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We examined the respiratory patterns of Rhodnius prolixus and Gromphadorhina portentosa as metabolic rates varied with temperature to determine whether insects transition from discontinuous (DGC), cyclical and continuous respiration as a response to increasing aerobic demand. Using flow through respirometry we: (1) determined the effects of temperature on metabolic rate; (2) objectively defined periods of spiracular closure; (3) observed whether there was a correlation between metabolic rate and length of spiracular closure. At low temperatures both species exhibit lengthy periods of spiracular closure reflecting a discontinuous respiratory pattern. As metabolic rate increased, periods of spiracular closure decreased and insects displayed a more cyclical pattern of respiration. As metabolic rates increased even further under the highest experimental temperatures, periods of spiracular closure decreased even more and a continuous respiratory pattern was employed by both species. Our results suggest that the three described respiratory patterns in insects are not distinct but are instead a continuum of respiratory responses driven by the metabolic demand experienced by the insect.  相似文献   

通过不同温度对果蝇羽化至交配时间的影响试验,发现在5℃、10℃条件下果蝇雌雄混存, 处女蝇的安全期可由8 h分别延长到72 h、48 h以内。  相似文献   

External stresses or mutations may cause labile proteins to lose their distinct native conformations and seek alternatively stable aggregated forms. Molecular chaperones that specifically act on protein aggregates were used here as a tool to address the biochemical nature of stable homo- and hetero-aggregates from non-pathogenic proteins formed by heat-stress. Confirmed by sedimentation and activity measurements, chaperones demonstrated that a single polypeptide chain can form different species of aggregates, depending on the denaturing conditions. Indicative of a cascade reaction, sub-stoichiometric amounts of one fast-aggregating protein strongly accelerated the conversion of another soluble, slow-aggregating protein into insoluble, chaperone-resistant aggregates. Chaperones strongly inhibited seed-induced protein aggregation, suggesting that they can prevent and cure proteinaceous infectious behavior in homo- and hetero-aggregates from common and disease-associated proteins in the cell.  相似文献   

Consuming a high-fat/high-fructose diet (HFD) starting at a young age leads to the development of obesity and to the progression of metabolic syndrome (MS). We are interested in the relationship between MS and DNA methylation as a mediator of the metabolic memory and the early appearance of these diseases in the progeny. To this end, Wistar rats were fed a HFD for 1 year, and every 12 weeks, biochemical analyses were performed. After 24 weeks, animals fed the HFD showed alterations related to MS such as elevated blood levels of fasting glucose, triglycerides, and insulin compared with their littermate controls. During the experimental period, the control females exhibited a 40 % lower 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) level compared to the control males. The HFD affected the 5-mC levels in males and females differently. The HFD induced a 20 % decrease in the 5-mC levels in males and a 15 % increase in females. We found that the HFD induces an early presentation of MS in the progeny of treated animals and that the DNA methylation was altered in the F1 generation. The presentation of MS is positively associated with changes in the global percentage of 5-mC in the DNA.  相似文献   

Lactation is associated with elevated catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in mammary glands to produce glutamate, glutamine, alanine, aspartate, and asparagine. This study determined effects of metabolic fuels on the catabolism of leucine (a representative BCAA) in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Cells were incubated at 37 °C for 2 h in Krebs buffer containing 0.5 mM l-leucine and either l-[1-14C]leucine or l-[U-14C]leucine. The medium also contained 0–5 mM d-glucose, 0–2 mM l-glutamine, 0–4 mM dl-β-hydroxybutyrate, or 0–2 mM oleic acid. Rates of leucine decarboxylation were 60 % lower, but rates of α-ketoisocaproate production were 34 % higher, in the presence of 2 mM glucose than in its absence. All variables of leucine catabolism did not differ between 2 and 5 mM glucose or between 0 and 4 mM dl-β-hydroxybutyrate. Compared with 0–0.25 mM glutamine, 0.5 and 2 mM l-glutamine reduced leucine transport, transamination, and decarboxylation. In contrast, increasing the concentration of oleic acid from 0 to 2 mM dose-dependently stimulated leucine transamination, decarboxylation, and oxidation of carbons 2–6. Oleic acid also enhanced the abundance of cytosolic BCAA transaminase, while reducing the phosphorylated level (inactive state) of the E1α subunit of the mitochondrial branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex. Thus, hypoglycemia or ketosis in early lactation does not likely affect BCAA metabolism in mammary epithelial cells. Increasing circulating levels of BCAA and oleic acid may have great potential to increase the syntheses of glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, alanine, and asparagine by lactating mammary glands, thereby leading to enhanced production of milk for suckling neonates.  相似文献   

The existence of elaborate control mechanisms for the various biochemical processes inside and within living cells is responsible for the coherent behaviour observed in its spatio-temporal organisation. Stability and sensitivity are both necessary properties of living systems and these are achieved through negetive and positive feedback loops as in other control systems. We have studied a three-step reaction scheme involving a negative and a positive feedback loop in the form of end-product inhibition and allosteric activation. The variety of behaviour exhibited by this system, under different conditions, includes steady state, simple limit cycle oscillations, complex oscillations and period bifurcations leading to random oscillations or chaos. The system also shows the existence of two distinct chaotic regimes under the variation of a single parameter. These results, in comparison with single biochemical control loops, show that new behaviours can be exhibited in a more complex network which are not seen in the single control loops. The results are discussed in the light of a diverse variety of cellular functions in normal and altered cells indicating the role of controlled metabolic network as the underlying basis for cellular behaviour.  相似文献   

S H Shin 《Life sciences》1979,25(21):1829-1835
Experiments were carried out to demonstrate that the surge of prolactin release with ether stress is due to the release of a prolactin releasing factor rather than an inhibition of release of prolactin inhibiting factor (PIF). When the normal male rat was exposed to ether dopamine (30 ng/10 μl/min), a putative PIF, was infused through the right carotid artery, the prolactin surge still occurred. The elevated circulating prolactin level induced by estradiol implantation was lowered by the infusion of dopamine (30 ng/10 μl/min), indicating that the infused dopamine was reaching the adenohypophysis. The lowered prolactin concentration caused by the infusion of dopamine was elevated by ether stress. The hypothesis that the prolactin surge following ether stress is due to the inhibition of PIF is unlikely since the surge subsequent to ether stress occurred during a constant infusion of the putative PIF, dopamine. We concluded that the prolactin surge is due to the stimulation of PRF secretion rather than an inhibition of PIF secretion.  相似文献   



Obesity is a major public health problem worldwide. Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor to the cardiovascular diseases. It has been reported that disruptions of the circadian clockwork are associated with and may predispose to metabolic syndrome.

Methodology and Principal Findings

8028 individuals attended a nationwide health examination survey in Finland. Data were collected with a face-to-face interview at home and during an individual health status examination. The waist circumference, height, weight and blood pressure were measured and samples were taken for laboratory tests. Participants were assessed using the ATP-III criteria for metabolic syndrome and with the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire for their seasonal changes in mood and behavior. Seasonal changes in weight in particular were a risk factor of metabolic syndrome, after controlling for a number of known risk and potential confounding factors.

Conclusions and Significance

Metabolic syndrome is associated with high global scores on the seasonal changes in mood and behavior, and with those in weight in particular. Assessment of these changes may serve as a useful indicator of metabolic syndrome, because of easy assessment. Abnormalities in the circadian clockwork which links seasonal fluctuations to metabolic cycles may predispose to seasonal changes in weight and to metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of oxidative fuel metabolism in swimming fish, and known or potential modifications occurring in high-performance species are explored. Carbohydrate catabolism is the only source of ATP for sprint swimming where locomotory muscles operate as closed systems. In contrast, this substrate only plays a very minor role in prolonged swimming. Glucose fluxes have been measured in vivo in several species, but mainly at rest and with somewhat questionable methodologies. High-performance species may be able to sustain higher maximal glucose fluxes that their sedentary counterparts by: a) upregulating gluconeogenesis, b) increasing glucose transporter density or Vmax of individual transporters, c) storing larger amounts of glycogen in liver and muscle, and d) increasing muscle hexokinase activity. Even though lipids represent a much more important source of energy for sustained swimming, their fluxes have not been measured in vivo, even at rest, probably because of their diversity and complex chemistry. Except for elasmobranchs who do not possess plasma proteins for lipid transport, high-performance fish should be able to sustain high maximal lipid fluxes by: a) elevating lipolytic capacity, b) increasing rates of circulatory lipid transport through modified plasma proteins, c) augmenting intramuscular lipid reserves, and d) upregulating capacity for lipid oxidation in locomotory muscle mitochondria. The quantitative assessment of amino acid oxidation in swimming fish is a priority for future research because protein is probably a dominant metabolic fuel in most swimming fish. Finally, we predict that high-performance species should use proportionately more proteins/lipids and less carbohydrates than low-aerobic fish. Also, and similarly to endurance-adapted mammals, high-performance fish should increase their relative reliance on intramuscular fuel reserves and decrease their relative use of circulatory fuels.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium succinate preinjection (16 mg/kg) on the resistance of mice to acute low-temperature exposure was studied. The measurements were taken of the changes in blood glucose concentration, of the content in the heart of macroergic compounds and glycogen, and of succinate dehydrogenase activity. Cardiomyocytes were studied by electron microscopy. The data indicate that greater preservation of macroergic compounds and stabilization of the ultrastructure of myocardial mitochondria play a role in the mechanism by which the animals' resistance to intense cooling is increased after sodium succinate injection.  相似文献   

Treatment of BHK cells with 1 microM nigericin results in a 55% decrease in K+ and a 3.3-fold increase in intracellular Na+; protein synthesis under these conditions is depressed by 35%. In BHK cells infected with Semliki Forest virus (SFV), protein synthesis is depressed by 76% 6.5 h after infection; intracellular K+ is unchanged, and intracellular Na+ is increased 1.8-fold at this time. These results suggest that the increase in intracellular Na+ in SFV-infected BHK cells does not adequately account for the decrease in protein synthesis, and makes it likely that an increased Na+ concentration is a consequence, not a cause, of alterations in protein synthesis in virally-infected cells. No evidence was obtained for the purported [Alonso, M. A. and Carrasco, L. (1980) Eur. J. Biochem. 109, 535-540; (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 118, 289-294; (1981) FEBS Lett. 127, 112-114] ability of 1 microM nigericin to permeabilize' cells.  相似文献   

Twenty-four (24) healthy women from 25-40 years of age underwent orthostatic tolerance tests consisting of passive tilt and lower body negative pressure before and after completing 60-days of continuous -6 degree head down tilt bed rest (HDBR). Prior to HDBR, participants were assigned to one of three groups: control, exercise or nutrition. We aimed to identify any acute head up tilt changes in mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure, total peripheral resistance, cardiac output, stroke volume, or heart rate, which might predict tolerance or changes in tolerance with HDBR. Generally, these attempts were largely unsuccessful. The results indicate that the mechanisms of orthostatic failure are not strongly related to the way in which the body responds to the initial challenge. Additionally, the observation that some variables were predictive of tolerance before and not after tilt may indicate a change in the strategies used to maintain blood pressure, or differential adaptations to HDBR.  相似文献   

Hepatic metabolism of ethanol to acetaldehyde by the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway is associated with the generation of reducing equivalents as NADH. Conversely, reducing equivalents are consumed when ethanol oxidation is catalyzed by the NADPH dependent microsomal ethanol oxidizing system. Since the major fraction of ethanol metabolism proceeds via alcohol dehydrogenase and since the oxidation of acetaldehyde also generates NADH, an excess of reducing equivalents is produced. This explains a variety of effects following acute ethanol administration, including hyperlactacidemia, hyperuricemia, enhanced lipogenesis and depressed lipid oxidation. To the extent that ethanol is oxidized by the alternate microsomal ethanol oxidizing system pathway, it slows the metabolism of other microsomal substrates. Following chronic ethanol consumption, adaptive microsomal changes prevail, which include enhanced ethanol and drug metabolism, and increased lipoprotein production. Severe hepatic lesions (alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis) develop after prolonged ethanol consumption in baboons. These injurious alterations are not prevented by nutritionally adequate diets and can therefore be ascribed to ethanol rather than to dietary inadequacy.  相似文献   

Summary Studies by means of quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry have greatly contributed to the knowledge of metabolic changes in liver parenchymal cells. In the present paper recent work along this line is reviewed with emphasis on three topics, polyploidy as a source of metabolic heterogeneity, proteolysis in the regulation of hepatocyte cell mass and ischemic injury of hepatocytes. In all three fields, accuracy and precision of information obtained by quantitative histochemical means has been greatly enhanced by (1) a thorough knowledge of the mechanisms of histochemical reactions obtained by fundamental work on matrix chemistry, and (2) well-considered application of optical measuring tools and conditions of measurement. These are the principles put forward by van Duijn since the pioneer period of histochemistry and to whom this review is dedicated.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Studies by means of quantitative histochemistry and cytochemistry have greatly contributed to the knowledge of metabolic changes in liver parenchymal cells. In the present paper recent work along this line is reviewed with emphasis on three topics, polyploidy as a source of metabolic heterogeneity, proteolysis in the regulation of hepatocyte cell mass and ischemic injury of hepatocytes. In all three fields, accuracy and precision of information obtained by quantitative histochemical means has been greatly enhanced by a thorough knowledge of the mechanisms of histochemical reactions obtained by fundamental work on matrix chemistry, and well-considered application of optical measuring tools and conditions of measurement. These are the principles put forward by van Duijn since the pioneer period of histochemistry and to whom this review is dedicated.  相似文献   

Malic enzymes participate in key metabolic processes, the MaeB-like malic enzymes carry a catalytic inactive phosphotransacetylase domain whose function remains elusive. Here we show that acetyl-CoA directly binds and inhibits MaeB-like enzymes with a saturable profile under physiological relevant acetyl-CoA concentrations. A MaeB-like enzyme from the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense, namely AbMaeB1, binds both acetyl-CoA and unesterified CoASH in a way that inhibition of AbMaeB1 by acetyl-CoA is relieved by increasing CoASH concentrations. Hence, AbMaeB1 senses the acetyl-CoA/CoASH ratio. We revisited E. coli MaeB regulation to determine the inhibitory constant for acetyl-CoA. Our data support that the phosphotransacetylase domain of MaeB-like enzymes senses acetyl-CoA to dictate the fate of carbon distribution at the phosphoenol-pyruvate / pyruvate / oxaloacetate metabolic node.  相似文献   

Plant growth involves the coordinated distribution of carbon resources both towards structural components and towards storage compounds that assure a steady carbon supply over the complete diurnal cycle. We used 14CO2 labelling to track assimilated carbon in both source and sink tissues. Source tissues exhibit large variations in carbon allocation throughout the light period. The most prominent change was detected in partitioning towards starch, being low in the morning and more than double later in the day. Export into sink tissues showed reciprocal changes. Fewer and smaller changes in carbon allocation occurred in sink tissues where, in most respects, carbon was partitioned similarly, whether the sink leaf assimilated it through photosynthesis or imported it from source leaves. Mutants deficient in the production or remobilization of leaf starch exhibited major alterations in carbon allocation. Low‐starch mutants that suffer from carbon starvation at night allocated much more carbon into neutral sugars and had higher rates of export than the wild type, partly because of the reduced allocation into starch, but also because of reduced allocation into structural components. Moreover, mutants deficient in the plant's circadian system showed considerable changes in their carbon partitioning pattern suggesting control by the circadian clock.  相似文献   

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