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A cell line of M. polymorpha was grown photoautotrophically in liquid suspension culture using 1% CO2 in air as sole carbon source. The growth rate in terms of cell dry-weight during the exponential phase was 0.171 and the doubling time was 1.76 d. The rate of increase in chlorophyll was 1.6 times higher than the growth rate. The highest content of chlorophyll was 24 mg g-1 dry weight, and the photosynthetic activity of the cells in the exponential phase, as calculated from the growth rate, was at least 60 mol mg-1 chlorophyll h-1.  相似文献   

The gross composition of the outer epidermal cell wall from third internodes of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska grown in dim red light, and the effect of auxin on that composition, was investigated using interference microscopy. Pea outer epidermal walls contain as much cellulose as typical secondary walls, but the proportion of pectin to hemicellulose resembles that found in primary walls. The pectin and hemicellulose fractions from epidermal peels, which are enriched for outer epidermal wall but contain internal tissue as well, are composed of a much higher percentage of glucose and glucose-related sugars than has been found previously for pea primary walls, similar to non-cellulosic carbohydrate fractions of secondary walls. The epidermal outer wall thus has a composition rather like that of secondary walls, while still being capable of elongation. Auxin induces a massive breakdown of hemicellulose in the outer epidermal wall; nearly half the hemicellulose present is lost during 4 h of growth in the absence of exogenous sugar. The percentage breakdown is much greater than has been seen previously for whole pea stems. It has been proposed that a breakdown of xyloglucan could be the basis for the mechanical loosening of the outer wall. This study provides the first evidence that such a breakdown could be occurring in the outer wall.M.S. Bret-Harte would like to thank Dr. Peter M. Ray, of Stanford University, for helpful discussions and for technical and editorial assistance, Dr. Winslow R. Briggs, of the Camegie Institude of Washington, for the use of experimental facilities and for helpful discussions, Dr. Wendy K. Silk, of the University of California, Davis, for helpful discussions and financial support, Dr. Paul B. Green for financial support, and Drs. John M. Labavitch and L.C. Greve, of the University of California, Davis, for performing the -cellulose analysis on short notice, in response to a request by an anonymous reviewer. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship to M.S. B.-H., National Science Foundation Grant DCB8801493 to Paul B. Green, and the generosity of Wendy K. Silk (Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis) during the final writing.  相似文献   

Pectic polysaccharides in the cell wall of suspension-cultured carrot cells (Daucus carota L.) were fractionated into high- and low-molecular-weight components by molecular-sieve chromatography with a Sepharose 4B column. During the phase of cell-wall expansion, the relative content of low-molecular-weight polymers rapidly increased. Electrophoretic analyses of these fractions showed that the high-molecular-weight components were largely composed of neutral and weakly acidic polymers while the low-molecular-weight fraction contained, in addition to neutral polymers, strongly acidic polyuronides in which the content of neutral sugars was very small. The accumulation of a large amount of the strongly acidic polyuronides occurred in a late stage of cell-wall growth, concomitant with a marked decrease in the high-molecular-weight components.Abbreviation MW molecular weight  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1987,168(2):275-283
A water-soluble arabinogalactan, isolated from the extracellular medium of suspension-cultured cells of Rubus fruticosus, contained arabinose, rhamnose, galactose, and also protein (6.5%) and uronic acid (2.5%). Methylation analysis of the arabinogalactan and the arabinose-free product obtained by mild acid hydrolysis showed that the polysaccharide was a typical arabino-3,6-galactan in which rhamnose and glucuronic acid occupied non-reducing terminal positions. Successive Smith-degradations combined with methylation analysis and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy revealed that the arabinogalactan contained a main chain of (→3)-linked β-d-galactopyranosyl residues with a high degree of branching at positions 6 by (1→6)-linked d-galactopyranosyl side-chains of various lengths, in which several contiguous residues were substituted at positions 3. The polymer is thus an arabinogalactan-protein belonging to the galactans of Type II.  相似文献   

In batch suspension cultures of Nicotiana tabacum and Datura innoxia protein kinase activity extracted from the whole cells and assayed with casein as substrate was followed over the growth cycle. In one case (N. tabacum) the activity was also determined in the nuclei preparation obtained from the suspension cultured cells. Immediately at the onset of the growth curve the protein kinase level increases strongly and reaches a maximum value at the early phase of proliferation; the enzyme level from the nuclei is slightly delayed. A comparison with protein synthesis shows that protein kinases are among the first proteins synthesized in the growth cycle. Chromatographic separation of the enzymes contributing to the total activity revealed that both in the extract of whole cells and in the nuclei two enzyme species are present. Their time course is similar to that of the total protein kinase level, although the activity corresponding to the enzyme with the higher molecular weight in the case of the whole cell extract is slightly delayed. The possible significance of protein phosphorylation in the growth cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

A green-pigmented cell suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha was established using the medium of Murashige and Skoog with addition of organic acids of the tricarboxylic-acid cycle, vitamins and sugars plus sugar alcohols, exclusion of kinetin, and replacement of sucrose with glucose. In continuous light, the cells grew exponentially for ca. 10 days; in the dark, they grew only to a slight extent. The light-grown cells contained well-developed chloroplasts, and chlorophyll content reached almost twice that of the intact gametophyte.  相似文献   

Reiji Takeda  Kenji Katoh 《Planta》1981,151(6):525-530
Growth and the production of volatile sesquiterpenoids by a chlorophyllous cell suspension culture from gametophytes of C. granulata, a leafy liverwort, were examined. Glucose was more effective than 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for callus induction, and elimination of glucose from the medium resulted in prompt redifferentiation of plantlets. The cells grew photoheterotrophically, but not in the dark. 1,4-Dimethylazulene, a trinorsesquiterpenoid, was produced as the major volatile sesquiterpenoid in the cultured cells; bicyclogermacrene, compound II, an indene-type aldehyde (a trinorsesquiterpenoid aldehyde), compound I and tetrahydro-1,4-dimethylazulene (a trinorsesquiterpenoid) followed in decreasing order. The azulene was produced both in light and the dark, and its yield was proportional to the growth in light. The yield in light was four times higher than that in the dark. The content of 1,4-dimethylazulene was 0.9–10.% and that of total essential oils was 2.0–3.3% of the dry werght of the cultured cells. The quantity, quality, and proportions of the volatile sesquiterpenoids of the cell culture were almost equal to those of intact (original) plants and redifferentiated plantlets. Previous name: Institute of Food Chemistry  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis genome encodes many secretory guaiacol peroxidases (class III plant peroxidases, EC These higher plant enzymes are found either in the vacuole or in the apoplast, where several functions have been attributed to them. Their localisation within the cell wall matrix is most likely important for their activity. In the present work, a gel consisting of polygalacturonate chains cross-linked by Ca2+ and embedded in polyacrylamide was used to separate proteins from Arabidopsis leaves having an affinity for the Ca2+-mediated conformation of pectin. This chromatographic technique selected a small number of cationic isoperoxidases able to bind to Ca2+-pectate but not to Ca2+-alginate, a polyuronate gel similar to Ca2+-pectate. This result suggested that some of the Arabidopsis peroxidases have an affinity for pectin in vivo. Such a property could allow them to be properly distributed within the cell wall network. In addition, eleven cDNAs encoding an Arabidopsis peroxidase were expressed in the baculovirus-insect cell system. The capacity of the resulting recombinant peroxidases to bind Ca2+-pectate and Ca2+-alginate was also assessed. It appeared that 3 of them exhibited a Ca2+-pectate binding activity that was resistant to the action of NaCl. The binding of these recombinant peroxidases to Ca2+-alginate was much weaker than to Ca2+-pectate, confirming the specificity of the interaction with the pectic structure.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that during fast growth of Escherichia coli, the time (D) between the end of a round of DNA replication and cell division is constant. This concept is not consistent with the fact that average cell mass of a culture is an exponential function of the growth rate, if it is also accepted that average cell mass per origin of DNA replication (Mi) changes with growth rate and negative exponential cell age distribution is taken into account. Data obtained from cell composition analysis of E. coli OV-2 have shown that not only (Mi) but also D varied with growth rate at generation times () between 54 and 30 min. E. coli OV-2 is a thymine auxotroph in which the replication time (C) can be lengthened, without inducing changes in , by growth with limiting amounts of thymine. This property has been used to study the relationship between cell size and division from cell composition measurements during growth with different amounts of thymine. When C increased, average cell mass at the end of a round of DNA replication also increased while D decreased, but only the time lapse (d) between the end of a replication round and cell constriction initiation appeared to be affected because the constriction period remained fairly constant. We propose that the rate at which cells proceed to constriction initiation from the end of replication is regulated by cell mass at this event, big cells having shorter d times than small cells.Abbreviations OD450 and OD630 Optical density at a given wavelength in nm Dedicated to Dr. John Ingraham to honor him for his many contributions to Science  相似文献   

Several hydrolytic enzyme activities were detected in the wall of developing cells of Rubus truticosus in suspension culture. The corresponding substrates of the enzymes are mostly polysaccharide wall constituents, except for chitinase activity. The activities measured when the enzymes were in the free state or wall-bound showed the positive influence of the cell wall micro-environment. Changes in the activities during a cell culture cycle demonstrated that those enzymes acting on xyloglucans behaved differently from the others, and suggest that xyloglucans undergo modifications in vivo over a longer period of time during the exponential growth phase. The same activities were identified in the culture medium. Endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase activities which depolymerized car☐ymethylcellulose (CMC) and xyloglucans (XG) were assayed viscosimetrically. It was found that XG oligosaccharides exhibited an inhibitory effect on the depolymerization of xyloglucans but not on that of CMC. This suggests that true xyloglucanases are present in the culture of Rubus cells.  相似文献   

Bacillus stearothermophilus strains PV 72 and ATCC 12980 carry a crystalline surface layer (S-layer) with hexagonal (p6) and oblique (p2) symmetry, respectively. Sites of insertions of new subunits into the regular lattice during cell growth have been determined by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique and the protein A/colloidal gold technique.During S-layer growth on both bacillus strains the following common features were noted: 1. shedding of intact S-layer or turnover of individual subunits was not seen; 2. new S-layer was deposited in helically-arranged bands over the cylindrical surface of the cell at a pitch angle related to the orientation of the lattice vectors of the crystalline array; 3. little or no S-layer was inserted into pre-existing S-layer at the poles, and 4. septal regions and, subsequently, newly formed cell poles were covered with new S-layer protein.  相似文献   

R. J. A. Connett  D. E. Hanke 《Planta》1987,170(2):161-167
A method is described for preparing fully viable, cytokinin-starved soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Acme) cells from a suspension-culture of callus tissue. The cells respond to kinetin treatment by re-initiating cell division. We present evidence, from the pattern of incorporation of 32P-labelled inorganic phosphate into individual phospholipids during the first hour of this response, that the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol (PI) and of phosphatidic-acid head-groups is affected within 15 min. The polyphosphoinositide phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate, but not phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, was detected in the tissue. The characteristics of cytokinin-induced PI synthesis in cytokinin-starved soybean cells appear to resemble the PI response of animal cells.Abbreviations DPG diphosphatidylglycerol - PA phosphatidic acid - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PG phosphatidylglycerol - PI phosphatidylinositol - PIP phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate - PIP2 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate - PS phosphatidylserine - Pi inorganic phosphate - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Phenolic content and IAA-oxidase (IAA-o) activity have been assayed in cells and medium of tobacco crown gall suspension culture in several stages of culture cycle. The highest content of total phenolics in the cells were found prior to cell division and in the middle stage of intensive growth. The beginning of intensive growth is accompanied by temporary reduction in phenolic level in the cells as well as their intensive secretion to the medium. In the second part of the culture cycle, when the phenolic production was weaker, the majority of these compounds were maintained in the cells. The highest activity of IAA-o in the cells was detected in the middle stage of intensive growth, simultaneously with high phenolic content; following it a considerable decrease of IAA-o activity is correlated with maximum of chlorogenic acid (ChA) content (at reduced amount of total phenolics). IAA-o activity increased again at the end of the stage of intensive growth when the level of phenolics was low including ChA. These data suggest that IAA-o in relation to phenolic level determines cell growth in the culture. In the culture medium — fairly distinct negative correlation between IAA-o activity and phenolic content suggests that the latter participates in enzyme activity regulation. During intensive growth IAA-o activity is strongly inhibited. The results prove that phenolic level. IAA-o activity and auxin level are closely correlated and may constitute essential elements of a mechanism of regulation crown gall cell growth in culture.  相似文献   

Jean-Pierre Métraux 《Planta》1982,155(6):459-466
Changes in the uronide, neutral-polysacharide, and cellulose composition of the cell wall ofNitella axillaris Braun were followed throughout development of the internodes and correlated with changes in growth rate. As the cells increased in length from 4 to 80 mm during development, the relative growth rate decreased. Cell wall thickness, as measured by wall density, increased in direct proportion to diameter, indicating that cell-wall stress did not change during elogation. Cell-wall analyses were adapted to allow determination of the composition of the wall of single cells. The total amounts of uronides, neutral sugars and cellulose all increased during development. However, as the growth rate decreased, the relative proportions of uronides and neutral sugars, expressed as percent of the dry weight of the wall, decreased, while the proportion of cellulose increased. The neutral sugars liberated upon hydrolysis ofNitella walls are qualitatively similar to those found in hydrolysates of higher plant cell walls: glucose, xylose, mannose, galactose, arabinose fucose and rhamnose. Only the percentage of galactose was found to increase in walls of mature cells, while the percentage of all other sugars decreased. The rate of apposition (g of wall material deposited per unit wall surface area per hour) of neutral polysaccharides decreased rapidly with decreasing growth rate during the early stages of development. The rate of apposition of uronides decreased more steadily throughout development, while that of cellulose, after an early decline, remained constant until dropping off at the end of the elongation period. These correlations between decreasing growth rate and decreasing rate of apposition of neutral sugars and uronides indicate that synthesis of these cell-wall components could be involved in the regulation of the rate of cell elongation inNitella.  相似文献   

Mannoproteins from cell walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthesized at successive stages of the population growth cycle have been solubilized with Zymolyase and subsequently analyzed. The major change along the population cycle concerned a large size mannoprotein material; the size of the newly-synthesized molecules varied from 120,000–500,000 (mean of about 200,000) at early exponential phase to 250,000–350,000 (mean of about 300,000) at late exponential phase. These differences are due to modifications in the amount of N-glycosidically linked mannose residues, since the size of the peptide moiety was 90,000–100,000 at all growth stages and the level of O-glycosylation changed only slightly. After, incubation of the purified walls with concanavalin A-ferritin and subsequent analysis by electron microscopy, labelling was localized at the external and internal faces of the walls. The middle space of these was labelled after digestion of the glucan network with Zymolyase, which demonstrate the presence of mannoproteins in close contact with the structural glucan molecules throughout the wall.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Con A concanavalin A - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) haploid cells were cultivated in a 1500 ml aerated and stirred batch bioreactor using modified BM medium. Cell growth was highly affected by pH and dissolved oxygen, and we observed two fairly distinct growth phases. During the first two days after inoculation at pH 5.8, oxygen consumption was high and the cells lowered the pH to a value around 4.3. After this period the pH stabilized at 4.5 and the dissolved oxygen reached a steady level. Decreasing dissolved oxygen concentration leads to lower growth rate and to higher pH. Both events mean stress conditions for the cell culture and probably result in increased genetic variability, and the loss of regeneration capacity. The stress condition during the adaptation phase can be eliminated by decreasing the pH of the medium to 4.7 before inoculation and by keeping dissolved oxygen above 40%. These conditions provide prolonged exponential growth dynamics and the cell suspensions could be the basis of large scale cultures also.Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetitc acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to describe the growth and infection of insect cells by recombinant baculoviruses. The model parameters were determined from a series of independent experiments involving batch suspension culture. The profiles generated by the model for cell growth, virus production and protein production agree with those observed in experiments. Presently, the model simulates only systems where cells are not growth-limited. The model is useful in aiding the design and optimization of large-scale systems for production of biological insecticides as well as recombinant proteins and in delineating those areas which are limiting the process and require further, more fundamental, investigation.  相似文献   

The biomass of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) cell suspension culture was composed of single cells and cell aggregates. The development of aggregated cell culture from a single-cell suspension was monitored by particle size distribution for four particle size classes. Particle size distribution was compared between the biomass grown in bioreactor and shake flasks. The size of the particles had a strong influence on content of secondary metabolite, ursolic acid (UA). The single cell biomass fraction accumulated up to 7.7 mg UA g–1 DW which was up to 50 times higher compared to aggregated biomass fractions.  相似文献   

Reevaluation and comparison of seemingly contradictory literature data on the mode of synthesis of wall polysaccharides during the cell cycle ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae explained the source of discrepancies and demonstrated their general consonance in the following points: 1. The rate of synthesis of glucan and mannan is not constant and does not increase continuously throughout the entire cell cycle. 2. The rate of synthesis of both polysaccharides is considerably reduced at the time of cell division and in the prebudding phase.  相似文献   

Human growth hormone (hGH), a pituitary-derived polypeptide, evidences a wide range of biological functions, including protein synthesis, cell proliferation, and metabolism. A synthetic hGH gene (shGH) has been synthesized on the basis of plant-optimized codon usage via an overlap PCR strategy and located in a plant expression vector under the control of the rice amylase 3D (Ramy3D) promoter, which is induced by sugar starvation. The plant expression vector was introduced into rice calli (Oryza sativa L. cv. Donjin) via particle bombardment transformation methods. The integration of the shGH gene into the chromosome of the transgenic rice callus was verified via genomic DNA PCR amplification and shGH expression in transgenic rice suspension cells was confirmed via Northern blot analysis. The shGH protein was detected in the transgenic rice cell suspension culture medium following induction with sugar starvation, using Western blot analysis. The quantity of shGH that accumulated in the transgenic rice cell suspension medium was 57 mg/l. The shGH accumulated in the transgenic rice cell suspension culture medium evidenced a biological activity similar to that of Escherichia coli-derived recombinant hGH. These results indicate that the shGH was generated and accumulated in the transgenic rice cell suspension culture medium, and manifested biological activity.  相似文献   

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