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Early attempts to identify the chromophore of the photoreceptor for phototropism are reviewed. Carotenoids and flavins were the principal candidates, but studies with grass coleoptiles devoid of carotenoids suggest that at least in these organs carotenoids are most unlikely to play that role. The status of characterization of a gene for a putative photoreceptor protein is also reviewed. As the action spectrum for phototropism resembles the absorption spectrum of a flavoprotein, flavoproteins are attractive candidates at present, especially since the CRY1 photoreceptor in Arabidopsis thaliana that mediates blue light-dependent hypocotyl growth suppression has flavin adenine dinucleotide as one of its two chromophores. As the second chromophore appears to be pterin, pterins should not be ruled out as candidate chromophores for the photoreceptor for phototropism.  相似文献   

The effect of different light qualities (blue, green, white, red and far-red) on ethylene production in leaf discs and flower petal discs of Begonia × hiemalis cv. Schwabenland Red was studied. All the light qualities, except far-red, reduced the ACC-conversion to ethylene in leaf discs by about 70% at a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 20 mol m–2s–1.Blue and green light were less inhibitory than white and red light at lower PPFD. In all treatments far-red light at 0.5 mol m–2s–1 of photon flux density (PFD) stimulated the ACC-conversion to ethylene in leaf discs by about 60–90% compared to the dark-incubated control. White and red light strongly inhibited the -naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA) stimulated ethylene synthesis in leaf discs. The results may suggest that the ethylene production is controlled by phytochrome in the leaves but not in the petals. Lack of coaction of any light quality with silver ions on ethylene production in leaf and petal discs was also observed.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - EFE ethylene forming enzyme - NAA -naphthalene-acetic acid - PFD photon flux density - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - RH relative air humidity - SAM S-adenosylmethionine - STS silver thiosulphate  相似文献   

The diphenyl ether acifluorfen enhances the blue light-induced absorbance change in Triton X100-solubilized crude membrane preparations from etiolated oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Lodi) coleoptiles. Enhancement of the spectral change is correlated with a change in rate of dark reoxidation of a b-type cytochrome. Similar, although smaller, enhancement was obtained with oxyfluorfen, nitrofen, and bifenox. Light-minus-dark difference spectra in the presence and absence of acifluorfen, and the dithionite-reduced-minus oxidized difference spectrum indicate that acifluorfen is acting specifically at a blue light-sensitive cytochrome-flavin complex. Sodium azide, a flavin inhibitor, decreases the light-induced absorbance change significantly, but does not affect the dark reoxidation of the cytochrome. Hence, it is acting on the light reaction, suggesting that the photoreceptor itself is a flavin. Acifluorfen sensitizes phototropism in dark-grown oat seedlings such that the first positive response occurs with blue light fluences as little as one-third of those required to elicit the same response in seedlings grown in the absence of the herbicide. Both this increase in sensitivity to light and the enhancement of the light-induced cytochrome reduction vary with the applied acifluorfen concentration in a similar manner. The herbicide is without effect either on elongation or on the geotropic response of dark-grown oat seedlings, indicating that acifluorfen is acting specifically close to, or at the photoreceptor end of, the stimulus-response chain. It seems likely that the flavin-cytochrome complex serves to transduce the light signal into curvature in phototropism in oats, with the flavin moiety itself serving as the photoreceptor.  相似文献   

Kutschera U  Briggs WR 《Planta》2012,235(3):443-452
In roots, the “hidden half” of all land plants, gravity is an important signal that determines the direction of growth in the soil. Hence, positive gravitropism has been studied in detail. However, since the 19th century, the response of roots toward unilateral light has also been analyzed. Based on studies on white mustard (Sinapis alba) seedlings, botanists have concluded that all roots are negatively phototropic. This “Sinapis-dogma” was refuted in a seminal study on root phototropism published a century ago, where it was shown that less then half of the 166 plant species investigated behave like S. alba, whereas 53% displayed no phototropic response at all. Here we summarize the history of research on root phototropism, discuss this phenomenon with reference to unpublished data on garden cress (Lepidium sativum) seedlings, and describe the effects of blue light on the negative bending response in Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana). The ecological significance of root phototropism is discussed and the relationships between gravi- and phototropism are outlined, with respect to the starch-statolith-theory of gravity perception. Finally, we present an integrative model of gravi- and blue light perception in the root tip of Arabidopsis seedlings. This hypothesis is based on our current view of the starch-statolith-concept and light sensing via the cytoplasmic red/blue light photoreceptor phytochrome A and the plasma membrane-associated blue light receptor phototropin-1. Open questions and possible research agendas for the future are summarized.  相似文献   

Moritoshi Iino 《Planta》1988,176(2):183-188
The effects of pretreatments with red and blue light (RL, BL) on the fluence-response curve for the phototropism induced by a BL pulse (first positive curvature) were investigated with darkadapted maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. A pulse of RL, giving a fluence sufficient to saturate phytochrome-mediated responses in this material, shifted the bell-shaped phototropic fluence-response curve to higher fluences and increased its peak height. A pulse of high-fluence BL given immediately prior to this RL treatment temporarily suppressed the phototropic fluence-response curve, and shifted the curve to higher fluences than induced by RL alone. The shift by BL progressed rapidly compared to that by RL. The results indicate (1) that first positive curvature is desensitized by both phytochrome and a BL system, (2) that desensitization by BL occurs with respect to both the maximal response and the quantum efficiency, and (3) that the desensitization responses mediated by phytochrome and the BL system can be induced simultaneously but develop following different kinetics. It is suggested that theses desensitization responses contribute to the induction of second positive curvature, a response induced by prolonged irradiation.Abbreviations BL blue light - RL red light CIW-DPB Publication No. 1001  相似文献   

The possible correlation between blue light-dependent phosphorylation of a 116-kD protein and phototropic responses of etiolated oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings was tested by a micromethod for protein phosphorylation. Quantitation of the basipetal distribution of this protein showed that the in vitro 32p phosphorylation values declined exponentially from tip to node, with more than 50% of the total label being found in the uppermost 5 mm. Nonsaturating preirradiation of the coleoptiles in vivo resulted in partial phosphorylation with endogenous ATP. Subsequent in vitro phosphorylation under saturating irradiation allowed the determination of the degree of in vivo phosphorylation. Unilateral preirradiation resulted in higher in vivo phosphorylation on the irradiated than on the shaded side of the coleoptile. The fluence-response curve for the difference in phosphorylation between both sides of the coleoptile resembles the fluence-response curve for first-positive phototropic curvature, although it is shifted by two orders of magnitude to higher fluences. Possible reasons for this shift are discussed. In the coleoptile base the phosphorylation gradient across the coleoptile becomes larger with increasing time of irradiation at a constant fluence. Thus, phosphorylation of the 116-kD protein, in accordance with second-positive phototropic curvature, does not obey the Bunsen-Roscoe reciprocity law.  相似文献   

Salomon M  Zacherl M  Rudiger W 《Planta》1996,199(3):336-342
Blue light induced the phosphorylation of a 116-kDa plasma-membrane-associated protein in dark-grown seedlings from Avena sativa L. The response was restricted to the phototropically sensitive tissue of the coleoptile tip. Surprisingly, this protein showed different properties in membrane preparations from plants that were grown for 3 d than in those from 5-d-old seedlings. In contrast to the younger coleoptiles, in 5-d-old seedlings phosphorylation of the 116-kDa protein depended strictly on the addition of Triton X-100 or other non-ionic detergents and was not abolished when the membranes were pretreated with trypsin. These latter membranes were also characterized by the appearance of two additional bluelight-regulated phosphoproteins of slightly lower molecular masses, exhibiting properties similar to the 116-kDa protein from 3-d-old plants. The data, together with solubilization studies, indicate that the 116-kDa protein is strongly membrane-bound only at the very beginning of seedling development and becomes more loosely associated in the course of coleoptile growth. In addition, we demonstrate that the capacity of the light-activated photoreceptor to recover photosensitivity in the dark also can occur under in-vitro conditions.Abbreviations LM-proteins lower molecular mass phosphoproteins, 100 kDa and 95 kDa - NPM N-phenylmaleimide We thank Dr. W.R. Briggs and Dr. P. Reymond (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford, USA) for helpful discussion at the beginning of this work. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt, Cooperation was supported by a travel grant from NATO.  相似文献   

The action spectrum for the light-activated destruction of phytochrome in etiolated Avena seedlings has been determined. There are 2 broad maxima, one between 380 and 440 mμ, the other between 600 and 700 mμ. peaking at about 660 mμ. On an incident energy basis, the red region of the spectrum is more efficient than the blue by about one order of magnitude in activating phytochrome disappearance. Both the red absorbing as well as the far-red absorbing forms of phytochrome are destroyed after exposure of Avena seedling to either red or blue light.

From the action spectrum and photoreversibility of pigment loss, we conclude that phytochrome acts as a photoreceptor for the photoactivation of its metabolically-based destruction. We suggest that another pigment might also be associated with the disappearance of phytochrome in oat seedlings exposed to blue light.


An auxanometer based on capacitance micrometry is described. It does not require light or contact with the plant, and will detect changes in length of the Avena coleoptile of 1 micrometer in 3 to 5 seconds. The field employed, 1 kilohertz at a gradient of 5 volts per centimeter, does not affect the growth rate of the coleoptile. Vertical illumination with blue light at fluences of 1 to 50 ergs·cm−2 cause an accelerated rate of coleoptile extension, beginning within 10 min after exposure. At higher exposures, the previously described growth inhibition becomes dominant.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase is regulated by reversible phosphorylation in higher plants. Recently several genes encoding PEP carboxylase kinase have been cloned. The purpose of this article is to assess the contribution that information on the structure and expression of these genes is making to our understanding of the posttranslational control of PEP carboxylase activity.  相似文献   

It is thought that the C-5 pathway is the major, possibly the sole, route for the formation of delta-aminolevulinic acid for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrroles, including chlorophylls, in higher plants; a route involving 4,5-dioxovalerate as an intermediate followed by transamination to delta-aminolevulinic acid has been supported as one of the C-5 pathways (Granick, S., and Beale, S. I. (1978) Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 46, 33-203). A specific aminotransferase for L-alanine and 4,5-dioxovalerate was found in the cucumber seeds. In dark-grown cucumber seedlings, alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate aminotransferase activity in the transitional region between shoot and root was remarkably high compared with that in the cotyledons. The exposure of the dark-grown seedlings to illumination resulted in a rapid and dramatic increase in the activity only in this transitional region. In contrast, the enzyme in the cotyledons, stem, and roots did not respond to illumination. After a 27-h illumination, the enzyme activity in the transitional region was 100-fold higher than that in the cotyledons. Other aminotransferases assayed in the transitional region did not respond to illumination. Alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate aminotransferase in the transitional region was also specific for L-alanine and 4,5-dioxovalerate.  相似文献   

High irradiance and moderate heat inhibit the activity of the photosynthetic apparatus of oat (Avena sativa L.) leaves. The incubation of oat leaves under high light intensity in conjunction with high temperatures strongly decreased the maximal quantum yield of photosystem (PS) II, indicating the close synergistic effect of both stress factors on PS II inhibition and the subsequent irreversible damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. The PS I A/B protein levels remained similar to control values in leaves incubated under high light intensity or moderate heat, and decreased only when both stress factors were simultaneously applied. Immunoblot analysis of thylakoid membranes using specific antibodies raised against the NDH-K subunit of the thylakoidal NADH dehydrogenase complex (NADH DH) and against plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) revealed an increase in the amount of both proteins in response to high light intensity and/or heat treatments. In addition, these stress treatments were seen to stimulate the activity of electron donation by NADPH and ferredoxin to plastoquinone, the PTOX activity in plastoquinone oxidation and the NADH DH activity in thylakoid membranes. Incubation with n-propyl gallate (an inhibitor of PTOX) inhibited the increase of NDH-K and PTOX levels under high light intensity and heat, and slightly stimulated the activity of electron donation by NADPH and ferredoxin to plastoquinone. Antimycin A (an inhibitor of cyclic electron flow) increased the NADH DH activity and preserved the levels of NDH-K and PTOX in thylakoid membranes from leaves incubated under high light intensity and heat. The up-regulation of the PTOX and the thylakoidal NADH DH complex under these stress conditions supports a role for chlororespiration in the protection against high irradiance and moderate heat.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study into the potential of plants to acclimate to light environments that fluctuate over time periods between 15 min and 3 h. Plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., Digitalis purpurea L. and Silene dioica (L.) Clairv. were grown at an irradiance 100 mol m-2 s-1. After 4–6 weeks, they were transferred to light regimes that fluctuated between 100 and either 475 or 810 mol m-2 s-1, in a regular cycle, for 7 days. Plants were shown, in most cases, to be able to undergo photosynthetic acclimation under such conditions, increasing maximum photosynthetic rate. The extent of acclimation varied between species. A more detailed study with S. dioica showed that this acclimation involved changes in both Rubisco protein and cytochrome f content, with only marginal changes in pigment content and composition. Acclimation to fluctuating light, at the protein level, did not fully reflect the acclimation to continuous high light - Rubisco protein increased more than would be expected from the mean irradiance, but less than expected from the high irradiance; cytochrome f increased when neither the mean nor the high irradiance would be expected to induce an increase.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Chilling sensitivity in higher plants: the role of phosphatidylglycerol   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A compilation of data on the level of high melting point fatly acids in the phosphalidylglycerol of leaves of higher plants suggests that the content of these acids is not directly related to the chilling sensitivity of the plant. Within a given plant family the level of high melting point fatty acids in phosphatidylglycerol appears to be relatively constant, although the individual species may differ widely in their susceptibility to low temperature. It seems possible that differences observed in the levels of high melting point fatty acids in the phosphatidylglycerols of chilling-sensitive and chilling-tolerant plants may be largely due to choice of experimental material.  相似文献   

Mutations in the secondary quinone electron acceptor (QB) pocket of the D1 protein conferring a modification on the donor side of photosystem II (PSII) have been characterized by gene cloning and sequencing in two metribuzin-resistant mutants of Synechocystis PCC 6714. The mutations induce different herbicide resistances: in M30, a point mutation at the codon 248, isoleucine to threonine, results in resistance only to metribuzin; in M35, a single mutation, Ala251Val, confers metribuzin, atrazine, and ioxynil resistance. As with other herbicide-resistant mutants, M30 and M35 present modifications in the electron transfer between the primary quinone electron acceptor (QA) and QB. In addition, they have a modified oscillatory pattern of oxygen emission: after dark adaptation, the maximum oscillation is shifted by one flash. Both mutants have a higher concentration of the redox state in the dark-adapted state than the wild type. The mutations render the oxygen-evolving system more accessible to cell reductants. The mutation Ala251Val also confers to PSII an increased sensitivity to high light. We have already demonstrated that under light stress a double mutant, AzV (Ala251Val, Phe211Ser), lost the ability to recover the PSII activity sooner than the wild type. Here, we confirm that the modification of the alanine-251 is responsible for this specific sensitivity to high light. We conclude that specific mutations of the QB pocket modify the behavior of the cells under light stress and have an effect on the structure of the D1 protein in the other side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Three key factors involved in successful plant disease development include the presence of a susceptible host, a virulent pathogen, and a disease-conducive environment. Our understanding of how environmental factors influence disease-conducive or disease-suppressive conditions, and how a pathogen advantageously capitalizes on them, is quite limited. Utilizing the model pathosystem Magnaporthe oryzae-Oryza sativa, we found a significant light-dependent disease suppression. Our genetic data suggest that the blue-light receptor MGWC-1 in M. oryzae is involved in light-dependent disease suppression during the dark-phase (disease-conducive light condition) immediately after pathogen-host contact. Sensing "darkness" is accomplished by MGWC-1, a blue-light receptor in M. oryzae. To explore the potential molecular mechanisms of light-dependent disease suppression we performed a genome-wide microarray experiment and identified several groups of gene families that are differentially regulated during the light-to-dark transition. Our genetic and molecular data provide insights into how a fungal pathogen utilizes ambient light signals for successful disease development.  相似文献   

Summary According to earlier investigations, light initiates changes in the displacement of the chloroplasts on centrifugation in bothHelodea andSpirogyra. These changes, which are interpreted as a result of corresponding changes in the viscosity of the protoplasm, are found to occur in terrestrial plants as well.The plants used for the experiments areAchillea millefolium, Brassica napobrassica, Beta vulgaris andRumex acetosella. If the leaves are kept in darkness and saturated moisture for 2–3 days, the protoplasm attains some degree of internal equilibrium, and its fluidity becomes relatively constant. When the leaves are subsequently exposed to light, this equilibrium is disturbed. Even brief illumination (e.g. 100 m.c. for 1 minute) initiates such changes that the displacement of the chloroplasts on centrifugation is alternately increased and decreased. These fluctuations, which seem to be irregular with respect to both duration and amplitude, continue for several hours after cessation of illumination.  相似文献   

A brief review of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants is given, followed by a consideration of the modifications induced in this apparatus by changes in light intensity and light quality. Possible strategies by which plants may optimize photosynthetic activity by both long- and short-term modifications of their photosynthetic apparatus in response to changing light regimes are discussed.  相似文献   

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