection. Our results provide a number of possible reasons why mice infected with T. b. evansi die sooner than those infected with T. b. brucei: (1) mice infected with T. b. evansi may need more stress response proteins to help them pass through the infection and these are probably excessively consumed; (2) proliferating cell nuclear antigen was more down-regulated in the liver of mice infected with T. b. evansi, which indicated that the inhibition of proliferation of hepatocytes in mice infected with T. b. evansi might be more severe than that in T. b. brucei infection; and (3) more hepatocyte apoptosis occurred in the mice infected with T. b. evansi and this might be probably the most important reason why mice died sooner than those infected with T. b. brucei. Studies of the changes in the gene expression profile in the liver and spleen of mice infected with T. b. brucei may be helpful in understanding the mechanisms of pathogenesis in Nagana disease at the molecular level. By comparing the gene profiles of the liver and spleen of mice infected with T. b. brucei with T. b. evansi, we have identified a number of factors that could explain the differences in pathogenesis in mice infected with these two African trypanosomes.  相似文献   

We compared two methods to generate polymorphic markers to investigate the population genetics of Trypanosoma evansi; random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. AFLP accessed many more polymorphisms than RAPD. Cluster analysis of the AFLP data showed that 12 T.evansi isolates were very similar ('type A') whereas 2 isolates differed substantially ('type B'). Type A isolates have been generally regarded as genetically identical but AFLP analysis was able to identify multiple differences between them and split the type A T. evansi isolates into two distinct clades.  相似文献   

The isolation of biological clones of Trypanosoma cruzi by microscopically dispensing individual organisms or by serial dilution is laborious and time consuming. The inability to resolve mixed T. cruzi infections, from vectors and hosts, and to isolate clones of slow growing genotypes by efficient plating on solid media, has hindered characterisation studies and downstream applications. We have devised and validated a sensitive, solid medium plating technique for rapid in vitro isolation of clones representative of all the recognised T. cruzi lineages (TCI, TCIIa-e), including the slow growing strain CANIII (TC IIa) and Trypanosoma rangeli, with high plating efficiencies. Furthermore, the method is effective for the isolation of clones directly from silvatic triatomine bugs and from experimentally infected mice harbouring mixed infections, allowing resolution of multiclonal infections from varied sources.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma vivax is the principal etiological agent of bovine trypanosomosis, a widely disseminated disease in tropical and subtropical regions. Here, we present a simple and reproducible method for the purification of T. vivax from experimentally infected and immunosuppressed sheep, using an isopycnic Percoll gradient, followed by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, with an estimated yield of 11-15%. This method could be used for the purification of T. vivax geographical isolates from various locations and from different natural hosts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the susceptibility of mice to Trypanosoma evansi treated with human plasma containing different concentrations of apolipoprotein L-1 (APOL1). For this experiment, a strain of T. evansi and human plasma (plasmas 1, 2, and 3) from 3 adult males clinically healthy were used. In vivo test used 50 mice divided in 5 groups (A to E) with 10 animals in each group. Animals of groups B to E were infected, and then treated with 0.2 ml of human plasma in the following outline: negative control (A), positive control (B), treatment with plasma 1 (C), treatment with plasma 2 (D), and treatment with plasma 3 (E). Mice treated with human plasma showed an increase in longevity of 40.9 ± 0.3 (C), 20 ± 9.0 (D) and 35.6 ± 9.3 (E) days compared to the control group (B) which was 4.3 ± 0.5 days. The number of surviving mice and free of the parasite (blood smear and PCR negative) at the end of the experiment was 90%, 0%, and 60% for groups C, D, and E, respectively. The quantification of APOL1 was performed due to the large difference in the treatments that differed in the source plasma. In plasmas 1, 2, and 3 was detected the concentration of 194, 99, and 115 mg/dl of APOL1, respectively. However, we believe that this difference in the treatment efficiency is related to the level of APOL1 in plasmas.  相似文献   

Natural Trypanosoma evansi infection in the Canary Islands has only been diagnosed in the camel population, but dissemination of the disease in other hosts has not been excluded. To evaluate the role of the goats in the dissemination of the disease, 8 goats were inoculated and examined during 6 months using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with a primer targeting a repetitive region specific for Trypanozoon subgenus used to amplify a 227 bp fragment from the genomic DNA. PCR was able to detect parasitemia in all tested samples; therefore it was considered as gold standard test in this study. The results were compared with those obtained using the micro-hematocrit centrifugation technique showing a sensitivity of 92.7%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 1 and negative predictive value of 0.87. Both techniques seem to be adequate to detect T. evansi from infected goats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify the trypanocidal effectiveness of aqueous, methanolic, and ethanolic extracts of Achyrocline satureioides against Trypanosoma evansi in vitro. A. satureioides extracts, known as macela, were used on trypomastigotes at different concentrations (1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 µg/ml) and exposure times (0, 1, 3, 6, and 9 hr). A dose-dependent effect was observed when the 3 extracts were tested. The concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 µg/ml were not able to kill trypomastigotes until 3 hr after exposure, and the highest concentrations (500 and 1,000 µg/ml) were able to kill all trypomastigotes after 1 hr. When the time of exposure was increased up to 9 hr, the concentrations at 50 and 100 µg/ml were 100% effective to 3 extracts. The chemical analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of flavonoids, a trypanocidal compound already described. Based on the results, we can conclude that the A. satureioides extracts exhibit trypanocidal effects.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate whether experimental Chagas disease in acute phase under benznidazole therapy can cause DNA damage in peripheral blood, liver, heart, and spleen cells or induce nitric oxide synthesis in spleen cells. Twenty Balb/c mice were distributed into four groups: control (non-infected animals); Trypanosoma cruzi infected; T. cruzi infected and submitted to benznidazole therapy; and only treated with benznidazole. The results obtained with the single cell gel (comet) assay showed that T. cruzi was able induce DNA damage in heart cells of both benznidazole treated or untreated infected mice. Similarly, T. cruzi infected animals showed an increase of DNA lesions in spleen cells. Regarding nitric oxide synthesis, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in all experimental groups compared to negative control, the strongest effect observed in the T. cruzi infected group. Taken together, these results indicate that T. cruzi may increase the level of DNA damage in mice heart and spleen cells. Probably, nitric oxide plays an important role in DNA damaging whereas benznidazole was able to minimize induced T. cruzi genotoxic effects in spleen cells.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to evaluate the effect of the Canova® medication, a homeopathic immune-system modulator, on the evolution of infection induced by the Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain in mice. The animals were divided into five groups: (i) untreated infected controls (I), (ii) infected animals treated with benznidazole (Bz), (iii) infected animals treated with the Canova medication (CM), (iv) infected animals treated with benznidazole and the Canova medication (Bz + CM), and (v) uninfected controls that received only the vehicle (grain alcohol) (C). The parameters evaluated were: parasitemia, mortality, control of cure, and tissue parasitism analysis. Our results showed that the evolution of the experimental infection was modified by treatment with CM, and that daily and consecutive doses were harmful to the animals, causing death in 100% of the infected animals in a brief period. The analysis of parasitism performed on the organs on the 12th day postinfection showed that in infected animals treated with CM, the number of amastigote/nests in the spleen was significantly reduced, while in cardiac tissue, intestine, and liver the number was significantly increased compared with infected control animals. These results indicate that CM has a negative influence on the host-parasite relationship, modifying the tropism of the parasite for tissues, and increasing the parasitemia peak in this experimental model.  相似文献   

In this study we employed randomly amplified polymorphic DNA patterns to assess the genetic relatedness among 14 Brazilian Trypanosoma evansi stocks from domestic and wild hosts, which are known to differ in biological characteristics. These akinetoplastic stocks were compared with one another, to three Old World (Ethiopia, China and Philippines) dyskinetoplastic stocks of T. evansi, and also with Trypanosoma equiperdum, Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis showed limited heterogeneity in T. evansi stocks from different hosts and geographical regions of the world, or in other species of the subgenus Trypanozoon. However, minor variations generated random amplification of polymorphic DNA analysis disclosed a pattern consisting of a unique synapomorphic DNA fragment (termed Te664) for the T. evansi cluster that was not detected in any other trypanosome species investigated. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis analysis demonstrated that the Te664 fragment is a repetitive sequence, dispersed in intermediate and minichromosomes of T. evansi. Based on this sequence, we developed a conventional PCR assay for the detection of T. evansi using crude preparations of blood collected either on glass slides or on filter paper as template DNA. Our results showed that this assay may be useful as a diagnostic tool for field-epidemiological studies of T. evansi.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the utilization of a standard treatment with diminazene aceturate against the infection caused by Trypanosoma evansi, associated to sodium selenite and vitamin E. In vitro tests showed trypanocidal effect related to the treatment with diminazene aceturate and sodium selenite, but vitamin E had no harmful effect on the trypanosomes. In vivo experiments utilized a total of 72 adult outbreed females rats, separated into 9 groups (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I), 8 animals each. Group A was the uninfected group; groups B to I were infected with 0.2 mL of blood containing 106 trypanosomes. Parasitemia was estimated daily by microscopic examination of blood smears. Group B served as positive control; group C was treated with diminazene aceturate; group D with sodium selenite; group E with vitamin E; group F received an association of diminazene aceturate and sodium selenite; group G received an association of diminazene aceturate and vitamin E; group H received an association of diminazene aceturate, sodium selenite and vitamin E, and group I received an association of sodium selenite and vitamin E. Diminazene aceturate was administrated in a single dose on the 3rd day post infection (PI). Sodium selenite and vitamin E were administered at the 3rd and 23rd day PI. In vivo tests showed increase of longevity in groups treated with diminazene aceturate associated with sodium selenite (groups F and H). No difference was found between groups C and E, thus the vitamin E did not increase the efficacy of treatment against T. evansi when associated to diminazene aceturate. The curative efficacy of treatments was 37.5, 87.7, 37.7 and 75% to the groups C, F, G and H, respectively. Other treatments showed no efficacy. The sodium selenite when combined with chemotherapy may represent an alternative in the treatment of trypanosomosis.  相似文献   

Infection of humans with Trypanosoma brucei causes sleeping sickness, which is invariably fatal if left untreated. The course of infection is characterised, among others, by multiple organ damage including cardiovascular dysfunctions such as hypotension and breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. The latter eventually leads to the parasite invasion into central nervous system and ultimately to the death of the patient. Nitric oxide (NO) synthesised from L-arginine via endothelial NO-synthase (eNOS) is involved in the control of vascular tone and permeability. The present study explores the effect of T. brucei infection on the endothelium-dependent in vitro vasomotor response of isolated mouse aortas. Aorta rings were suspended in organ chambers for isometric tension recording. The endothelium-dependent NO-mediated relaxation in response to acetylcholine (10(-9) to 10(-5) M) was markedly enhanced in the infected mice compared to controls (P<0.05), whereas the endothelium-independent vasodilation to an exogenous NO-donor, sodium nitroprusside, was comparable in both groups. Norepinephrine-stimulated contraction was also comparable in the absence or presence of the NO-synthase inhibitor N(omega)-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 10(-4)M) in both groups. The enhanced endothelium-dependent relaxation in the infected mice correlated well with a 3.5-fold increase in eNOS protein level in these aortas as compared to those of control mice (P=0.05). Thus, T. brucei infection enhances eNOS protein expression in the endothelium, causing a pronounced vasodilation. Overproduction of NO in trypanosomiasis may be involved in the observed generalised hypotension and in an increased vascular permeability that facilitates T. brucei invasion into surrounding tissues and its penetration into the central nervous system in later phases of infection.  相似文献   

Seven Trypanosoma evansi isolates from China and a Trypanosoma congolense sp. gifted from Kenya were characterized genetically by the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The ITS-1 rDNA with the length of 338–342 bp was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced from individual isolates of T. evansi. Although sequence variation between T. evansi isolates from China only was 0.3–3.8%, the constructed phylogenetic tree based on the ITS-1 rDNA sequence by the method of neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony revealed the genetic diversity among T. evansi isolates from China. For T. congolense sp., the most phylogenetically related species was T. congolense IL1180. Although the sequence variation ranged 0.8–14.5% between T. congolense isolates, the phylogenetic tree can not reflected the genetic diversity among T. congolense isolates perhaps because of the fewer number of isolates and sequences. The data could be applicable for the survey of parasite dynamics, epidemiological studies as well as prevention and control of the disease.  相似文献   

Leeflang P., Buys Janny and Blotkamp Coby. 1978. Studies on Trypanosoma vivax: comparison of parasitological diagnostic methods. International Journal for Parasitology8: 15–18. Parasitological methods for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma vivax infections in Nigerian cattle, including thin and thick blood smear and lymph gland smear examination, haematocrit centrifuge technique, hypotonie lysis test and mouse inoculation were evaluated. In 155 blood samples, thick film examination was significantly better than thin smear examination; in 126 samples, the haematocrit centrifuge technique was significantly superior over thin smear but not over thick film examination; when all six methods were applied in 52 samples, significant differences could only be demonstrated between mouse inoculation on one hand and thick film and gland smear examination, haematocrit centrifuge technique and hypotonie lysis test on the other hand, and between thin smear examination and hypotonic lysis test. It was shown that none of the tests was either satisfactory or sufficiently reliable to be used alone. The combination of either haematocrit centrifuge technique or thick film examination together with thin smear examination is recommended as most practical for the diagnosis of T. vivax infection under field conditions. The haematocrit centrifuge technique is also more advantageous because simultaneous estimation of the packed cell volume will evaluate the clinical condition of the herd. A comparison of the value of diagnostic methods for East and West African T. vivax was included in the present study.  相似文献   

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