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As a vital tool for the conservation of species at risk, translocations are also opportunities to identify factors that influence translocation success. We evaluated factors associated with post-release survival of 90 radio-tracked fishers (Pekania pennanti) translocated from central British Columbia, Canada, to the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, USA, from 2008 to 2011. We hypothesized that the survival of translocated fishers would be affected by the same factors that influence the survival of resident, native fishers (i.e., sex, age, season, body condition), and additional factors that were associated with the translocation process (e.g., duration of captivity, release date, yr of release). Fisher survival was most strongly influenced by translocation year (i.e., release-yr cohort), season, sex, and age class of fisher; whereas duration of captivity, standardized body mass, release date, and number of intact canines did not influence survival. Survival was lowest for fishers released in cohort 2 in 2009 and during the breeding season (Mar–Jun), and was greatest for juveniles and males. When combined across release-year cohorts, year 1 survival rates were greatest for juvenile males followed by juvenile females, adult females, and adult males. Sex and age-related differences in survival of translocated fishers were counter to those commonly reported for established fisher populations, where adult females often have the highest survival rates and juveniles the lowest. Predation (40%) and vehicle strikes (20%) were the most common causes of known mortality among the 24 recovered fishers for which cause of death was determined. We speculate that females face higher risks of mortality in translocated populations because their small size makes them more vulnerable to predation and because adult females in resident populations are less likely than males and juveniles to disperse. Our findings support designing translocations that favor releasing a preponderance of female fishers in recognition of their lower survival rates and to ensure adequate breeders are established in the population, and juvenile and young adult fishers to enhance survival of both sexes. Releases conducted over multiple years will minimize the impact of stochastic annual events that may adversely affect survival in any given year. Persistence, widespread distribution, and documented reproduction of fishers within our study area for ≥6 years following the last releases indicate that survival parameters we measured contributed toward successful population establishment over the short term.  相似文献   

A wide range of threats affect populations of Pacific island birds and conservationists have been challenged to identify factors upon which to focus management. The Tuamotu kingfisher (Todiramphus gambieri) is one of the most endangered vertebrate species in the world, yet little has been published about basic biology or causes of the population decline. We used 4 years of mark-resight and territory resource information to model survival in juvenile and adult Tuamotu kingfishers. Annual survival of adult males (ϕ = 0.77) was similar to congeneric species, whereas survival of adult females (ϕ = 0.40) and juveniles (ϕ = 0.12) was much lower. The best-supported survival model indicated adult female survival was positively related to territory size, whereas adult male survival was negatively related to atoll forest within territories. We used parameter estimates from survival models in a life-stage simulation analysis to evaluate the relative influence of vital rates and territory habitats on population processes. Results indicated that adult female and juvenile survival had the greatest impact on Tuamotu kingfisher populations, accounting for 58% and 32% of variation in the finite rate of population increase, respectively. Nocturnal predation by rats (Rattus spp.) on incubating kingfishers may explain the lower survival of females than males, whereas juvenile birds may be especially vulnerable to predation by cats (Felis catus). Thus, conservation management for Tuamotu kingfishers should include use of metal guards on cavity trees to protect nests and incubating females, and control predator access during fledging periods. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Male-biased sex ratios in adult odonate populations have been the subject of vigorous discussion between the students of this order of insects. The debate has centered on whether the observed male bias in many populations is real, perhaps due to unequal survival rates, or whether it is an artifact caused by differences in recapture probabilities. A mark–recapture study to assess the relative contribution of survivorship and recapture rates on male-biased sex ratio was performed in a Cuban population of the damselfly Hypolestes trinitatis. Maximum likelihood theory and Akaike information criterion were used for parameter estimation and model selection, respectively. Females in the sample were outnumbered two to one by males. Estimated recapture and survival rates were 0.188 (females) and 0.638 (males), and 0.933 (females) and 0.944 (males), respectively. Recapture rates only partially explained the bias since the population sex ratio estimated after correcting for differences in this parameter was male biased (1.5). The observed higher survival probabilities in males could have generated the male-biased population sex ratio. Therefore, we concluded that the observed male-biased population sex ratio in H. trinitatis is real.  相似文献   

In 66 Norwegian lakes with allopatric populations of brown trout Salmo trutta that ranged from highly acidified to non-acid (pH 4·7–6·6) there was a significant inverse correlation between mean age and relative abundance (CPUE). As mean annual survival rates were not significantly related to CPUE, this population response may indicate that recruitment was lower in low-density lakes. Age-specific masses were significantly higher in populations that had declined in abundance than in unaffected populations. Mean body mass at sexual maturity in both males and females was inversely correlated with CPUE. Between populations, high age at maturity was associated with high survival rates in both sexes. Age at maturity correlated positively with specific growth rate between the ages of 1 and 2 years in females only.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Greylag Goose Anser anser population has been increasing steadily over the past few decades, causing increasing nuisance in terms of agricultural crop damage. This, in combination with the importance of Greylags as a hunting target, has called for demographic estimates for the population to assist in management decisions. To this end, we analysed long-term mark–recapture data using Cormack–Jolly-Seber models embedded in program MARK to obtain survival estimates for the population. No sex-specific difference, or age effect on survival after juveniles had completed their first migration (3 months of age), was evident. Mean first-year survival was reported as 0.485 and annual survival of older birds as 0.700. On a monthly basis, survival in Greylags during summer and winter was very similar over the study period. A significant linear decline in winter survival from 0.909 to 0.807 was, however, apparent during the study period. Over the second half of the study (1994–2002), summer survival was about 3% lower than in the first half (1986–94) but no linear relationship was evident. We found a significant inverse relationship between Greylag survival during summer and latitudinal distribution in Norway. A similar relationship was evident between survival and annual bag numbers. The changes in adult survival observed in this study are likely to have had a substantial impact on the growth rate of the Norwegian Greylag population.  相似文献   

We explored sex-biased mortality patterns in a species showing the most extreme sexual dimorphism among birds, the great bustard Otis tarda . Between 1991 and 2005 we studied juvenile and immature survival in a sample of 361 great bustards radio-tagged at two different populations in Spain, Villafáfila and Madrid. Mortality decreased with age, from high rates during the first year (0.70), to 0.10 in the second year. Using the known-fate model in program MARK we found that monthly survival increased throughout the first year. Offspring showing higher body mass at marking, i.e. those hatched earlier in the season and those with better body condition, survived in higher proportion. This was probably related to the earlier breeding dates of more experienced mothers, as well as to the observed decrease in food availability as the season progresses. Monthly survival estimates were higher in females than in males, which suggests that juvenile males are more vulnerable to reduced food availability and other factors due to their much faster growth rates. The proportion of non-natural deaths increased with age, and was higher in the Madrid population, where illegal hunting and collision with powerlines showed a high incidence. The male-biased mortality found in young birds in this study explains the female-biased population sex ratios observed in great bustard populations. The different degrees of incidence of human-induced causes of mortality found between both populations studied suggest that such differences may contribute to the variation observed in the adult sex ratio among populations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We used band-recovery data from 2 populations of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), one in Colorado, USA, and another in Nevada, USA, to examine the relationship between harvest rates and annual survival. We used a Seber parameterization to estimate parameters for both populations. We estimated the process correlation between reporting rate and annual survival using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods implemented in Program MARK. If hunting mortality is additive to other mortality factors, then the process correlation between reporting and survival rates will be negative. Annual survival estimates for adult and juvenile greater sage-grouse in Nevada were 0.42±0.07 (±SE) for both age classes, whereas estimates of reporting rate were 0.15±0.02 and 0.16±0.03 for the 2 age classes, respectively. For Colorado, average reporting rates were 0.14±0.016, 0.14±0.010, 0.19±0.014, and 0.18±0.014 for adult females, adult males, juvenile females, and juvenile males, respectively. Corresponding mean annual survival estimates were 0.59±0.01, 0.37±0.03, 0.78±0.01, and 0.64±0.03. Estimated process correlation between logit-transformed reporting and survival rates for greater sage-grouse in Colorado was ρ = 0.68±0.26, whereas that for Nevada was ρ = 0.04±0.58. We found no support for an additive effect of harvest on survival in either population, although the Nevada study likely had low power. This finding will assist mangers in establishing harvest regulations and otherwise managing greater sage-grouse populations.  相似文献   

Phrynocephalus guinanensis has sexual dimorphism in abdominal coloration, but its ontogenetic development of sexual size dimorphism(SSD) is unknown. Using mark-recapture data during four days each year from August from 2014 to 2016, we investigated the development of sex ratios, SSD, sex-specific survivorship and growth rates in a population of P. guinanensis. Our results indicated that the sex ratio of males to females was 1:2.8. Males had a lower survival rate(6%) than females(14%) across the age range from hatchling to adult, which supported the discovered female-biased sex ratio potentially associated with the low survival rate of males between hatchlings and juveniles. Male-biased SSD in tail length and head width existed in adults rather than in hatchling or juvenile lizards. The growth rates in body dimensions were undistinguishable between the sexes during the age from hatchling to juvenile, but the growth rate in head length from juvenile to adult was significantly larger in males than females. Average growth rate of all morphological measurements from hatchling to juvenile were larger compared with corresponding measurements from juvenile to adult, but only being significant in tail length, head width, abdomen length in females and snout-vent length in males. We provided a case study to strengthen our understanding of the important life history traits on how a viviparous lizard population can survive and develop their morphology in cold climates.  相似文献   

We observed 40 California sea otters, Enhydra lutris , that were instrumented with implanted radio transmitters and flipper-tagged, and obtained additional data on the reproduction of tagged female otters from the California Department of Fish and Game.
The proportion of instrumented females accompanied by a pup peaked in the spring, with a secondary peak in the fall. Two methods of estimating the annual reproductive rate gave comparable values of 0.90 and 0.94. The average inter-birth interval was 389 d. Two methods of estimating pup survival to weaning gave values of 0.46 and 0.58. Pups either remained with a female less than 80 or more than 120 d. Early mortality of dependent pups appears to be more frequent in California than in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Two methods of estimation indicated that adult females had the highest survival rates and adult males the lowest. Juvenile females had lower survival rates than adult females but juvenile males had higher survival rates than adult males. The survival rate of juvenile females was lower than that of juvenile males.
The estimated annual loss rate for flipper-tags, based on the instrumented individuals, was 0.26. More individuals lost two tags than would be expected by chance. It is unlikely that accurate estimates of sea otter survival rates can be derived from observations of tagged individuals.  相似文献   

Changes in population size of local populations of birds have usually been interpreted in relation to adult return rate and recruitment of young individuals after natal dispersal. Little is known about the importance of redistribution of adult individuals through breeding dispersal. The small Norwegian population of ortolan buntings Emberiza hortulana has a patchy distribution with about 30 long‐term local populations. During a period of general population decline (29% decrease over 7 years), the population trends of local populations (measured as number of males recorded) were highly variable, with some even increasing four‐fold. Comparisons of demographic parameters showed that adult immigration rate (i.e. dispersal of adult males) explained both yearly changes in male population size and population trends over the whole study period better than adult return rate or adult emigration rate, or a measure of recruitment of young males. Adult immigration rates and recruitment rates were correlated, suggesting that both young and adult males find the same places attractive. In the study area, adult sex ratio was strongly male‐biased, and immigration rate was higher when local sex ratio was less skewed. In addition, less skewed sex ratio was related to higher adult return rate and lower emigration rate. We found no relationships between measures of breeding success and population change. We suggest that conspecific attraction may explain the observed patterns. Some local populations may act as hot‐spots attracting adult males from other populations. Thus, local population changes need not reflect overall population growth rate, but may be a consequence of redistribution of adult birds.  相似文献   

Studies of population dynamics of long-lived species have generally focused on adult survival because population growth should be most sensitive to this parameter. However, actual variations in population size can often be driven by other demographic parameters, such as juvenile survival, when they show high temporal variability. We used capture–recapture data from a long-term study of a hunted, migratory species, the greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlantica), to assess temporal variability in first-year survival and the relative importance of natural and hunting mortality. We also conducted a parasite-removal experiment to determine the effect of internal parasites and body condition on temporal variation in juvenile survival. We found that juvenile survival showed a higher temporal variability than adult survival and that natural mortality was more important than hunting mortality, unlike in adults. Parasite removal increased first-year survival and reduced its annual variability in females only. Body condition at fledging was also positively correlated with first-year survival in treated females. With reduced parasite load, females, which are thought to invest more in their immune system than males according to Bateman’s principle, could probably reallocate more energy to growth than males, leading to a higher survival. Treated birds also had a higher survival than control ones during their second year, suggesting a developmental effect that manifested later in life. Our study shows that natural factors such as internal parasites may be a major source of variation in juvenile survival of a long-lived, migratory bird, which has implications for its population dynamics.  相似文献   

We investigated density dependence on the demographic parameters of a population of Camargue horses (Equus caballus), individually monitored and unmanaged for eight years. We also analysed the contributions of individual demographic parameters to changes in the population growth rates. The decrease in resources caused a loss of body condition. Adult male survival was not affected, but the survival of foals and adult females decreased with increasing density. Prime-aged females maintained high reproductive performance at high density, and their survival decreased. The higher survival of adult males compared with females at high density presumably results from higher investment in reproduction by mares. The high fecundity in prime-aged females, even when at high density, may result from artificial selection for high reproductive performance, which is known to have occurred in all the major domestic ungulates. Other studies suggest that feral ungulates including cattle and sheep, as these horses, respond differently from wild ungulates to increases in density, by trading adult survival for reproduction. As a consequence, populations of feral animals should oscillate more strongly than their wild counterparts, since they should be both more invasive (as they breed faster), and more sensitive to harsh environmental conditions (as the population growth rate of long-lived species is consistently more sensitive to a given proportional change in adult survival than to the same change in any other vital rate). If this principle proves to be general, it has important implications for management of populations of feral ungulates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Beavers (Castor canadensis) are important in ecosystems and to humans. Although beavers are increasingly protected from harvest, relatively few studies of unexploited beaver populations have been reported. Furthermore, few radiotelemetry studies exist for beavers because no practical method of attaching a radiotransmitter to beavers was available until recently. We used radiotelemetry, remote videography, and trapping data to quantify survival, dispersal, and natality of unexploited beavers in southern Illinois, USA, during 2004 to 2006. Beaver colony density was one of the highest reported in the wildlife literature at 3.27 colonies/km2. We monitored 62 beavers for survival; all mortalities (n = 15) occurred during the fall and winter seasons. The pooled annual survival rate for adult and juvenile females was (x̄±SE) 0.76±0.05. Annual survival rates for adult and juvenile males were 0.87±0.04 and 0.55±0.07, respectively. Seasonal survival only differed among sex classes and age classes during the fall. Dispersal rates for juvenile beavers ranged from 0.38±0.13 to 0.59±0.13 and did not vary by sex or age. To quantify natality and recruitment, we captured and euthanized 79 beavers adjacent to our live-capture area; we found a low pregnancy rate of adult females (36%), and no juveniles were bred. Natality of bred females was 3.6 offspring per adult female, and 0.36 kits were recruited per adult female. Apparent kit survival was 28%. Our research provides information to wildlife managers about beaver demographics for a high-density population, based on relatively large sample sizes and novel research techniques for the species.  相似文献   

Vital rates for small, non-breeding individuals are important components of population dynamics for many species, but often individuals of these sizes are difficult to locate, capture, and track. As such, biologists frequently lack reliable estimates of juvenile survival because sample sizes and recapture rates for this life stage are low. Long-lived animals often take many years to reach sexual maturity and spend much of this time in the smaller size classes, making them sensitive to changes in survival rates. We estimated the survival rates of all size classes for the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica) using a mark-recapture dataset with >3,500 captures from 2019–2021 and 210 nests from 2018–2021. As turtle size increased, annual survival probability increased regardless of sex. Estimated annual survival probability for turtles >18 cm long (i.e., adult females >15 years) was about 0.95, over 4 times higher than turtles that were 3 cm long (i.e., hatchlings <1 year; 0.22 annual survival probability). Although we did not observe a difference in survival probability between sexes of any size class, adult females are nearly twice the size of adult males, leading to an increased annual survival probability for females of 0.95, compared to 0.80 for males. Changes in adult survival had the greatest influence on population estimates over time, with temporary decreases, such as those due to poaching or an environmental disaster, potentially leading to unrecoverable decreases in the overall population size. Our study provides detailed survival rates for all size classes in a long-lived turtle, which are necessary to assess population stability and can be used to determine the most effective conservation or management practices.  相似文献   

Life history parameters are compared for populations of Maurolicus muelleri from Norwegian fjords and the Norwegian Sea in 1995 and 1996. The mortality rate was higher in the oceanic population (2·55 for males, 2·00 for females) than in the fjords (1·15 for males, 0·97 for females). Fish from the Norwegian Sea population occupied a depth with higher light levels, which may have contributed to the higher mortality through increased visibility to predators. Differences in growth, condition and gonad weight indicated different resource levels caused by different population densities. Recruitment was weak in many fjords in 1994, but not in the Norwegian Sea. It is suggested that wind-generated advection may affect recruitment in fjords on the western coast of Norway.  相似文献   

The Florida mottled duck (Anas fulvigula fulvigula) inhabits a relatively small range of approximately 90,000 km2 within peninsular Florida, USA, and is threatened by habitat loss and genetic introgression with feral mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Moreover, the Florida mottled duck population status has not been assessed for more than a decade. We used band-recovery and recapture data from 2000–2013 to examine geographic and demographic factors that influence the survival of Florida mottled ducks and to determine whether survival and harvest probabilities have changed over time. Mean survival probabilities were higher for birds banded in the southern portion of their Florida range than for those banded in the northern portion and higher for adult males than for adult females in both areas. Harvest probabilities increased in the northern extent of its range in Florida for adults and juveniles and remained relatively constant in the southern portion of its range during the study period. Mean harvest probabilities for adult males in both areas were higher than for adult females. Mean harvest probability for juvenile females was higher than that for juvenile males in the north but was similar between the sexes in the south. Our results suggest that mortality rates are generally greater in the northern portion of the Florida mottled duck range because of regional differences in habitat distribution and permanence and in how mottled ducks and humans use wetlands in these areas. We suggest increasing conservation efforts in the north portion of the Florida mottled duck range and improving inferences from leg banding by incorporating live recapture data. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Despite its relevance for the dynamics of populations, the ecological mechanisms underlying juvenile and adult survival are poorly known in most bird species. This study focuses on the effect of habitat fragmentation on early post-fledging, first-year and adult survival of the middle spotted woodpecker Dendrocopus medius by combining data of radio-tagged and ringed birds. Among juveniles, most deaths occurred during the first three weeks after fledging (survival rate: 0.359±0.077) and were mainly caused by predation. After independence, birds faced another critical period during their first autumn-winter that lowered first-year survival further (0.255±0.044), whereas adult mortality was considerably lower (annual survival rate: 0.786±0.074). We did not find any significant effect of habitat fragmentation (measured as patch size and connectivity) on juvenile or adult survival. Sex ratio at fledging did not differ significantly from parity (proportion of females: 0.513) and was not correlated to patch size. Regardless of age, survival did not differ between the sexes, suggesting that a female-biased mortality was not the mechanism behind the presence of unpaired territorial males in this population. Lighter nestlings underwent significantly higher post-fledging mortality, indicating that conditions in the nest may substantially affect survival later in life.  相似文献   

To predict the impact of climate change over the whole species distribution range, comparison of adult survival variations over large spatial scale is of primary concern for long-lived species populations that are particularly susceptible to decline if adult survival is reduced. In this study, we estimated and compared adult survival rates between 1989 and 1997 of six populations of Cory's shearwater ( Calonectris diomedea ) spread across 4600 km using capture–recapture models. We showed that mean annual adult survival rates are different among populations along a longitudinal gradient and between sexes. Variation in adult survival is synchronized among populations, with three distinct groups: (1) both females and males of Corsica, Tremiti, and Selvagem (annual survival range 0.88–0.96); (2) both females and males of Frioul and females from Crete (0.82–0.92); and (3) both females and males of Malta and males from Crete (0.74–0.88). The total variation accounted for by the common pattern of variation is on average 71%, suggesting strong environmental forcing. At least 61% of the variation in survival is explained by the Southern Oscillation Index fluctuations. We suggested that Atlantic hurricanes and storms during La Niña years may increase adult mortality for Cory's shearwater during winter months. For long-lived seabird species, variation in adult survival is buffered against environmental variability, although extreme climate conditions such as storms significantly affect adult survival. The effect of climate at large spatial scales on adult survival during the nonbreeding period may lead to synchronization of variation in adult survival over the species' range and has large effects on the meta-population trends. One can thus worry about the future of such long-lived seabirds species under the predictions of higher frequency of extreme large-scale climatic events.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the growth and mortality patterns of young were examined in a small population of European wild rabbits. Juveniles were trapped and tagged for individual identification soon after their emergence from underground nests. Age was estimated from weight on first capture and survivorship determined from the last date individuals were observed. Differences in growth rates of young born throughout the season and between the three years of the study were related to population density. Maternal social status had no significant effect on post-emergence growth rates of kittens, or on offspring survival. Young born in females' first litters of the season, in March, had significantly lower mortality than subsequent litters. Cats and stoats were regularly observed on the study site and are likely to have been major agents of juvenile mortality. There was no difference in the growth rates of the sexes, and correspondingly non-breeding adult males and females were of similar body weight. From their first days above ground juvenile males suffered significantly higher mortality than females. Differential mortality may be linked to previously reported sex differences in behaviour if the greater activity of young males made them more vulnerable to predation or attack by neighbouring territorial conspecifics.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction on survival have captured the attention of researchers since life history theory was formulated. Adults of long-lived species may increase survival by reducing their breeding effort or even skipping reproduction. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the costs of current reproduction on survival and whether skipping reproduction increases adult survival in a long-lived seabird. We used capture–mark–recapture data (1450 encounters) from two populations of Bulwer''s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii), breeding in the Azores and Canary Islands, North Atlantic Ocean. Using a multi-event model with two different breeding statuses (breeders versus non-breeders), we calculated probabilities of survival and of transitions between breeding statuses, evaluating potential differences between sexes. Females had lower survival probabilities than males, independent of their breeding status. When considering breeding status, breeding females had lower survival probabilities than non-breeding females, suggesting costs of reproduction on survival. Breeding males had higher survival probabilities than non-breeding males, suggesting that males do not incur costs of reproduction on survival and that only the highest quality males have access to breeding. The highest and the lowest probabilities of skipping reproduction were found in breeding males from the Azores and in breeding males from the Canary Islands, respectively. Intermediate values were observed in the females from both populations. This result is probably due to differences in the external factors affecting both populations, essentially predation pressure and competition. The existence of sex-specific costs of reproduction on survival in several populations of this long-lived species may have important implications for species population dynamics.  相似文献   

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