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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):349-374

A list is given of the Pleistocene records of subfossil bryophytes from 10 sites in Belgium and one from France.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):202-210

Gender expression and sporophyte frequency of Frullania tamarisci were compared between epiphytic woodland and exposed coastal colonies in an Atlantic region of western Britain. Corticolous colonies exhibited very high sporophyte frequency in mixed-sex colonies. Samples from well-grown epiphytic patches commonly had intimate mixtures of highly fertile female and male shoot networks, and fertilisation reduced gynoecia number. In marked contrast, colonies in exposed coastal habitats were found to be sub-fertile or non sex-expressing and sporophytes were rare. There was a distinct female bias among colonies on the coast where spatial segregation of the sexes and male scarcity appear to limit sporophyte frequency. It is suggested that the close association of males and sporophytic females in epiphytic colonies may be influenced by within-colony sporophyte frequency.  相似文献   

Following the publication of the last of the series of Flora Europaea Notulae, No. 20 in the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 76: 297–384 (1978), a number of additions or alterations have been drawn to our attention. These are published in continuation.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):255-265

The military training area on Salisbury Plain contains the largest area of chalk grassland in western Europe. The grassland swards, though relatively tall, are often rich in flowering plant species. The bryophyte flora of areas disturbed in five different ways (prehistoric earthworks, twentieth century rifle ranges, ant-hills, vehicle tracks and shell-holes) was compared to that of adjacent, relatively undisturbed grassland. There was no significant difference in bryophyte cover between quadrats on disturbed ground and the controls, but the disturbed sites supported more bryophyte species per quadrat. Of the 55 taxa recorded, 38 species were at least three times more frequent in the disturbed than the undisturbed sites, compared to four which were at least three times more frequent in the control sites. The species favouring disturbed conditions included several bryophytes characteristically associated with chalk soils in southern England, including some that fruit freely (e.g. Microbryum curvicollum, Tortula lanceola) and others that fruit very rarely (e.g. Abietinella abietina, Entodon concinnus). These results are discussed in relation to the conservation of bryophytes and other disturbance-tolerant and disturbance-dependent species on Salisbury Plain and in the wider context of the protection of the bryophytes of chalkland habitats.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):509-557

A new species, Bruchia queenslandica, collected in tropical Australia, is described. It is similar to B. carolinae in spore features but differs in the smooth calyptra and in vegetative characters. It is compared with B. carolinae and B. brevipes  相似文献   


The moss flora of Europe and Macaronesia comprises 278 genera, 1292 species, 46 subspecies and 118 varieties. Of the total 1292 species, 53 are confined to Macaronesia and 21 are thought to be non-native. The checklist was derived from those for the various component countries and regions. It is based on results published up to the end of 2005. Subspecies and varieties are included; hybrids are omitted. The taxonomic hierarchy is based on one published by Goffinet & Buck in 2004. While it has been strongly influenced by results of modern molecular methods, there are still many remaining uncertainties, even at family level. Because of these uncertainties, taxonomic innovation has generally been avoided. There are four new combinations and one change of status.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):50-63

Fissidens macaoensis L. Zhang is described as a new species from Macao, South China. The species can be separated from its congeners by a suite of characters, including (1) minute size; (2) subterraneous tubers, composed of one to several cells, growing laterally from mature rhizoids; (3) abundant rhizoidal gemmae found on the surface of the soil and which are developed from subterraneous rhizoids; and (4) relatively large cells of the leaf lamina. This is the first report of a moss where two types of vegetative diaspores occur simultaneously in a single individual. Their adaptation strategy is briefly addressed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):537-538

In temperate North American forests, collections were made of myxomycetes (plasmodial slime molds) for which bryophytes served as the primary substrate for fruiting. Most associations among the 52 myxomycete species and 55 bryophyte species, represented in these collections, appeared to be coincidental but two species of myxomycetes (Barbeyella minutissima and Lepidoderma tigrinum) were evidently bryophilous, preferring leafy hepatics on rotten coniferous logs. Bryophytes obviously provide exposed surfaces convenient for myxomycete sporulation. Whether bryophytes also sustain the feeding phases of the myxomycete life-cycle (swarm cells, myxamoebae, and plasmodia) is not yet known.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):19-50

A new species of Uleobryum, U. curtisii, collected in Queensland, Australia is described. It differs from the only otherspecies, U. peruvianum from South America, particularly in the multipapillose lamina cells and the smoother calyptra. Axillary bulbils were present in one population.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):220-231

Human-induced disturbances threaten the genetic variation of wild plant populations. The genetic diversity and spatial population structure of the moss Isothecium myosuroides, a late-successional forest species, was investigated in subtropical cloud forests (La Gomera, Canary Islands) using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Inter- and intrapopulation genetic variability was assessed in two ancient and four disturbed forest stands, which were classified according to their vegetation, forest age and type of disturbance. ISSR analysis of 144 epiphyte colonies with eight primers resulted in 211 reliably amplified bands. Our findings show that in disturbed forest stands, the population structure is increased, and the genetic diversity decreased compared with the levels observed in ancient forests. Although ancient and disturbed stands were located relatively close to each other, the (re-) established epiphyte populations did not reach their original genetic condition, 40 years following disturbance. Strong differentiation among populations of I. myosuroides at several spatial scales and differences in genetic diversity are mainly related to the local environmental conditions and the availability of suitable microhabitats in anthropogenically disturbed forest stands.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):153-155

The taxonomy of Anomobryum julaceum and allied species with axillary bulbils in Europe and Asia is reviewed. A. concinnatum is regarded as a distinct species, occurring in W. and C. Europe, SW., N. and C. Asia and N. America. A. bavaricum has often been confused with A. concinnatum, but differs in its more numerous, small, reddish bulbils and in leaf shape; it is known only from the European Alps. The Asian A. nitidum also has numerous small reddish bulbils but it differs from A. bavaricum in leaf shape and bulbil form. A lectotype is designated for A. nitidum, of which A. gemmigerum and other nominal taxa are regarded as synonyms. Information is presented on geographical ranges and habitats of the four valid species.  相似文献   

九岭山国家级自然保护区南连罗霄山脉,东、北、西三面与武夷山脉、大别山脉、武陵山脉隔水相望。笔者于2020年9至12月间,对九岭山国家级自然保护区苔藓植物进行了野外调查及标本采集,共采集标本562号,对保护区苔藓植物标本进行鉴定及统计,分析研究区苔藓植物区系地理特征,并与江西7个地区苔藓植物的相似性和热带性质/温带性质(R/T)值进行了比较。结果表明:(1)九岭山国家级自然保护区共有苔藓植物58科100属179种(变种、亚种和变型),其中藓类植物34科64属113种,苔类植物23科34属64种,角苔类植物1科2属2种。(2)九岭山苔藓植物区系成分复杂,区系成分以东亚分布最高;温带成分略高于热带成分,该区表现出明显的过渡性。(3)九岭山苔藓植物与大部分地区科、属的相似性都较高;九岭山与阳际峰种的相似性最高,而与鄱阳湖湿地种的相似性最低。(4)九连山自然保护区苔藓植物R/T值最高为1.32,鄱阳湖湿地R/T值最低为0.50;九岭山国家级自然保护区与铜钹山自然保护区的R/T值最接近,且都是温带性质略高于热带性质,具有明显过渡性。总体来看,江西从南到北热带成分逐步减少,温带成分不断增加,中部呈现出明显的过渡性。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):215-221

Fifty-three herbarium samples of the genus Dichodontium, originating from 15 countries in Europe and North America, were examined to critically assess new distinguishing characters between D. flavescens and D. pellucidum. The examination, including SEM, revealed some new characteristics in the gametophyte, notably leaf shape, leaf length: width ratio, and width of the nerve, permitting accurate determinations even on sterile material. D. flavescens is recognized here as a distinct species.  相似文献   

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