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The roles of dendritic cells (DCs) in mediating immunity against Plasmodium infection have been extensively investigated, but immune response during pathogenesis of malaria is still poorly understood. In the present study, we compared the splenic DCs phenotype and function during P. berghei ANKA (PbA) or P. yoelii (P. yoelii) infection in Swiss mice. We observed that PbA-infected mice developed more myeloid and mature DCs capable of secreting IL-12, while P. yoelii-infected mice had more plasmacytoid and immature DCs secreting higher levels of IL-10. Expression of FoxP3, IL-17, TGF-β and IL-6 were also different between these two infections. Thus, these results suggest that the phenotypic and functional subsets of splenic DCs are key factors for regulating immune responses to PbA and P. yoelii infections.  相似文献   

Innate immune related polypeptides expression during three gonotrophic cycles in the ovaries of major disease vector mosquito A. stephensi has been analyzed following infection by malaria parasite, P. yoelii yoelii. Seventeen polypeptides were induced in the ovaries of various stages due to parasitic infection. Most of proteins were induced systemically during early stages of infection suggesting the possibility of immune related signalling process. The reduction in the quantity of protein contents in infected mosquitoes has been ascribed to the repression of seven polypeptides and in turn correlated with the fecundity reduction. The mechanism of these responses and their significance for malaria transmission and fecundity reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of CD4+ T-cells in the immune response to Plasmodium chabaudi   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The development of protective immunity to Plasmodium requires the presence of T-lymphocytes. This is obvious from many experimental models showing that parasitaernia cannot be controlled in T-cell-deficient animals. In addition, protection against plasmodia can be achieved in adoptive transfer experiments using specific T-cells from immune animals. In this brief article Jean Langhorne discusses the different responses of one particular subset of T-lymphocytes, the CD4(+) T-cells, to the parasite, emphasizing their role in the development of protective immunity to the erythrocytic stages of infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Antiviral cellular immune responses may influence immunological homeostasis in HIV-infected persons. Recent data indicate that V gamma 9/V delta 2 T lymphocytes display potent cytotoxic activities against human cells infected with certain viruses including HIV. Understanding the role of gamma delta T cells in the course of HIV infection may be helpful for designing novel treatment strategies for HIV-associated disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The constitutive recognition of Daudi cells and monoethyl pyrophosphate (Etpp) by peripheral blood V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells was assessed using a proliferation assay. The cytotoxicity of Daudi-stimulated lymphocyte populations was measured by chromium release assays. The HIV infectivity for gamma delta T cell clones was determined by measuring the levels of HIV p24 in cell supernatants. The effect of in vitro HIV-infection on cytokine mRNA production by gamma delta T cell clones was assessed by PCR. RESULTS: The constitutive proliferative responses of peripheral blood V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells and the lytic functions of Daudi-expanded lymphoid cells from HIV+ persons were substantially diminished in comparison with those of HIV-seronegative persons. These alterations were present in asymptomatic HIV+ persons prior to substantial alpha beta CD4+ T cell loss. Productive HIV infection of gamma delta T cells in vitro had no measurable effect either on their proliferative response to Daudi stimuli or on the expression of cytokine mRNAs for IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-13. CONCLUSIONS: The constitutive responsiveness of V gamma 9/V delta 2 T lymphocytes to Daudi and Etpp is severely altered in HIV+ persons. HIV infection of gamma delta T cells in vitro does not substantially change their cytokine expression or antigenic response.  相似文献   

The potent protective immunity against malaria induced by immunization of mice and humans with radiation-attenuated Plasmodium spp. sporozoites is thought to be mediated primarily by T-cell responses directed against infected hepatocytes. This has led to considerable efforts to develop subunit vaccines that duplicate this protective immunity, but a universally effective vaccine is still not available and in vitro correlates of protective immunity have not been established. Contributing to this delay has been a lack of understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the protection. There are now data indicating that CD8+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, cytokines, and nitric oxide can all mediate the elimination of infected hepatocytes in vitro and in vivo. By dissecting the protection induced by immunization with irradiated sporozoite, DNA and synthetic peptide-adjuvant vaccines, we have demonstrated that different T-cell-dependent immune responses mediate protective immunity in the same inbred strain of mouse, depending on the method of immunization. Furthermore, the mechanism of protection induced by a single method of immunization may vary among different strains of mice. These data have important implications for the development of pre-erythrocytic-stage vaccines designed to protect a heterogeneous human population, and of assays that predict protective immunity.  相似文献   

The numbers of antigen-reactive antibody-secreting cells, levels of parasite antigen-specific serum antibodies and numbers of red blood cells staining positive for surface immunoglobulin were determined for susceptible and resistant mouse strains following infection with Plasmodium yoelii 17x. As a control, these parameters also were measured using antigen prepared from normal red blood cells. The relatively susceptible C57BL/6 mice produced more antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells and had higher levels of immunoglobulin positive red blood cells than did DBA/2 mice, but the DBA/2 mice had more antigen-specific IgG in their sera. Both mouse strains possessed cells secreting antibody reactive with soluble normal red blood cell antigen; however, C57BL/6 mice had more IgG positive unparasitized RBC than did DBA/2 mice. Despite possessing fewer antibody positive normal RBC, DBA/2 mice had significantly higher levels of serum antibodies that reacted with soluble red blood cell antigen. These data indicate that levels of serum antibody may not reflect the amounts of antibody produced and that use of any single assay to assess the magnitude of the antibody response may give rise to misleading results.  相似文献   

The nonspecific B-cell response induced by infecting mice with two nonlethal malaria parasites, Plasmodium chabaudi adami and Plasmodium yoelii, was analyzed in an isotype-specific reverse plaque assay. Our results showed different isotypic patterns in the two infections, although cells secreting immunoglobulin of all isotypes were increased to some extent. P. yoelii induced large increases in secreting cells of all isotypes; IgG2a-secreting cells were increased out of proportion to those of the other IgG classes. P. chabaudi induced large increases in secreting cells of all isotypes except IgG1. In addition, there was not a disproportionate increase in cells secreting IgG2a. The data show that these "polyclonal" responses are different during each infection. There are marked similarities between the distribution of "nonspecific isotypes" and the specific antibodies formed in each infection.  相似文献   

Malaria and helminth infections are two of the most prevalent parasitic diseases globally. While concomitant infection is common, mechanisms contributing to altered disease outcomes during co-infection remain poorly defined. We have previously reported exacerbation of normally non-lethal Plasmodium yoelii malaria in BALB/c mice chronically infected with the intestinal trematode Echinostoma caproni. The goal of the present studies was to determine the effect of helminth infection on IFN-γ and other key cytokines during malaria co-infection in the P. yoelii-E. caproni and P. yoelii-Heligmosomoides polygyrus model systems. Polyclonally stimulated spleen cells from both E. caproni- and H. polygyrus-infected mice produced significantly lower amounts of IFN-γ during P. yoelii co-infection than malaria-only infected mice. Furthermore, the magnitude of IFN-γ suppression was correlated with the relative amounts of IL-4 induced by these helminths (E. caproni = low; H. polygyrus = high), but not IL-10. Concurrent malaria infection also suppressed helminth-associated IL-4 responses, indicating that immunologic counter-regulation occurs during co-infection with malaria and intestinal helminths.  相似文献   

We have observed increased numbers of non-neoplastic gammadelta-T-cells in the peripheral blood of a series of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma not of gammadelta-T-cell origin. The majority of normal gammadelta-T-cells are negative for surface CD4 and CD8 and a subpopulation does not express CD5, two immunophenotypic findings strongly suggestive of neoplasia in alpha beta T-cells. In addition, they express cytotoxic T-cell/Natural killer cell antigens. In this study, up to 22% of PBLs were CD4 and CD8 negative gammadelta-T-cells and up to 33% PBLs were CD5 negative gammadelta-T-cells. In addition, as high as 42% of PBLS were gammadelta-T-cells expressing cytotoxic T-cell/Natural killer cell antigens, suggestive of a large granular lymphoproliferative disorder. Failure to recognize that these are normal gammadelta-T-cells could lead to the erroneous diagnosis of peripheral blood involvement with a T-cell neoplasm, especially in the setting of a history of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cytometry (Comm. Clin. Cytometry) 38:280-285, 1999. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nucleoside permeation in mouse erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium yoelii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In normal mouse erythrocytes, nucleoside permeation was almost completely blocked in the presence of binding site-saturating concentrations of nitrobenzylthioinosine, whereas permeation in erythrocytes infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium yoelii, was substantial under these conditions, suggesting the presence of a permeation mechanism of low sensitivity to nitrobenzylthioinosine in the infected cells. Binding sites for nitrobenzylthioinosine were more numerous on infected erythrocytes than on uninfected cells. When mice infected with P. yoelii were treated with combinations of tubercidin and nitrobenzylthioinosine 5'-monophosphate, progression of parasitemia was delayed and survival times were increased.  相似文献   

A gamma delta T-cell hybridoma established from influenza virus-infected mice responded to a reproducible way when cultured with influenza virus-infected stimulators. Subclones of this line responded to cells infected with influenza viruses A/PR/8/34 (H1N1), X-31 (H3N2), and B/HK/8/73 but not to cells infected with vaccinia virus or Sendai virus. This spectrum of response to both type A and type B orthomyxoviruses has never been recognized for the alpha beta T-cell receptor-positive subsets. There was no response to cells infected with a panel of recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing all individual influenza virus proteins, and so it is unlikely that the stimulating antigen is of viral origin. The alternative is that the antigen is a cellular molecule induced in influenza virus-infected cells. Infectious virus was required for stimulation, and immunofluorescence studies showed increased expression of heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) in influenza virus- but not Sendai virus- or vaccinia virus-infected cells. Both the hybridoma generated from influenza virus-infected mice and an established hybridoma which uses the same gamma delta T-cell receptor combination responded to recombinant Hsp60. Furthermore, the Hsp60-reactive hybridoma, which was obtained from an uninfected mouse, also responded to influenza virus-infected cells, indicating that Hsp60 may indeed be the target antigen.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta antigen. Antigenic structure and humoral immune response   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a small RNA virus that is dependent on helper functions provided by hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis delta Ag (HDAg) is the only protein known to be made from the viral genome, from an ORF with a coding capacity of 214 amino acids. The immunogenic epitopes of HDAg and the immune response to it were mapped by the use of synthetic peptides, antipeptide antibodies, and human mAb. Antipeptide sera covering approximately 60% of the linear sequence reacted with liver-derived HDAg. Antisera from HDV-infected humans, chimpanzees, and woodchucks reacted with from 2 to 13 of 15 peptides. The epitopes of two human anti-HD mAb were mapped to overlapping but distinct epitopes in the region around residues 106-123. Sera from infected humans, chimpanzees, and woodchucks were also tested by competition with the mAb. Use of the peptides and antipeptide sera defined one region in the sequence (residues 52-93) which is immunodominant in the immune response to HDAg. Reactivity of both peptides and antipeptide antibodies was very broad, covering most or all of the linear sequence. Competition assays also provided information on conformational epitopes, as well as the sequential epitopes defined by direct assays. The peptides and antipeptide antibodies should be useful in new assay development, in dissecting the anti-HD response in terms of chronic vs self-limited infection, and in studying the role of anti-HD in infection and recovery.  相似文献   

The role of B lymphocytes in resistance to malaria was studied in defective and normal F1 mice derived from CBA/N mice, a strain with an X-linked B cell defect. When infected with normally nonlethal Plasmodium yoelii, immune defective F1 male mice had higher parasitemias and more prolonged infections than normal F1 mice, as well as a 50% mortality rate. Before infection the plasma levels of IgM and IgG were lower in defective F1 males than normal F1 mice. The polyclonal IgM and IgG responses of infected abnormal F1 mice were delayed and lower in absolute magnitude than those of normal F1 mice. Furthermore, specific IgM and IgG anti-plasmodial antibody titers, as determined by radioimmunoassay, were depressed on day 12 in the defective F1 males. Although IgG titers approached those of the normal F1 mice on day 19, defective F1 male IgM titers remained depressed. These data demonstrate that an X-linked gene that affects B cell function influences malarial resistance in mice, presumably via a decreased specific IgM response, and the slow development of a specific IgG response to P. yoelii infection.  相似文献   

大劣按蚊(Anopheles dirus)是一种重要的虫媒,尤其是对疟原虫的传播流行起着重要的作用,为东南亚地区和我国疟疾的重要传播媒介。黄复生等研究发现,对人疟原虫敏感的大劣按蚊可以通过卵囊黑化包被反应,阻断对鼠疟原虫——约氏疟原虫(Plasmodium yoelii)的传播。因此,大劣按蚊约氏疟原虫是研究昆虫先天性免疫和蚊与疟原虫相互关系的理想模型。我室对大劣按蚊已开展了系列的研究。为能更加深入地开展对大劣按蚊的研究,尤其是对其传疟相关蛋白的研究,本研究拟对大劣按蚊的血淋巴进行初步的分析,提供一些基本知识和数据,为今后更深入地开展大劣按蚊的蛋白研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

The transposon gamma delta, in common with other members of the Tn3 family, confers transpositional immunity, a phenomenon by which plasmids containing a single transposon end show reduced activity as targets for further insertion by the same element. We found that a copy of a mutant delta end, in which the two terminal base pairs (5' GG) were substituted with cytosines, conferred the same degree of immunity as the unaltered delta end. However, a transposon analog with the mutant delta end as its termini could not transpose. These results suggest that the binding of transposase to a site on a target replicon is sufficient to confer immunity and that immunity does not involve subsequent DNA transactions at the bound target site, analogous to the catalytic processes that occur at the transposon ends during transposition.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated and resting gamma/delta T cell lines, although capable of lysing a variety of MHC-unrestricted targets, fail to lyse K562. Yet, the killing of K562 can be specifically induced by antibodies to CD3 or delta-chains. Although this phenomenon may be caused by redirected lysis, it also raised the possibility that K562 may possess ligands capable of specifically interacting with the gamma/delta receptor. We found that K562 specifically induced both CD3 and delta modulation as well as IL-2R expression and IL-2 production by gamma/delta cells, supporting the idea that the TCR-gamma/delta is specifically triggered by K562 cells. Moreover, although the gamma/delta cell clones lysed other target cells (e.g., Molt 4, U937, Jurkat etc.), these latter targets did not induce delta modulation or IL-2R expression. In addition, F(ab)2 anti-CD3 antibodies inhibited activated gamma/delta T cells from killing K562 but did not inhibit the lysis of the other targets. Taken together, these results suggest that gamma/delta cells lyse some targets by utilizing receptors (perhaps NK-like) distinct from the gamma/delta receptor. We also found that triggering of the gamma/delta receptor by K562 inhibited the capacity of resting gamma/delta to lyse Molt 4 cells under conditions in which the K562 cells were not lysed. These findings suggest that the gamma/delta receptor maybe directly involved in the lysis of certain targets (i.e., K562) and, importantly, may potentially regulate the function of NK-like receptors that are involved in the lysis of other targets.  相似文献   

A T Lee  A Cerami 《Mutation research》1991,249(1):125-133
The nonenzymatic glycosylation of nucleic acids in vitro by the reducing sugars, glucose or glucose-6-phosphate, alters both physical and biological properties. Recent investigations have demonstrated that elevated intracellular levels of glucose-6-phosphate in glycolytic mutants of E. coli resulted in a concentration-associated increase in mutations of a target plasmid. The majority of the plasmid mutations were due to large (greater than 1 kb) insertions or deletions. We describe here the further analysis of mutant plasmids isolated from bacteria grown under conditions which were conducive to the intracellular accumulation of glucose-6-phosphate. We have found that a number of the insertional plasmid mutations were the result of the movement of the transposable element gamma delta from the host genome into the plasmid. The frequency of gamma delta transposition was also associated with the amount of glucose-6-phosphate accumulated in the bacterial cells. Furthermore, the presence of another transposable element, either Tn 5 or Tn 10 in the host genome increased the rate of gamma delta transposition without affecting its own movement. The observed increase in gamma delta transposition suggests a novel mechanism of induction by reducing sugars which may be the result of DNA modifications by reducing sugars.  相似文献   

The content of IgA, IgM, IgG and the level of specific antibodies in the blood serum of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases after a course of immunotherapy with polycomponent vaccine B[symbol: see text]-4 was studied. A rise in the concentration of IgM due to the synthesis of specific antibodies to Proteus vulgaris, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae was found to occur. The examination of sick children revealed that a high proportion of them (54%) showed a pronounced decrease in the level of IgA. The use of the preparation made it possible to enhance the level of IgA.  相似文献   

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