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SYNOPSIS. A species of Nosema in the muscles of the North American white shrimp, generally known as Penaeus setiferus but also known as P. fluviatilis, appears identical with type specimens of N. nelsoni Sprague, 1950, in P. aztecus. Its Golgi apparatus, as seen in the sporoblast, is a complex system of cisternae, small vesicles and expanded sacs which plays a major role in spore morphogenesis. It transforms directly into the polaroplast complex, certain membranous investments of the polar filament, the polar sac and perhaps part of the posterior vacuolar system. Probably the polar sac contains the polar cap. The PAS-positive material in both the cap and the filament may be a component of the Golgi complex. This new concept of the Golgi complex supplements our earlier view of spore morphogenesis according to which the polar filament is of nuclear origin. It also reconciles the idea with Vávra's identification of Golgi vesicles associated with the developing polar filament.  相似文献   

Plistophora ovariae undergoes schizogony and sporogony in developing ova of the golden shiner. Destruction of the ova greatly reduces fecundity and causes spawning failures. The incidence and intensity of infection is described in 49 commercial fish farms from 12 states. The parasite was found in fish from 45 of 49 sources and in a farm pond and creek from Oklahoma. Overall incidence of infection was 48% of 2759 fish. No significant difference was found in the incidence of disease from fish propagated by either intensive or extensive culture methods. There was a significant difference in incidence of infection with host age. Incidence increased from 30% in age class 0 to 75% in age class 4. Intensity of infection decreased with age and varied with season; it was greatest in May and June. Thus, the maximum number of spores and infected ova occurred during the spawning season of the host. Infected fish were generally larger and heavier than uninfected fish. Reduced egg production (partial parasitic castration) allowed nutrients and energy to be used for faster growth.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell hypertrophy tumors (xenomas) associated with Glugea weissenbergi n. sp. frequently occur under the peritoneum (parietal or visceral) of Apeltes quadracus (Mitchell) near Solomons Island, Maryland. The microsporidan is similar to the type species, G. anomala (Moniez, 1887) Gurley, 1893, but has larger spores. Its fine structure corresponds with the basic pattern revealed by other authors in various species of Nosematidae. A concept of spore morphogenesis, in which the polar filament primordium is 1/2 of the nuclear isthmus present during division of the sporont, is elaborated and its implications discussed. The membrane systems of the Glugea and host cell components appear to be continuous with one another, this being an indication that the membranes are all furnished by the host cell. Lacking mitochondria and (apparently) a Golgi apparatus, Glugea is, when considered apart from the membrane system which is common to it and the host cell, a very simple organism, consisting of very little besides the genome. The simplicity of the Glugea, its very high degree of structural and physiological integration with the host cell, and the transformative development of the host cell all suggest an analogy with certain viruses.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Nosema (Microsporida: Nosematidae) are described from the Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and their life cycle stages studied by light and electron microscopy. Both species are monomorphic and disporous: they develop in direct contact with the cytoplasm of host cells and the nuclei of all stages are diplokaryotic. The more virulent species produces systemic infections most extensively in the adipose tissue, muscles, and Malpighian tubules of larvae and also invades the reproductive tissues of adult beetles. During merogonic development, it forms chains of diplokaryotic meronts. The fine structure of the sporoblast nuclei shows clumped material in the pole of each nucleus opposite their common plane of apposition. Spores are straight to slightly curved and ovocylindrical in shape and they measure 5.3 ± 0.13 × 2.1 ± 0.03 μm. The less virulent species also invades most host tissues but does not develop in the midgut epithelium; the Malpighian tubules are the principal site of its development and it also invades the ovaries and testes of adult beetles. Merogony occurs exclusively as the result of binary fission of diplokaryotic meronts. The plasmalemma of the meronts is covered with a thin deposit of exospore material upon which are located closely packed tubules that encircle the body transversely. A thickened deposit of exospore material on the surface of the diplokaryotic sporonts later obscures these tubules. Other tubules occur free in the host cell cytoplasm or attached to the plasmalemma of meronts and sporonts. Secretory granules also occur free or in chains in the host cytoplasm and are probably produced from the surface of the sporoblasts. Sporoblasts also contain an unusual cup-shaped organelle associated with a dense body, which is apparently involved in the formation of the polar tube and its associated organelles in the anterior part of the spore. Spores are ellipsoidal to slightly pyriform and measure 4.7 ± 0.06 × 2.6 ± 0.03 μm.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. This study augments our knowledge of several ultrastructural features of Encephalitozoon cuniculi and provides evidence that this species is disporous. We support Cali's view that Encephalitozoon is distinct from Nosema and should be treated as a valid genus. We compare these with 2 other disporous genera, Glugea and Perezia, and conclude that Glugea is also distinct but Perezia is a junior synonym of Nosema.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The life cycle of Vairimorpha necatrix was studied by electron microscopy. Disporous development has two distinct stages: 1) diplokaryotic meronts which are actively mitotic, and 2) diplokaryotic sporonts which are distinguished by reduced ribosome density and a thickened plasmalemma. After final division of the sporont, sporoblasts form spores which are ovocylindrical and measure 4.4 ± 0.08 × 2.3 ± 0.05 μ m (mean ± SE). Octosporous development results in eight haploid spores being formed in a sporophorous vesicle. The uninucleate octospores were smaller than the binucleate dispores and the exospore was thicker but less crenulate in outline. Early in octosporogony, tubules are produced from the sporont plasmalemma and electron-dense material accumulates in the episporontal space. The latter may be amorphous, vesiculated, or vacuolated in appearance and in later stages may take a stacked, lamellar form. At sporoblast formation, exospore material coats the plasmalemma and attached tubules; all inclusions in the episporontal space gradually disappear as spores are formed. These secretory products may have application to taxonomic distinction at the species level.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In the microsporidian, Thelohania bracteata, the polar filament, as it starts to develop in the sporoblast, apparently receives material synthesized by the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi vesicles. In immature spores many dilated sacs are observed in areas where there is less endoplasmic reticulum. These sacs, that persist into the almost mature spore, are probably Golgi-type vesicles and may be related to the formation of the spore coat. The polar filament of the mature spore possesses 8 coils and in cross section or cross-fractured face the electron-dense central portion of the polar filament contains a tubular structure, ringed by 12–14 cylindrical structures. In thin sections, an electron-lucid zone is observed between the core and membrane of the polar filament. The polar filament runs through the highly laminated polaroplast which occupies the anterior portion of the spore. In cross-fractured face the lamellae of the polaroplast are arranged like the petals of a flower. The basal portion of the polar filament is enlarged, appearing arrow-shaped in thin sections and pear-shaped in frozen-etched preparations. Frozen-etched membranes differ in the size and distribution of the surface particles.  相似文献   

Stempellia milleri sp. n. was found in blood cells and the adipose tissue of field-collected larvae of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus Say. Its development is different from other Stempellia species described in that it is dimorphic, producing two types of spores in adipose cells. Both were studied with the electron microscope. One spore is thin-walled and uninucleate; the other is thick-walled and binucleate. The latter spores are produced from sporonts that are somewhat similar to those of Nosema. Sporoblasts and spores of S. milleri were compared to those of Stempellia magna Kudo, and Stempellia lunata Hazard and Savage in both light and electron microscope preparations. S. milleri was transmitted experimentally to Culex pipiens pipiens, C. p. quinquefasciatus, C. salinarius, C. tarsalis, and C. territans. Transmission of S. magna to its host and other mosquito species was not possible. Although, generally low numbers of test larvae became infected with the pathogen, heavy infections were seen occasionally in individual specimens of its natural host, C. p. quinquefasciatus. Species of Aedes, Anopheles, Culiseta, Psorophora, and Uranotaenia exposed to spores of S. milleri were not susceptible to the disease.  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》2017,37(5):641-644
描述了自重庆市江津区四面山发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种和楼梯草属二新种:(1)四面山赤车,与融安赤车近缘,区别在于新种的叶的二级脉较少,2枚雌花被片有短角状突起,以及长圆形瘦果;(2)稀柱毛楼梯草,可能与托叶楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种的叶较小,雌总苞苞片,以及雄、雌小苞片均在背面具龙骨状突起,柱头由只3~4根毛组成;(3)四面山楼梯草,与长尖楼梯草近缘,区别在于新种茎的顶端被短柔毛,雄头状花序的花序梗较短,以及雄总苞苞片呈条状船形,背面具龙骨状突起。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Two new species of Microsporidea, Plistophora salmonae from steelhead and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdntri) and Plistophora crpedianar from gizzard shad ( Dorosoma cepedianum) are described. Schizonts to spores of P. cepedianae were found at one time within the same cyst, while only sporonts and spores of P. salmonae were found within the cyst.
An illustrated synopsis of the known Microsporidea of freshwater and euryhaline fishes is given.  相似文献   

通过整理近年采自西藏自治区色季拉山的夜蛾科Noctuidae标本材料,发现夜蛾科一中国新纪录属:耳夜蛾属Dioszeghyana Hreblay,1993和二中国新纪录种:黑双耳夜蛾Dioszeghyana nigralba(Yoshimoto,1993)和同灰夜蛾Polia similissima Plante,1982。对所研究的物种给予了详细的外部形态特征和外生殖器描述,并提供了其国内外分布信息。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of Microsporida, Burenella dimorpha sp. n., representing a new family, Burenellidae fam. n. and genus, is described on the basis of light- and electron-microscope observations. The family is characterized by 2 sequences of sporogony, each sequence having morphologically different sporonts and spores. The parasite infects the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), producing distinct pathologic manifestations (clearing of the cuticle and eye malformation) and death in the pupal stage of development. Transmission of the infection per os to healthy S. geminata, to the Southern fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni McCook, and to the red and black imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren and Solenopsis richteri Forel, is reported.  相似文献   

The effect of ingestion of Nosema locustae Canning spores on feeding by grasshoppers was measured in simultaneous laboratory and field experiments. After 21 days, fourth-instar Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.) nymphs, administered spores at the rates of 0, 2.0 × 104, 2.0 × 105, and 2.0 × 106 per grasshopper, showed dry matter consumption of 102, 87, 64, and 26 mg in 48 hr, respectively. Rate of inoculation was a significant factor in suppression of feeding after correction for the effects of developmental stage, sex, and body weight. The quantity of dry matter consumed decreased linearly with increasing rate of spore ingestion. Experiments on 50 caged 1-m2 plots on pasture grass yielded similar trends in per capita consumption independent of the effects of mortality. Field consumption per integrated grasshopper-day was 108, 77, 31, and 27 mg dry wt at the four inoculation rates, over 20 days.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The everted polar filament, shadowed with chromium and observed with an electron microscope, terminated in either a cup-shaped or a saccate enlargement on which was an electron-dense and raised object. The cup is interpreted as either a portion of a sac or a sac with one side invaginated. The raised object may be the germ. The observations support West's opinion that the internally coiled filament terminates in a sac containing the germ. They are consistent with a similar hypothesis of Sprague and Vernick which postulates further that the terminal sac on the filament, the nuclear vesicle and the posterior vacuole of the spore are identical.  相似文献   

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