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Zusammenfassung Zwei spanische Campanula-Arten: C. arvatica Lagasca und C. adsurgens Leresche und Levier werden cytotaxonomisch untersucht. C. adsurgens wird auf Grund der Ergebnisse der morphologischen und cytologischen Untersuchungen als Unterart ssp. adsurgens zu C. arvatica gezogen. Die möglichen verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen zu anderen Arten der Gattung mit der gleichen Chromosomenzahl werden diskutiert. Bei C. drabijolia konnte die Zählung von Contandriopoulos (1964) von 2n = 28 bestätigt werden.  相似文献   

Chroogomphus helveticus is an european, dealtomontanous species with a south-hercynian-alpian-carpathian and illyrian-macedonian distribution. It grows in association with various conifers. Picea abies, Pinus cembra, Pinus peuce, Pinus strobus and Abies alba probably are partners of the mycorrhiza. The area is similar to that of Abies alba, Hygrophorus marzuolus and various dealpine plants. Distribution centres are districts, where 5-needled pines (Pinus cembra, Pinus peuce) are to be found naturally. Chroogomphus helveticus is to be found in an altitude from 300 to over 2000 m NN. The species is acidophilous, but not strongly bound to acid soils. A subdivion of the species into subspecific taxa is not possible. The closest relative of Chroogomphus helveticus occurs in Asia and Northern America. An other related european species is only known from England.  相似文献   

N. pseudonarcissus und N. poeticus kommen in Nordwest- und Mitteleuropa sekundär in armen Triseteten und Arrhenathereten vor. N. pseudonarcissus hat weitere Vorkommen im Calthion, Molinion und Nardo-Galion; N. poeticus im Mesobromion. Primärstandorte von N. poeticus sind im Caricion ferrugineae, von N. pseudonarcissus im Calamagrostion arundinaceae zu finden Förderlich für die Entwicklung von N. pseudonarcissus ist ein ausgeglichenes Klima mit kühlen Sommern und milden Wintern Auf Grünlandstandorten wird N. pseudonarcissus durch einen phänologi-schen Vorsprung vor den anderen Wiesenarten gefördert; es ist dabei gleichgültig, ob dieser durch Wiesenbewässerung, durch “natural mulch” oder durch ein atlantisches Klima erreicht wird N. pseudonarcissus kommt in Wäldern im Acerion der Vogesen und in Niederwäldern der Ardennen vor. Auch hier ist die bodenklimatische Begünstigung in Abhängigkeit vom Waldtyp und der Exposition der ökologisch wichtigste Faktor  相似文献   

In this and three further papers 205 yeasts and yeast states of Basidiomycetes and presumed relatives were investigated comparatively on the basis of the carbohydrate (neutral sugars) pattern of purified cell walls, urease-activity, diazonium blue B reaction on the production of extracellular amyloid compounds (EAS), fermentation of carbohydrates, and ubiquinone data. A clustering leading to the Protomyces-, the Microbotryum-, the Ustilago-, the Dacrymyces-, and the Tremella-type became apparent, especially from the qualitative and quantitative cell wall carbohydrate pattern. The different yeast types correspond well with 5S rRNA clusters known from the literature. 31 strains clustering within the Microbotryum-type comprise the phragmobasidial smut fungi of dicotyledonous hosts (Microbotryum. Sphacelotheca), the phragmobasidial Rhodosporidium- and Leucosporidium-species including some anamorph Rhodotorula-species, which lack an oxidative degradation of myo-inositol, the genera Sporobolomyces and Sporidiobolus, the Septobasidiales and some simple septate Auriculariales e.g. Agaricostilbum, Platygloea. Main characteristics of the Microbotryum-type are: 1. The absence of extracellular amyloid compounds. 2. The dominance of mannose and the presence of fucose as cell wall constituents. 3. A positive DBB-reaction and splitting of urea. Four Ustilago species parasitic on dicotyledonous hosts were transfered to Microbotryum (M. scabiosae, M. scorzonerae, M. cordae, M. vinosum) as a consequence from cell wall carbohydrate composition, production of rhodotorulic acid, and 5S rRNA sequence data from the literature. The predominance of mannose in the cell wall — otherwise only known from ascomycetous yeasts –, a type A secondary structure of 5S rRNA, a simple unifactorial mating system in all parasitic smut species suggest that the Microbotryum-type might be ancestral to the Ustilago-type. An evolution of simple (“siphonal”) holobasidia from “pseudotrichal” phragmobasidia will be discussed.  相似文献   

Concerning the problems of learning and memory there is a distinction of a short term memory (STM) and a long term memory (LTM). It is supposed that the STM is an electrical phenomenon, whereas the LTM depends on material changes. The assumed materials are RNA, proteins, lipids, amines etc. and the primary carrier of the information is DNA. But there is a discrepancy: learning-specifity is based on environmental changes, but not the structure of DNA. For the investigation of this, we trained goldfish in a shock-free task to take food from coloured cups under the influence of inhibitors of the proteinbiosynthesis. There was no inhibition on memory-processes in our experiments  相似文献   

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