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Responder spleen cells primed to alloantigens in vivo could generate high degree of cytotoxicity against low- or nonimmunogenic stimulators such as thymocytes or uv light-treated spleen cells in vitro. However, a removal of adherent cells from primed responder cells remarkably reduced the cytotoxicity after stimulation with such low-immunogenic stimulators. Adding a small number of peritoneal adherent cells (PACs) also suppressed the cytotoxic activity of unseparated responders against low-immunogenic stimulators. These suppressive effects by PACs were blocked by indomethacin. By adding prostaglandin E2, cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation of primed unseparated responders against low-immunogenic stimulators was suppressed; however, cytotoxic activity against mitomycin C-treated stimulators was not suppressed. These results suggested that prostaglandins released from PACs selectively inhibited the function of splenic adherent cells that were required for CTL generation of primed responder spleen cells against low-immunogenic stimulators in vitro.  相似文献   

Work from our laboratory suggests that the selective advantage of frequently autoreactive CD5+ B cells is to provide activation signals to CD5- antigen-specific B cells. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that supernatants from CD5+ B cell hybridomas replace CD5+ B cell populations in helping idiotypic B cell subsets respond to antigen plus anti-idiotype antibody. The present study was designed to initiate the characterization of CD5+ B hybridoma-derived helper factor(s) (BHF) and to compare BHF to previously described cytokines. Elution of BHF from a lectin column enabled significant enrichment of the apparently glycosylated helper factor(s) from serum-free hybridoma supernatant. Gel filtration of this enriched activity revealed two significant peaks of helper activity, one at approximately 19-22 kDa and a second at 29-32 kDa. BHF activity in each fraction was sensitive to protease treatment. To determine if some previously described cytokines of approximately the same molecular weights were responsible for BHF activity, BHF fractions were tested for cytokine activity in respective bioassays. At least 2000 units of BHF did not contain detectable levels of IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, GM-CSF, G-CSF, or IFN-gamma activity. Furthermore, three hybridomas which produced BHF did not transcribe detectable levels of mRNAs specific for IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, GM-CSF, or IFN-gamma. The results suggest that CD5+ B cell hybridomas produce a lymphokine(s) distinct from cytokines commonly associated with B cell activation. The potential roles of this lymphokine in immunity and disease are discussed.  相似文献   

An Lyt-1+ population, distinct from T cell subsets, that helps expression of B cell responses to the 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP) hapten was characterized. This lymphoid population, called BH, is present in the spleens of normal and athymic mice and preferentially helps the expression of plaque-forming B cells that carry NPb idiotypic determinants. To define the mechanism by which this cell population functions, the roles of T and B lymphocyte function associated antigens were studied. The data indicate that BH cells express immunoglobulin receptor components, i.e., IgM, IgD heavy chain, and lambda light chain immunoglobulin markers as well as the J11d marker associated with immature B cells. BH cells may also express determinants identical to or cross-reactive with the T cell-associated antigens L3T4a, L3T4b, and LFA-1 as defined by treatment with monoclonal antibodies specific for these antigens. In addition, L3T4a- and LFA-1- but not Lyt-1-like antigens appear to be functionally involved in BH-dependent helper activity, since augmentation of NPb idiotypic PFC responses was blocked with anti-L3T4a or anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies. Further analysis of BH-containing populations indicates that T cells are probably not involved in BH cell function and therefore are not responsible for the presence of Lyt-1, L3T4a, or L3T4b determinants in this T-independent system. The relationship of this helper cell subset to conventional T and B cell populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Utilizing a PFC assay to quantitate the polyclonal activation of human peripheral blood B lymphocytes, we have investigated the induction and functional activity of MLC-derived human helper factor(s). Our data demonstrate that highly purified responder T cells, but not B or null cells, are required for the elaboration of MLC helper factor(s) that trigger the in vitro differentiation of B lymphocytes into PFC. Helper factor can trigger B cell maturation in the absence of helper T cells, since complement- (C) mediated lysis of the small (less than 5%) fraction of T cells present in anti-F(ab)2 immunoabsorbent column purified B cell population eliminates the PWM induced, but not the helper factor-induced PFC response. Responder T cells required for helper factor production do not bear surface membrane Ia, since alpha p23,30 + C treatment of this population does not affect helper factor generation. In contrast, alpha p23,30 + C treatment of the allogeneic stimulator cell population eliminates helper factor production. Taken together, these results demonstrate that interaction between Ia-bearing stimulator cells and Ia- responder T cells is required for the production of MLC-derived helper factor. In additional experiments, we determined that alpha p23,30, in the absence of C, totally abrogates the PFC response triggered by MLC helper factors. This result suggests an important role for Ia antigens in the functional activity of preformed helper factor molecules.  相似文献   

Ly-2+ effectors of T cell-mediated suppression require inducing signals from antigen and a helper cell bearing the Ly-1+:Qa1+ surface phenotype. In this report, we have further examined the helper cell requirements for suppressor cell induction of antibody production in mice. By using the T cell subset education procedure in vitro, we have activated T cells to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) antigens and then purified Ly-2 cells before testing for suppressor activity in assay cultures of defined T and B cell subsets. We have confirmed our previous observations that Ly-1+:Qa1+ cells are required for activation of T suppressors, but have found that under the appropriate conditions, there is not a strict requirement for the Ly-123 subset of T cells. Furthermore, if Ly-23 cells are stimulated in the presence of Ly-1+:Qa1- T cells, effective suppressors can be obtained only if a source of Ly-1:Qa1+ inducers is added to the assay culture. If Ly-23 cells are activated by antigen in the absence of Ly-1 cells, subsequent exposure to the Ly-1+:Qa1+ subset under the conditions tested here is not sufficient to activate suppressors. These results show that effectors of suppression, like B cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, may respond to two helper cells.  相似文献   

We have generated cloned Th1 cells, Th2 cells, and T cell hybridomas specific for the single immunogenic peptide from the beta-chain of murine hemoglobin (Hb(64-76)). The availability of these various types of T cells provided us an unique opportunity to examine and dissect the T cell response to an immunogenic peptide. A panel of altered Hb peptides was made by replacing each amino acid in the Hb peptide (positions 64-76) with a conservative amino acid substitution or an alanine. Although none of the eleven T cell clones and hybridomas tested exhibited the same pattern of reactivity to the substituted Hb peptides, some general features were identified for all T cell responses. The primary T cell contact residue of Hb(64-76) was shown to be asparagine 72. For every Hb(64-76) specific T cell, no activation was observed using a peptide containing the conservative substitution of a glutamine for the asparagine at position 72. The flanking glutamic acid at position 73 was also required for a proliferative response for all of the Th1 and Th2 clones. The Th subtypes were not grossly unique in their responses to the substituted Hb peptides, but exhibited minor differences in fine specificity with the Th1 cells identifying more critical amino acids then did the Th2 cells. For the Th1 cells and also the T cell hybridomas, the phenylalanine at position 71 was critical for a T cell response. Analysis of peptide affinity for IEk molecules indicated that position 71 played a role in peptide binding to MHC. Secondary T cell contact residues, which were important for many but not all of the T cells, were identified at positions 69, 70, and 76. Overall T cell responses were minimally affected by changes in the amino acid residues at positions 64-68, 74, and 75. We have also demonstrated that cloned Th1 cells, Th2 cells and T hybridomas can be generated against the same Hb(64-76) determinant.  相似文献   

A human helper T cell clone (d4), which showed its helper effect on the differentiation of both T and B cells, was established by MLC reaction of normal T cells against a B lymphoblastoid cell line (CESS) followed by cloning in the presence of IL2 and x-irradiated CESS and autologous non-T cells. d4 cells helped the induction of cytotoxic T cells against UV-treated CESS cells. Antigen-stimulated d4 cells secreted helper factor(s) involved in the induction of cytotoxic T cells (killer helper factor(s), KHF), and KHF activity could be separated into two fractions, one with the m.w. of 15,000 to 20,000 and the other with the m.w. of 45,000 to 50,000. The factor with 15,000 to 20,000 m.w. showed IL 2 activity; the other factor showed gamma-interferon activity without IL 2 activity, suggesting that both IL 2 and gamma-interferon exerted KHF activity. d4 cells or their culture supernatant showed helper activity in the induction of IgG in a B cell line (CESS). The helper activity of the supernatant (TRF) was absorbed with CESS cells but not with IL 2-dependent CTLL, whereas KHF activity was absorbed with IL 2-dependent CTLL but not with CESS cells. The results showed that TRF and KHF were distinct molecules and a single helper T cell clone could secrete helper factors for both B and T cells.  相似文献   

Under appropriate conditions of immunization combined with irradiation, SJL/J mice show a high and persistent anti-DNP IgE antibody response. Spleen cells transferred from normal untreated SJL mice suppress this response. Elimination of Ly-1+ cells, but not of Ly-2+ cells, abolished the capacity of spleen cells to suppress the IgE response. Thus of the three T cell Ly subclasses presently identified, Ly-1, Ly-2,3, and Ly-1,2,3, the normal SJL spleen cell which suppresses the IgE response of irradiated-immunized SJL mice belongs to the Ly-1 set. It is not known whether this Ly-1 cell suppresses the IgE response directly or by helping another cell in the recipient. The carrier-specific helper cell activity for IgE and probably IgG1 antibody response belongs to Ly-1 subclass in the SJL strain also.  相似文献   

Human mixed leukocyte supernatants contain thymocyte proliferative activity (TPA) and a low m.w. helper factor, designated HP-1, which is capable of partially restoring the antibody response of T-cell-deficient adherent murine spleen cells to the thymic-dependent antigen, SRC. TPA and HP-1 appear to have a comparable m.w. (14,000 to 14,500 daltons) by Sephadex gel filtration column chromatography. Furthermore, HP-1 and TPA exhibit similar patterns of heterogeneity on DEAE-cellulose chromatography, elute together on CM-cellulose chromatography, and manifest identical patterns of migration on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These data suggest that the TPA and HP-1 activities reside in either the same molecule(s) or in different molecules with identical charge/mass ratios. Furthermore, the results support the hypothesis that the helper activity of HP-1 is derived from its capacity to activate T and/or pre-T cells.  相似文献   

T cells can be subdivided based on cell surface markers, MHC restriction, function, and production of soluble factors. Analysis of the ability of cloned, Ia-restricted, L3T4+ T cells to induce an in vitro anti-hapten antibody response to hapten-carrier conjugates allowed the definition of three functional subtypes. To examine whether these functional subtypes also differed in the production of soluble mediators, supernatants of the cloned lines were examined for the production of T cell growth factors and factors inducing increased expression of Ia glycoproteins on small resting B cells. All of the cloned lines produced T cell growth factors that could be further differentiated by inhibition with monoclonal antibodies. None of the Ia-restricted, L3T4+ cloned T cell lines that failed to produce IL 4/BSF-1 could provide helper function. Thus, the activation of antigen-specific B cells by helper T cells appears to require IL 4/BSF-1 as a necessary but not sufficient signal for differentiation into antibody-forming cells.  相似文献   

We have raised an anti-idiotypic antibody against the cell surface IgM of the murine BCL1 tumor cells. This antiserum reacts exclusively with the IgM expressed on the tumor cells and detects a unique population of cells in the spleen and blood of the tumor-bearing mice. When these cells are stimulated in vitro with LPS, they secrete an IgM bearing the same idiotype as the cell surface Ig. These results are discussed in terms of a model for the immunotherapy of a chronic lymphocytic leukemia-like syndrome in mice.  相似文献   



Ricin is a lethal toxin that inhibits protein synthesis. It is easily extracted from a ubiquitously grown plant, Ricinus communis, and thus readily available for use as a bioweapon (BW). Anti-ricin antibodies provide the only known therapeutic against ricin intoxication.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from Lewis rats were cultured with 4 micrograms/ml Con A. These cells were then fused with BW 5147 mouse T lymphoma cells. Two hybrid clones (6B2-B8 and 6B2-E6) obtained by fusion formed CGF effectively. It was found that hybrid cells can be boosted to produce higher levels of CGF upon stimulation with Con A. 6B2-B8 express rat T cell markers. CGF formed by 6B2-B8 had a m.w. of 23,000 and 40,000. CGF was eluted from a Mono Q anion-exchange column with an FPLC system at 0.4 to 0.6 M NaCl as a major peak and at 0.8 M NaCl as a minor peak. CGF was eluted as three peaks with pH 4.1, 4.8, and 5.2 from a Mono P chromatofocusing column. CGF from 6B2-B8 does not contain IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, or CSF.  相似文献   

T helper type1 (Th1) or type2 (Th2) cells were induced from naive Th cells obtained from ovalbumin-specific T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice. Th1 cells producing interferon γ (IFNγ) exhibited stronger antigen-specific cytotoxicity against ovalbumin-(323–339)-peptide-pulsed A20 tumor cells than did Th2 cells. To develop a general method for applying antigen-nonspecific Th1 cells to tumor immunotherapy, we examined the targeting of Th1 cells to tumor cells using a bispecific antibody (bsAb) consisting of anti-(mouse CD3) mAb and anti-(human c-ErbB-2) mAb. When ovalbumin-specific Th1 or Th2 cells were cocultured with c-erbB-2-positive transfectants (CMS7HE), neither type of cell showed significant cytotoxicity or cytokine production in response to tumor cells. However, addition of bsAb resulted in the triggering of both Th1 and Th2 cells. Th1 cells showed higher levels of bsAb-dependent cytotoxicity against CMS7HE tumor cells than did Th2 cells. The targeting of Th1 cells to CMS7HE tumor cells by bsAb also triggered the production of cytokines such as IFNγ, interleukin-2 and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα). The released TNFα was demonstrated to be a critical cytolytic factor in bsAb-mediated cytotoxicity by Th1 cells. Finally, Th1 cells were demonstrated to show antitumor activity in vivo against human c-erbB-2-positive tumor cells implanted in nude mice. These results suggest that Th1 cells are useful effector cells for the application to adoptive tumor immunotherapy in conjunction with bsAb. Received: 22 April 1999 / Accepted: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

The effect of endogenous and exogenous IL-4 on the generation of influenza virus-specific cell-mediated immunity was examined. When added at the onset of the culture, IL-4 augmented both cluster of differentiation (CD)8+ lymphoproliferation and MHC-restricted, influenza virus-specific cytotoxicity. When added 5 or 6 days after initiation of cultures, IL-4 was highly effective at augmenting cytotoxicity, whereas no augmentation of proliferation was observed. This disassociation of the effect of IL-4 on lymphoproliferation and cytotoxicity indicated that IL-4 was providing a late signal in CTL generation. Studied at the level of CTL precursor maturation in microcultures, IL-4 was found not to increase cytotoxicity but to be required, in some cases, for the generation of cytotoxicity. Endogenous IL-4 production was observed and demonstrated to be important because neutralizing antiserum to IL-4 suppressed CTL development. In contrast to the effects of IL-4 when added later to the cultures, pulsing the lymphocytes with IL-4 before, or shortly after, exposure to antigen resulted in suppression of the CTL response. These results indicate that IL-4 has differentiative, proliferative, and suppressive effects on cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

Two in vitro B cell tumor lines have been used to characterize and partially purify a lymphokine, or family of lymphokines, from monoclonal helper T cell immune response supernatants. These lymphokines induce the pre-B-like 70Z/3 tumor cell to synthesize Ig L chains and express complete Ig molecules on its cell surface, and cause the mature B cell-like WEHI-279 tumor cell to increase its ratio of secretory to membrane mu production, begin high rate Ig secretion, and then die. Most of the activity responsible for these changes co-purifies during five different separation procedures, implying the existence of a discrete molecule or closely related class of molecules able to mediate all of these effects. The molecules active in these systems appear distinct from the other lymphokines IL 1, IL 2, G/M-CSA, TRF, IFN, BCGF, and the activity variously termed IL 3/BPA/PSF/HCGF/MCGF, etc. We call these B cell-differentiating molecules BMF, or B cell maturation factor(s). The BMF molecules are mildly acidic (pI 5 to 6 in various conditions), extremely hydrophobic, probably heterogeneously glycosylated glycoproteins, with an apparent m.w. of 50,000 to 55,000 by gel permeation chromatography and 16,000 by SDS-PAGE. BMF has been purified approximately 3000-fold by three sequential chromatographic steps, with the use of the B tumor line assay systems. BMF molecules thus purified also cause normal resting splenic B cells to mature to the state of active Ig secretion.  相似文献   

To study immunity to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) at the cellular level, lymphocytes were obtained from the peripheral blood of hepatitis B vaccine recipients and were examined for various immune responses to HBsAg in vitro. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) from most of the vaccinees did not proliferate to a great extent to HBsAg in vitro. However, HBsAg-reactive lymphocyte lines and clones were obtained from some of these individuals if the PBM were stimulated in vitro with HBsAg and were maintained in the presence of T cell growth supplement. Most of the HBsAg-reactive T cell clones obtained were found to be antigen-specific and some of them provided help in the production of anti-HBsAg antibodies by a cell population enriched for HBsAg-binding cells. These results indicate that HBsAg-specific T and B cells exist in the circulation of hepatitis B vaccine recipients, although they are at limiting concentrations for the in vitro cell proliferation and antibody production assays.  相似文献   

Conjugates of protein antigens with an optimal number of monomethoxypolyethylene glycol (mPEG) chains of an appropriate molecular weight had been shown to suppress murine IgE responses to the unmodified antigen. To investigate the possibility that the tolerogenic capacity of these mPEG conjugates is attributable to a defect in macrophage (M phi) presentation of their antigenic determinants, the activity of ovalbumin (OA)-mPEG conjugates when pulsed onto mouse peritoneal adherent cells (M phi) was compared in this study with their activity in solution. Surprisingly, in contrast to the suppressogenic capacity of mPEG conjugates in solution, the OA-mPEG pulsed M phi appeared to exert a helper effect when injected intraperitoneally (ip), i.e., after subsequent immunization with dinitrophenylated OA (DNP3-OA) in Al(OH)3, the mice showed accelerated IgE and IgG1 antibody responses to OA and DNP. However, when M phi were exposed to limiting concentrations of OA or OA-mPEG, markedly higher concentrations of OA-mPEG were required to yield pulsed M phi, exerting a significant helper effect. It was concluded that although M phi were capable of presenting the OA determinants of OA-mPEG conjugates to helper T (Th) cells, the preparations of modified antigen were presented less effectively than native OA.  相似文献   

Treatment of murine spleen cells with 30 nM TCDD resulted in an approximately 3 fold increase in unstimulated antibody production after 3 days in culture. This response was not accompanied by increased cellular proliferation and may represent an effect of TCDD on B cell activation or differentiation. Since PMA is capable of activating B cells, presumably via PKC, we have compared the effects of PMA and TCDD on protein kinase activation and phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in a highly purified preparation of B cells. In contrast to a reduction of cytosolic PKC activity, the expected effect of PMA, TCDD caused an increase in basal kinase activity with no effect on PKC activity. Addition of either PMA or TCDD resulted in enhanced phosphorylation of a similar profile of proteins, including proteins of Mr 12.2, 14.6, 29.2, 52.3 and 62.7 KDa. Addition of TCDD also resulted in the increased phosphorylation of a protein of Mr 45.2, which was unaffected by PMA. Combined treatment with PMA and TCDD resulted in additive responses. The additive effects of PMA and TCDD suggest an interaction at the level of protein phosphorylation which is mediated by different kinases. Therefore, TCDD may be stimulating B cells via an early effect on an unidentified protein kinase.  相似文献   

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