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The machinery behind the visual perception of motion and the subsequent sensori-motor transformation, such as in ocular following response (OFR), is confronted to uncertainties which are efficiently resolved in the primate's visual system. We may understand this response as an ideal observer in a probabilistic framework by using Bayesian theory [Weiss, Y., Simoncelli, E.P., Adelson, E.H., 2002. Motion illusions as optimal percepts. Nature Neuroscience, 5(6), 598-604, doi:10.1038/nn858] which we previously proved to be successfully adapted to model the OFR for different levels of noise with full field gratings. More recent experiments of OFR have used disk gratings and bipartite stimuli which are optimized to study the dynamics of center-surround integration. We quantified two main characteristics of the spatial integration of motion: (i) a finite optimal stimulus size for driving OFR, surrounded by an antagonistic modulation and (ii) a direction selective suppressive effect of the surround on the contrast gain control of the central stimuli [Barthélemy, F.V., Vanzetta, I., Masson, G.S., 2006. Behavioral receptive field for ocular following in humans: dynamics of spatial summation and center-surround interactions. Journal of Neurophysiology, (95), 3712-3726, doi:10.1152/jn.00112.2006]. Herein, we extended the ideal observer model to simulate the spatial integration of the different local motion cues within a probabilistic representation. We present analytical results which show that the hypothesis of independence of local measures can describe the spatial integration of the motion signal. Within this framework, we successfully accounted for the contrast gain control mechanisms observed in the behavioral data for center-surround stimuli. However, another inhibitory mechanism had to be added to account for suppressive effects of the surround.  相似文献   

The neural correlates of binocular rivalry have been actively debated in recent years, and are of considerable interest as they may shed light on mechanisms of conscious awareness. In a related phenomenon, monocular rivalry, a composite image is shown to both eyes. The subject experiences perceptual alternations in which the two stimulus components alternate in clarity or salience. The experience is similar to perceptual alternations in binocular rivalry, although the reduction in visibility of the suppressed component is greater for binocular rivalry, especially at higher stimulus contrasts. We used fMRI at 3T to image activity in visual cortex while subjects perceived either monocular or binocular rivalry, or a matched non-rivalrous control condition. The stimulus patterns were left/right oblique gratings with the luminance contrast set at 9%, 18% or 36%. Compared to a blank screen, both binocular and monocular rivalry showed a U-shaped function of activation as a function of stimulus contrast, i.e. higher activity for most areas at 9% and 36%. The sites of cortical activation for monocular rivalry included occipital pole (V1, V2, V3), ventral temporal, and superior parietal cortex. The additional areas for binocular rivalry included lateral occipital regions, as well as inferior parietal cortex close to the temporoparietal junction (TPJ). In particular, higher-tier areas MT+ and V3A were more active for binocular than monocular rivalry for all contrasts. In comparison, activation in V2 and V3 was reduced for binocular compared to monocular rivalry at the higher contrasts that evoked stronger binocular perceptual suppression, indicating that the effects of suppression are not limited to interocular suppression in V1.  相似文献   

We review the evidence of long-range contextual modulation in V1. Populations of neurons in V1 are activated by a wide variety of stimuli outside of their classical receptive fields (RF), well beyond their surround region. These effects generally involve extra-RF features with an orientation component. The population mapping of orientation preferences to the upper layers of V1 is well understood, as far as the classical RF properties are concerned, and involves organization into pinwheel-like structures. We introduce a novel hypothesis regarding the organization of V1’s contextual response. We show that RF and extra-RF orientation preferences are mapped in related ways. Orientation pinwheels are the foci of both types of features. The mapping of contextual features onto the orientation pinwheel has a form that recapitulates the organization of the visual field: an iso-orientation patch within the pinwheel also responds to extra-RF stimuli of the same orientation. We hypothesize that the same form of mapping applies to other stimulus properties that are mapped out in V1, such as colour and contrast selectivity. A specific consequence is that fovea-like properties will be mapped in a systematic way to orientation pinwheels. We review the evidence that cytochrome oxidase blobs comprise the foci of this contextual remapping for colour and low contrasts. Neurodynamics and motion in the visual field are argued to play an important role in the shaping and maintenance of this type of mapping in V1.  相似文献   

Attention can modulate sensitivity to local stimuli in early vision. But, can attention also modulate integration of local stimuli into global visual patterns? We recently measured effects of attention on the phenomenon of lateral interactions between collinear elements, commonly thought to reflect long-range mechanisms in early visual cortex underlying contour integration. We showed improved detection of low-contrast central Gabor targets in the context of collinear flankers, but only when the collinear flankers were attended for a secondary task rather than ignored in favor of an orthogonal flanker pair. Here, we contrast two hypotheses for how attention might modulate flanker influences on the target: by changing just local sensitivity to the flankers themselves (flanker-modulation-only hypothesis), or by weighting integrative connections between flanker and target (connection-weighting hypothesis). Modeled on the known nonlinear dependence of target visibility on collinear flanker contrast, the first hypothesis predicts that an increase in physical flanker contrast should readily offset any reduction in their effective contrast when ignored, thus eliminating attentional modulation. Conversely, the second hypothesis predicts that attentional modulation should persist even for the highest flanker contrasts. Our results showed the latter outcome and indicated that attention modulates flanker-target integration, rather than just processing of local flanker elements.  相似文献   

The classical receptive field in the primary visual cortex have been successfully explained by sparse activation of relatively independent units, whose tuning properties reflect the statistical dependencies in the natural environment. Robust surround modulation, emerging from stimulation beyond the classical receptive field, has been associated with increase of lifetime sparseness in the V1, but the system-wide modulation of response strength have currently no theoretical explanation. We measured fMRI responses from human visual cortex and quantified the contextual modulation with a decorrelation coefficient (d), derived from a subtractive normalization model. All active cortical areas demonstrated local non-linear summation of responses, which were in line with hypothesis of global decorrelation of voxels responses. In addition, we found sensitivity to surrounding stimulus structure across the ventral stream, and large-scale sensitivity to the number of simultaneous objects. Response sparseness across voxel population increased consistently with larger stimuli. These data suggest that contextual modulation for a stimulus event reflect optimization of the code and perhaps increase in energy efficiency throughout the ventral stream hierarchy. Our model provides a novel prediction that average suppression of response amplitude for simultaneous stimuli across the cortical network is a monotonic function of similarity of response strengths in the network when the stimuli are presented alone.  相似文献   

Autistic tendency has been associated with altered visual perception, especially impaired visual motion sensitivity and global/local integration, as well as enhanced visual search and local shape recognition. However, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying these abnormalities remain poorly defined. The current study recruited 29 young adults displaying low, middle or high autistic trait as measured by Baron-Cohen''s Autism spectrum Quotient (AQ), and measured motion coherence thresholds psychophysically, with manipulation of dot lifetime and stimulus contrast, as well as nonlinear cortical visual evoked potentials (VEPs) over a range of temporal luminance contrast levels from 10% to 95%. Contrast response functions extracted from the major first order and second order Wiener kernel peaks of the VEPs showed consistent variation with AQ group, and Naka-Rushton fits enabled contrast gain and semi-saturation contrasts to be elicited for each peak. A short latency second order response (previously associated with magnocellular processing) with high contrast gain and a saturating contrast response function showed higher amplitude for the High AQ (compared with Mid and Low groups) indicating poorer neural recovery after rapid stimulation. A non-linearity evoked at longer interaction times (previously associated with parvocellular processing) with no evidence of contrast saturation and lower contrast gain showed no difference between autism quotient groups across the full range of stimulus contrasts. In addition, the short latency first order response and a small, early second order second slice response showed gain and semi-saturation parameters indicative of magnocellular origin, while the longer latency first order response probably reflects a mixture of inputs (including feedback from higher cortical areas). Significant motion coherence (AQ group) * (dot lifetime) interactions with higher coherence threshold for limited dot lifetime stimuli is consistent with atypical magnocellular functioning, however psychophysical performance for those with High AQ is not explained fully, suggesting that other factors may be involved.  相似文献   

Saccades occur several times each second in normal human vision. The visual image moves across the retina at high velocity during a saccade, yet no blurring of the visual scene is perceived . Active suppression of visual input may account for this perceptual continuity, but the neural mechanisms underlying such saccadic suppression remain unclear. We used functional MRI to specifically examine responses in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and primary visual cortex (V1) during saccades. Activity in both V1 and LGN was strongly modulated by saccades. Furthermore, this modulation depended on whether visual stimulation was present or absent. In complete darkness, saccades led to reliable signal increases in V1 and LGN, whereas in the presence of visual stimulation, saccades led to suppression of visually evoked responses. These findings represent unequivocal evidence for saccadic suppression in human LGN and retinotopically defined V1 and are consistent with the earliest site of saccadic suppression lying at or before V1.  相似文献   

Spatial context in images induces perceptual phenomena associated with salience and modulates the responses of neurons in primary visual cortex (V1). However, the computational and ecological principles underlying contextual effects are incompletely understood. We introduce a model of natural images that includes grouping and segmentation of neighboring features based on their joint statistics, and we interpret the firing rates of V1 neurons as performing optimal recognition in this model. We show that this leads to a substantial generalization of divisive normalization, a computation that is ubiquitous in many neural areas and systems. A main novelty in our model is that the influence of the context on a target stimulus is determined by their degree of statistical dependence. We optimized the parameters of the model on natural image patches, and then simulated neural and perceptual responses on stimuli used in classical experiments. The model reproduces some rich and complex response patterns observed in V1, such as the contrast dependence, orientation tuning and spatial asymmetry of surround suppression, while also allowing for surround facilitation under conditions of weak stimulation. It also mimics the perceptual salience produced by simple displays, and leads to readily testable predictions. Our results provide a principled account of orientation-based contextual modulation in early vision and its sensitivity to the homogeneity and spatial arrangement of inputs, and lends statistical support to the theory that V1 computes visual salience.  相似文献   

Modification of an existing neural structure to support a second function will produce a trade-off between the two functions if they are in some way incompatible. The trade-off between two such sensory functions is modeled here in pyramidal neurons of the gymnotiform electric fish's medullar electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These neurons detect two electric stimulus features produced when a nearby object interferes with the fish's autogenous electric field: (1) amplitude modulation across a cell's entire receptive field and (2) amplitude variation within a cell's receptive field produced by an object's edge. A model of sensory integration shows that detection of amplitude modulation and enhancement of spatial contrast involve an inherent mechanistic trade-off and that the severity of the trade-off depends on the particular algorithm of sensory integration. Electrophysiology data indicate that of the two algorithms for sensory integration modeled here for the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus, the algorithm with the better trade-off function is used. Further, the intrinsic trade-off within single cells has been surmounted by the replication of ELL into multiple electrosensory map segments, each specialized to emphasize different sensory features. Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

Collinear interactions and contour integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polat U  Bonneh Y 《Spatial Vision》2000,13(4):393-401
The visibility of a local target is influenced by the global configuration of the stimulus. Collinear configurations are a specific case in which facilitation or suppression of the target has been found to be dependent on the contrast threshold of the target. The role of collinear interactions in perceptual grouping, especially in contour integration, is still controversial. In the current study, the role of collinear interactions in noise was investigated using experimental conditions similar to those utilized in studies of contour integration. The contrast detection paradigm in the presence of similar Gabor elements presented in the background was used. The results show that contrast detection threshold of the target alone is increased (suppression) when it is embedded in randomly oriented background elements. However, when the target is flanked by two collinear Gabor elements, the target is facilitated even at higher target contrast levels. Facilitation is not found for orthogonal configurations. The results suggest that the response to a local element in a contour is modified by lateral facilitative and suppressive inputs from elements comprising the smooth contour and randomly oriented background elements, respectively. Thus, detection of elements along a contour should be considered as integration of global neuronal activity rather than as the output of local and individual neurons.  相似文献   

Hu M  Wang Y  Wang Y 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25410
The visual information we receive during natural vision changes rapidly and continuously. The visual system must adapt to the spatiotemporal contents of the environment in order to efficiently process the dynamic signals. However, neuronal responses to luminance contrast are usually measured using drifting or stationary gratings presented for a prolonged duration. Since motion in our visual field is continuous, the signals received by the visual system contain an abundance of transient components in the contrast domain. Here using a modified reverse correlation method, we studied the properties of responses of neurons in the cat primary visual cortex to different contrasts of grating stimuli presented statically and transiently for 40 ms, and showed that neurons can effectively discriminate the rapidly changing contrasts. The change in the contrast response function (CRF) over time mainly consisted of an increment in contrast gain (CRF shifts to left) in the developing phase of temporal responses and a decrement in response gain (CRF shifts downward) in the decay phase. When the distribution range of stimulus contrasts was increased, neurons demonstrated decrement in contrast gain and response gain. Our results suggest that contrast gain control (contrast adaptation) and response gain control mechanisms are well established during the first tens of milliseconds after stimulus onset and may cooperatively mediate the rapid dynamic responses of visual cortical neurons to the continuously changing contrast. This fast contrast adaptation may play a role in detecting contrast contours in the context of visual scenes that are varying rapidly.  相似文献   

We used a dual-masking paradigm to study how contrast discrimination can be influenced by the presence of adjacent stimuli. The task of the observer was to detect a target superimposed on a pedestal in the presence of flankers. The flankers (i) reduce the target threshold at zero pedestal contrast, (ii) shift the target threshold versus pedestal contrast (TvC) function horizontally to the left on a log-log plot at high pedestal contrasts, and (iii) reduce the size of pedestal facilitation at low pedestal contrasts. The horizontal shift at high pedestal contrasts suggests that the flanker effect is a multiplicative factor that cannot be explained by previous models of contrast discrimination. We extend the divisive inhibition model of contrast discrimination by implementing the flanker effect as a lateral multiplicative sensitivity modulation. This extended model provides a good account of the data.  相似文献   

We used psychometric functions to estimate the joint entropy for space discrimination and spatial frequency discrimination. Space discrimination was taken as discrimination of spatial extent. Seven subjects were tested. Gábor functions comprising unidimensionalsinusoidal gratings (0.4, 2, and 10 cpd) and bidimensionalGaussian envelopes (1°) were used as reference stimuli. The experiment comprised the comparison between reference and test stimulithat differed in grating''s spatial frequency or envelope''s standard deviation. We tested 21 different envelope''s standard deviations around the reference standard deviation to study spatial extent discrimination and 19 different grating''s spatial frequencies around the reference spatial frequency to study spatial frequency discrimination. Two series of psychometric functions were obtained for 2%, 5%, 10%, and 100% stimulus contrast. The psychometric function data points for spatial extent discrimination or spatial frequency discrimination were fitted with Gaussian functions using the least square method, and the spatial extent and spatial frequency entropies were estimated from the standard deviation of these Gaussian functions. Then, joint entropy was obtained by multiplying the square root of space extent entropy times the spatial frequency entropy. We compared our results to the theoretical minimum for unidimensional Gábor functions, 1/4π or 0.0796. At low and intermediate spatial frequencies and high contrasts, joint entropy reached levels below the theoretical minimum, suggesting non-linear interactions between two or more visual mechanisms. We concluded that non-linear interactions of visual pathways, such as the M and P pathways, could explain joint entropy values below the theoretical minimum at low and intermediate spatial frequencies and high contrasts. These non-linear interactions might be at work at intermediate and high contrasts at all spatial frequencies once there was a substantial decrease in joint entropy for these stimulus conditions when contrast was raised.  相似文献   

Ito M  Gilbert CD 《Neuron》1999,22(3):593-604
The response properties of cells in the primary visual cortex (V1) were measured while the animals directed their attention either to the position of the neuron's receptive field (RF), to a position away from the RF (focal attention), or to four locations in the visual field (distributed attention). Over the population, varying attentional state had no significant effect on the response to an isolated stimulus within the RF but had a large influence on the facilitatory effects of contextual lines. We propose that the attentional modulation of contextual effects represents a gating of long range horizontal connections within area V1 by feedback connections to V1 and that this gating provides a mechanism for shaping responses under attention to stimulus configuration.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia patients demonstrate perceptual deficits consistent with broad dysfunction in visual context processing. These include poor integration of segments forming visual contours, and reduced visual contrast effects (e.g. weaker orientation-dependent surround suppression, ODSS). Background image context can influence contour perception, as stimuli near the contour affect detection accuracy. Because of ODSS, this contextual modulation depends on the relative orientation between the contour and flanking elements, with parallel flankers impairing contour perception. However in schizophrenia, the impact of abnormal ODSS during contour perception is not clear. It is also unknown whether deficient contour perception marks genetic liability for schizophrenia, or is strictly associated with clinical expression of this disorder. We examined contour detection in 25 adults with schizophrenia, 13 unaffected first-degree biological relatives of schizophrenia patients, and 28 healthy controls. Subjects performed a psychophysics experiment designed to quantify the effect of flanker orientation during contour detection. Overall, patients with schizophrenia showed poorer contour detection performance than relatives or controls. Parallel flankers suppressed and orthogonal flankers enhanced contour detection performance for all groups, but parallel suppression was relatively weaker for schizophrenia patients than healthy controls. Relatives of patients showed equivalent performance with controls. Computational modeling suggested that abnormal contextual modulation in schizophrenia may be explained by suppression that is more broadly tuned for orientation. Abnormal flanker suppression in schizophrenia is consistent with weaker ODSS and/or broader orientation tuning. This work provides the first evidence that such perceptual abnormalities may not be associated with a genetic liability for schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Li W  Piëch V  Gilbert CD 《Neuron》2006,50(6):951-962
Contour integration is an important intermediate stage of object recognition, in which line segments belonging to an object boundary are perceptually linked and segmented from complex backgrounds. Contextual influences observed in primary visual cortex (V1) suggest the involvement of V1 in contour integration. Here, we provide direct evidence that, in monkeys performing a contour detection task, there was a close correlation between the responses of V1 neurons and the perceptual saliency of contours. Receiver operating characteristic analysis showed that single neuronal responses encode the presence or absence of a contour as reliably as the animal's behavioral responses. We also show that the same visual contours elicited significantly weaker neuronal responses when they were not detected in the detection task, or when they were unattended. Our results demonstrate that contextual interactions in V1 play a pivotal role in contour integration and saliency.  相似文献   

The evolution of the complex and dynamic behavioural interactions between caring parents and their dependent offspring is a major area of research in behavioural ecology and quantitative genetics. While behavioural ecologists examine the evolution of interactions between parents and offspring in the light of parent-offspring conflict and its resolution, quantitative geneticists explore the evolution of such interactions in the light of parent-offspring co-adaptation due to combined effects of parental and offspring behaviours on fitness. To date, there is little interaction or integration between these two fields. Here, we first review the merits and limitations of each of these two approaches and show that they provide important complementary insights into the evolution of strategies for offspring begging and parental resource provisioning. We then outline how central ideas from behavioural ecology and quantitative genetics can be combined within a framework based on the concept of behavioural reaction norms, which provides a common basis for behavioural ecologists and quantitative geneticists to study the evolution of parent-offspring interactions. Finally, we discuss how the behavioural reaction norm approach can be used to advance our understanding of parent-offspring conflict by combining information about the genetic basis of traits from quantitative genetics with key insights regarding the adaptive function and dynamic nature of parental and offspring behaviours from behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

A well-known property of orientation-tuned neurons in the visual cortex is that they are suppressed by the superposition of an orthogonal mask. This phenomenon has been explained in terms of physiological constraints (synaptic depression), engineering solutions for components with poor dynamic range (contrast normalization) and fundamental coding strategies for natural images (redundancy reduction). A common but often tacit assumption is that the suppressive process is equally potent at different spatial and temporal scales of analysis. To determine whether it is so, we measured psychophysical cross-orientation masking (XOM) functions for flickering horizontal Gabor stimuli over wide ranges of spatio-temporal frequency and contrast. We found that orthogonal masks raised contrast detection thresholds substantially at low spatial frequencies and high temporal frequencies (high speeds), and that small and unexpected levels of facilitation were evident elsewhere. The data were well fit by a functional model of contrast gain control, where (i) the weight of suppression increased with the ratio of temporal to spatial frequency and (ii) the weight of facilitatory modulation was the same for all conditions, but outcompeted by suppression at higher contrasts. These results (i) provide new constraints for models of primary visual cortex, (ii) associate XOM and facilitation with the transient magno- and sustained parvostreams, respectively, and (iii) reconcile earlier conflicting psychophysical reports on XOM.  相似文献   

Understanding molecular principles underlying Hsp90 chaperone functions and modulation of client activity is fundamental to dissect activation mechanisms of many proteins. In this work, we performed a computational investigation of the Hsp90-Hsp70-Hop-CR client complex to examine allosteric regulatory mechanisms underlying dynamic chaperone interactions and principles of chaperone-dependent client recognition and remodeling. Conformational dynamics analysis using high-resolution coarse-grained simulations and ensemble-based local frustration analysis suggest that the Hsp90 chaperone could recognize and recruit the GR client by invoking reciprocal dynamic exchanges near the intermolecular interfaces with the client. Using mutational scanning of the intermolecular residues in the Hsp90-Hsp70-Hop-GR complex, we identified binding energy hotspots in the regulatory complex. Perturbation-based network analysis and dynamic fluctuations-based modeling of allosteric residue potentials are employed for a detailed analysis of allosteric interaction networks and identification of conformational communication switches. We found that allosteric interactions between the Hsp90, the client-bound Hsp70 and Hop cochaperone can define two allosteric residue clusters that control client recruitment in which the intrinsic Hsp70 allostery is exploited to mediate integration of the Hsp70-bound client into the Hsp90 chaperone system. The results suggest a model of dynamics-driven allostery that enables efficient client recruitment and loading through allosteric couplings between intermolecular interfaces and communication switch centers. This study showed that the Hsp90 interactions with client proteins may operate under dynamic-based allostery in which ensembles of preexisting conformational states and intrinsic allosteric pathways present in the Hsp90 and Hsp70 chaperones can be exploited for recognition and integration of substrate proteins.  相似文献   

The toxic accumulation of misfolded proteins as inclusions, fibrils, or aggregates is a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases. However, how molecular chaperones, such as heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp70) and heat shock protein 90 kDa (Hsp90), defend cells against the accumulation of misfolded proteins remains unclear. The ATP-dependent foldase function of both Hsp70 and Hsp90 actively transitions misfolded proteins back to their native conformation. By contrast, the ATP-independent holdase function of Hsp70 and Hsp90 prevents the accumulation of misfolded proteins. Foldase and holdase functions can protect against the toxicity associated with protein misfolding, yet we are only beginning to understand the mechanisms through which they modulate neurodegeneration. This review compares recent structural findings regarding the binding of Hsp90 to misfolded and intrinsically disordered proteins, such as tau, α-synuclein, and Tar DNA-binding protein 43. We propose that Hsp90 and Hsp70 interact with these proteins through an extended and dynamic interface that spans the surface of multiple domains of the chaperone proteins. This contrasts with many other Hsp90–client protein interactions for which only a single bound conformation of Hsp90 is proposed. The dynamic nature of these multidomain interactions allows for polymorphic binding of multiple conformations to vast regions of Hsp90. The holdase functions of Hsp70 and Hsp90 may thus allow neuronal cells to modulate misfolded proteins more efficiently by reducing the long-term ATP running costs of the chaperone budget. However, it remains unclear whether holdase functions protect cells by preventing aggregate formation or can increase neurotoxicity by inadvertently stabilizing deleterious oligomers.  相似文献   

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