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E F Freedlender  E Haber 《Biochemistry》1972,11(12):2362-2370

Epidemiologists aim to inform the design of public health interventions with evidence on the evolution, emergence and spread of infectious diseases. Sequencing of pathogen genomes, together with date, location, clinical manifestation and other relevant data about sample origins, can contribute to describing nearly every aspect of transmission dynamics, including local transmission and global spread. The analyses of these data have implications for all levels of clinical and public health practice, from institutional infection control to policies for surveillance, prevention and treatment. This review highlights the range of epidemiological questions that can be addressed from the combination of genome sequence and traditional ‘line lists’ (tables of epidemiological data where each line includes demographic and clinical features of infected individuals). We identify opportunities for these data to inform interventions that reduce disease incidence and prevalence. By considering current limitations of, and challenges to, interpreting these data, we aim to outline a research agenda to accelerate the genomics-driven transformation in public health microbiology.  相似文献   

Human and bovine alpha-thrombin cleaved at the B-chain by chymotrypsin generates catalytically competent zeta-thrombins, which are comprised of two noncovalently linked fragments: a 36-(human) or 49-(bovine) residue A-chain linked by a disulfide to B-chain residues B1-148 (zeta 1-thrombin) and B-chain residues B149-259 (zeta 2-thrombin). Human and bovine D-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2-zeta- and PhMeSO2-zeta-thrombins were prepared by reaction of the active-site histidine (H-B43) and serine (S-B205) with PPACK and PMSF, respectively. Unfolding and dissociation of the noncovalently linked polypeptide chains of either human or bovine D-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2-zeta- and PhMeSO2-zeta-thrombins in 4.5 M guanidine-HCl and refolding upon 30-fold dilution in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.5, 750 mM NaCl, 0.1% PEG resulted in biphasic generation of catalytic activity. The slow phase was eliminated in the presence of the competitive inhibitor benzamidine-HCl. Unfolding and refolding mixtures of the appropriate inactive precursors generated the active chimeric thrombins bovine zeta 1-thrombin:human zeta 2-thrombin and human zeta 1-thrombin:bovine zeta 2-thrombin. Human zeta 1-thrombin and zeta 2-thrombin were isolated, and, upon recombining, the isolated fragments refolded to generate catalytically competent zeta-thrombin with an active-site content, specific activity toward Chromozym-TH, and a specificity constant (kcat/Km) for FPA release from fibrinogen that were all within 60% of those of native alpha-thrombin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lysozyme in the urine of a hemodialysis patient was purified in two steps: DEAE Sephadex chromatography followed by Sephacryl chromatography. The Sephacryl S-100 column chromatographed fraction showing lytic activity was proven to give one band on SDS-PAGE and to have a molecular mass of 14 500, in agreement with that of lysozyme. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of this purified protein was identical to that of lysozyme. These results indicate that the protein purified was indeed lysozyme. The specific affinity of lysozyme for Sephacryl S-100 may explain the greater purity of the same protein isolated by this method.  相似文献   

An enzyme that hydrolyzes one PPi bond of the cap structure of mRNA, yielding m7GDP and 5'-p RNA was purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to a stage suitable for characterization. The specificity of the enzyme was studied, using both yeast mRNA and synthetic RNAs labeled in the cap structure. A synthetic capped RNA (540 nucleotides) was not reduced in size, while as much as 80% was decapped. Yeast mRNA treated with high concentrations of RNase A, nuclease P1, or micrococcal nuclease was inactive as a substrate. The use of synthetic capped RNAs of different sizes (50 to 540 nucleotides) as substrates showed that the larger RNA can be a better substrate by as much as 10-fold. GpppG-RNA was hydrolyzed at a rate similar to that at which 5'-triphosphate end group were not hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

A simple method was described for the purification of serum transferrin (Tf) from human plasma and porcine serum with relative high yield and purity. The properties including purity, integrity, immunoreactivity and the receptor-binding ability of the proteins were studied by several assays, comprising spectrometry, SDS-PAGE, HPLC, Western blotting, urea electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and cytometry. Analysis from all the different aspects manifested that the proteins were of high purity. The two kinds of Tfs appeared to be iron-saturated as confirmed by their absorbance spectra and urea-PAGE mobility. The specific spectra of absorption of the two Tfs were both at around 465 nm. The relative molecular weights of human Tf (hTf) and porcine Tf (pTf) were determined by SDS-PAGE and further identified by MAIDI-TOF mass spectrometry with a result of 79,707 and 79,258, respectively. Immunoblotting assay showed that pTf could react with the anti-human Tf monoclonal antibody with a less level compared to hTf. FACS assays of their binding activities to Tf receptor-positive cell (K562 cell line) indicated that pTf could be recognized by the hTf receptor and internalized into cells, with a slightly less efficacy than hTf. All special property studies demonstrated that pTf was similar to hTf in physical and chemical characteristics, which gave a hint that pTf could substitute for hTf in some kinds of researches, such as using hTf as a carrier in drug targeting system.  相似文献   

A structural gene encoding bovine (b) tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (WRS) has recently been cloned and sequenced [Garret et al., Biochemistry 30 (1991) 7809-7817]. Using part of this sequence as a hybridisation probe we have cloned and sequenced a structural gene encoding human polypeptide highly homologous with two mammalian proteins, bWRS [Garret et al., Biochemistry 30 (1991) 7809-7817; EMBL accession No. X52113] and rabbit peptide chain release factor [Lee et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990) 3508-3512]. Identification of the sequence encoding a human WRS is based on (i) the presence of 'HIGH' and 'KMSKS' structural motifs typical for class-I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases [Eriani et al., Nature 347 (1990) 203-206]; (ii) coincidence of the number of SH groups per subunit estimated experimentally [Muench et al., Science 187 (1975) 1089-1091] and deduced from the cDNA sequence (six in both cases); (iii) close resemblance of two WRS polypeptides sequenced earlier [Muench et al., Science 187 (1975) 1089-1091] and the predicted structure in two different regions.  相似文献   

A method was devised for activity assay of the lipase [triacylglycerol acyl-hydrolase, EC] excreted from Chromobacterium viscosum into the culture medium; olive oil emulsified with the aid of Adekatol 45-S-8 (a non-ionic detergent, the ethoxylate of linear sec-alcohols having chain lengths of 10--16 carbon atoms) was used as the substrate. This method was specifically effective for Chromobacterium lipase acitvity assay, and was approximately twice as sensitive as the conventional method, in which polyvinyl alcohol is used for the emulsification of the substrate.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes obtained from animals partially hepatectomized (72 h before the experiment) have a diminished responsiveness to alpha 1-adrenergic amines, vasopressin, angiotensin and glucagon and an increased responsiveness to beta-adrenergic amines. Administration of inositol or tri-iodothyronine to the hepatectomized animals induced a recovery in the hepatocyte responsiveness to the Ca2+-dependent hormones and abolished that to beta-adrenergic amines; the response to glucagon was not improved.  相似文献   

We present an automated method incorporated into a software package, FOLDER, to fold a protein sequence on a given three-dimensional (3D) template. Starting with the sequence alignment of a family of homologous proteins, tertiary structures are modeled using the known 3D structure of one member of the family as a template. Homologous interatomic distances from the template are used as constraints. For nonhomologous regions in the model protein, the lower and the upper bounds for the interatomic distances are imposed by steric constraints and the globular dimensions of the template, respectively. Distance geometry is used to embed an ensemble of structures consistent with these distance bounds. Structures are selected from this ensemble based on minimal distance error criteria, after a penalty function optimization step. These structures are then refined using energy optimization methods. The method is tested by simulating the alpha-chain of horse hemoglobin using the alpha-chain of human hemoglobin as the template and by comparing the generated models with the crystal structure of the alpha-chain of horse hemoglobin. We also test the packing efficiency of this method by reconstructing the atomic positions of the interior side chains beyond C beta atoms of a protein domain from a known 3D structure. In both test cases, models retain the template constraints and any additionally imposed constraints while the packing of the interior residues is optimized with no short contacts or bond deformations. To demonstrate the use of this method in simulating structures of proteins with nonhomologous disulfides, we construct a model of murine interleukin (IL)-4 using the NMR structure of human IL-4 as the template. The resulting geometry of the nonhomologous disulfide in the model structure for murine IL-4 is consistent with standard disulfide geometry.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of the 61-kDa calmodulin-dependent, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (CaM-PDE) from bovine brain has been determined. The native protein is a homodimer of N alpha-acetylated, 529-residue polypeptide chains, each of which has a calculated molecular weight of 60,755. The structural organization of this CaM-PDE has been investigated with use of limited proteolysis and synthetic peptide analogues. A site capable of interacting with CaM has been identified, and the position of the catalytic domain has been mapped. A fully active, CaM-independent fragment (Mr = 36,000), produced by limited tryptic cleavage in the absence of CaM, represents a functional catalytic domain. N-Terminal sequence and size indicate that this 36-kDa fragment is comprised of residues 136 to approximately 450 of the CaM-PDE. This catalytic domain encompasses a approximately 250 residue sequence that is conserved among PDE isozymes of diverse size, phylogeny, and function. CaM-PDE and its PDE homologues comprise a unique family of proteins, each having a catalytic domain that evolved from a common progenitor. A search of the sequence for potential CaM-binding sites revealed only one 15-residue segment with both a net positive charge and the ability to form an amphiphilic alpha-helix. Peptide analogues that include this amphiphilic segment were synthesized. Each was found to inhibit the CaM-dependent activation of the enzyme and to bind directly to CaM with high affinity in a calcium-dependent manner. This site is among the sequences cleaved from a 45-kDa chymotryptic fragment that has the complete catalytic domain but no longer binds CaM. These results indicate that residues located between position 23 and 41 of the native enzyme contribute significantly to the binding of CaM although the involvement of residues from additional sites is not excluded.  相似文献   

An X linked human DNA fragment (named DXS31 ) which detects partially homologous sequences on the Y chromosome has been isolated. Regional localisation of the two sex linked sequences was determined using a panel of rodent-human somatic cell hybrids. The X specific sequence is located at the tip of the short arm ( Xp22 .3-pter), i.e. within or close to the region which pairs with the Y chromosome short arm at meiosis. However the Y specific sequence is located in the heterochromatic region of the long arm ( Yq11 -qter) and lies outside from the pairing region. DNAs from several XX male subjects were probed with DXS31 and in all cases a double dose of the X linked fragment was found, and the Y specific fragment was absent. DXS31 detects in chimpanzee a male-female differential pattern identical to that found in man. However results obtained in a more distantly related species, the brown lemur, suggest that the sequences detected by DXS31 in this species might be autosomally coded. The features observed with these X-Y related sequences do not fit with that expected from current hypotheses of homology between the pairing regions of the two sex chromosomes, nor with the pattern observed with other X-Y homologous sequences recently characterized. Our results suggest also that the rule of conservation of X linkage in mammals might not apply to sequences present on the tip of the X chromosome short arm, in bearing with the controversial issue of steroid sulfatase localisation in mouse.  相似文献   

A technique is described to identify the rare sequences within an RNA molecule that are available for efficient interaction with complementary DNA probes: the target RNA is digested by RNase H in the presence of a random pool of complementary DNA fragments generated from the same DNA preparation that was used for target RNA synthesis. The DNA region was amplified by PCR, partially digested with DNase and denatured prior to RNA binding. In the presence of single-stranded DNA fragments the RNA was digested with RNase H such that, on average, each molecule was cut once. Cleavage sites were detected by gel electrophoresis either directly with end-labeled RNA or by primer extension. The pattern of accessible sites on c- raf mRNA was determined and compared with the known profile of activity of oligonucleotides found in cells, showing the merit of the method for predicting oligonucleotides which are efficient for in vivo antisense targeting. New susceptible sites in the 3'-untranslated region of c- raf mRNA were identified. Also, four RNAs were probed to ascertain to what extent structure predicts accessibility: the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron, yeast tRNAAsp, Escherichia coli tmRNA and a part of rat 18S rRNA.  相似文献   

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