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A metabolic model for Leptospirillum ferrooxidans was developed based on the genomic information of an analogous iron oxidizing bacteria and on the pathways of ferrous iron oxidation, nitrogen and CO2 assimilation based on experimental evidence for L. ferrooxidans found in the literature. From this metabolic reconstruction, a stoichiometric model was built, which includes 86 reactions describing the main catabolic and anabolic aspects of its metabolism. The model obtained has 2 degrees of freedom, so two external fluxes were estimated to achieve a determined and observable system. By using the external oxygen consumption rate and the generation flux biomass as input data, a metabolic flux map with a distribution of internal fluxes was obtained. The results obtained were verified with experimental data from the literature, achieving a very good prediction of the metabolic behavior of this bacterium at steady state. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107:696–706. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A recently discovered thermophilic bacterium, Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius M10EXG, ferments a range of C5 (e.g., xylose) and C6 sugars (e.g., glucose) and is tolerant to high ethanol concentrations (10%, v/v). We have investigated the central metabolism of this bacterium using both in vitro enzyme assays and 13C‐based flux analysis to provide insights into the physiological properties of this extremophile and explore its metabolism for bio‐ethanol or other bioprocess applications. Our findings show that glucose metabolism in G. thermoglucosidasius M10EXG proceeds via glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, and the TCA cycle; the Entner–Doudoroff pathway and transhydrogenase activity were not detected. Anaplerotic reactions (including the glyoxylate shunt, pyruvate carboxylase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) were active, but fluxes through those pathways could not be accurately determined using amino acid labeling. When growth conditions were switched from aerobic to micro‐aerobic conditions, fluxes (based on a normalized glucose uptake rate of 100 units (g DCW)?1 h?1) through the TCA cycle and oxidative pentose phosphate pathway were reduced from 64 ± 3 to 25 ± 2 and from 30 ± 2 to 19 ± 2, respectively. The carbon flux under micro‐aerobic growth was directed to ethanol, L ‐lactate (>99% optical purity), acetate, and formate. Under fully anerobic conditions, G. thermoglucosidasius M10EXG used a mixed acid fermentation process and exhibited a maximum ethanol yield of 0.38 ± 0.07 mol mol?1 glucose. In silico flux balance modeling demonstrates that lactate and acetate production from G. thermoglucosidasius M10EXG reduces the maximum ethanol yield by approximately threefold, thus indicating that both pathways should be modified to maximize ethanol production. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1377–1386. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Red wine fermentations are performed in the presence of grape skins and seeds to ensure the extraction of color and other phenolics. The presence of these solids results in two distinct phases in the fermentor, as the solids float to the top to form a “cap.” Modeling of red wine fermentation is, therefore, complex and must consider spatial heterogeneity to predict fermentation kinetics. We have developed a reactor-engineering model for red wine fermentations that includes the fundamentals of fermentation kinetics, heat transfer, diffusion, and compressible fluid flow. To develop the heat transfer component of the model, the heat transfer properties of grapes were experimentally determined as a function of fermentation progression. COMSOL was used to solve all components of the model simultaneously utilizing a finite element analysis approach. Predictions from this model were validated using prior experimental work. Model prediction and experimental data showed excellent agreement. The model was then used to predict spatial profiles of active yeast cell concentration and ethanol productivity, as well as liquid velocity profiles. Finally, the model was used to predict how these gradients would change with differences in initial bioavailable nitrogen concentration, a key parameter in predicting fermentation outcome in nitrogen-limited wine fermentations.  相似文献   

A stoichiometric model of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans based on the sequenced genome from strain ATCC 23270 is derived and parameterized using genome/pathway databases. The model describes the main aspects of catabolism and anabolism. By the construction and utilization of the mathematical determination of the network, metabolic flux analysis is performed for such a bacterium for the first time and results are successfully verified by comparison to literature values. This first metabolic model of A. ferrooxidans is able to simulate the main aspects of metabolism and will be useful for further investigation and improvement of bioleaching procedures. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1448–1459. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Computational simulation of large‐scale biochemical networks can be used to analyze and predict the metabolic behavior of an organism, such as a developing seed. Based on the biochemical literature, pathways databases and decision rules defining reaction directionality we reconstructed bna572, a stoichiometric metabolic network model representing Brassica napus seed storage metabolism. In the highly compartmentalized network about 25% of the 572 reactions are transport reactions interconnecting nine subcellular compartments and the environment. According to known physiological capabilities of developing B. napus embryos, four nutritional conditions were defined to simulate heterotrophy or photoheterotrophy, each in combination with the availability of inorganic nitrogen (ammonia, nitrate) or amino acids as nitrogen sources. Based on mathematical linear optimization the optimal solution space was comprehensively explored by flux variability analysis, thereby identifying for each reaction the range of flux values allowable under optimality. The range and variability of flux values was then categorized into flux variability types. Across the four nutritional conditions, approximately 13% of the reactions have variable flux values and 10–11% are substitutable (can be inactive), both indicating metabolic redundancy given, for example, by isoenzymes, subcellular compartmentalization or the presence of alternative pathways. About one‐third of the reactions are never used and are associated with pathways that are suboptimal for storage synthesis. Fifty‐seven reactions change flux variability type among the different nutritional conditions, indicating their function in metabolic adjustments. This predictive modeling framework allows analysis and quantitative exploration of storage metabolism of a developing B. napus oilseed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli has been the host organism most frequently investigated for efficient recombinant protein production. However, the production of a foreign protein in recombinant E. coli often leads to growth deterioration and elevated secretion of acetic acid. Such observed phenomena have been widely linked with cell stress responses and metabolic burdens originated particularly from the increased energy demand. In this study, flux balance analysis and dynamic flux balance analysis were applied to investigate the observed growth physiology of recombinant E. coli, incorporating the proteome allocation theory and an adjustable maintenance energy level (ATPM) to capture the proteomic and energetic burdens introduced by recombinant protein synthesis. Model predictions of biomass growth, substrate consumption, acetate excretion, and protein production with two different strains were in good agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the constraint on the available proteomic resource and the change in ATPM might be important contributors governing the growth physiology of recombinant strains. The modeling framework developed in this work, currently with several limitations to overcome, offers a starting point for the development of a practical, model-based tool to guide metabolic engineering decisions for boosting recombinant protein production.  相似文献   

An optimization-based framework is introduced for testing whether experimental flux data are consistent with different hypothesized objective functions. Specifically, we examine whether the maximization of a weighted combination of fluxes can explain a set of observed experimental data. Coefficients of importance (CoIs) are identified that quantify the fraction of the additive contribution of a given flux to a fitness (objective) function with an optimization that can explain the experimental flux data. A high CoI value implies that the experimental flux data are consistent with the hypothesis that the corresponding flux is maximized by the network, whereas a low value implies the converse. This framework (i.e., ObjFind) is applied to both an aerobic and anaerobic set of Escherichia coli flux data derived from isotopomer analysis. Results reveal that the CoIs for both growth conditions are strikingly similar, even though the flux distributions for the two cases are quite different, which is consistent with the presence of a single metabolic objective driving the flux distributions in both cases. Interestingly, the CoI associated with a biomass production flux, complete with energy and reducing power requirements, assumes a value 9 and 15 times higher than the next largest coefficient for the aerobic and anaerobic cases, respectively.  相似文献   

The oxidation process of sulfide minerals in natural environments is achieved by microbial communities from the Archaea and Bacteria domains. A metabolic reconstruction of two dominant species, Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Ferroplasma acidiphilum, which are always found together as a mixed culture in this natural environments, was made. The metabolic model, composed of 152 internal reactions and 29 transport reactions, describes the main interactions between these species, assuming that both use ferrous iron as energy source, and F. acidiphilum takes advantage of the organic compounds secreted by L. ferriphilum for chemomixotrophic growth. A first metabolic model for a mixed culture used in bacterial leaching is proposed in this article, which pretends to represent the characteristics of the mixed culture in a simplified manner. It was evaluated with experimental data through flux balance analysis (FBA) using as objective function the maximization of biomass. The growth yields on ferrous iron obtained for each microorganism are consistent with experimental data, and the flux distribution obtained allows understanding of the metabolic capabilities of both microorganisms growing together in a bioleaching process. The model was used to simulate the growth of F. acidiphilum on different substrates, to determine in silico which compounds maximize cell growth, and which are essential. Knockout simulations were carried out for L. ferriphilum and F. acidiphilum metabolic models, predicting key enzymes of central metabolism. The results of this analysis are consistent with experimental data from literature, showing a robust behavior of the metabolic model. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:307–315, 2015  相似文献   

The field of metabolic engineering is primarily concerned with improving the biological production of value-added chemicals, fuels and pharmaceuticals through the design, construction and optimization of metabolic pathways, redirection of intracellular fluxes, and refinement of cellular properties relevant for industrial bioprocess implementation. Metabolic network models and metabolic fluxes are central concepts in metabolic engineering, as was emphasized in the first paper published in this journal, “Metabolic fluxes and metabolic engineering” (Metabolic Engineering, 1: 1–11, 1999). In the past two decades, a wide range of computational, analytical and experimental approaches have been developed to interrogate the capabilities of biological systems through analysis of metabolic network models using techniques such as flux balance analysis (FBA), and quantify metabolic fluxes using constrained-based modeling approaches such as metabolic flux analysis (MFA) and more advanced experimental techniques based on the use of stable-isotope tracers, i.e. 13C-metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA). In this review, we describe the basic principles of metabolic flux analysis, discuss current best practices in flux quantification, highlight potential pitfalls and alternative approaches in the application of these tools, and give a broad overview of pragmatic applications of flux analysis in metabolic engineering practice.  相似文献   

A mass flux balance-based stoichiometric model of Bacillus licheniformis for the serine alkaline protease (SAP) fermentation process has been established. The model considers 147 reaction fluxes, and there are 105 metabolites that are assumed to be in pseudo-steady state. Metabolic flux distributions were obtained from the solution of the model based on the minimum SAP accumulation rate assumption in B. licheniformis in combination with the off-line extracellular analyses of the metabolites that were the sole carbon source citrate, dry cell, organic acids, amino acids, and SAP; variations in the intracellular fluxes were demonstrated for the three periods of the batch bioprocess. The flux distribution maps showed that the cells completed the TCA cycle and utilized the gluconeogenesis pathway, pentose phosphate pathway, and anaplerotic reactions throughout the fermentation; however, the glycolysis pathway was inactive in all the periods of the fermentation. The flux values toward SAP increased throughout the bioprocess and slightly decreased in the last period; however, SAP selectivity values were almost the same in Periods II and III and higher than Period I. The diversions in the pathways and certain metabolic reactions depending on the bioprocess periods are also presented and the results indicated that the intracellular amino acid fluxes played an important role in the SAP fermentation process.  相似文献   

While flux balance analysis (FBA) provides a framework for predicting steady-state leaf metabolic network fluxes, it does not readily capture the response to environmental variables without being coupled to other modelling formulations. To address this, we coupled an FBA model of 903 reactions of soybean (Glycine max) leaf metabolism with e-photosynthesis, a dynamic model that captures the kinetics of 126 reactions of photosynthesis and associated chloroplast carbon metabolism. Successful coupling was achieved in an iterative formulation in which fluxes from e-photosynthesis were used to constrain the FBA model and then, in turn, fluxes computed from the FBA model used to update parameters in e-photosynthesis. This process was repeated until common fluxes in the two models converged. Coupling did not hamper the ability of the kinetic module to accurately predict the carbon assimilation rate, photosystem II electron flux, and starch accumulation of field-grown soybean at two CO2 concentrations. The coupled model also allowed accurate predictions of additional parameters such as nocturnal respiration, as well as analysis of the effect of light intensity and elevated CO2 on leaf metabolism. Predictions included an unexpected decrease in the rate of export of sucrose from the leaf at high light, due to altered starch–sucrose partitioning, and altered daytime flux modes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle at elevated CO2. Mitochondrial fluxes were notably different between growing and mature leaves, with greater anaplerotic, tricarboxylic acid cycle and mitochondrial ATP synthase fluxes predicted in the former, primarily to provide carbon skeletons and energy for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Genome‐scale flux balance analysis (FBA) is a powerful systems biology tool to characterize intracellular reaction fluxes during cell cultures. FBA estimates intracellular reaction rates by optimizing an objective function, subject to the constraints of a metabolic model and media uptake/excretion rates. A dynamic extension to FBA, dynamic flux balance analysis (DFBA), can calculate intracellular reaction fluxes as they change during cell cultures. In a previous study by Read et al. (2013), a series of informed amino acid supplementation experiments were performed on twelve parallel murine hybridoma cell cultures, and this data was leveraged for further analysis (Read et al., Biotechnol Prog. 2013;29:745–753). In order to understand the effects of media changes on the model murine hybridoma cell line, a systems biology approach is applied in the current study. Dynamic flux balance analysis was performed using a genome‐scale mouse metabolic model, and multivariate data analysis was used for interpretation. The calculated reaction fluxes were examined using partial least squares and partial least squares discriminant analysis. The results indicate media supplementation increases product yield because it raises nutrient levels extending the growth phase, and the increased cell density allows for greater culture performance. At the same time, the directed supplementation does not change the overall metabolism of the cells. This supports the conclusion that product quality, as measured by glycoform assays, remains unchanged because the metabolism remains in a similar state. Additionally, the DFBA shows that metabolic state varies more at the beginning of the culture but less by the middle of the growth phase, possibly due to stress on the cells during inoculation. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1163–1173, 2016  相似文献   

Flux balance models of metabolism generally utilize synthesis of biomass as the main determinant of intracellular fluxes. However, the biomass constraint alone is not sufficient to predict realistic fluxes in central heterotrophic metabolism of plant cells because of the major demand on the energy budget due to transport costs and cell maintenance. This major limitation can be addressed by incorporating transport steps into the metabolic model and by implementing a procedure that uses Pareto optimality analysis to explore the trade‐off between ATP and NADPH production for maintenance. This leads to a method for predicting cell maintenance costs on the basis of the measured flux ratio between the oxidative steps of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis. We show that accounting for transport and maintenance costs substantially improves the accuracy of fluxes predicted from a flux balance model of heterotrophic Arabidopsis cells in culture, irrespective of the objective function used in the analysis. Moreover, when the new method was applied to cells under control, elevated temperature and hyper‐osmotic conditions, only elevated temperature led to a substantial increase in cell maintenance costs. It is concluded that the hyper‐osmotic conditions tested did not impose a metabolic stress, in as much as the metabolic network is not forced to devote more resources to cell maintenance.  相似文献   



Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (DFBA) is a dynamic simulation framework for biochemical processes. DFBA can be performed using different approaches such as static optimization (SOA), dynamic optimization (DOA), and direct approaches (DA). Few existing simulators address the theoretical and practical challenges of nonunique exchange fluxes or infeasible linear programs (LPs). Both are common sources of failure and inefficiencies for these simulators.


DFBAlab, a MATLAB-based simulator that uses the LP feasibility problem to obtain an extended system and lexicographic optimization to yield unique exchange fluxes, is presented. DFBAlab is able to simulate complex dynamic cultures with multiple species rapidly and reliably, including differential-algebraic equation (DAE) systems. In addition, DFBAlab’s running time scales linearly with the number of species models. Three examples are presented where the performance of COBRA, DyMMM and DFBAlab are compared.


Lexicographic optimization is used to determine unique exchange fluxes which are necessary for a well-defined dynamic system. DFBAlab does not fail during numerical integration due to infeasible LPs. The extended system obtained through the LP feasibility problem in DFBAlab provides a penalty function that can be used in optimization algorithms.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0409-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Constraint‐based reconstruction and analysis (COBRA) modeling results can be difficult to interpret given the large numbers of reactions in genome‐scale models. While paths in metabolic networks can be found, existing methods are not easily combined with constraint‐based approaches. To address this limitation, two tools (MapMaker and PathTracer) were developed to find paths (including cycles) between metabolites, where each step transfers carbon from reactant to product. MapMaker predicts carbon transfer maps (CTMs) between metabolites using only information on molecular formulae and reaction stoichiometry, effectively determining which reactants and products share carbon atoms. MapMaker correctly assigned CTMs for over 97% of the 2,251 reactions in an Escherichia coli metabolic model (iJO1366). Using CTMs as inputs, PathTracer finds paths between two metabolites. PathTracer was applied to iJO1366 to investigate the importance of using CTMs and COBRA constraints when enumerating paths, to find active and high flux paths in flux balance analysis (FBA) solutions, to identify paths for putrescine utilization, and to elucidate a potential CO2 fixation pathway in E. coli. These results illustrate how MapMaker and PathTracer can be used in combination with constraint‐based models to identify feasible, active, and high flux paths between metabolites.  相似文献   

Sequential uptake of pentose and hexose sugars that compose lignocellulosic biomass limits the ability of pure microbial cultures to efficiently produce value-added bioproducts. In this work, we used dynamic flux balance modeling to examine the capability of mixed cultures of substrate-selective microbes to improve the utilization of glucose/xylose mixtures and to convert these mixed substrates into products. Co-culture simulations of Escherichia coli strains ALS1008 and ZSC113, engineered for glucose and xylose only uptake respectively, indicated that improvements in batch substrate consumption observed in previous experimental studies resulted primarily from an increase in ZSC113 xylose uptake relative to wild-type E. coli. The E. coli strain ZSC113 engineered for the elimination of glucose uptake was computationally co-cultured with wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which can only metabolize glucose, to determine if the co-culture was capable of enhanced ethanol production compared to pure cultures of wild-type E. coli and the S. cerevisiae strain RWB218 engineered for combined glucose and xylose uptake. Under the simplifying assumption that both microbes grow optimally under common environmental conditions, optimization of the strain inoculum and the aerobic to anaerobic switching time produced an almost twofold increase in ethanol productivity over the pure cultures. To examine the effect of reduced strain growth rates at non-optimal pH and temperature values, a break even analysis was performed to determine possible reductions in individual strain substrate uptake rates that resulted in the same predicted ethanol productivity as the best pure culture.  相似文献   

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