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Phosphorus content in sediment, water and tissues of three macrophyte species growing in Myall Lake, Australia were studied from January to November, 2004. The sites investigated were North–West (NW), North–East (NE), South–West (SW) bays and Central deep area of the lake (CL). The objective of this study was to investigate how total phosphorus (TP) in plant tissues relate to phosphorus pools and the role played by the aquatic macrophyte species under investigation in phosphorus recycling in the lake. Of the four investigated sites of the lake, TP in plant tissues were significantly higher in North–West and South–West bays compared to the rest. Najas marina had significantly higher TP content (e.g., 1.55 and 1.44 mg/g dw.; P < 0.05) for NW and SW respectively, than the other two species. N. marina is a rooted macrophyte while charophytes (C. fibrosa and Nitella hyalina) are pseudo-rooted macrophytes. Total phosphorus in the sediment and water column were significantly higher in Central deep area of the lake compared to the other three bays (P < 0.05, n 5). Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in sediment pore water correlated significantly with phosphorus content in the tissue of N. marina ( ; ) as well as TP in sediment (␣ and ). Using the two-compartmental uptake model, it was observed that, sediment was the main compartment through which Ni. hyalina obtained phosphorus while for the other two species, water column was the uptake route for the phosphorus. These correlations suggest that, water column and sediments are important pathways for phosphorus uptake in plants.  相似文献   

Meijer  M. -L.  de Haan  M. W.  Breukelaar  A. W.  Buiteveld  H. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):303-315
Experimental reduction of the fish stock in two shallow lakes in The Netherlands shows that such a biomanipulation can lead to a substantial increase in transparency, which is caused not only by a decrease in algal biomass, but also by a decrease in resuspended sediment and detritus. A model was developed to describe transparency in relation to chlorophyll-a and inorganic, suspended solids (resuspended sediment). With the use of this model it is shown that more than 50% of the turbidity in these shallow lakes before biomanipulation was determined by the sediment resuspension, mainly caused by benthivorous fish. Another analysis reveals that the concentration of inorganic suspended solids and the biomass of benthivorous fish are positively correlated, and that even in the absence of algae a benthivorous fish biomass of 600 kg ha−1 can reduce the Secchi depth to 0.4 m in shallow lakes. In addition, it is argued that algal biomass is also indirectly reduced by removal of benthivorous fish. Reduction of benthivorous fish is necessary to get macrophytes and macrophytes seem to be necessary to keep the algal biomass low in nutrient-rich shallow lakes. It is concluded that the impact of benthivorous fish on the turbidity can be large, especially in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

In the eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv (Central Estonia, area 270 km2, mean depth 2.8 m) rotifers form ca. 90% of total abundance and 80% of biomass in winter zooplankton community. The winter rotifer assemblage was dominated by Polyarthra dolichoptera, both in abundance and in biomass. Synchaeta verrucosa and Keratella quadrata were the sub-dominants. Thus, winter rotifer community had low diversity and high dominance of a few species. This pattern probably refers to the period of extreme environmental conditions where the rotifer assemblage is composed of few well-adapted species, and the low diversity here was not indicating instability of community structure, but the scarcity of suitable niches. These community structure indices indicate that the winter rotifer assemblage of L. Võrtsjärv was very similar to autumn assemblage, but very different from the spring one. In winter, small raptors were the most important functional group. The second place is occupied by larger raptors. Marginal role of fine particle sedimentators, absence of suckers and high proportion of large raptors were contrasting features of the winter trophic structure in comparison with the other seasons. Changes have taken place in the winter rotifer assemblage in L. Võrtsjärv in 1990–2007. Against the background of diminishing rotifer abundance, the dominant species has become even more prevalent, and the diversity of the winter rotifer assemblage has decreased. Shifts in the community trophic structure were also observed.  相似文献   

In shallow lakes with large littoral zones, epiphytes and submerged macrophytes can make an important contribution to the total annual primary production. We investigated the primary production (PP) of phytoplankton, submerged macrophytes, and their epiphytes, from June to August 2005, in two large shallow lakes. The production of pelagic and littoral phytoplankton and of the dominant submerged macrophytes in the littoral zone (Potamogeton perfoliatus in Lake Peipsi and P. perfoliatus and Myriopyllum spicatum in Lake Võrtsjärv) and of their epiphytes was measured using a modified 14C method. The total PP of the submerged macrophyte area was similar in both lakes: 12.4 g C m?2 day?1 in Peipsi and 12.0 g C m?2 day?1 in Võrtsjärv. In Peipsi, 84.2% of this production was accounted for by macrophytes, while the shares of phytoplankton and epiphytes were low (15.6 and 0.16%, respectively). In Võrtsjärv, macrophytes contributed 58%, phytoplankton 41.9% and epiphytes 0.1% of the PP in the submerged macrophyte area. Epiphyte production in both lakes was very low in comparison with that of phytoplankton and macrophytes: 0.01, 5.04, and 6.97 g C m?2 day?1, respectively, in Võrtsjärv, and 0.02, 1.93, and 10.5 g C m?2 day?1, respectively, in Peipsi. The PP of the littoral area contributed 10% of the total summer PP of Lake Peipsi sensu stricto and 35.5% of the total summer PP of Lake Võrtsjärv.  相似文献   

Nõges  Peeter  Järvet  Arvo  Tuvikene  Lea  Nõges  Tiina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):219-227
Hydrobiologia - The nutrient budget, phytoplankton primary productionand sedimentation rate were studied weekly in the large(270 km2) and shallow (mean depth 2.8 m)eutrophic Lake...  相似文献   

Redox potential is a significant factor in aquatic systems to regulate the availability of nutrients and some metals. To assess the driving variables regulating redox potential, background parameters (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, chlorophyll-a, soluble reactive and total phosphorus content of water, coverage and height of submerged macrophytes) and redox potential profiles around the sediment–water interface (SWI) were measured in simulated shallow lake ecosystems. There were two nutrient regimes (enriched and non-enriched) and three temperature scenarios (unheated; +3.5°C; +5°C) installed in the experimental setups, which were constructed to study the effects of global climate change. Temperature did not have any detectable effect on redox potentials, and we presume that nutrient addition had only indirect positive effects through triggering phytoplankton dominance which causes macrophyte absence. When submerged macrophytes were present in high density (80–100% coverage), redox potentials at the SWI varied between 60–215 mV and the mean redox potential was 133 ± 34 mV (mean ± 1 SD). In contrast to this, when phytoplankton dominance was coupled to low macrophyte density (0–20% coverage), the range of redox potentials at the SWI was 160–290 mV and the mean redox potential was 218 ± 34 mV. The results revealed the primary importance of submersed macrophytes; macrophyte coverage determined alone the redox potential of the sediment–water interface by 81%. This study suggests that possible positive effects of macrophytes on redox potential can be suppressed by their negative effects in case of 80–100% coverage and total inhabitation of the water column.  相似文献   

An assessment of the ecosystem health of Lake Taihu in eastern China from 1960 to 2005 was conducted using separate and aggregated chemical and biological indicators. The chemical oxygen demand, the total nitrogen, total inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, and the molar ratio of TN to TP (N/P) have all significantly increased (P < 0.05) since 1980. The trophic state index increased from 35.0 in 1960 to >60.0 in 1990, confirming that Lake Taihu changed from being oligotrophic to being eutrophic. These changes in water quality have led to corresponding changes in species composition and in the densities and biomasses of many aquatic species. Algal blooms have occurred frequently since the late 1980s, leading to the dominance of small zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. About 41 fish, 65 zooplankton and 16 macrophyte species were estimated to have disappeared from the lake since the late 1980s. Buffer capacity increased for phytoplankton and zooplankton but decreased for zoobenthos. These results suggest that the Lake Taihu ecosystem was in better health in 1960, and has deteriorated since 1980.  相似文献   

Meijer  M. L.  van Nes  E. H.  Lammens  E. H. R. R.  Gulati  R. D.  Grimm  M. P.  Backx  J.  Hollebeek  P.  Blaauw  E. M.  Breukelaar  A. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):31-42
In 1990 an experiment started in the large and shallow lake Wolderwijd (2700 ha, mean depth 1.5 m) to improve the water quality. About 75% of the fish stock was removed (425 000 kg fish). The fish was mainly composed of bream and roach. In May 600000 young pikes (3–4 cm) were introduced.In May 1991 the water became very clear (Secchi depth 1.8 m) during a spring bloom of large Daphnia. Then the grazing by zooplankton was eight times higher than the primary production of algae and the total suspended matter concentration became very low. Compared to the situation before the fish reduction, the grazing had increased only slightly, while the primary production had decreased significantly in early spring. The fish stock reduction might have contributed to the reduction in primary production by a reduced internal nutrient load. The clear water period lasted six weeks. Daphnia disappeared in July due to food limitation, the algal biomass increased and the Secchi depth became 50 cm. Daphnia did not recover during summer, due to predation that was not caused by 0 + fish but by the mysid shrimp Neomysis integer. Neomysis could develop abundantly, because of the reduced biomass of the predator perch. The production of young fish had been low because of the cold spring weather. The cold weather was probably also responsible for the slow increase in density of macrophytes. After 1991, perch probably can control Neomysis. Due to lack of spawning places and shelter for 0 + pike, pike was probably not able to control the production of 0 + fish. In a lake of this scale, it will not be easy to get more than 50% coverage of macrophytes, which seems necessary to keep the algal biomass low by nutrient competition. Therefore, we expect also in the future a decrease in transparency in the summer. Locally, especially near Characeae, the water might stay clear.  相似文献   

T. Petr 《Hydrobiologia》1974,45(2-3):303-337
The characids Alestes and Hydrocynus are common fish of the Black Volta River in Ghana. In Lake Volta, which formed in 1964 after damming the Volta River, Alestes formed a large percentage of commercial fish landings since the beginning of impoundment. However, this genus has been gradually changing its areas of distribution in the lake, and from the third year on it has been occupying mainly the upper end of the new lake. This area with large inflowing rivers has been found to favour Alestes baremose, which has been congregating there in large numbers. The strictly lacustrine environment of the south was poor in Alestes for some time. This was evidently due to overfishing, natural mortality, emigration of the fish from this area, and possibly to small recruitment because of the poorly oxygenated waters during the first two years of impoundment. With time, however, the numbers of Alestes baremose, Alestes dentex senthente, and especially Alestes macrolepidotus have increased in commercial landings in the south. The distribution of Alestes in the lake does not seem to be determined by the abundance and easy availability of food. The rich supply of the ephemeropteran Povilla and other food items has not prevented the withdrawal or rapid decrease in numbers of Alestes in some areas. The abundance of the predatory Hydrocynus in Lake Volta seems to be directly related to the distance from the inflowing rivers. More distant areas have less Hydrocynus than areas close to the rivers. The distribution of Hepsetus odoe seems to be just the opposite.  相似文献   

T. Petr 《Hydrobiologia》1968,32(3-4):417-448
Summary As analysed from fish landings for different parts of the Volta Lake, mormyrids have not established themselves in the new lacustrine environment during the first two years after the formation of the Lake. While they form a substantial part of the fish catches in the Black Volta, especially during the dry season, in the Lake they occur regularly in low numbers, only in the northern parts influenced by the river waters. The major factor limiting the establishment of mormyrids in the Volta Lake may be the deoxygenation of the deep water layers, but other factors may also be involved.All mormyrids from the Black Volta are insectivorous and this tendency has not substantially changed in the Lake. Species utilizing to any great extent rheophilic bottom fauna in the Black Volta have an especially low occurrence in Volta Lake catches.  相似文献   

Temponeras  M.  Kristiansen  J.  Moustaka-Gouni  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,424(1-3):109-122
Phytoplankton species composition, seasonal dynamics and spatial distribution in the shallow Lake Doïrani were studied during the growth season of 1996 along with key physical and chemical variables of the water. Weak thermal stratification developed in the lake during the warm period of 1996. The low N:P ratio suggests that nitrogen was the potential limiting nutrient of phytoplankton in the lake. In the phytoplankton of the lake, Chlorophyceae were the most species-rich group followed by Cyanophyceae. The monthly fluctuations of the total phytoplankton biomass presented high levels of summer algal biomass resembling that of other eutrophic lakes. Dinophyceae was the group most represented in the phytoplankton followed by Cyanophyceae. Diatomophyceae dominated in spring and autumn. Nanoplankton comprised around 90% of the total biomass in early spring and less than 10% in summer. The seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton generally followed the typical pattern outlined for other eutrophic lakes. R-species (small diatoms), dominant in the early phase of succession, were replaced by S-species (Microcystis, Anabaena, Ceratium) in summer. With cooling of the water in September, the biomass of diatoms (R-species) increased. The summer algal maxima consisted of a combination of H and M species associations (sensu Reynolds). Phytoplankton development in 1996 was subject to the combined effect of the thermal regime, the small depth of mixing and the increased sediment-water interactions in the lake, which caused changes in the underwater light conditions and nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

The development of the pertussis vaccine production in the National Institute of Public Health in the Netherlands since 1953, and the results with the consecutive lots of vaccine in the mouse protection test and the U.S.A. toxicity test are described. The results in the latter test are compared with the results of a locally developed guinea pig toxicity test. Special attention is given to the difficulties encountered when the U.S.A. toxicity test is used for adsorbed DPT vaccines. The potency data of all lots of DPT vaccines produced since 1958 fall within the limits of the potency test as prescribed in the U.S.A. Minimum Requirements. There are indications that the increased potency of the vaccine may have led to a lower mortality rate of pertussis.  相似文献   

Rapid growth of ground vegetation following clear-cutting is important to site productivity because vegetation retains nutrients in the ecosystem and can decrease nutrient leaching prior to stand re-establishment. Aboveground biomass, nutrient contents (N, P, K and Ca) and species composition of ground vegetation were determined 1 year before and for 7 years after clear-cutting of a mixed forest dominated by Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.] in eastern Finland. The biomass of the feather mosses [Pleurozium schreberi Brid. and Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B. S.& G.] and the dwarf shrubs (Vaccinium myrtillus L. and V. vitis-idaea L.), which had dominated the ground vegetation in the mature forest, significantly decreased after clear-cutting. However, with the exception of H. splendens, these species had recovered within 3–5 years. The biomass of Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. considerably increased soon after clear-cutting, and Epilobium angustifolium L. appeared 3–5 years after cutting. These species contributed to the retention of nutrients not simply because of their biomass but also because of higher nutrient concentrations in their tissues. Total biomass and nutrient contents of the ground vegetation exceeded those of the pre-cutting levels. The proportion of ground vegetation biomass and nutrient contents represented by mosses decreased after cutting, while V. myrtillus, although reduced after cutting, remained a marked nutrient sink. The results suggest that H. splendens is the most sensitive species to cutting, but the biomass of P. schreberi, V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea return to initial levels soon after clear-cutting as do the nutrient contents of ground vegetation.  相似文献   

During each of the first 8 years following an 80–90% reduction in external phosphorus loading of shallow, hypertrophic Lake Søbygaard, Denmark in 1982, phosphorus retention was found to be negative. Phosphorus release mainly occurred from April to October, net retention being close to zero during winter. Net internal phosphorus loading was 8 g P m–2 y–1 in 1983 and slowly decreased to 2 g P m–2 y–1 in 1990, mainly because of decreasing sediment phosphorus release during late summer and autumn. The high net release of phosphorus from Lake Søbygaard sediment is attributable to a very high phosphorus concentration and to a high transport rate in the sediment caused by bioturbation and gas ebullition. Sediment phosphorus concentration mainly decreased at a depth of 5 to 20 cm, involving sediment layers down to 23 cm. Maximum sediment phosphorus concentration, which was 11.3 mg P g–1 dw at a depth of 14–16 cm in 1985, decreased to 8.6 mg P g–1 dw at a depth of 16–18 cm in 1991. Phosphorus fractionation revealed that phosphorus release was accompanied by a decrease in NH4Cl-P + NaOH-P and organic phosphorus fractions. HCl-P increased at all sediment depths. The Fe:P ratio in the superficial layer stabilized at approximately 10. Net phosphorus release can be expected to continue for another decade at the present release rate, before an Fe:P ratio of 10 will be reached in the sediment layers from which phosphorus is now being released.  相似文献   

The biomass and population dynamics of crustacean zooplankton were determined in oligotrophic Lake Toya in Japan over 5 years from May 1992 to May 1997. In 1992 and 1993, zooplankton biomass was up to 4.3 g dry weight m?2, whereas it decreased to <1 g dry weight m?2 after 1994. This extreme change in biomass was associated with the succession of dominant species from larger ones, such as Daphnia longispina and Cyclops strenuus (s. lat.), to smaller ones, such as Eubosmina tanakai and Bosmina longirostris. Consequently, this biomass change seemed to cause an increase in the chlorophyll a concentration in the euphotic zone and a decline in lake transparency. Because the birth rates of the dominant species were somewhat higher after 1994, the decline in the populations of larger crustaceans seemed to depend more on their rate of death rather than rate of birth, and this higher death rate is not considered to be attributed to food shortage. Although these results strongly suggest a top-down cascading effect of fish predation upon crustaceans, annual catches of two commercially important planktivorous fish species have also decreased in the lake, coincidentally with decreases in zooplankton biomass. This may be attributable to fishing regulations that prohibit catching smaller fish, implying that such smaller fish affect zooplankton and phytoplankton, as well as lake transparency.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of fine sediment transport across the upper intertidal zone is critical in managing the erosion and accretion of intertidal areas, and in managed realignment/estuarine habitat recreation strategies. This paper examines the transfer of sediments between salt marsh and mudflat environments in two contrasting macrotidal estuaries: the Seine (France) and the Medway (UK), using data collected during two joint field seasons undertaken by the Anglo-French RIMEW project (Rives-Manche Estuary Watch). High-resolution ADCP, Altimeter, OBS and ASM measurements from mudflat and marsh surface environments have been combined with sediment trap data to examine short-term sediment transport processes under spring tide and storm flow conditions. In addition, the longer-term accumulation of sediment in each salt marsh system has been examined via radiometric dating of sediment cores. In the Seine, rapid sediment accumulation and expansion of salt marsh areas, and subsequent loss of open intertidal mudflats, is a major problem, and the data collected here indicate a distinct net landward flux of sediments into the marsh interior. Suspended sediment fluxes are much higher than in the Medway estuary (averaging 0.09 g/m3/s), and vertical accumulation rates at the salt marsh/mudflat boundary exceed 3 cm/y. Suspended sediment data collected during storm surge conditions indicate that significant in-wash of fine sediments into the marsh interior can occur during (and following) these high-magnitude events. In contrast to the Seine, the Medway is undergoing erosion and general loss of salt marsh areas. Suspended sediment fluxes are of the order of 0.03 g/m3/s, and the marsh system here has much lower rates of vertical accretion (sediment accumulation rates are ca. 4 mm/y). Current velocity data for the Medway site indicate higher velocities on the ebb tide than occur on the flood tide, which may be sufficient to remobilise sediments deposited on the previous tide and so force net removal of material from the marsh.  相似文献   

Shah  Rayees Ahmad  Achyuthan  Hema  Lone  Aasif  Kumar  Pankaj  Ali  Asif  Rahman  Abdur 《Limnology》2021,22(1):111-120
Limnology - Multi-proxy analysis of lake sediments provides high-resolution and reliable palaeoclimate records. The present study aims to investigate the palaeoenvironmental changes and eutrophic...  相似文献   

Brazil has the highest SARS-CoV-2 case-fatality rate in pregnant women in the Americas. In this study, clinical and virological findings of five mildly symptomatic pregnant women and their infected fetuses/newborns treated at a referral hospital for COVID19-pregnant women in Midwestern Brazil are reported. Mother and fetal samples were tested by RT-qPCR, ECLIA and Illumina MiSeq sequencing. From the five cases, one resulted in spontaneous abortion, one was stillborn, two were preterm births and one full-term birth. Maternal and fetal placenta, newborn and stillborn secretions were SARS-CoV-2+; one neonate developed ground-glass opacities in his lungs. One neonate's umbilical cord was IgG+ and all were IgM negative upon hospital discharge. Genomes recovered from two placentas belong to the B.1.1.28 and B.1.1.33 lineages and present nonsynonymous mutations associated with virus fitness and infectivity; other not frequently reported mutations (B.1.1.33: NSP3 V2090G, M A2S and ORF3ab S253P and Y264N; B.1.1.28: NSP3 E995D, NSP12 R240K, NSP14H1897Y and in ORF7b V21F) were found in proteins involved in viral replication, viral induction of apoptosis, viral interference on interferon and on NF-Κβ pathways. Phylogeny indicates the south of Brazil as the possible origin of these lineages circulating in Mato Grosso State. These findings contribute to describe SARS-CoV-2 infection and outcomes in pregnant women and their fetuses, at any stage of gestation and even in mild symptomatic cases.  相似文献   

We examined the vertical distributions of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), and 21 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a 100-cm-long sediment core collected from Lake Kitaura, a small and shallow eutrophic freshwater lake in central Japan, to elucidate changes in its aquatic environment and the input of PAHs with respect to human activity over the last 1000 years. Using a cross-plot of TOC and TS, the aquatic environment of this lake was well classified into four stages: a marine–brackish water period (≤1321 AD), a brackish–freshwater period (1394–1646 AD), a freshwater period (1726–1958 AD), and a eutrophication period (≥1971 AD). During the current eutrophication period, both TOC and TN have increased dramatically and TOC/TN (which is a useful indicator for distinguishing between aquatic and terrestrial plant sources) has decreased because algal production has markedly increased recently due to eutrophication. The vertical distributions of PAHs (which have derived primarily from combustion over the last 1000 years) showed increases in layers corresponding to periods of volcanic activity in the 18th century, as well as dramatic increases from 1971 to the present. Thus, both the aquatic environment and the input of PAHs in Lake Kitaura have been strongly affected by recent human activity. On the other hand, among all of the PAHs, only perylene—which is known to be of biological origin—was consistently formed via first-order kinetics over the period covered by the core. Its formation was barely influenced by fluctuations in the input of the precursor of perylene or how reductive the environment in the bottom water was.  相似文献   

Since 1983 severe phytoplankton collapses have occurred 1–4 times every summer in the shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygård, which is recovering after a ten-fold decrease of the external phosphorus loading in 1982. In July 1985, for example, chlorophyll a changed from 650 µg l–1 to about 12 µg 1–1 within 3–5 days. Simultaneously, oxygen concentration dropped from 20–25 mg O2l–1 to less than 1 mg O2l–1, and pH decreased from 10.7 to 8.9. Less than 10 days later the phytoplankton biomass had fully recovered. During all phytoplankton collapses the density of filter-feeding zooplankton increased markedly, and a clear-water period followed. Due to marked changes in age structure of the fish stock, different zooplankton species were responsible for the density increase in different years, and consequently different collapse patterns and frequencies were observed.The sudden increase in density of filter-feeding zooplankton from a generally low summer level to extremely high levels during algae collapses, which occurred three times from July 1984 to June 1986, could neither be explained by changes in regulation from below (food) nor from above (predation). The density increase was found after a period with high N/P ratios in phytoplankton or nitrate depletion in the lake. During that period phytoplankton biomass, primary production and thus pH decreased, the latter from 10.8–11.0 to 10.5. We hypothesize that direct or indirect effects of high pH are important in controlling the filter-feeding zooplankton in this hypertrophic lake. Secondarily, this situation affects the trophic interactions in the lake water and the net internal loading of nutrients. Consequently, not only a high content of planktivorous fish but also a high pH may promote uncoupling of the grazing food-web in highly eutrophic shallow lakes, and thereby enhance eutrophication.A tentative model is presented for the occurrence of collapses, and their pattern in hypertrophic lakes with various fish densities.  相似文献   

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