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Root cultures of Gloriosa superba were treated with 5 mm methyl jasmonate and 125 μm AlCl3 which enhanced the intracellular colchicine content of the roots by 50-fold and 63-fold, respectively. Ten millimolar of CaCl2 and 1 mm CdCl2 enhanced biomass significantly (7- to 8.6-fold, respectively) while maximum release of colchicine into the medium was obtained with 10 mm CdCl2. Casein hydrolysate, yeast extract and silver nitrate had no significant effect on growth and colchicine accumulation in root cultures. Revisions requested 2 November 2005; Revisions received 9 January 2006  相似文献   

Summary Hairy root cultures of Lithospermum erythrorhizon were established by transformation of in vitro grown shoots with Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834. Hairy roots cultured on Murashige and Skoog solid medium did not produce any red pigments. However, the hairy roots cultured in Root Culture solid or liquid media produced a large amount of red pigments, which were released to the medium. The addition of adsorbents to the culture medium stimulated shikonin production by ca. 3-fold. Using this method an air-lift fermenter system was established, equipped with a XAD-2 column, which continuously produced ca. 5 mg/day of shikonin during a period of more than 220 days.  相似文献   

Summary Tropane alkaloid production was studied in different root cultures ofDatura stramonium. Cultured roots were obtained with 10−6 M of indolbutyric acid. Their doubling times were from 6 to 19 days. Hyoscyamine content varied from 0.17 to 0.62% dry weight, and scopolamine content from 0.08 to 0.33% dry weight, depending on the lines. A comparison of the bioproductivity of these compounds in the pot-grown plant roots showed that it was two to three orders lower than cultured roots, and it increased one order of magnitude considering the productivity on the whole plant. Bioproductivity, growth capacity and alkaloid production stability during subsequent transfers (more than 2 yr) are reported. Only one root line (N5) showed excretion of the alkaloids to the culture medium. Characterization of three selected lines (N1, N5, and N9) showed that the highest alkaloid production is reached at the stationary phase of growth, with the exception of line N9.  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures of Physalis minima L. were developed using Agrobacterium rhizogenes, strain ATCC 15834 mediated transformation and grown in half strength of Murashige and Skoog medium containing 8% (w/v) sucrose. Media supplementation with 1 mg naphthalenacetic acid l(-1) and 1 mg benzyladenine increased solasodine glycoside up to 900 g dry wt, which was 20 times higher than that in the native root.  相似文献   

The transformed root culture of Polygonum tinctorium Lour. was established by infecting leaf explants with Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4. These cultures were examined for their growth and indigo content under various culture conditions. Among the four different culture media tested, SH medium showed the highest yield for root growth (28 mg dry wt/30 ml) and indigo production (152 g/dry wt). In SH medium, 30 g sucrose l–1, 2500 mg KNO3 l–1, 300 mg NH4H2PO4 l–1 were the best conditions for indigo production at pH 5.7. The production of indigo in hairy roots slightly increased with the addition of 200 mg chitosan l–1 (186 g/dry wt) and 20 U pectinase l–1 (181 g/dry wt).  相似文献   

Scaled-up hairy root culture of Artemisia annua L. was established in three-liter Erlenmeyer flask. Both artemisinin and stigmasterol that derive from the common precursors of isopentenyl diphosphate and farnesyl pyrophosphate were isolated from hairy roots. The production rate of artemisinin isolated by column chromatography from hairy root cultures was 0.54% (mg.gDW−1). Stigmasterol was identified by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. The production of stigmasterol isolated by column chromatography from hairy root cultures was 108.3% (mg.gDW−1). In hairy root cultures, the production rate of stigmasterol was estimated to be 201 times greater than that of artemisinin. Our results suggest that investigation of secondary metabolites may provide a new insight to study artemisinin production in hairy root cultures. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The in vitro reactions of two closely related endangered species Sandersonia and Gloriosa were studied. Both species responded similarly in vitro. Callus production was initiated on a basal medium containing 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Roots were formed on removal of this hormone. Tuber explants from particular parts of the tuber produced plantlets on a range of hormone concentrations. Repeated longitudinal sectioning of the bud also resulted in multiple plantlet formation.  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures of Catharanthus roseus were established by infection with six different Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains. Two plant varieties were used and found to exhibit significantly different responses to infection. Forty-seven hairy root clones derived from normal plants and two derived from the flowerless variety were screened for their growth and indole alkaloid production. The growth rate and morphological appearance showed wide variations between the clones. The alkaloid spectra observed were qualitatively but not quantitatively very similar to that of the corresponding normal plant roots. No vindoline or deacetyltransferase activity could be detected in any of the cultures studied. O-acetylval-lesamine, an alkaloid which has not been previously observed in C. roseus was identified from extracts of hairy root clone No. 8. Two root clones were examined for their growth and alkaloid accumulation during a 26-day culture period. Alkaloid accumulation parallelled growth in both clones with ca. 2 mg ajmalicine and catharanthine per g dry weight being observed.Dedicated to Dr. Friedrich Constabel on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Rosmarinic acid, an important phenolic active compound, is one of the main active constituents of Agastache rugosa Kuntze and has astringent properties, antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory activity, antimutagenic ability, antimicrobial capacity, and antiviral properties. To investigate in vitro production of rosmarinic acid, we established a hairy root culture of A. rugosa by infecting leaf and stem explants with Agrobacterium rhizogenes R1000, and tested the growth and rosmarinic acid production of these cultures. Hairy roots were cultured in Murashige and Skoog liquid medium and maximum growth (14.1 g dry wt/l) was attained after 14 days of culture, at which time the content of rosmarinic acid was 116 mg/g dry wt. The present results demonstrate that hairy root culture of A. rugosa is a valuable alternative approach for the production of rosmarinic acid.  相似文献   

A large-scale culture of hairy root of Ophiorrhiza pumila using a modified 3 l bioreactor was established. The hairy roots, incited by infection of Agrobacterium rhizogenes were grown in the bioreactor equipped with a stainless net. The final concentration of camptothecin was 0.0085% fresh wt of tissue, and the total production of camptothecin, an anti-neoplastic quinoline alkaloid, reached 22 mg over 8 weeks' culture in the reactor. Approx. 17% (3.6 mg) of the total camptothecin produced was excreted into the culture medium.  相似文献   

Linum flavum hairy roots were initiated from leaf discs using Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains LBA9402 and TR105 though two other strains, 15834 and A4, were relatively ineffective for induction. Significant variation in coniferin accumulation was observed between hairy root lines originating from different L. flavum seedlings and/or A. rhizogenes strains. Coniferin reached 58 mg g–1 dry wt by culturing the roots in Linsmaier and Skoog (LS) medium with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and naphthaleneacetic acid as growth regulators.  相似文献   

Summary Ten transformed and two non-transformed root lines ofCatharanthus roseus were established. A systematic study of the growth kinetics and alkaloid content was performed over a culture cycle and showed significant differences between transformed and non-transformed cultures. Mean doubling times for transformed and normal root lines were 2.8 and 19.5 days, respectively. Alkaloid content in hairy roots was from two- to threefold higher than in the non-transformed tissues. The established transformed root lines produced a wide variety of indole alkaloids as can be observed from their complex thin layer chromatography patterns. A large quantity of serpentine was determined in two of the transformed root cultures. Alkaloid content, both quantitatively and qualitatively, has been stable in the hairy root cultures for more than 2 yr of subculturing.  相似文献   

Treatment with an autoclaved culture homogenate of the yeastRhodotorula rubra induces rapid accumulation of acridone epoxides, furoquinolines and furanocoumarins in cell cultures ofRuta graveolens (L). The increased accumulation is preceeded by an induction of enzymes of the biosynthetic pathways. In the case of furanocoumarins induction was shown for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (4-CL) and S-adenosyl-l-methionine: xanthotoxol O-methyltransferase (XOMT). For PAL and 4-CL time courses of induced activity showed an early maximum, 8–12 h after treatment, whereas XOMT was found to reach its maximum later, about 36–42 h after treatment. The elicitor dose-response curve showed saturation at an elicitor concentration of 1%. At any time during the whole culturing period cells responded to elicitiation but the maximum enzyme activities induced were lower at the late stages. Experiments with different suspension culture strains, a shoot teratoma culture and hydroponically grown sterile photomixotrophic plants were performed to assess the influence of differentiation on constitutive activities of these enzymes and their inducibility by elicitation. Constitutive furanocoumarin accumulation was positively correlated with the level of differentiation. Although induction of PAL, 4-CL and XOMT activity always accompanied induced furanocoumarin accumulation no absolute correlation existed between induced enzyme activities and the induced product level or relative product increase.Abbreviations 4-CL 4-coumarate:CoA ligase - COMT S-adenosyl-l-methionine:caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase - PAL phenylalanine:ammonia-lyase - XOMT S-adenosyl-l-methionine:xanthotoxol O-methyltransferase  相似文献   

Untransformed root cultures of Nothapodytes foetida were established from immature zygotic embryos on MS basal medium supplemented with different concentration of growth regulators. Alkaloid contents in untransformed root cultures showed that root elongation and growth regulators accompanied product synthesis. Basal medium supplemented with NAA and BA achieved maximum number of elongated roots. Maximum concentration of camptothecin (0.01% DW) and 9-methoxy camptothecin (0.0016% DW) were synthesised by untransformed root cultures incubated on MS medium supplemented with NAA (71.36 M) and BA (8.87 M). Culture medium containing NAA (71.36 M) and Kn (9.29 M) proliferated callus interspersed with roots which synthesised camptothecin (0.00017% DW) and 9-methoxy-camptothecin (0.000058% DW).  相似文献   

The effects of feeding of biosynthetic precursors and pathway specific inhibitors on anthraquinone (AQ) accumulation in fungal elicited cell cultures of Cinchona`Robusta' were studied. Addition of glyceraldehyde (1 mM), the initial precursor in the methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, did not increase AQ accumulation, suggesting that the endogenous level of this precursor is not a limiting factor of AQ flux. It is proposed that AQs in Cinchona might be derived from the phenylpropanoid pathway, e.g. from caffeic acid. Addition of ferulic acid (1 mM) did not stimulate AQ accumulation, while addition of caffeic acid increased AQ accumulation by 48% compared to the control. The stimulating effect of feeding caffeic acid on AQ accumulation might be due to activation of other pathways. Addition of tectoquinone (2-methyl-anthraquinone) did not change the AQ patterns nor the shifts between AQs in control and tectoquinone-treated cell cultures. Addition of lovastatin, a specific inhibitor of the mevalonic acid pathway, did not inhibit the AQ accumulation. Clomazone, an inhibitor in the MEP pathway, inhibited the AQ accumulation, however. The simultaneous addition of lovastatin and clomazone inhibited both cell growth and AQ accumulation. These results further support the finding that isopentenyl diphosphate, which constitutes ring C of AQs in Cinchona `Robusta', is derived from the MEP pathway, and not from the mevalonic acid pathway.  相似文献   

UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase (UGT, EC activity was detected in excised root cultures of Gypsophila paniculata. The UGT activity (up to 0.8 nkat mg–1 protein) correlated to the total saponin content (2 mg g–1 dw) during the exponential phase of the batch culture. This gives rise to the hypothesis of a direct relationship in the biosynthetic pathway regulation between the enzyme activity and the saponin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of biotic elicitors (yeast extract, chitosan), signaling molecule (salicylic acid), and polyamines (putrescine and spermidine) was studied with respect to isoflavones accumulation in hairy root cultures of Psoralea corylifolia L. Untreated hairy roots (control) accumulated 1.55% dry wt of daidzein and 0.19% dry wt of genistein. In precursor feeding experiment, phenylalanine at 2 mM concentration led to 1.3 fold higher production of daidzein (1.91% dry wt) and genistein (0.27% dry wt). In biotic elicitors, chitosan (2 mg/L) was found to be the most efficient elicitor to induce daidzein (2.78% dry wt) and genistein (0.279% dry wt) levels in hairy roots. Salicylic acid at 1 mM concentration stimulated the maximum accumulation of daidzein (2.2% dry wt) and genistein (0.228% dry wt) 2 days after elicitation. In case of polyamines, putrescine (50 mM) resulted in highest accumulation of daidzein (3.01% dry wt) and genistein (0.227% dry wt) after 5 days of addition. Present results indicated the effectiveness of elicitation and precursor feeding on isoflavones accumulation in hairy roots of P. corylifolia. This is the first report of elicitation on isoflavones production by hairy roots of P. corylifolia.  相似文献   

Summary Hairy root cultures of Solanum aculeatissimum were established by trans-formation using Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain 15834. Root growth and production of steroidal saponin were investigated under various culture conditions. Transformed roots grew better in Gamborg's B5 medium containing 3 % sucrose under continuous light than in the dark. Also, the roots turned light green when cultured under continuous light. Green hairy roots produced aculeatiside A (6.71mg ·) L–1 and aculeatiside B (6.39mg · L–1) after 8 weeks of culture, while no steroidal saponin was detected in hairy roots cultured in the dark. Of the three culture media tested, Gamborg's B5 medium was superior for growth and steroidal saponin production. Growth and steroidal saponin production were enhanced when 100g · L–1 auxin except for 2,4-D was added to the medium. The addition of 2,4-D inhibited growth. Production of steroidal saponin was highest with NAA. Transformed roots used in this experiment were confirmed that hairy roots examined contain both TL-DNA and TR-DNA region of Ri plasmid by PCR amplification analysis of DNA.Abbreviations MS medium Murashige and Skoog's medium (1962) - B5 medium Gamborg's B5 medium (1968) - LS medium Linsmaier and Skoog's medium(1965) - HPLC High performance liquid chromatography - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid - IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - PCR polymerase chain reaction  相似文献   

From a study of the relationship between the type and age of the inocula, and the growth and biosynthesis of betalains in a Beta vulgaris hairy root culture, the best results were achieved with a 14 d inoculum grown in submerged culture giving 42 mg betalains (16 mg betacyanins and 26 betaxanthins) and 1.5 g dry biomass in 40 ml medium.  相似文献   

Transformed roots of V. locusta (Valerianaceae) were obtained through transformation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains A4 and ATCC 15834. Six known valepotriates, including diavaltrate, acevaltrate, didrovaltrate, IVHD-valtrate, isovaltrate, and valtrate were the major components detected. An LC/PDA method was used in the quantitation of these compounds in the transformed root extracts. The treatment of transformed roots with biotic (methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, yeast extract) and abiotic elicitors (CuSO4, HgCl2, CaCl2) was used as a strategy to improve the production of valepotriates. Methyl jasmonate appeared to be the best elicitor for valepotriate production, yielding up to a 7-fold increase in total valepotriate content, while HgCl2 had the most deteriorating effect on the production of valepotriates. Salicylic acid-, CuSO4- and CaCl2-treated roots showed significant increases in the production at a short duration of exposure; the production decreased as the time of elicitation increased. The highest total valepotriate content achieved in this study was 139 mg g–1 DW (13.9%) from transformed roots treated for 10 days with 100 M methyl jasmonate. This amount was >50- and 12-fold higher than the values reported from the cultivated plants and callus culture, respectively, and was comparable to the amount reported from the high valepotriate-producing species Valeriana thalictroides Graebn. The production of diavaltrate, acevaltrate, didrovaltrate, and isovaltrate were significantly higher, while the production of IVHD-valtrate was lower and that of valtrate was similar to that of the control. The IVAL/VAL production ratio was affected by the treatment with methyl jasmonate but not by other elicitors. The use of transformed root cultures in combination with the treatment with biotic and abiotic elicitors offer a new route for high valepotriate production.  相似文献   

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