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We studied the microspatial population structure of the perennial tussock grass, Hyparrhenia diplandra (Poaceae), a facultative agamospermous species of West African savannahs. The microspatial population structure of H. diplandra was investigated by choosing two 100-m(2); quadrats at random from which all individuals were mapped. The genotype of every individual was determined using two highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. A chloroplast locus was also used to investigate the role of seed dispersal on the genetic structure of populations. The genetic diversity index (0.85) was high for a clonal species. Significant genetic differentiation over short distances was detected by F statistics, and spatial autocorrelation analyses within both quadrats showed significant isolation-by-distance patterns, both with the cytoplasmic locus and the nuclear loci. Some clones formed large patches (up to 5 m in diameter) whereas others were more scattered. However, the genetic differentiation between quadrats was much higher when studied with the cytoplasmic locus than with the nuclear loci, indicating that gene flow via pollen, but not seeds, may frequently occur between quadrats. The maintenance of genetic diversity in this facultative agamospermous species most likely results from several factors, such as low seed dispersal ability, nonnegligible gene flow through pollen, and selective pressures induced by regularly occurring fires in this ecosystem. 相似文献
流域尺度上河流水质与土地利用的关系 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以苏子河流域内54个水质采样点为基点,生成6种尺度的河岸带缓冲区,并借助FRAGSTATS软件计算景观水平和类型水平上的8种景观指数.分别从景观空间格局与景观类型组成两方面,对景观指数与水质进行相关分析.结果表明:区域景观格局在不同缓冲区内对流域水质具有不同的效应.当缓冲区距离≤300 m时,旱地、建筑用地、水田为主要的景观类型组成,其面积比例、斑块数量、斑块密度、最大斑块指数、最大形状指数、景观斑块聚集度指数均较高,农田的连通性较高,对水质的影响较大.在距离河流较远的区域(缓冲区距离>300 m),林地面积比例较高,林地聚集连通程度较好,对水质改善具有一定作用,但不明显.该流域耕地、建设用地等对水质有着关键的影响作用. 相似文献
Hyparrhenia filipendula stapf., a tall (1–1.5 m) perennial grass common in dry-subhumid African savannas, was collected from Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, propagated vegetatively, and grown in controlled environments simulating conditions in nature. Plants were subjected to a factorial experiment with combinations of watering frequency, nitrogen supply, clipping height (10 and 15 cm) and clipping frequency (7 and 14 d). Biomass yield and allocation to various tissue types, morphometric traits, and growth processes were measured.Watering frequency affected leaf elongation rate while nitrogen affected tiller number. Clipped yield was strongly correlated with leaf elongation rate but not tiller number, therefore it was primarily controlled by the activities of intercalary rather than apical meristems. There was a negative exponential relationship between tillering and clipped yield per tiller. Plants that received both high nitrogen and high water closely followed a-3/2 power law in this tradeoff. The fraction of total net photosynthate allocated to roots was not significantly related to any environmental treatment. Root and crown growths were not affected by defoliation treatment; leaf blade and stem growths were inhibited; and sheaths were inhibited only under low water.Despite a tall stature, H. filipendula tolerated herbivory by increased photosynthetic rate (Wallace et al. 1984), through continued production of young tissues by intercalary meristems balanced against tiller number, and by a statistically constant proportional allocation to roots. Clipped yield increased only when both nitrogen and water were abundant, and then, proportional clipped yield did not surpass an upper asymptotic limit. 相似文献
Dennis PG Hirsch PR Smith SJ Taylor RG Valsami-Jones E Miller AJ 《Journal of microbiological methods》2009,76(1):101-104
Ion-selective microelectrodes and a novel micro-sampling technique were used to investigate the relationship in field soil between Brassica napus rhizoplane pH and bacterial density at a spatial scale approximating a microhabitat. Bacterial densities were observed to increase with decreasing pH, rhizoplane pH measurements varied by up to 1 pH unit over a distance of 1 mm and the mean pH of the rhizoplane at the root base varied by more than 1 pH unit between plants. These findings highlight the appropriateness of investigating the interactions between bacterial communities and their environment at the micro-spatial scale and the utility of the micro-sampling method. 相似文献
Sarina E. Loo Ralph Mac Nally Dennis J. O’Dowd James R. Thomson P. S. Lake 《Biological invasions》2009,11(8):1903-1912
With the expected increase in the spread of invasive species, examination of factors controlling distributions at multiple spatial scales and ecological modelling of their potential distributions are important analyses for informed decision-making. The scale-dependence of mechanisms influencing invasion by non-native species has been shown previously, indicating that studies of key factors affecting invasive species distributions at multiple spatial scales are critical for successful management. Freshwater systems are particularly vulnerable to invasive species, yet few studies have examined the environmental factors influencing distributions of invasive species at multiple spatial scales. We examined the effect of environmental variables on the predicted distribution of the invasive aquatic grass Glyceria maxima over continental, regional and local scales in Australia. We undertook an initial critical evaluation of which predictor variables were most appropriate to use at each scale, largely considering prior knowledge. On a continental scale, climatic, topographic and hydrological variables predicted well the potential distribution of G. maxima, identifying temperate regions as most susceptible to invasion. The regional analysis found that dense, woody, riparian vegetation has a strong negative impact on the occurrence of G. maxima, especially at intermediate elevations. The invasive grass was found less often on biotite granite and on fluvial geology. At a local scale, occurrence of G. maxima was related positively to soil phosphorus and nitrogen, and negatively related to soil organic carbon. The identification of key factors affecting invasive species distributions at multiple spatial scales will inform prevention schemes, assist targeted field sampling for the development of monitoring programs, and allow prioritization of control methods. 相似文献
Craig S. Tucker 《Hydrobiologia》1981,85(1):73-76
Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Pistia stratiotes (L.), and Lemna minor (L.) were cultured at four different densities each and analyzed for cell-wall fraction, crude protein, total available carbohydrate and ash. Cell-wall fraction increased and crude protein content decreased as density increased in Eichhornia and Pistia cultures. The cell-wall and crude protein content of Lemna did not change with increasing culture density. Differences in the trends of cell-wall and crude protein content of the three plants at increasing culture densities appear to be related to differences in growth form. There was no difference in the total available carbohydrate or ash content of the three species at different culture densities. 相似文献
Nearest-neighbour analysis was used to examine the competitive interactions between Stipagrostis brevifolia, a C4 perennial grass, and two leaf succulent shrubs, Ruschia robusta and Leipoldtia pauciflora, at the ecotone between semi-arid grassland and succulent shrubland in the Karoo. The root distribution in the soil was also
compared to assess the degree of overlap in the potential use of soil resources. Regressions between the combined sizes of
interspecific, nearest-neighbour species and the distance between them showed significant positive correlations for S. brevifolia and R. robusta, which suggest the presence of competition. We infer from individual species regressions that the grass exerted a stronger
competitive force on the shrub R. robusta than R. robusta on the grass. There was also evidence for strong intraspecific competitive relationships within S. brevifolia and R. robusta. There was no evidence of competition between S. brevifolia and L. pauciflora or among L. pauciflora individuals. S. brevifolia had the deepest root system, and was recorded at depths of 70 cm. Most of this root mass occurred between 10 and 40 cm. Ruschia robusta roots were recorded as deep as 55 cm, but more than 90% was found in the top 20 cm of the soil, creating a degree of overlap
with the vertical root distribution of S. brevifolia. A clear separation in rooting depths occurred between S. brevifolia, and L. pauciflora which had only 3% of the total root mass below 10 cm. The partial overlap in the vertical root distribution between S. brevifolia and R. robusta may account for the observed competitive relationship, but each species dominates in a different layer, potentially minimising
the net competition between S. brevifolia and R. robusta. Our findings demonstrate the possibility of a two-layer water-obtaining strategy in a semi-desert ecosystem, where the succulent
shrubs seem to be playing the typical “grass” role described in most models of water partitioning between grass and woody
plants. The stronger competitive effect of S. brevifolia on R. robusta at all the sites is of significance to species dynamics, and might be related to winter/summer rainfall dynamics at the climatic
transition. 相似文献
Suppression of nitrification and nitrous oxide emission by the tropical grass Brachiaria humidicola 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Nitrification by soil nitrifiers may result in substantial losses of applied nitrogen through NO3
– leaching and N2O emission. The biological inhibition of nitrification by crop plants or pasture species is not well known. This study was conducted to evaluate the ability of three pasture species, Brachiaria humidicola, B. decumbens and Melinis minutiflora to inhibit nitrification. Plants were grown in a growth chamber for sixty days, fertilized with (NH4)2SO4. After harvesting, the soil was incubated with (NH4)2SO4 for 24 days. Ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB), NH4-N levels, and N2O emission were monitored at 4 d intervals. Among the species studied, B. humidicola inhibited nitrification and maintained NH4-N in soil to a much greater extent than the other two species. This nitrification inhibition lasted for 12 days after initiation of soil incubation study (i.e. from 60 DAS when the plants were harvested). The AOB populations and N2O emission from the soil were significantly lower in the soils where B. humidicola has been grown compared to the other two species. Root exudates and soil extracts of B. humidicola suppressed AOB populations, whereas those of B. decumbens and M. minutiflora did not. The results are in consistence with the hypothesis that B. humidicola suppressed nitrification and N2O emissions through an inhibitory effect on the AOB population. 相似文献
Summary In both the seminal axis and lateral roots of Cucurbita pepo L. the formation of large central xylem elements and the commencement of secondary cambial activity occur 10–20 cm from the root tip. Concomitant with or slightly preceding these developments there are changes in the structure of the walls of endodermal cells where the lignified casparian band spreads along the radial wall and substances staining with Sudan IV are deposited in both radial and tangential walls. At distances more than 30 cm from the tip of primary roots the radius of the stele increases considerably causing splits in the cortex. The endodermis is stretched and the suberin becomes organized in a lamellar form.Against this background of anatomical change certain of the transport capabilities of the root are retained while others are lost. Using an apparatus for measuring the uptake of tracers by segments of intact roots it was found that neither the uptake nor translocation of potassium seem to be affected by the suberization of the endodermis or by secondary thickening, while the translocation of calcium is virtually eliminated when these processes begin. As the root ages its ability to absorb phosphate declines although the translocation of the phosphate absorbed is much less affected by structural development than that of calcium.The observed rates of potassium uptake by complete root systems could be predicted quite accurately from the average of segment uptake data suggesting that the method used gives reliable results. 相似文献
In this issue of Molecular Cell, Wu et?al. (2011) reveal an essential role for a chromatin modifier, histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3), in hypoxia-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT); HIF-activated HDAC3 integrates with WDR5 to impose chromatin modifications that culminate in EMT. 相似文献
B L Thorne 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》1991,246(1317):191-195
Closely related cellulolytic protozoa reside in the hindguts of extant woodroaches (Cryptocercidae) and termites (Isoptera). The evolutionary origin of these symbiotic relationships in the two lineages is uncertain. Transfer of protozoa between ancestors of modern Cryptocercus and termites remains a valid alternative theory to the established hypothesis of symbiont inheritance from a common ancestor. Nalepa's (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 246, 185 (1991] concerns regarding the protozoan transfer hypothesis focus on the biology of modern species, and neglect to consider the evolutionary framework of an ancestral dynamic postulated to occur among Palaeozoic insects. Legitimacy of the symbiont transfer theory removes the constraint of interpreting presence of cellulolytic protozoa as a synapomorphy between Cryptocercidae and Isoptera, with potential impact on objective resolution of dictyopteran phylogeny. 相似文献
Spatial partitioning of the soil water resource between grass and shrub components in a West African humid savanna 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Most savanna water balance models assume water partitioning between grasses and shrubs in a two-layer hypothesis, but this hypothesis has not been tested for humid savanna environments. Spatial partitioning of soil water between grasses and shrubs was investigated in a West African humid savanna by comparing the isotopic composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium) of soil water and plant stem water during rainy and dry conditions. Both grass and shrub species acquire most of their water from the top soil layer during both rainy and dry periods. A shift of water uptake pattern towards deeper horizons was observed only at the end of the dry season after shrub defoliation. The mean depth of water uptake, as determined by the isotopic signature of stem water, was consistent with grass and shrub root profiles and with changes in soil water content profiles as surveyed by a neutron probe. This provides evidence for potentially strong competition between shrubs and grasses for soil water in these humid savannas. Limited nutrient availability may explain these competitive interactions. These results enhance our understanding of shrub-grass interactions, and will contribute to models of ecosystem functioning in humid savannas. 相似文献
Here, the growth-differentiation balance hypothesis (GDBH) was tested by quantifying temporal variation in the relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), and phenylpropanoid concentrations of two willow species (Salix sericea and Salix eriocephala) across five fertility levels. Initially, RGR increased and total phenylpropanoids declined (although every individual phenolic did not) as fertility increased, but NAR was unaffected. Subsequently, NAR and phenylpropanoids declined in the low fertility treatment, generating a quadratic response of secondary metabolism across the nutrient gradient. As above- and below-ground growth rates equilibrated, NAR and phenylpropanoids increased in the low fertility treatment, re-establishing a negative linear effect of fertility on secondary metabolism. A transient quadratic response of secondary metabolism is predicted when GDBH is integrated with models of optimal phenotypic plasticity, occurring when low NAR imposes carbon constraints on secondary metabolism in low nutrient environments. Once plants acclimate to nutrient limitation, the equilibrium allocation state is predicted to be a negative correlation between growth and secondary metabolism. Although both willow species generally responded according to GDBH, the complexity observed suggests that prediction of the effects of nutrient availability on secondary metabolism (and other plastic responses) in specific cases requires a priori knowledge of the physiological status of the plant and soil nutrient availability. 相似文献
Studies investigating congruent variations in species richness patterns in alpine habitats are scarce. We investigated the
potential of using the indicator taxa approach for species richness in alpine habitats of the Scandes (Norway). In four areas,
we investigated seven functional and taxonomic terrestrial groups of organisms and evaluated their contribution to the species
diversity. The function of each group as a surrogate for the overall species diversity or for the diversity of another taxon
was analysed. Three groups of invertebrates (spiders without Lycosids, Lycosids only, and ground beetles), three groups of
plants (shrubs, graminoids, and herbs), and lichens were used for a cross-taxon analysis of species diversity. Congruence
in species richness was restricted to several significant results, with vascular plants and spiders (Araneae) being best suited
as surrogate taxa in alpine habitats of the Scandes. In the cross-taxon analyses they showed strongest significant positive
correlations, covering the total species richness of the alpine habitats best. Species counts in one group account for up
to 70% of the variation in total species richness. We found only limited evidence for an ideal, efficient biodiversity indicator
taxon that could be applied without restrictions at different alpine habitats in low and middle alpine areas. Thus, our results
suggest that it is very important to use more than one taxon as indicator for species richness in terrestrial alpine habitats.
This should facilitate future conservation planning in alpine areas. 相似文献
Relationships between photosynthesis, nitrogen and leaf structure in 14 grass species and their dependence on the basis of expression 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
The relationships between leaf structure, nitrogen concentration and CO2 assimilation rate ( A ) were studied for 14 grass species grown in the laboratory under non-limiting nutrient conditions. Structural features included leaf thickness and density, and the proportion of leaf volume occupied by different types of tissue (mesophyll, epidermis, vessels and sclerenchyma). Relationships were assessed for data expressed per unit leaf area and fresh mass. The latter was found to be closely related to leaf volume, which allowed us to use A per unit leaf fresh mass ( A fm ) as a surrogate of A per unit leaf volume. Assimilation rate per unit leaf area ( A a ) was positively correlated with leaf thickness and with the amount of mesophyll per unit leaf area; the relationship with leaf nitrogen content per unit area was only marginally significant. A fm was negatively correlated with leaf thickness and positively with fresh mass-based leaf organic nitrogen concentration. A multiple regression involving these two variables explained 81% of the variance in A fm . The value of A fm was also significantly related to the proportion of mesophyll in the leaf volume, but surprisingly the correlation was negative. This was because thin leaves with high A fm and nitrogen concentration had proportionally more mechanically supportive tissues than thick ones; as a consequence, they also had a lower proportion of mesophyll. These data suggest that, in addition to leaf nitrogen, leaf thickness has a strong impact on CO2 assimilation rate for the grass species studied. 相似文献
Background: The Transtheoretical Model has not been applied to explain cancer screening behavior among a large sample of Chinese Americans. This study examines the stage of adopting mammography and Pap testing in relation to women's decisional balance of cancer screening. Methods: We surveyed a sample of 507 Chinese American women aged 50 and older in the DC area in 2003 and 2004. We categorized women into six screening stages (pre-contemplation, contemplation, action, relapse, risk of relapse, and maintenance) based on the frequency and regularity of past screening behaviors and future intentions. We measured women's attitudes toward mammography and Pap testing by 22 pro and con statements. Decisional balance was calculated by the mean difference between pro and con scores. Multinomial regression analyses were used to examine the associations between decisional balance and stage of adoption, controlling for sociodemographics, English fluency, and physician and family recommendations. Results: Maintenance was the largest group among six stages (45% for mammography; 44% for Pap testing). Women in the maintenance group had the highest decisional balance scores, indicating more positive attitudes toward screening. Decisional balance was significantly related to stages of adopting mammograms and Pap testing after adjusting for other covariates. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that Chinese American women's cancer screening behavior was associated with decisional balance, as described in the Transtheoretical Model. Cancer screening messages should be tailored to the needs of women in different stages of adopting mammography and Pap testing. 相似文献