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Oocyte numbers and synaptonemal complexes were studied in two Robertsonian translocations, Rb(6.15)1Ald and Rb(4.6)2Bnr, and their male-sterile compound. Oocyte numbers in the compound were lower than those of either parent, and there was a marked difference between reciprocal crosses. Synaptonemal complexes of homozygous females appeared as 19 bivalents, those of single heterozygotes as 18 bivalents and a trivalent, and those of compound heterozygotes as 17 bivalents and a quadrivalent. Most trivalents were fully paired, whereas the majority of quadrivalents exhibited terminal asynapsis. About one-half of all oocytes had other pairing abnormalities, probably reflecting reduced survivability. Whereas all fully paired quadrivalents were present in cells not showing any pairing anomalies, one-half of the quadrivalents with terminal asynapsis were seen in oocytes with other anomalies. It is suggested that in oocytes destined for atresia, there is a predisposition to synaptic failure of translocation configurations. Additional oocytes are likely to break down because of the deleterious effect of the compound translocation on gametogenesis. This effect seems to be more pronounced in Rb1Ald/Rb2Bnr spermatocytes than in oocytes.  相似文献   

A map of the mouse oocyte has been constructed utilizing early and mid/late pachytene stages. Each bivalent was clearly identified. At the mid/late stage 195 chromomeres corresponded directly to precursor chromomeres in the early stage, whilst 84 chromomeres were derived from two chromomeres from the early stage. The X and 13 bivalents were found to have a single chromomere in the early stage which later yielded two sites. There were approximately twice as many total chromomeres as mitotic bands, with good correspondence between pachytene chromomeres and major mitotic bands. Application of the use of mapping to a previously reported bivalent bearing a pleiomorphic region is noted.  相似文献   

Data on testis weights, sperm counts, and synaptonemal complexes are presented for mice carrying the following Robertsonian translocations: Rb(6.15)lAld; Rb(4.6)2Bnr; Rb(4.15)4Rma; Rb(6.15)lAld/Rb(4.6))2Bnr, which is male-sterile; and Rb(6.15)lAld/Rb(4.15)4Rma, which is male-fertile. In RblAld/Rb2Bnr sperm were absent or sparse, whereas the sperm count in RblAld/Rb4Rma was just over 50% of the parental value. The translocated chromosomes appeared as fully paired bivalents in homozygotes, as trivalents in single heterozygotes, and as quadrivalents in compounds. About 20-40% of trivalents had unsynapsed ends. The proportion of quadrivalents with unsynapsed ends was about 85% in the male-sterile compound, compared with 75% in the male-fertile compound. The proportion of quadrivalents associated with XY was about 70% in both. Testis weights, but not sperm counts, were found to differ in two of three reciprocal crosses. It is concluded that, in addition to pairing failure and autosome/XY association, the effect of translocations on spermatogenesis is affected by other factors, including genetic background, inbreeding, and perhaps environmental factors. It remains to be elucidated whether pairing failure and XY association are primary or secondary effects.  相似文献   

Female carriers of the T(5;12)31H reciprocal translocation had an average reduction of 73% in oocyte numbers compared with normal litter mates, which was of a magnitude similar to the reduction in sperm counts of male carriers. Analysis of synaptonemal complexes showed that the translocated chromosomes appeared as quadrivalents, or trivalents and univalents, or bivalents in both sexes. Quadrivalents were of three types: fully synapsed, with asynapsis confined to breakpoints, and with unsynapsed ends. There was more pairing in spermatocytes than in oocytes: 37% of spermatocytes, but only 14% of oocytes, contained a fully synapsed quadrivalent, and trivalents were also more frequently fully synapsed in spermatocytes. When these results are compared with those previously obtained for other chromosome anomalies, it becomes evident that there are considerable differences in chromosome pairing between males and females, and that different chromosome rearrangements differ in the relative amount of pairing failure occurring in male and female carriers.  相似文献   

Summary Pachytene analysis was undertaken in an infertile male, heterozygous for a 17;21 reciprocal translocation. The quadrivalent was identified by its configuration and chromomere pattern. A non-random association was found between the quadrivalent and the sex vesicle in 77% of the pachytene nuclei analysed. In 13.1% of the cells the contact with the sex vesicle was established by the terminal chromomere of the two chromosomes 21; in 63.9% of the cells, the entire region of the breakpoints was completely hidden by the sex vesicle. In some nuclei asynapsis was found in the region of the breakpoints. The nature of the contact between the quadrivalent and the sex vesicle is discussed in this paper. It is proposed that the acrocentric chromosome favours the contact between the quadrivalent and the sex vesicle, and increases the risk of sterility in male carriers of Robertsonian translocations and of reciprocal translocations involving one acrocentric chromosome.  相似文献   

Reciprocal translocations, the most frequent structural aberration in humans, are mainly transmitted by one of the parents. In order to analyze the chromosomal content of the spermatozoa from carriers of chromosomal reorganizations, two methods have been used, karyotyping of sperm chromosomes by the human-hamster system and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in decondensed sperm nuclei. In this work, we review 92 sperm chromosome segregation studies from 85 different reciprocal translocation carriers, including a triple translocation carrier. Using the human-hamster method, a total of 5,818 spermatozoa from 44 reciprocal translocation carriers have been analyzed, 43 of them carrying a single reciprocal translocation and one was a carrier of a double reciprocal translocation. A segregation analysis in a carrier of a t(2;22;11) has been also reported. Carrying out FISH in sperm nuclei, a total of 237,042 spermatozoa from 46 reciprocal translocation carriers have been analyzed. Six of these were also analyzed by the human-hamster system. Taking into account both methods, a total of 76 different reciprocal translocations have been studied. In 74 of these 76 translocations, the reorganization occurs between autosomes, and in the other two, the Y chromosome is involved. Although along general lines, there are similarities between the results obtained by the two methods of analysis, variations are observed when the distribution of the different types of segregations that produce imbalances is compared. As a general rule reciprocal translocation carriers produce more unbalanced sperm than normal or balanced sperm. The results reported also corroborate that the proportion of unbalanced forms depends on the characteristics of the reorganization and that it varies widely. Thus the importance of performing a detailed meiotic behavior analysis for each particular translocation in order to obtain enough information to give adequate genetic counseling is stressed. Aspects as to the possible overestimation of 3:1 segregations or the presence of interchromosomal effects still need to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Human sperm chromosome studies in a reciprocal translocation t(2;5)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
Summary Sperm chromosome complements have been studied in a man heterozygous for a reciprocal translocation t(2;5)(p11;q15). Human sperm chromosomes were obtained after fertilization of zona-free hamster eggs. A total of 75 human sperm metaphases were analysed. Of the complements studied, 59 (78.6%) resulted from a 2:2 segregation and 16 (21.3%) from a 3:1 segregation, 4:0 segregation was not observed. Our results indicate that at least 36% of sperm complements were unbalanced with respect to the translocation. The frequency of other chromosome anomalies unrelated to the translocation was 16%.  相似文献   

Four male-fertile translocations, T(2;4)13H, T(2.8)26H, T(7;18)50H and T(1;13)70H were crossed to the inbred strains CBA/H and C57BL/6J. F1 heterozygotes were compared with wild-type litter-mates for signs of spermatogenic impairment, in view of previous reports that the C57BL strain had this effect in the T(14;15)6Ca translocation. There was a general tendency for body-weights to be slightly reduced in translocation carriers vs. wild-type. Mean testis weights were significantly reduced on the C57BL background with all four translocations as compared to wild-type, but also significantly increased in T26H on CBA. Sperm counts were also reduced on the C57BL background in T13H, T50H and T70H (significantly so in the last two) but were significantly increased in T13H on a CBA background. Only in T50H did the frequency of sperm-head abnormalities show any marked change in the translocation heterozygotes, being approximately doubled with both CBA and C57BL backgrounds although still remaining at a low level. It was concluded that the deleterious effects of C57BL strains on spermatogenesis in translocation heterozygotes were not confined to T6Ca but were probably widespread. Some inconclusive evidence suggested that this might be because some genetic factors associated with C57BL tended to reduce chiasma frequencies in translocation heterozygotes.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the relationship between meiotic pairing and progress of spermatogenesis, an analysis of male meiotic pairing was carried out in four reciprocal translocation heterozygotes and two double heterozygotes for two semi-identical reciprocal translocations. The reciprocal translocations were chosen to range from fertility (T70H/+) through almost complete sterility (T31H/+) to complete sterility (T32H/+, T42/H+). If meiotic pairing in the translocation multivalent was incomplete, it concerned terminal or probably more often proximal chromosome segments (Chain IV). If both segments failed to pair the multivalent symbol is Chain III+I. Complete pairing is symbolized by Ring IV. To contrast and complement observations of this type, the double heterozygotes were introduced. Males of this type in theory possess two heteromorphic bivalents with a central area of incomplete meiotic pairing (loop formation). Of the T70H/T1Wa double heterozygotes, 36% of the males are capable of inducing at least one decidual reaction in two females whereas for T26H/T2Wa, 79% of the males can do so. For the reciprocal translocations, it was found that proximity of the multivalent to the sex bivalent during pachytene increased in the order Ring IV, Chain IV, Chain III+I. The degree of spermatogenic impairment as measured from cell counts in histological sections and tubular whole mounts, is positively related to the frequency of proximity between the sex chromosomes and the translocation multivalent and thus to lack of meiotic pairing within the multivalent. The meiotic pairing analysis of the double heterozygotes yielded the following findings. For the long heteromorphic bivalents a true loop was never seen in T70H/T1Wa and only rarely observed in T26H/T2Wa. Small marker bivalents of both types were usually recognizable by the following criteria: (i) pairing confined to distal or proximal segments, (ii) both distal and proximal segments pairing and loop formation and (iii) pairing covering the entire length of both homologues but the longer one often with a thickened lateral element. The same positive correlation between the absence of pairing (proximal, distal or central) and the proximity of the small marker bivalent synaptonemal complex to the sex bivalent has been found as for unpaired segments within reciprocal translocation multivalents. One unexpected finding was the occurrence of diploid spermatids and spermatozoa especially in T32H/+ males (70–91%) but also in T31H/+ (3–39%).  相似文献   

Summary Provisional maps are presented for all acrocentric bivalents and bivalent 9, according to their chromomere patterns at pachytene in the human oocyte. Each G band is subdivided into several sub-bands whose number varies according to the degree of chromosomal compacting. Chromomere number and sequence are in basic agreement with those observed in late prophase mitotic chromosomes. Thus, metaphase G bands of mitotic chromosomes result from progressive compressing together of smaller chromomeres whose individuality disappears as chromosomal condensation increases with progression of prophase.  相似文献   

Trisomy 20p due to a paternal reciprocal translocation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mentally retarded boy with multiple malformations was found to have trisomy for the distal two-thirds of the short arm of chromosome 20 (trisomy 20p), resulting from a paternal translocation (5;20)(p15;p11). The patient had a cleft palate, a feature not present in other trisomy 20p patients. A review of the reported trisomy 20p patients indicates that their varied features do no constitute a readily recognizable clinical syndrome.  相似文献   

Normal (+/+) and translocation T(1; 11.13S)70H homozygous (T/T) male mice received 2 X 2.5 Gy X-rays with a 24-h interval. After 120 days, the frequency of late diplotene-metaphase I spermatocytes with translocation multivalents was 14.1% for +/+ and 13.7% for T/T males, respectively, in one group of animals of each type. The difference is not significant. A second group was allowed to sire progeny for 60 days with 2 normal females per week. Reciprocal translocations detectable at diakinesis/metaphase I were observed in 2.5% of the 395 male progeny from the irradiated +/+ fathers, and in 2.9% of the 489 male progeny from the irradiated T/T fathers. This leads to a pooled estimated transmission of 0.81 +/- 0.19. Translocations induced in the long 11.13 metacentric chromosome were not transmitted with a different frequency. The rate of heritable induced translocations in this study was 5.4 X 10(-5)/rad/gamete. On the basis of the data of Generoso et al. (1984) for the frequency of the heritable spontaneous translocations in male mice, it is concluded that, because of their low doubling dose (3.3-4.6 rad), the spontaneous translocations are probably of postmeiotic origin.  相似文献   

Three bulls of the Montbéliarde breed that exhibited fertility rates lower than 30% following more than 400 artificial inseminations were examined. Semen quality (sperm motility and morphology) from these bulls was normal. Fertilizing ability estimated from in vitro embryo production results was studied for two of them. In vitro production rate was very low for one bull (A) and normal for the other (B). Cytogenetic analyses were carried out on the three bulls using chromosome banding techniques. These analyses revealed a reciprocal translocation (12;17)(q22;q14) in bull B. Based on family analyses, the hypothesis of a de novo origin of this rearrangement is proposed.  相似文献   

To analyse the effect of the state of the sperm plasma membrane on oocyte activation rate following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), three types of human and mouse spermatozoa (intact, immobilised and Triton X-100 treated) were individually injected into mouse oocytes. At 30, 60 and 120 min after injection, maternal chromosomes and sperm nuclei within oocytes were examined. Following human sperm injection, the fastest and the most efficient oocyte activation and sperm head decondensation occurred when the spermatozoa were treated with Triton X-100. Intact spermatozoa were the least effective in activating oocytes. Thus, the rate of mouse oocyte activation following human sperm injection is greatly influenced by the state of the sperm plasma membrane during injection. When mouse spermatozoa were injected into mouse oocytes, the rates of oocyte activation and sperm head decondensation within activated oocytes were the same irrespective of the type of sperm treatment prior to injection. We witnessed that live human spermatozoa injected into moue oocytes often kept moving very actively within the ooplasm for more than 60 min, whereas motile mouse spermatozoa usually became immotile within 20 min after injection into the ooplasm. In 0.002% Triton X-100 solution, mouse spermatozoa are immobilised faster than human spermatozoa. These facts seem to suggest that human sperm plasma membranes are physically and biochemically more stable than those of mouse spermatozoa. Perhaps the physical and chemical properties of the sperm plasma membrane vary from species to species. For those species whose spermatozoa have 'stable' plasma membranes, prior removal or 'damage' of sperm plasma membranes would increase the success rate of ICSI.  相似文献   

A quantitative histological analysis of ovaries from 3- and 5-day-old female mice heterozygous for the male-sterile reciprocal autosomal translocation, T(11;19)42H, revealed a marked reduction (by 65%) in the number of oocytes as compared to controls. These findings call into question the widely held view that chromosomal anomalies causing spermatogenic failure have no effect on oogenesis. It is suggested that during meiosis in males and females there is a mechanism operating which tends to eliminate cells which had incomplete chromosome pairing at the pachytene stage.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme glucose-phosphate isomerase (GPI-1) in mouse oocytes is subject to regulation by the cis-acting gene Gpi-lta. Electrophoretic analysis of oocytes from 9- and 10-day-old mice showed that oocyte-specific regulation of GPI-1 is not observed in germ cells that have not started to grow (20 μm diameter) but appears as soon as oocyte growth begins (30 μm or larger). Three in vitro culture systems were used to examine the relation of GPI-1 expression to oocyte growth: culture of intact neonatal ovaries, and co-culture of dissociated oocytes and somatic cells from neonatal and from 13-day foetal ovaries. In all three systems modification of GPI-1 expression always occurred when oocyte growth began, showing that the presence of a normal follicle is not necessary for the expression of the gene Gpi-lta.  相似文献   

In vitro, binding of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa to the zona pellucida of mature guinea-pig oocytes was inhibited by guinea-pig sperm anti-T IgG and antibodies. Anti-P IgG antibodies prevented oocyte penetration without interfering with sperm-zona binding. The fusion of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa with zona-free oocytes was prevented by anti-T IgG and it was diminished by anti-P IgG. In the same conditions anti-S antibodies had no effect in these in-vitro fertilization events. Immunization of female guinea-pigs with P antigen resulted in a significant decrease of the number of tubal cleaved eggs. T antigens were less clearly implicated in fertilization in vivo. This study provides evidence that well characterized autoantigenic molecules of guinea-pig spermatozoa are involved in fertilization events.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the mechanism that establishes embryonic polarity is fundamental in understanding mammalian development. In re-addressing several controversial claims, we recently proposed a model in which mouse embryonic polarity is not specified until the blastocyst stage. Before fertilization, the fully differentiated oocyte has been characterized as “polarized,” and we indeed observed that the sperm preferentially enters the polar body half. Here we show that preferential sperm entry is not due to an intrinsic polarity of the oocyte, since fertilization takes place uniformly when the zona pellucida is removed. We suggest that the term “asymmetry” denotes morphological differences, whereas “polarity” in addition implies developmental consequences. Thus, the mouse oocyte can be considered “asymmetric” but “non-polarized.” The penetration through the zona pellucida is also random, and a significant proportion of sperm binds to the oocyte membrane at a point distant from the zona penetration site. Time-lapse recordings confirmed that sperm swim around the perivitelline space before fertilization. Experimental enlargement of the perivitelline space in the non-polar body half increased the regional probability of fertilization. Based on these experiments, we propose a model in which the space asymmetry exerted by the first polar body and the zona pellucida directs sperm entry preferentially to the polar body half, with no need for oocyte polarity.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of partial trisomy 1 q due to a maternal balanced translocation : t(1 ; 4) (q 32 : p 16). The evocative malformations of trisomy 1 q and monosomy 4 p are discussed and compared to seven others from the literature. Then the interest of the chromosomical prenatal diagnosis and the significance of familial genetic studies are showed.  相似文献   

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