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《Virologica Sinica》2007,22(5):415-415
传染病预防控制国家重点实验室(State Key Laboratory for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control,SKLID)依托于中国疾病预防控制中心(Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control),于2005年3月22日经科技部批准正式成立,进入建设时期。  相似文献   

徐建国 《微生物与感染》2007,2(3):F0004-F0004
中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制国家重点实验室[State Key Laboratory for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control(Chinese Cenfer for Diseasd Prevention and Control ),SKLID]于2005年3月22日经科技部批准正式成立,进入建设时期.  相似文献   

目的:探寻医疗微生物实验室生物安全管理以及疾病预防控制系统的建设。方法:分析当前生物安全出现的原因及预防措施,采用列举的方法,对相关体系的完善提出建议。结果:由于传染病毒具有扩散块、毒力强的特点,因此生物安全的建设逐步受到社会的重视,其中疾病控制、疾病预防系统的建设及实验室的医疗安全检测具有格外重要的意义。通过调查发现,加强二者的安全管理,必须加强五个方面的建设,即严格遵守疾病控制系统与实验室安全管理规定,对有关的实验设备进行完善与升级,对实验室病菌实验严格把控,对医疗人员、技术人员及检验人员进行定期的安全培训,对实验室废弃物进行管理。讨论:由于当前传染病毒的危害越来越严重,因此,关注生物安全,完善相关的体系建设具有十分重要的意义,国家及医疗部门需要对此给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室原名生物防治国家重点实验室,由“南中国生物防治之父”蒲蛰龙院士于1989年创建,1995年通过验收正式成为国家重点实验室。2005年4月经科技部批准更改为现名。  相似文献   

根据《医疗器械监督管理条例》及《医疗器械检测机构资格认可办法(试行)》(国药监械〔2003〕125号)规定,国家食品药品监管局组织专家组对国家食品药品监督管理局上海医疗器械质量监督检验中心等5家检测机构的医疗器械检测能力进行了现场评审。经审查,认可5家检测机构医疗器械检测资格。  相似文献   

有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室原名生物防治国家重点实验室,由“南中国生物防治之父”蒲蛰龙院士于1989年创建,1995年通过验收正式成为国家重点实验室,第一任主任是庞义教授。2005年4月经科技部批准更改为现名。  相似文献   

本文根据安全科学管理基础理论,事故分析、预测与预防理论,和人的不安全行为是导致与构成事故的要素原理,通过对生物安全实验室的安全管理和事故预防问题,及实验室生物危害事故的类型进行总结分析,阐述了生物安全实验室人为事故的预防及安全对策,并提出了如何对生物安全实验室安全事故进行超前预防、控制,从根本上消除事故隐患把安全事故的发生降低到最小限度的建议。  相似文献   

食品科学与技术国家重点实验室(以下简称“重点实验室”)是国内食品科学领域第一个国家重点实验室;由科技部于2007年4月发文批准建设,2007年9月通过建设计划可行性论证。实验室以江南大学和南昌大学为依托单位.在两校的教育部重点实验室(食品科学与安全、食品科学)的基础上,以各自的“食品科学”国家重点学科为依托.整合两所学校在相关领域的学科和研究基地的优势资源.按照国家重点实验室的严格要求高标准地进行建设。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 12月 12日 ,“现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室”揭牌仪式在南京隆重举行 ,国家科技部基础司阎金副司长、江苏省人民政府张桃林副省长、中国科学院郭华东副秘书长、南京市人民政府许慧玲副市长为国家重点实验室揭牌。仪式由实验室依托单位中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所所长沙金庚主持 ,来自国家科技部、江苏省人民政府、南京市人民政府、中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国石油天然气集团公司、中国地质科学研究院、北京大学、南京大学、西北大学、中国地质大学、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、地质与地球物理…  相似文献   

农业微生物学国家重点实验室是在我国土壤微生物学学科的奠基人、中国科学院院士陈华癸教授创建的微生物学国家重点学科的基础上逐步发展,并主要整合校内2个优势学科即国家重点学科生物化学与分子生物学和省级重点学科预防兽医学的相关研究力量而组成.  相似文献   

The diagnostic laboratory is becoming increasingly important to the productivity and profitability of hatcheries, fish farms, and aquaculture stations. The basic function of the laboratory personnel is to isolate and identify viral, bacterial, protozoan, and other fish pathogens present in cultured and feral fish stocks. New, rapid and accurate methods for the detection and identification of fish disease agents based on immunological, biochemical, and physiological assays are becoming commonly used. Nearly every North American state or province and many foreign countries have fish health regulations that require inspection of stocks for certain disease agents before the fish are shipped into their areas. Decisions from the diagnostic laboratory on identification, treatment, guaranteed isolation, immunization, and disposal of fish populations affect administrative directives, hatchery placement, and national and international transportation of fish and fish products. This paper reviews concepts and describes the equipment, supplies, biologics, and media needed for the basic diagnostic laboratory. Information management, including training of staff, certification procedures, and quality control are also discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of the investigation is to establish a new experimental model of social hierarchy in laboratory mice. The important feature of the model is a group of two males only placed into the special experimental cage. The cage consists of two nestling chambers and central chamber. Observations were made 3 times per day (20 min each) throughout 5 days. Aggression, defence and sniffing behaviours of both partners were recorded during each observation period using video camera. Social rank was detected by asymmetry in aggressive behaviour. It was shown that social hierarchy was established during the first four tests limited by the first 24 h after pairing. After this period aggression and defence behaviours were greatly decreased. After the first 5 tests a stabilization in aggression (number of wins, active attacks and not direct aggression) and defence (number of vertical defensive postures and escapes) as well as sniffing behaviours took place. But a strong asymmetry in mentioned here behaviours in males of different ranks (dominants and subordinates) was kept up. Thus we offer a new experimental model of minimal society, which entirely reproduces a pattern of establishment and maintenance of social hierarchy. Our model demonstrates significant differences in agonistic, defence and sniffing behaviours between males of different social rank.  相似文献   

Noroviruses (NVs) are a major cause of acute gastroenteritis epidemics in both developing and developed countries and affect people of all ages. Three main human histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) - the ABO, Lewis and secretor families - are involved in NV recognition and eight strain-specific receptor-binding patterns in two major binding groups have been described. The receptor-binding interface is located at the outermost surface of the P domain of the viral capsid. Each interface contains two major binding sites and each site interacts with a carbohydrate side-chain of the HBGAs via multiple hydrogen bonds. Soluble HBGAs in human milk are able to block binding of NV to HBGA receptors, suggesting a potential decoy receptor for the protection of infants from NV infection. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed limited genetic relatedness among NVs with similar receptor-binding patterns. This review summarises and discusses recent advances and highlights implications for future studies in the control and prevention of NV gastroenteritis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates problems of disease prevention and epidemic control (DPEC), in which we optimize two sets of decisions: (i) vaccinating individuals and (ii) closing locations, given respective budgets with the goal of minimizing the expected number of infected individuals after intervention. The spread of diseases is inherently stochastic due to the uncertainty about disease transmission and human interaction. We use a bipartite graph to represent individuals’ propensities of visiting a set of location, and formulate two integer nonlinear programming models to optimize choices of individuals to vaccinate and locations to close. Our first model assumes that if a location is closed, its visitors stay in a safe location and will not visit other locations. Our second model incorporates compensatory behavior by assuming multiple behavioral groups, always visiting the most preferred locations that remain open. The paper develops algorithms based on a greedy strategy, dynamic programming, and integer programming, and compares the computational efficacy and solution quality. We test problem instances derived from daily behavior patterns of 100 randomly chosen individuals (corresponding to 195 locations) in Portland, Oregon, and provide policy insights regarding the use of the two DPEC models.  相似文献   

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