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Among disease-vectors, the evolution of the tick innate immune system is still lagging when compared to insects. Such an investigation, which was initiated, by first cloning and sequencing lectins associated in the innate immunity of invertebrates and having fibrinogen related domains, helped in the sequencing of cDNA encoding for OMFREP from the soft tick, Ornithodoros moubata. Also obtained were Ixoderin A and Ixoderin B cDNA sequences from the hard tick Ixodes ricinus. Tissue-specific expression of OMFREP showed that it was present primarily in the hemocytes and salivary glands. Ixoderin A besides sharing a similar expression profile was also expressed in the midgut. Both showed significantly high homology to the lectin Dorin M, from O. moubata. Further, phylogenetic comparisons between these molecules of the soft and hard ticks showed their relatedness to Tachylectins 5A and 5B, involved in the innate immunity of Tachypleus tridentatus and ficolins from both vertebrates and invertebrates. Ixoderin B showing tissue-specific expression only in the salivary glands and the sequence displaying certain motif differences in homology point towards a possible function different from the other two molecules. This is the first report of lectin-like sequences, with a fibrinogen-domain, from the hard tick I. ricinus and a preliminary phylogenetic study of these tick sequences with related fibrinogen-domain containing sequences highlights a possible role for them in the innate immunity of the ticks.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus L. (Acari: Ixodida) were sampled during 1996-99 in southern Scotland, on vegetation using cloth drags, on humans by removal from clothing and on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) by searching legs of culled deer. Developmental microclimate was recorded by automatic recorders and questing microclimate by portable instruments during tick collections. Ticks and deer were examined for infection with Ehrlichia phagocytophila bacteria (Rickettsiales) using microscopy and polymerase chain reaction. This pathogen causes tick-borne fever of sheep in Europe and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in North America, but in Europe human clinical ehrlichiosis due to E. phagocytophila has not been recorded despite serological evidence of exposure. Among three types of habitat, coniferous woodland was most infested with questing ticks (560 ticks/km of drag; mean numbers collected on long trousers: 24.3 larvae, 13.5 nymphs and 0.8 adult ticks/km walked), deciduous woodland had slightly lower infestation (426 ticks/km drag) and upland sheep pasture had much lower infestation (220 ticks/km drag). Of the three main vegetation types, bracken was least infested (360 ticks/km drag), ericas most (430 ticks/km drag) and grassland had intermediate infestation density (413 ticks/km drag). Questing and developmental microclimates were poor predictors of exposure within these habitats, except lower infestation of pastures was attributed to greater illumination there. Collectors who walked a total of 300 km through all habitats (taking 360 h in all seasons), wearing cotton trousers hanging outside rubber boots, were bitten by only four nymphs and 11 larvae of I. ricinus (but no adult ticks). There was a negative correlation between densities of deer and ticks collected, although presence of deer remains a major indicator of exposure. The proportion of infected ticks was fairly uniform at four sites studied. Overall prevalence of E. phagocytophila in I. ricinus was 3.3% in nymphs (40/1203) but only approximately 1.5% in adults of both sexes (although males do not bite). It was estimated that nymphs of I. ricinus gave 4.4% probability of one infected bite/person/year (for occupational exposure during this research) due to presence in all seasons and habitats, their human biting rate of 0.011 nymphs/h or 0.013 nymphs/km and widespread infection with E. phagocytophila. The frequency distribution of intensity of infection in ticks was approximately normal (mean 98 morulae/nymph infected), thus there is a high risk of receiving a high dose from any one infected tick bite.  相似文献   

The tick Ixodes ricinus is responsible for the transmission of a number of bacterial, protozoan and viral diseases to humans and animals in Europe and Northern Africa. Female I. ricinus from England, Switzerland and Italy have been found to harbour an intracellular alpha-proteobacterium, designated IricES1, within the cells of the ovary. IricES1 is the only prokaryote known to exist within the mitochondria of any animal or multicellular organism. To further examine the distribution, prevalence and mode of transmission of IricES1, we performed polymerase chain reaction screening of I. ricinus adults from 12 countries across its geographic distribution, including tick colonies that have been maintained in the laboratory for varying periods of time. IricES1 was detected in 100% of field-collected female ticks from all countries examined (n = 128), while 44% of males were found to be infected (n = 108). Those males that are infected appear to harbour fewer bacteria than females. Sequencing of fragments of the 16S rRNA and gyrB genes revealed very low nucleotide diversity among various populations of IricES1. Transmission of IricES1 from engorged adult females to eggs was found to be 100% (n = 31). In tick colonies that had been maintained in the laboratory for several years, a relatively low prevalence was found in females (32%; n = 25). To our knowledge, IricES1 is the most widespread and highly prevalent of any tick-associated symbiont.  相似文献   

We earlier reported the mitogenic and immunostimulatory activities of Rhizoctonia bataticola lectin (RBL), purified from phytopathogenic fungus R. bataticola in human PBMC. The lectin demonstrates specificity towards glycoproteins containing complex N-glycans. Since CD45-protein tyrosine phosphatase that abundantly expresses N-glycans is important in T-cell signaling, the study aimed to investigate the involvement of CD45 in the immunomodulatory activities of RBL. Flowcytometry and confocal microscopy studies revealed that RBL exhibited binding to PBMC and colocalized with CD45. The binding was comparable in cells expressing different CD45 isoforms-RA, -RB and -RO. CD45 blocking antibody reduced the binding and proliferation of PBMC induced by RBL. CD45-PTPase inhibitor dephostatin inhibited RBL-induced proliferation, expression of CD25 and pZAP-70. RBL-induced secretion of Th1/Th2 cytokines were significantly inhibited in presence of dephostatin. Also, dephostatin blocked phosphorylation of p38MAPK and STAT-5 that was crucial for the biological functions of RBL. The study demonstrates the involvement of CD45-mediated signaling in RBL-induced PBMC proliferation and Th1/Th2 cytokine secretion through activation of p38MAPK and STAT-5.  相似文献   

A positive lymphocyte transformation test to beta-lactams (beta-L) was found in 12 of 29 subjects with adverse drug reaction (ADR) to beta-L, irrespective of either the type of clinical manifestation or the presence of specific serum IgE. Short-term T cell lines specific for penicillin G, amoxicillin, and ampicillin could be generated only from subjects with ADR (eight with positive and one with negative lymphocyte transformation test), while streptokinase and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus group 1 (Der p 1)-specific T cells were obtained from all these subjects, from 7 atopic Der p-sensitive donors without history of ADR and 17 healthy nonatopic donors. Streptokinase-specific T cells from all subjects showed intracellular expression of IFN-gamma with poor or no IL-4, whereas Der p 1-specific T cells exhibited IFN-gamma but low or no IL-4 expression in nonatopics, and remarkable IL-4 expression in atopic donors. By contrast, all penicillin G-, ampicillin-, and amoxicillin-specific short-term T cell lines showed high intracellular expression of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, but poor or no expression of IFN-gamma, thus exhibiting a clear-cut Th2 profile. Accordingly, most penicillin G-specific T cell clones derived from two subjects with ADR released high concentrations of IL-4 alone or IL-4 and IFN-gamma. These data suggest that cytokines produced by Th2 cells play an important role in all beta-L-induced ADR, even when late clinical manifestations occur and an IgE-mediated mechanism is apparently indemonstrable.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA), although a heterogeneous disease, is generally believed by rheumatologists to be primarily a disease generated by biomechanical alterations. In order to determine the role of T cells, the pattern of T lymphocyte cytokines and to characterize the mononuclear cells from both peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid (SF) from patients with OA flow cytometry with a panel of monoclonal antibodies recognising CD4, CD8 and intracellular cytokines (IL2, IL4, IL10, gamma-IFN) was employed. The coexpression of CD4 and CD8 markers only on the SF T cells surface after in vitro stimulation by phorbol-miristate acetate and ionomicine, but not on PBL or in vitro unstimulated SFL was noted. The intracellular IFN-gamma was detected in enhanced levels in both CD4+ and CD8+ SF T cells, while the IL2 contents was not different in PB and SF samples. The Th2/Tc2 cytokines (IL4 and IL10) were detected in low amounts in both PBL and SFL. This study shows the role of some T cell populations and cytokines in the generation of joint destruction in osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Humans are the only natural reservoir of measles virus (MV), one of the most contagious viruses known. MV infection and the profound immunosuppression it causes are currently responsible for nearly one million deaths annually. Human signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (hSLAM) was identified as a receptor for wild-type MV as well as for MV strains prepared as vaccines. To better evaluate the role of hSLAM in MV pathogenesis and MV-induced immunosuppression, we created transgenic (tg) mice that expressed the hSLAM molecule under the control of the lck proximal promoter. hSLAM was expressed on CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells in the blood and spleen and also on CD4(+), CD8(+), CD4(+) CD8(+), and CD4(-) CD8(-) thymocytes. Wild-type MV, after limited passage on B95-8 marmoset B cells, and the Edmonston laboratory strain of MV infected hSLAM-expressing cells. There was a direct correlation between the amount of hSLAM expressed on the cells' surface and the degree of viral infection. Additionally, MV infection induced downregulation of receptor hSLAM and inhibited cell division and proliferation of hSLAM(+) but not hSLAM(-) T cells. Therefore, these tg mice provide the opportunity for analyzing and comparing MV-T cell interactions and MV pathogenesis in cells expressing only the hSLAM MV receptor with those of tg mice whose T cells selectively express another MV receptor, CD46.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide quantitative information on the occurrence of larvae and nymphs of the tick Ixodes ricinus in populations of the lizards Lacerta agilis and L. vivipara . Levels of infestation were rather low, at least when compared with those of small mammals and sheep. Hence we suppose that lizards feed only a minor fraction of the total tick population.
Differences in tick loads among lizard subpopulations are probably attributable to difference in body size and mobility among the host groups.
Ticks exhibit a markedly clumped distribution on the lizards. This distribution pattern fits with the negative binomial distribution. The overdispersed distribution of tick larvae in the field and aspects of the lizards' behaviour are considered as factors which contribute to the observed infestation patterns.
Tick larvae were active throughout summer, with peak levels occurring during June-July. Nymphs were most numerous during May-June but almost absent during the summer months. Almost always ticks were attached near the lizards' forelimbs. Possible mortality resulting from tick infestation does not contribute significantly to the overall lizard mortality. Hence, these ectoparasites seem to have but a minor impact on the lizard populations.  相似文献   

To further understand the role of neuro-immunological interactions in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we studied the influence of sympathetic neurotransmitters on cytokine production of T cells in patients with RA. T cells were isolated from peripheral blood of RA patients or healthy donors (HDs), and stimulated via CD3 and CD28. Co-incubation was carried out with epinephrine or norepinephrine in concentrations ranging from 10(-5) M to 10(-11) M. Interferon (IFN)-gamma, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-4, and IL-10 were determined in the culture supernatant with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, IFN-gamma and IL-10 were evaluated with intracellular cytokine staining. Furthermore, basal and agonist-induced cAMP levels and catecholamine-induced apoptosis of T cells were measured. Catecholamines inhibited the synthesis of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-10 at a concentration of 10(-5) M. In addition, IFN-gamma release was suppressed by 10(-7) M epinephrine. Lower catecholamine concentrations exerted no significant effect. A reduced IL-4 production upon co-incubation with 10(-5) M epinephrine was observed in RA patients only. The inhibitory effect of catecholamines on IFN-gamma production was lower in RA patients as compared with HDs. In RA patients, a catecholamine-induced shift toward a Th2 (type 2) polarised cytokine profile was abrogated. Evaluation of intracellular cytokines revealed that CD8-positive T cells were accountable for the impaired catecholaminergic control of IFN-gamma production. The highly significant negative correlation between age and catecholamine effects in HDs was not found in RA patients. Basal and stimulated cAMP levels in T-cell subsets and catecholamine-induced apoptosis did not differ between RA patients and HDs. RA patients demonstrate an impaired inhibitory effect of catecholamines on IFN-gamma production together with a failure to induce a shift of T-cell cytokine responses toward a Th2-like profile. Such an unfavorable situation is a perpetuating factor for inflammation.  相似文献   

This study utilized recently developed microbead technology to remove natural killer (NK) cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) preparations to determine the effect of acute exercise on T-lymphocyte function, independent of changes in lymphocyte subpopulations. Twelve well-trained male runners completed a 60-min exercise trial at 95% ventilatory threshold and a no-exercise control trial. Six blood samples were taken at each session: before exercise, midexercise, immediately after exercise, and 30, 60, and 90 min after exercise. Isolated PBMC and NK cell-depleted PBMC were stimulated with the mitogen phytohemagglutinin. Cellular proliferation was assessed by using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide dye uptake. In the PBMC cultures, there was a significantly lower mitogen response to phytohemagglutinin in exercise compared with the control condition immediately postexercise. There were no significant differences between the control and exercise conditions in NK cell-depleted PBMC cultures or in the responses adjusted for the percentage of CD3 cells. The present findings do not support the view that T-lymphocyte function is reduced after exercise.  相似文献   

Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is widely known as an immunosuppressive cytokine by virtue of its ability to inhibit macrophage-dependent antigen presentation, T-cell proliferation, and Th1 cytokine secretion. However, several studies have challenged the perception of IL-10 solely as an immunosuppressive cytokine. As part of an investigation on potentiation of the cytotoxic activity of human papillomavirus E7-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) for adoptive transfusions to cervical cancer patients, we found that IL-10 in combination with IL-2, unlike several other combinations, including IL-2 with IL-12, gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), tumor necrosis factor alpha, and transforming growth factor beta, was able to consistently increase cytotoxicity. This augmentation in cytotoxic activity correlated with a significant increase in the cytoplasmic accumulation of perforin as detected by fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Surface expression of both the alpha and beta chains of the CD8 heterodimeric coreceptor and CD56 molecules was increased by exposure of CTL to IL-10. More importantly, we found that administration of IL-10 in combination with IL-2 after antigen stimulation consistently increased the intracellular expression of Th1 cytokines (i.e., IFN-gamma and IL-2) compared to results for control CD8(+) T cells cultured in IL-2 alone. In kinetic studies, proliferation, intracellular perforin levels, cytotoxic activity, and IFN-gamma expression were consistently elevated in CTL cultures containing IL-10 compared to control cultures, both at early and late time points following stimulation. In contrast, intracellular IL-2 expression was consistently increased only at early time points following stimulation with autologous tumor cells or solid-phase anti-CD3 antibody. Taken together, these data support the use of IL-10 in combination with IL-2 for the in vitro expansion and potentiation of tumor-specific CTL for clinical use in the therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of corticosteroids on Th1 and Th2 serum cytokine balance in patients with GO: IFNgamma, TNFalpha, IL-4 and IL-10. Further, we tested the hypothesis of an up-regulation of Th2 immune response during successful treatment with corticosteroids to explain their beneficial effect in Graves' ophthalmopathy. Serum cytokines were detected in three groups of subjects: 20 patients with Graves' disease without ophthalmopathy (Gd), 16 patients with clinical symptoms of ophthalmopathy (GO) (CAS over 3 points, last consultation record for GO less than a year old) and 16 healthy volunteers. Corticosteroid therapy consisted of intravenous infusions of methylprednisolone (MP) (2 series, 3 g each time) and subsequent treatment with oral prednisone (60 mg per day) in a tapering schedule. The serum samples were collected 24 hours before MP, 24 hours after MP, 14 days of treatment with prednisone and at the end of corticosteroid therapy. The levels of IFNgamma, TNFalpha, IL-4 and IL-10 in the serum were determined using ELISA. Statistical significance was estimated by the Mann-Whitney U-test. Our findings show a deviation to systemic Th2 profile cytokines in Graves' disease. In patients with GO, we found a significantly increased serum IL-10 concentration. In corticosteroid-responsive patients, the balance of serum cytokines IL-4/IFNgamma, IL-4/TNFalpha, IL-10/IFNgamma and IL-10/TNFalpha increased and remained upregulated until the end of the study. In non-responders, the balance of serum cytokines studied increased after methylprednisolone but declined markedly during continuation of the therapy with prednisone. In summary, our results show that efficient corticosteroid therapy may be related to its influence on Th2/Th1 profile cytokine balance. The upregulation of serum IL-4 and IL-10 during successful treatment with corticosteroids indicate the possibility of using these cytokines as predictors of the beneficial effect of corticosteroids in Graves' ophthalmopathy.  相似文献   

Tick sampling methods based on blanket dragging and flagging were assessed with a view to carrying out a tick survey in an area of endemic babesiosis. The strip-flag method was finally selected for its efficiency, consistency, and practicality. This method was used to sample larval tick populations on ten farms with endemic babesiosis and it was found that these farms harboured very low densities of ticks compared with a control site. Possible explanations for this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood T lymphocytes require two sequential mitogenic signals to reenter the cell cycle from their natural, quiescent state. One signal is provided by stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor, and this induces the synthesis of both cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) that are necessary for progression through G1. Antigen receptor stimulation alone, however, is insufficient to promote activation of G1 cyclin-Cdk2 complexes. This is because quiescent lymphocytes contain an inhibitor of Cdk2 that binds directly to this kinase and prevents its activation by cyclins. The second mitogenic signal, which can be provided by the cytokine interleukin 2, leads to inactivation of this inhibitor, thereby allowing Cdk2 activation and progression into S phase. Enrichment of the Cdk2 inhibitor from G1 lymphocytes by cyclin-CDK affinity chromatography indicates that it may be p27Kip1. These observations show how sequentially acting mitogenic signals can combine to promote activation of cell cycle proteins and thereby cause cell proliferation to start. CDK inhibitors have been shown previously to be induced by signals that negatively regulate cell proliferation. Our new observations show that similar proteins are down-regulated by positively acting signals, such as interleukin 2. This finding suggests that both positive and negative growth signals converge on common targets which are regulators of G1 cyclin-CDK complexes. Inactivation of G1 cyclin-CDK inhibitors by mitogenic growth factors may be one biochemical pathway underlying cell cycle commitment at the restriction point in G1.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells (APC); their ability to induce proliferation of T cells in a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) assay is commonly used for the evaluation of their function. It is a general thought that gamma irradiation of APC does not influence their ability to activate T-cell proliferation, but the data from several studies are controversial. To further determine the mechanisms involved in DC-induced T-cell activation in MLR assay, human DC induced from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were gamma-irradiated and determine their effects on the proliferation and cytokine profiles of T cells in an autologous MLR. DC were induced from the PBMC of 11 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with RMPI 640 medium containing recombinant human GM-CSF (rhGM-CSF; 800 U/ml) and recombinant human IL-4 (rhIL-4; 500 U/ml). DC harvested on day 7 were divided into two equal parts. One part was not irradiated (naive DC); the other was gamma-irradiated at a dose of 30 Gy. Cell surface molecules were analyzed by flow cytometry. T-cell proliferation was determined using a beta-scintillation counter. The levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 in co-culture supernatants were measured by ELISA. The results indicated that gamma irradiation reduced expression of CD86, CD80 and HLA-DR molecules on DC, especially CD86 (P=0.0072). DC, irradiated or non-irradiated, effectively stimulated autologous T-cell proliferation. Compared to naive DC, irradiated DC showed a markedly lower capacity to promote T-cell proliferation (P=0.0073), and strikingly up-regulated secretion of IL-4 (P=0.0145) and IL-2 (P=0.0323) by autologous T cells. No significant differences were noted in IL-6 and IL-10 production between T cells co-cultured with naive DC and irradiated DC (P>0.05). It is concluded that gamma irradiation of DC not only influences the phenotype of DC but also alters their capacity to stimulate the proliferation and the cytokine profiles of autologous T cells in a MLR.  相似文献   

Selective growth and clonal proliferation of human T lymphocytes can be achieved by using a single-phase semi-solid methylcellulose system without the requirement of preincubation with lectins. Significant proliferation, however, depends upon the continued presence of Con A or PHA, but not pokeweed mitogen or lipopolysaccharide within the methylcellulose. This procedure eliminates nonspecific agglutination by lectins and allows for direct visualization of colonies and their specific removal and subsequent cloning in liquid phase. Optimal growth and production of colonies greater than 40-cell size require 3 to 9 days. Individual cells can be identified on the basis of E rosette formation and absence of surface immunoglobulin or ability to phagocytize latex particles. Moreover, proliferation is inhibited by antithymocyte but not anti-B cell sera and can be demonstrated with peripheral blood T and MOLT-4 cells, but not with B or Raji cells. Finally, colony formation is not enhanced by the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The clonal proliferation of human T lymphocytes has wide application in the study of both antigen recognition and lymphocyte alterations in specific diseases.  相似文献   

Suplatast tosilate (IPD-1151T) is an antiallergic agent that suppresses airway eosinophil infiltration in asthma. We investigated the effects of IPD-1151T on proliferative response and cytokine production by human antigen-specific T cell lines. Purified protein derivatives (PPD)-specific T helper 1 (Th1) cell lines and Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f)-specific T helper 2 (Th2) cell lines were established from patients with asthma sensitized with house dust mite. Stimulation of PPD-specific and Der f-specific T cell lines with relevant antigens resulted in production of mostly interferon (IFN)-gamma and of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-5, respectively. IPD-1151T did not inhibit the proliferative responses of either the Th1 or Th2 cell line to antigens. Although IPD-1151T did not inhibit IFN-gamma production by PPD-specific Th1 cell lines, it did inhibit IL-4 and IL-5 production by antigen-stimulated Der f-specific Th2 cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. IPD-1151T directly inhibited cytokine production by Der f-specific Th2 cell lines stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 antibodies. Although IPD-1151T did not inhibit the clonal expansion of memory T cells among PBMCs into PPD-specific Th1 and Th2 cell lines, it did inhibit IL-4 and IL-5 production by Der f-specific Th2 cell lines but not IFN-gamma production by PPD-specific Th1 cell lines. These results suggest that IPD-1151T selectively inhibits Th2-type cytokine production.  相似文献   

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