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A protein inhibitor of the Ca2+-dependent proteinase has been purified from bovine cardiac muscle by using the following steps in succession: salting out 17,600 X gmax supernatants from muscle homogenates in 50 mM Tris acetate, pH 7.5, 4 mM EDTA between 25 and 65% ammonium sulfate saturation; eluting between 25 and 120 mM KCl from a DEAE-cellulose column at pH 7.5; salting out between 30 and 60% ammonium sulfate saturation; Ultrogel-22 gel permeation chromatography at pH 7.5; heating to 80 degrees C followed by immediate cooling to 0 degree C; 6% agarose gel permeation chromatography in 4 M urea, pH 7.5; and elution from a phenyl-Sepharose hydrophobic column between 0.7 and 0.5 M ammonium sulfate. Approximately 1.16-1.69 mg of purified Ca2+-dependent proteinase inhibitor are obtained from 1 kg of bovine cardiac muscle, fresh weight. Bovine cardiac Ca2+-dependent proteinase inhibitor has an Mr of 115,000 as measured by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a pI of 4.85-4.95, very little alpha-helical structure, a very low specific absorbance of 1.647 (A1% 280), and very low contents of histidine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Bovine cardiac Ca2+-dependent proteinase inhibitor probably contains a single polypeptide chain in nondenaturing solvents. One 115-kDa inhibitor polypeptide inactivates 10 110-kDa millimolar Ca2+-requiring proteinase (millimolar Ca2+-dependent proteinase) molecules in assays of purified proteins. Inhibition of millimolar proteinase by the proteinase inhibitor did not change in the pH range 6.2-8.6. The inhibitor requires Ca2+ to bind to millimolar Ca2+-dependent proteinase. The Ca2+ concentration required for one-half-maximum binding of millimolar Ca2+-dependent proteinase to the inhibitor was 0.53 mM, compared with a Ca2+ concentration of 0.92 mM required for one-half maximum activity of millimolar Ca2+-dependent proteinase in the absence of the proteinase inhibitor. Unless millimolar Ca2+-dependent proteinase is located subcellularly in a different place than the proteinase inhibitor or unless the proteinase/inhibitor interaction is regulated, millimolar proteinase could never be active in situ.  相似文献   

The indirect immunofluorescent technique was used to localize a proteinase inhibitor isolated from murine seminal vesicles. The inhibitor was found in the lumen and in the apical epithelium of the seminal vesicle but not in the testes, epididymides, ductus deferens or Cowper's glands. It was also associated with the anterior acrosomal region of ejaculated sperm and sperm recovered from the female tract within 5 min of coitus. The inhibitor is removed from uterine sperm between 2 to 4 h postcoitus, however sperm recovered from the uterus 2 h postcoitus will rebind inhibitor. The inhibitor is not normally associated with epididymal or ductus sperm although these sperm will bind purified inhibitor in vitro.  相似文献   

Ca2+-dependent neutral proteinase purifies from human erythrocytes as an inactive proenzyme, that can be converted in an active low Ca2+ requiring form either by high concentrations of Ca2+ (0.1-1 mM) in the absence of the substrate, or by low concentrations of Ca2+ (1-5 microM) in the presence of digestible substrates. Activation requires dissociation to constituent inactive proenzyme subunits which are then converted to the active proteinase species still retaining their monomeric structure. The activation process produced by high Ca2+ concentrations is controlled by the endogenous inhibitor which also dissociates into constituent subunits in order to exert its inhibitory effect. An additional regulation of the activated proteinase involves an autoproteolytic process, Ca2+ and substrate dependent, producing enzyme inactivation.  相似文献   

The millimolar Ca2+-requiring form of the Ca2+-dependent proteinase from chicken breast skeletal muscle contains two subunit polypeptides of 80 and 28 kDa, just as the analogous forms of this proteinase from other tissues do. Incubation with Ca2+ at pH 7.5 causes rapid autolysis of the 80-kDa polypeptide to 77 kDa and of the 28-kDa polypeptide to 18 kDa. Autolysis of the 28-kDa polypeptide is slightly faster than autolysis of the 80-kDa polypeptide and is 90-95% complete after 10 s at 0 degrees C. Autolysis for 15 s at 0 degrees C converts the proteinase from a form requiring 250-300 microM Ca2+ to one requiring 9-10 microM Ca2+ for half-maximal activity, without changing its specific activity. The autolyzed proteinase has a slightly lower pH optimum (7.7 vs. 8.1) than the unautolyzed proteinase. The autolyzed proteinase is not detected in tissue extracts made immediately after death; therefore, the millimolar Ca2+-requiring proteinase is largely, if not entirely, in the unautolyzed form in situ.  相似文献   

1. The rat ventral prostate contains a heat stable inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent protease. This inhibitor was found to exist in a wide range of molecular weights (approx. 40-270 kDa) in adult rats. 2. However, in rats immediately post puberty (45 days of age) the inhibitor was predominantly of the higher molecular weight forms. 3. The inhibitor was also found in the dorsolateral and anterior (coagulating gland) prostate lobes but was of lower specific activity than in the ventral lobe. 4. Although the activities of the Ca2+-dependent protease and inhibitor decreased per ventral prostate gland after castration, these activities were not different during the first 10 days postcastration when expressed per g wet wt or per unit cytosol protein. 5. With a longer duration of castration, there was a decline in the specific activity (per unit protein) of the protease and an increase in that of the inhibitor. 6. Thus, the activities of the protease and inhibitor change in concert with the amount of cellular cytosol protein during the active period of castration-induced atrophy. 7. However, in long term castrated rats, functions carried out by the Ca2+-dependent protease may be effectively suppressed. 8. These data suggest that the Ca2+-activated protease probably is involved in the regulation of some metabolic processes in the active gland and is not prominent in the castration induced atrophy of the ventral prostate unless it functions through the proteolysis of some select protein(s).  相似文献   

Hemorrhagic proteinase, HTb, isolated from Crotalus atrox (western diamondback rattlesnake) venom was studied for its specificity. HTb showed fibrinogenase activity, hydrolyzing the A alpha chain of fibrinogen first, followed by the cleavage of the B beta chain. HTb is different from thrombin and did not produce a fibrin clot. The degradation products of fibrinogen were found to be different, indicating that the cleavage sites in the A alpha and B beta chains are different from those of thrombin. N-Benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg-p-nitroanilide was not hydrolyzed by HTb, although this substrate was hydrolyzed by thrombin and reptilase.  相似文献   

电压门控钙通道受钙依赖性易化和失活两种相互对立的反馈机制调节.不同浓度的钙离子,通过作为钙感受器的钙调蛋白的介导,主要与钙通道α1亚基羧基端的多个不连续片段发生复杂的相互作用,分别引发钙依赖性易化和失活.钙/钙调蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶Ⅱ及其它钙结合蛋白等也参与此调节过程.新近研究表明,钙通道的钙依赖性调节机制失衡与心律失常等的发病机制密切相关.  相似文献   

Localization of nucleotidases dependent on Ca2+ was investigated cytochemically in axenically cultivated trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica, strain HM-1:IMSS, with an electron microscope. Ca2+-dependent ATPase (EC activity was found on the plasma membrane and on the inner surface of the limiting membrane of a few cytoplasmic vacuoles. Ca2+-dependent ADPase, Ca2+-dependent thiamine pyrophosphatase, and acid phosphatase (EC activities were detected on the inner surface of the limiting membrane of most of the cytoplasmic vacuoles but not on the plasma membrane. Cytoplasmic vacuoles with these enzymatic activities seemed similar in morphological characteristics. Moreover, the reaction product formed by Ca2+-dependent ADPase, Ca2+-dependent thiamine pyrophosphatase and acid phosphatase was demonstrable on the inner surface of the limiting membrane of vacuoles containing ingested red blood cells. The reaction product formed by these enzymes was also observed on the periphery of ingested red blood cells. The findings suggest that cytoplasmic vacuoles with these enzymatic activities are lysosomal in nature, probably phagolysosomes; therefore, the enzymes appear to be at least partially associated with primary lysosomes of E. histolytica.  相似文献   

Netropsin suppressed the increase of intracellular proteolytic activity when added toB. megaterium incubated in a sporulation medium. The inhibited enzyme was a Ca2+-dependent serine proteinase. Sporulation and protein turnover in later sporulation phases were inhibited as well. Different concentrations of netropsin affected various aspects of protein catabolism differently.  相似文献   

The indirect immunofluorescent technique was used to localize a low molecular weight, acid-stable proteinase inhibitor of seminal vesicle origin in the female reproductive tract of mice. In recently inseminated animals (0, 2, and 4 hr postcoitus) the inhibitor was localized in the copulatory plug, on the epithelia of the vaginal fornix and cervix, in the uterine lumen, and on the apical surface of the uterine epithelium. Ten hours postcoitus the inhibitor was found in localized areas on the uterine epithelium, in a sperm-leucocyte mass in the uterine lumen, and in the copulatory plug. The inhibitor was not found in females 24 hr postcoitus. The inhibitor could not be localized in the oviducts of any of the animals tested. The data are interpreted to mean that the inhibitor, transported to the female at ejaculation, coats the surface of the female reproductive tract protecting it from acrosomal enzymes or from invasion by spermatozoa or pathogens.  相似文献   

Activation of the Ca2+-dependent neutral proteinase of human erythrocytes in the presence of Ca2+ and a digestible substrate (Pontremoli, S., Sparatore, B., Melloni, E., Michetti, M. and Horecker, B.L. 1984, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs. 123, 331-337) is promoted by phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylserine. The presence of at least one unsaturated fatty acid chain is essential and metabolic derivatives such as dioleylglycerol, phosphorylserine and free fatty acids are ineffective. The most effective promoter was a freshly prepared mixture of phospholipids from human erythrocyte membranes. Activation involves conversion of the 80 kDa proenzyme (procalpain) subunit to the 75 kDa active proteinase and is irreversible. Phospholipids act by producing a large decrease in the concentration of Ca2+ required for the conversion of procalpain to active calpain.  相似文献   

To clarify phosphorylation of calpains I and II in vivo, we purified both calpains concurrently from the [32P] metabolic-labeled human chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line K-562. By Ultragel AcA34 column chromatography, enzymatic activity of calpain I was separated from [32P] radioactivity. Whereas calpain II activity was closely associated with [32P] radioactivity on Ultragel AcA34 and Blue Sepharose CL-6B column chromatographies. By the above purification procedures, calpain I was purified 1300-fold from the crude extract and calpain II was 920-fold from the original sample, respectively. Autoradiographies of purified calpains I and II from [32P] labeled K-562 cells revealed that both calpains were not specifically phosphorylated in vivo. The autophosphorylation in vitro on calpains and modulation of their proteolytic activities reported recently thus may not occur within cells.  相似文献   

Specific activity of the cytoplasmic Ca2+-dependent serine proteinase (ISP1) in exponentially growing cultures decreased with increasing growth temperature. On the other hand, a temperature shift-up applied to a non-growing population incubated in a sporulation medium induced a rise of its activity. The ISP1 activity was assayed in the presence of 30 mmol/L CaCl2 to release the enzyme inhibition and/or stimulate its processing. Immunoblotting applied to the 1-D SDS-PAGE electrophoretogram detected the ISP1 in growing cells mainly in bands withM of 41 and 38 kDa. The intensity of the latter decreased with increasing growth temperature. In nongrowing cells another intensively reacting band ofM 40 kDa appeared. In contrast to the commonly accepted opinion that starvation brings about a rise of the ISP1 synthesis or activation, its increase during incubation in sporulation medium was found only in cells pregrown at 35 and 42°C, where the enzyme activity in growing culture was low. No increase of the ISP1 specific activity in sporulation medium was detected in cells pregrown at 24 or 31°C, where the activity in growing cells was high.  相似文献   

Integrin complexes are necessary for proper proliferation and differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes. Differentiation of these cells is accompanied by down-regulation of integrins and focal adhesions as well as formation of intercellular adherens junctions through E-cadherin homodimerization. A central component of integrin adhesion complexes is integrin-linked kinase (ILK), which can induce loss of E-cadherin expression and epithelial-mesenchymal transformation when ectopically expressed in intestinal and mammary epithelia. In cultured primary mouse keratinocytes, we find that ILK protein levels are independent of integrin expression and signaling, since they remain constant during Ca(2+)-induced differentiation. In contrast, keratinocyte differentiation is accompanied by marked reduction in kinase activity in ILK immunoprecipitates and altered ILK subcellular distribution. Specifically, ILK distributes in close apposition to actin fibers along intercellular junctions in differentiated but not in undifferentiated keratinocytes. ILK localization to cell-cell borders occurs independently of integrin signaling and requires Ca(2+) as well as an intact actin cytoskeleton. Further, and in contrast to what is observed in other epithelial cells, ILK overexpression in differentiated keratinocytes does not promote E-cadherin down-regulation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Thus, novel tissue-specific mechanisms control the formation of ILK complexes associated with cell-cell junctions in differentiating murine epidermal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Fortilin, a 172-amino-acid polypeptide present both in the cytosol and nucleus, possesses potent anti-apoptotic activity. Although fortilin is known to bind Ca2+, the biochemistry and biological significance of such an interaction remains unknown. In the present study we report that fortilin must bind Ca2+ in order to protect cells against Ca2+-dependent apoptosis. Using a standard Ca2+-overlay assay, we first validated that full-length fortilin binds Ca2+ and showed that the N-terminus (amino acids 1-72) is required for its Ca2+-binding. We then used flow dialysis and CD spectropolarimetry assays to demonstrate that fortilin binds Ca2+ with a dissociation constant (Kd) of approx. 10 mM and that the binding of fortilin to Ca2+ induces a significant change in the secondary structure of fortilin. In order to evaluate the impact of the binding of fortilin to Ca2+ in vivo, we measured intracellular Ca2+ levels upon thapsigargin challenge and found that the lack of fortilin in the cell results in the exaggerated elevation of intracellular Ca2+ in the cell. We then tested various point mutants of fortilin for their Ca2+ binding and identified fortilin(E58A/E60A) to be a double-point mutant of fortilin lacking the ability of Ca2+-binding. We then found that wild-type fortilin, but not fortilin(E58A/E60A), protected cells against thapsigargin-induced apoptosis, suggesting that the binding of fortilin to Ca2+ is required for fortilin to protect cells against Ca2+-dependent apoptosis. Together, these results suggest that fortilin is an intracellular Ca2+ scavenger, protecting cells against Ca2+-dependent apoptosis by binding and sequestering Ca2+ from the downstream Ca2+-dependent apoptotic pathways.  相似文献   

Ca2+-dependent potentiation of muscarinic receptor-mediated Ca2+ elevation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Muscarinic receptor-mediated increases in Ca(2+) in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells consist of an initial fast and transient phase followed by a sustained phase. Activation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels prior to muscarinic stimulation resulted in a several-fold potentiation of the fast phase. Unlike the muscarinic response under control conditions, this potentiated elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) was to a large extent dependent on extracellular Ca(2+). In potentiated cells, muscarinic stimulation also activated a rapid Mn(2+) entry. By using known organic and inorganic blockers of cation channels, this influx pathway was easily separated from the known Ca(2+) influx pathways, the store-operated pathway and the voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. In addition to the Ca(2+) influx, both IP(3) production and Ca(2+) release were also enhanced during the potentiated response. The results suggest that a small increase in intracellular Ca(2+) amplifies the muscarinic Ca(2+) response at several stages, most notably by unravelling an apparently novel receptor-activated influx pathway.  相似文献   

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