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A chronic graft-vs-host (GVH) reaction induced in nonautoimmune mice by the transfer of Ia-incompatible spleen cells results in a syndrome that closely resembles SLE in the spectrum of autoantibodies and immunopathology. We have utilized Ia- and Igh-congenic strains to study the immunoregulation of autoantibody-producing B cells in this model. We have found that the autoantibodies are produced almost entirely by the host B cells. The transferred donor B cells contributed neither to the autoimmune response nor to the total serum Ig, with rare exceptions. The donor cell population did, however, exert an Igh allotype-specific immunoregulatory effect on the host B cells. For example, in allotype-heterozygous recipients, the autoantibodies were preferentially made by those host cells that expressed the donor allotype, whereas those host B cells that expressed nondonor allotype were relatively suppressed. In allotype-homozygous recipients, the donor cells frequently suppressed the host IgG2a allotype completely. This suppression sometimes prevented the IgG antichromatin response, although in other cases the response occurred with the use of a different isotype. In a final set of experiments, a chronic GVH reaction was induced in which both the donors and the recipients were Igh allotype heterozygous and yet differed at Ia. In this case, no donor influence on allotype should be expected; yet the IgG2a autoantibodies were clearly skewed toward the b allotype. These results show that host B cells play a unique role in the GVH autoimmune syndrome. In addition, they are immunoregulated in allotype-specific manners, some of which presumably involve interaction with donor T cells.  相似文献   

Increased autoantibody production by NZB/NZW B cells in response to IL-5   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We previously demonstrated that B cells from NZB/NZW but not nonautoimmune mice secrete high levels of autoantibodies in response to factor(s) derived from type 2 Th cell (Th2) clones. Supernatants from type 1 Th cell clones, which contain a different set of lymphokines, were not stimulatory. In the present experiments, we attempted to define the active Th2 factor(s) and to better understand the cellular basis for the hyperresponsiveness. In response to optimal concentrations of supernatant (Th2-Sup), B cells from 3-mo-old NZB/NZW mice produced up to 40-fold greater amounts of IgM anti-DNA compared with unstimulated B cells, whereas BALB/c B cells produced levels only slightly above background. Although Th2-Sup contained large amounts of IL-4, comparable concentrations of rIL-4 alone did not stimulate NZB/NZW B cells. Furthermore, a blocking anti-IL-4 mAb did not prevent Th2-Sup-stimulated autoantibody production. Th2-Sup was fractionated by HPLC, and the stimulatory factor(s) was found in fractions known to contain IL-5 (also known as B cell growth factor II). Indeed, a highly purified preparation of IL-5 reproduced the effects of Th2-Sup by stimulating NZB/NZW B cells to produce high levels of IgM anti-DNA antibodies while enhancing production by nonautoimmune cells only slightly. In limiting dilution studies, NZB/NZW compared with BALB/c spleens contained a three- to four-fold greater frequency of DNA-specific B cells that were responsive to IL-5. Together, the results suggest a potential role for IL-5 in the pathogenesis of NZB/NZW autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is an extremely successful virus, infecting more than 90% of the human population worldwide. After primary infection, the virus persists for the life of the host, usually as a harmless passenger residing in B cells. However, EBV can transform B cells, which can result in the development of malignant lymphomas. Intriguingly, the three main types of EBV-associated B-cell lymphoma - that is, Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and post-transplant lymphomas - seem to derive from germinal-centre B cells or atypical survivors of the germinal-centre reaction in most, if not all, cases, indicating that EBV-infected germinal-centre B cells are at particular risk for malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Persistent cross-linking of hen egg lysozyme (HEL)-specific B cell membrane Ig (mIg) in double transgenic mice that express soluble HEL as a self Ag (HEL-Ig mice) decreases B cell mIgM expression, responsiveness, and life span. Because in vitro treatment with IL-4 inhibits T cell apoptosis through a Stat6-independent mechanism, increases mIg expression, and suppresses activation-induced B cell death, we studied IL-4 effects on B cell mIg expression, survival, and Ab secretion in Stat6-sufficient and deficient HEL-Ig mice. IL-4 treatment nearly normalized B cell number and greatly increased the percentage of mature B cells in HEL-Ig mice, but failed to normalize mIgM expression or spontaneous LPS-induced IgM secretion. IL-4 effects on B cell survival and maturation were CD4(+) T cell independent, but Stat6 dependent, and did not involve receptor editing. IL-4 had to be present while B cells were generated to have a detectable effect on autoreactive B cell survival; however, the survival of B cells generated in the presence of IL-4 was substantially increased even after IL-4 was withdrawn. These observations suggest that: 1) activation-induced B cell death and anergy are independent processes; 2) B cells that survive to maturity develop increased resistance to Ag-induced deletion; and 3) IL-4 promotes B and T cell survival through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The uptake of exogenous lipids by Escherichia coli B was studied under various conditions. Lysophosphoglycerides were absorbed more readily than diacyl analogues when sonicated dispersions of a single lipid were used. When these same lipids were admixed with coliform lipids and dispersed as vesicles, the uptake of lysophosphoglyceride diminished and was approximately equal to that of diacyl analogues. Neutral lipids such as diglyceride, fatty acid, and cholesterol were also absorbed when admixed and dispersed as vesicles with coliform lipids. The uptake of lysophosphoglyceride was stimulated slightly by all divalent cations tested except Mg2+; monovalent cations were ineffective. Uptake was accompanied by conversion of lysophosphoglyceride to diacyl analogues. In the presence of Ca2+, lysophosphatidylethanolamine also formed a more polar lipid product yet unidentified. The uptake of lipid did not cause release of 3H label into the medium from cells that had been grown in [3H]acetate-containing medium. Also, the [3H]phosphoglyceride content of such labelled cells remained constant. Thus the uptake process did not involve exchange of membrane lipid with the medium or an enhanced hydrolysis of endogenous lipids, but it represented a net gain of lipid by the cell. The uptake did not seem to involve a stable adsorption of lipid at the surface of the cell as could be judged from electron microscopic examination of the cells after incubation; the cell surfaces were devoid of adsorbed vesicle or liposomal types of structures and did not display evidence of expansion. [3H]Cholesterol-[32P]phospholipid mixtures were taken up without a change in isotopic ratio. This result together with the other evidence presented indicate a net uptake of exogenous lipid by a process likely involving fusion.  相似文献   

Analysis of H2-O influence on antigen presentation by B cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HLA-DM (DM; in mouse H2-DM) promotes the exchange of MHC class II-associated peptides, resulting in the accumulation of stable MHC class II-peptide complexes. In naive (but not germinal center) B cells, a large part of DM is tightly associated with HLA-DO (DO; in mouse H2-O), but the functional consequence of this association for Ag presentation is debated. Here, we have extended previous studies by examining the presentation of multiple epitopes after Ag internalization by fluid phase endocytosis or receptor-mediated uptake by membrane Ig (mIg) receptors. We find that the effects of H2-O are more complex than previously appreciated; thus, while only minor influences on Ag presentation could be detected after fluid phase uptake, many epitopes were substantially affected after mIg-mediated uptake. Unexpectedly, the presentation of different epitopes was found to be enhanced, diminished, or unaffected in the absence of H2-O, depending on the specificity of the mIg used for Ag internalization. Interestingly, epitopes from the same Ag did not necessarily show the same H2-O dependency. This finding suggests that H2-O may control the repertoire of peptides presented by B cells depending on the mIg-Ag interaction. The absence of DO/H2-O from germinal center B cells suggests that this control may be released during B cell maturation.  相似文献   

By using the splenic fragment assay in a KLH-primed host, we have evaluated the clonal anergy model of tolerance in DBA/2 and spontaneously autoimmune NZB mice. Unlike immature B cells from DBA/2 mice (which are tolerized by encounter with TNP-OVA), SIg- B cells from NZB mice respond to TNP-KLH with equal precursor frequency in TNP-OVA-tolerized or control fragments. In additional experiments, SIg- bone marrow or mature spleen cells of DBA/2 or NZB origin were adoptively transferred into irradiated (DBA/2 X NZB) F1 X xid hosts, and host-derived splenic fragments were stimulated in vitro with LPS and growth factors. These experiments revealed a substantial anti-ssDNA precursor frequency in NZB marrow and spleen (2.5 and 5.1, respectively, per 10(7) transferred cells). In DBA/2 SIg- marrow cells, there was an anti-ssDNA precursor frequency of 1.3 to 3.5/10(7) transferred cells; however, anti-ssDNA-producing clones were reduced in fragments derived from recipients of DBA/2 as compared with NZB spleen cells (0.2 to 1.9/10(7) transferred cells). By using a replica plate technique, we evaluated fragments from recipients of DBA/2 SIg- marrow cells or mature spleen cells for anti-TNP reactivity. In fragments derived from recipients of DBA/2 SIg- marrow cells, 92% of anti-TNP-producing fragments also bound ssDNA. In fragments derived from recipients of DBA/2 spleen cells, only 43% of anti-TNP-producing fragments also bound ssDNA. Our findings document that NZB marrow-derived immature B cells abnormally resist tolerance induction, and that clonal anergy/selection operates in directing the B cell repertoire away from autoantibody formation.  相似文献   

Anti-histone antibodies (AHA) are spontaneously produced in NZB/NZW mice as part of their autoimmune disease. IgM AHA are usually not detected until after 4 mo of age, and older female mice switch to the production of IgG AHA. We studied the in vitro production of AHA by spleen cells from young (less than or equal to 12-wk-old) NZB/NZW mice. Despite the absence of elevated serum AHA activity, spleen cells from these mice demonstrated marked spontaneous autoantibody production in culture. In kinetic studies, little in vitro production was detectable after 1 day of culture, and maximal accumulation occurred on day 5. Elevated AHA production was apparent by cells from 2-wk-old NZB/NZW mice, and an age-dependent increase in autoantibody production was also noted. Only AHA of the IgM class were detected in cultures of young spleen cells. The in vitro production of IgM AHA in culture was T cell dependent, depletion of T cells resulting in a 70 to 90% reduction in production, which was corrected by the readdition of T cells. In cultures where both IgM AHA and total IgM secretion were measured, a much greater T cell dependence for AHA production was apparent. The requirement for T cells could also be partially replaced by factors present in concanavalin A supernatant. AHA secretion was induced by lipopolysaccharide by using cells from both NZB/NZW and non-autoimmune mice. Although production was greater with NZB/NZW cells, the difference was much less than that for spontaneous production. Thus, AHA-secreting cells that are dependent on in vitro T cell help are present in young NZB/NZW mice. These studies may help define the mechanisms responsible for selective autoantibody secretion in lupus-like disease.  相似文献   

This study documents the autoregulation of B cell growth by an IgM autoantibody. This autoantibody is secreted by B lymphocytes upon stimulation by polyclonal activators and is identified by its potent inhibition of B cell growth induced by these agents (endotoxin, Fc fragment of human gamma-globulin, Mycoplasma bovirhinis, and anti-mouse Ig). The autoantibody specifically affects B cells: there was no effect on mitogen- or antigen-induced T cell proliferation and of responses to interleukin 1, interleukin 2, or interferon. Nonspecific effects were excluded by the ineffectiveness of serum and myeloma IgM. Also, IgG-IgM immune complexes were excluded. The binding specificity of the IgM autoantibody is not yet defined but appears to be a B cell surface structure distinct from membrane Ig. The autoantibody constitutes a ubiquitous, autoregulatory influence on B cell growth, which may be an important component in physiologic and pathologic states of B cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

It has been reported that IL-27 specifically induces the production of IgG2a by mouse B cells and inhibits IL-4-induced IgG1 synthesis. Here, we show that human na?ve cord blood expresses a functional IL-27 receptor, consisting of the TCCR and gp130 subunits, although at lower levels as compared to na?ve and memory splenic B cells. IL-27 does not induce proliferative responses and does not increase IgG1 production by CD19(+)CD27(+) memory B cells. However, it induces a low, but significant production of IgG1 by na?ve CD19(+)CD27(-)IgD(+)IgG(-) spleen and cord blood B cells, activated via CD40, whereas it has no effect on the production of the other IgG subclasses. In addition, IL-27 induces the differentiation of a population of B cells that express high levels of CD38, in association with a down-regulation of surface IgD expression, and that are surface IgG(+/int), CD20(low), CD27(high), indicating that IL-27 promotes isotype switching and plasma cell differentiation of naive B cells. However, as compared to the effects of IL-21 and IL-10, both switch factors for human IgG1 and IgG3, those of IL-27 are modest and regulate exclusively the production of IgG1. Finally, although IL-27 has no effect on IL-4 and anti-CD40-induced Cepsilon germline promoter activity, it up-regulates IL-4-induced IgE production by naive B cells. These results point to a partial redundancy of switch factors regulating the production of IgG1 in humans, and furthermore indicate the existence of a common regulation of the human IgG1and murine IgG2a isotypes by IL-27.  相似文献   

Aside from being the precursors of the Ab-secreting cells, B cells are engaged in other immune functions such as Ag presentation to T cells or cytokine production. These functions may contribute to the pathogenic role of B cells in a wide range of autoimmune diseases. We demonstrate that B cells acquire the capacity to amplify IFN-gamma production by CD4 and CD8 T cells during the course of the Th1 inflammatory response to Toxoplasma gondii infection. Using the two following different strategies, we observed that B cells from T. gondii-infected mice, but not from naive mice, induce higher IFN-gamma expression by splenic host T cells: 1) reconstitution of B cell-deficient mice with B cells expressing an alloantigen different from the recipients, and 2) adoptive transfer of B and T cells into RAG-/- mice. In vitro assays allowing the physical separation of T and B cells demonstrate that Ag-primed B cells enhance IFN-gamma production by T cells in a contact-dependent fashion. Using an OVA-transgenic strain of T. gondii and OVA-specific CD4 T cells, we observed that the proinflammatory effect of B cells is neither Ag specific nor requires MHCII expression. However, TNF-alpha expressed on the surface of B cells appears to mediate in part the up-regulation of IFN-gamma by the effector T cells.  相似文献   

Studies on cytokinin production by Rhizobium   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Cytokinin was released into the medium by cultures of both Rhizobium japonicum and R. leguminosarum. Calculations show that the amount of cytokinin released during the logarithmic phase of growth by R. japonicum would be sufficient to initiate the cortical cell divisions necessary to form a root nodule. The substance released by R. japonicum was identified as a zeatin-like compound on the basis of paper chromatography in four solvent systems. Two solvents clearly separated the rhizobial product from N62-isopentenyladenine and its ribonucleoside. The predominant intracellular cytokinin found in both enzymatic hydrolysates of sRNA and alkaline hydrolysates of total RNA also was similar to zeatin.  相似文献   

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