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Although autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) has been mapped to chromosome 5q12-q13, there is for this region no genetic map based on highly informative markers. In this study we present the mapping of two previously reported microsatellite markers in 40 CEPH and 31 SMA pedigrees. We also describe the isolation of a new microsatellite marker at the D5S112 locus. The most likely order of markers (with recombination fractions given in parentheses) is 5cen-D5S6-(.02)-D5S125-(.04)-(JK53CA1/2,D5S11 2)-(.04)-D5S39-qter. The relative order of D5S6, D5S112, and D5S39 was confirmed by in situ hybridization. Multipoint linkage analysis in 31 SMA families indicates that the SMA locus lies in the 6-cM interval between D5S6 and JK53CA1/2, D5S112.  相似文献   

Paralogous regions are duplicated segments of chromosomal DNA that have been acquired during the evolution of the genome. Subsequent divergent evolution of the genes within paralogous regions can lead to the formation of gene families. Here, we report the identification of a region on Chromosome (Chr) 6 at 6p21.3 that is paralogous with the Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) gene region on Chr 5 at 5q13.1. Partial characterization of this region identified nine sequences all of which are highly homologous to DNA sequences of the SMA gene region at 5q13.1. These sequences include four β-glucuronidase sequences, two retrotransposon sequences, a novel cDNA, a Sequence Tagged Site (STS), and one that is homologous to exon 9 of the Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitor Protein (NAIP) gene. The 6p21.3 paralogous SMA region may contain genes that are related to those in the SMA region at 5q13.1; however, a direct association of this region with SMA is unlikely given that no linkage of SMA with Chr 6 has been reported. Received: 12 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 November 1997  相似文献   

Childhood-onset proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a heritable neurological disorder, which has been mapped by genetic linkage analysis to chromosome 5q13, in the interval between markers D5S435 and D5S557. Here, we present gene sequences that have been isolated from this interval, several of which show sequence homologies to exons of beta-glucuronidase. These gene sequences are repeated several times across the candidate region and are also present on chromosome 5p. The arrangement of these repetitive gene motifs is polymorphic between individuals. The high degree of variability observed may have some influence on the expression of the genes in the region. Since SMA is not inherited as a classical autosomal recessive disease, novel genomic rearrangements arising from aberrant recombination events between the complex repeats may be associated with the phenotype observed.  相似文献   

Proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a group of progressive muscular diseases recently mapped to chromosome 5q. SMA is usually classified into types I-III, and there are cases of two types of SMA in the same sibship. Becker and others later proposed that these sibships might be due to the existence of several alleles at the same locus predisposing to the different forms of the disease. In a sample of four sibships in which both SMA type II and SMA type III occur, this hypothesis was clearly rejected for the SMA locus on 5q, by using information on the segregation of linked markers (P less than .001). Thus the difference between SMA type II and SMA type III is not due to different alleles at the SMA locus on 5q. This finding is suggestive of an involvement of other factors, genetic or environmental, in the determination of disease severity in SMA.  相似文献   

Genetic testing and risk assessment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Ogino S  Wilson RB 《Human genetics》2002,111(6):477-500
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is one of the most common autosomal recessive diseases, affecting approximately 1 in 10,000 live births, and with a carrier frequency of approximately 1 in 50. Because of gene deletion or conversion, SMN1 exon 7 is homozygously absent in approximately 94% of patients with clinically typical SMA. Approximately 30 small intragenic SMN1 mutations have also been described. These mutations are present in many of the approximately 6% of SMA patients who do not lack both copies of SMN1, whereas SMA of other patients without a homozygous absence of SMN1 is unrelated to SMN1. A commonly used polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay can be used to detect a homozygous absence of SMN1 exon 7. SMN gene dosage analyses, which can determine the copy numbers of SMN1 and SMN2 (an SMN1 homolog and a modifier for SMA), have been developed for SMA carrier testing and to confirm that SMN1 is heterozygously absent in symptomatic individuals who do not lack both copies of SMN1. In conjunction with SMN gene dosage analysis, linkage analysis remains an important component of SMA genetic testing in certain circumstances. Genetic risk assessment is an essential and integral component of SMA genetic testing and impacts genetic counseling both before and after genetic testing is performed. Comprehensive SMA genetic testing, comprising PCR-RFLP assay, SMN gene dosage analysis, and linkage analysis, combined with appropriate genetic risk assessment and genetic counseling, offers the most complete evaluation of SMA patients and their families at this time. New technologies, such as haploid analysis techniques, may be widely available in the future.  相似文献   

The spinal muscular atrophies (SMA) are among the most common autosomal recessive disorders. We have performed linkage analysis using both standard restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) as well as microsatellite polymorphisms [Ca(n)] on 49 Canadian SMA families (types 1, 2, and 3) that both flank and are linked to SMA. The closest SMA linkage was observed with the MAP1B locus (zmax=8.04, max=0.0). Multipoint linkage analysis gave a high probability of SMA mapping between D5S6 and D5S39. Only one family (type 3) that fulfilled our diagnostic criteria for SMA showed nonlinkage with 5q13 markers. This study shows the feasibility of accurate molecular diagnosis of SMA utilizing 5q13 satellite polymorphisms.  相似文献   

The HED (hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) or Clouston syndrome gene (named ED2) has been mapped to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 13 (13q11) to a 2.4-cM interval flanked by markers D13S1828 and D13S1830. We have developed a BAC/PAC-based contig map of this region. This contig, comprising 23 clones and spanning 1.5 Mb, was established by mapping of 27 BAC/PAC end-derived STSs, 11 known polymorphic markers, 2 previously mapped genes, and 14 ESTs. The genomic clone overlaps were confirmed by restriction fragment fingerprint analysis. This contig provides the basis for genomic sequencing and gene identification in the ED2 critical region. Of the 14 ESTs mapped to the contig, 6 show homology to human genes and 8 appear to be novel. Expression patterns of the genes/ESTs were tested by Northern blot and RT-PCR. Full characterization of some of these genes, as well as the novel ESTs, will be useful in assessing their involvement in the HED/Clouston syndrome.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) has been mapped to a 6-cM interval on chromosome 5q12–13.3, flanked proximally by locus D5S6 and distally by locus D5S112. In this study we describe the isolation of two new microsatellite markers (EF1/2a and EF13/14) near locus D5S125, which lies 2 cM distal to D5S6. We show by linkage analysis and the study of the recombinants in 55 SMA pedigrees that the disease lies in the 4-cM interval between EF1/2a and D5S112. Fluorescence in situ analysis of cosmids from D5S6, EF1/2a and D5S112 confirms the genetic order and relative distance of markers. The microsatellites EF1/2a and EF13/14 are the first highly polymorphic PCR based proximal markers in SMA to be described, and will be of value in prental prediction of the disorder.  相似文献   

The survival motor neuron (SMN) gene has been described as a determining gene for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMN has a closely flanking, nearly identical copy (cBCD541). Gene and copy gene can be discriminated by sequence differences in exons 7 and 8. The large majority of SMA patients show homozygous deletions of at least exons 7 and 8 of the SMN gene. A minority of patients show absence of SMN exon 7 but retention of exon 8. This is explained by results of our present analysis of 13 such patients providing evidence for apparent gene-conversion events between SMN and the centromeric copy gene. Instead of applying a separate analysis for absence or presence of SMN exons 7 and 8, we used a contiguous PCR from intron 6 to exon 8. In every case we found a chimeric gene with a fusion of exon 7 of the copy gene and exon 8 of SMN and absence of a normal SMN gene. Similar events, including the fusion counterpart, were observed in a group of controls, although in the presence of a normal SMN gene. Chimeric genes as the result of fusions of parts of SMN and cBCD541 apparently are far from rare and may partly explain the frequently observed SMN deletions in SMA patients.  相似文献   

In order to refine the physical location of the p105-153Ra and M4 probes which closely flank the spinal muscular atrophy gene (SMA) on human chromosome 5q, in situ hybridization has been carried out on prometaphase chromosomes. Our results demonstrate that the disease gene is located between the 5q12----q13.1 and 5q13.3 bands. The present study will hopefully contribute to microdissection of the chromosomal region of the SMA gene.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive motor neuron disease. It is the first genetic cause of infant mortality. It is caused by mutations in the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, leading to the reduction of SMN protein. The most striking component is the loss of alpha motor neurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord, resulting in progressive paralysis and eventually premature death. There is no current treatment other than supportive care, although the past decade has seen a striking advancement in understanding of both SMA genetics and molecular mechanisms. A variety of disease modifying interventions are rapidly bridging the translational gap from the laboratory to clinical trials. In this review, we would like to outline the most interesting therapeutic strategies that are currently developing, which are represented by molecular, gene and stem cell‐mediated approaches for the treatment of SMA.  相似文献   

We have constructed a physical map of chromosome 11q13, using 54 DNA markers that had been localized to 11q13.1----q13.5 by means of somatic hybrid cell panels. Although the map has some gaps, it spans nearly 14 Mb and includes the region containing the gene responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and also the region that is amplified in several types of malignant tumors. As the estimated average distance between each locus is roughly 300 kb, the markers reported here will be valuable resources for construction of contig maps with yeast artificial chromosomes and/or cosmid clones. Furthermore, these clones will be useful in efforts to identify the MEN1 gene and in analyses of the amplification units present at 11q13 in certain tumors.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS or SACS) is a neurodegenerative disease frequent in northeastern Québec. In a previous study, we localized the disease gene to chromosome region 13q11 by identifying excess sharing of a marker allele in patients followed by linkage analysis and haplotyping. To create a detailed physical map of this region, we screened CEPH mega-YACs with 41 chromosome 13 sequence-tagged-sites (STSs) known to map to 13q11-q12. The YAC contig, composed of 27 clones, extends on the genetic map from D13S175 to D13S221, an estimated distance of at least 19.3 cM. A high-resolution BAC and PAC map that includes the ARSACS critical region flanked by D13S1275 and D13S292 was constructed. These YAC and BAC/PAC maps allowed the accurate placement of 29 genes and ESTs previously mapped to the proximal region of chromosome 13q. We confirmed the position of two candidate genes within the critical region and mapped the other 27 genes and ESTs to nearby intervals. Six BAC/PAC clones form a contig between D13S232 and D13S787 for sequencing within the ARSACS critical region.  相似文献   

The embryonic lethal phenotype observed when DDK females are crossed with males from other strains results from a deleterious interaction between the egg cytoplasm and the paternal pronucleus soon after fertilization. We have previously mapped the Om locus responsible for this phenotype, called the DDK syndrome, to an approximately 2-cM region of chromosome 11. Here, we report the generation of a physical map of 28 yeast and bacterial artificial chromosome clones encompassing the entire genetic interval containing the Om locus. This contig, spanning approximately 2 Mb, was used to map precisely genes and genetic markers of the region. We determined the maximum physical interval for Om to be 1400 kb. In addition, 11 members of the Scya gene family were found to be organized into two clusters at the borders of the Om region. Two other genes (Rad51l3 and Schlafen 2) and one EST (D11Wsu78e) were also mapped in the Om region. This integrated map provides support for the identification of additional candidate genes for the DDK syndrome.  相似文献   

Vinculin is a cytoskeletal protein component of adherens type cell junctions. The gene had been mapped to 10q11.2-qter. We have used a combination of physical and genetic mapping techniques to refine this localization. Hybridization of the vinculin cDNA probe, HV1, to a human-rodent somatic hybrid panel initially suggested a position of either 10q11.2 or 10q22.1-10q23. Genetic recombination mapping in three-generation families with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) indicated a position distal to D10S22 (10q21.1) in 10q22.1-10q23. This was confirmed by hybridization of the vinculin cDNA to flow-sorted translocation derivative chromosomes containing the q21-qter portion of chromosome 10. We conclude that the vinculin locus maps in 10q22.1-q23, distal to D10S22.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder leading to immobilization and premature death. Currently, three alternative therapeutic options are available. Therefore, biomarkers that might reflect or predict the clinical course of the individual patient with treatment are of great potential use. Currently, the antisense oligonucleotide nusinersen is the prevalent and longest validated therapy for SMA. We analysed CSF candidate biomarkers for degenerative CNS processes (namely phosphorylated heavy chain (pNf-H), light-chain neurofilaments (NfL), total tau protein (T-Tau), neurogranin, β-secretase BACE-1 and alpha-synuclein) in 193 CSF samples of 44 paediatric SMA types 1, 2 and 3 patients before and under nusinersen treatment and related them to standardized clinical outcome scores in a single-centre pilot study. pNf-H and NfL correlated with disease severity and activity, emphasizing their relevance as marker of neuronal loss and clinical outcome. T-Tau was significantly correlated with motor function scores in SMA type 1 making it an interesting marker for treatment response. Additionally, baseline T-Tau levels were elevated in most SMA patients possibly reflecting the extension of neuronal degeneration in paediatric-onset SMA. Further investigations of these CSF proteins might be beneficial for paediatric SMA subtypes and treatment modalities as an indicator for clinical outcome and should be analysed in larger cohorts.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(3):540-548
Rho-kinase (ROCK) as well as extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) control actin cytoskeletal organization thereby regulating dynamic changes of cellular morphology. In neurons, motility processes such as axonal guidance and neurite outgrowth demand a fine regulation of upstream pathways. Here we demonstrate a bilateral ROCK–ERK information flow in neurons. This process is shifted towards an unidirectional crosstalk in a model of the neurodegenerative disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), ultimately leading to neurite outgrowth dysregulations. As both pathways are of therapeutic relevance for SMA, our results argue for a combinatorial ROCK/ERK-targeting as a future treatment strategy.  相似文献   

Best’s macular dystrophy, also known as vitelliform macular degeneration type 2 (VMD-2), is an autosomal dominant eye disorder that causes reduced visual acuity. It generally manifests itself in the teenage years. The gene mutated in VMD-2 patients may provide valuable insight into the biological mechanisms of the far more common disorder age-related macular degeneration. The VMD-2 gene has been localized to 11q13 between UGB and FcɛRI. In order to clone the gene positionally, a large Swedish VMD-2 family dating back to the 17th century was studied for recombinations. Since the last study, another 40 microsatellite markers have been analyzed in the family; the closest centromeric flanking marker, D11S4076, revealed two recombinations and the closest telomeric flanking marker, UGB, revealed one recombination. The recombinations have occurred in affected individuals, which eliminates the potential problem of reduced penetrance. The order and physical distance between 22 markers located at proximal 11q13 were analyzed on the G3 Stanford radiation-reduced cell hybrids. The data suggest that the VMD-2 region flanked by the microsatellite markers D11S4076 and UGB is approximately 980 kb. Received: 23 April 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

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