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Abstract:Amphorothecium occultum P. M. McCarthy, Kantvilas & Elix gen. et sp. nov. is described from deeply shaded, saxicolous bryophytes in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia. This genus is characterized by a trentepohlioid photobiont, distinctive thallus chemistry, pale, simple perithecia, largely unbranched paraphyses and periphyses, thin-walled, non-amyloid asci and very large, multiseptate ascospores. Its systematic position is uncertain.  相似文献   

The genus Killickia is described to accommodate the South African endemic species formerly placed in Micromeria sect. Hesperothymus . Morphological data, as well as results from unpublished phylogenetic studies support its separation from the genera Micromeria and Clinopodium . A new species Killickia lutea Bräuchler is described and three new combinations are made. Killickia is characterised as comprising solitary- or few-flowered cymes, a campanulate to subcampanulate (obconical) calyx with similar teeth, a corolla tube with two pubescent ridges and nutlets with scattered minute hairs. A thickened marginal vein in the leaves as typical for Micromeria is absent. As currently understood all species are restricted to the Drakensberg mountains and KwaZulu-Natal Midlands in eastern South Africa. A key to the species, brief notes on anatomy and ecology are provided.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 575–586.  相似文献   

The genus Stirtonia is described to accommodate three anomalous species, hitherto placed in Podalyria . The new genus differs from Podalyria mainly in the decussate (geminate) inflorescence structure (racemose in Podalyria ), the yellow flower colour (purple, pink or white in Podalyria ), the non-fleshy rim-aril of the seeds (seed aril invariably fleshy and collar-like in Podalyria ) and in the diagnostically different combination of quinolizidine alkaloids. The major alkaloidal metabolites are carboxylic acid esters of lupanine and virgiline, but these compounds are totally absent in Podalyria . The morphology of inflorescences, leaves, flowers and seeds are described and illustrated. Chromosome numbers (2n = 18) are reported for the first time. A formal taxonomic treatment of the three species, S. tayloriana, S. chrysantha and S. insignis , is presented.  相似文献   

Hedbergia is described as a new, monotypic genus in the Scrophulariaceae, subfamily Rhinanthoideae, tribe Rhinantheae. The species H. abyssinica is transferred from Bartsia. Hedbergia abyssinica is the most primitive taxon so far known in the subtribe Euphrasineae.  相似文献   

Abstract:The new corticolous lichen genus Krogia and species K. coralloides are described from humid forest in Mauritius. The genus shows affinities with Phyllopsora, but differs in characters of the ascus, ascospores, and thallus anatomy. The ascal characters make its inclusion in the Bacidiaceae orPhyllopsoraceae problematic. The lichen contains boninic acid and an apparently related compound.  相似文献   

The genus Punctelia Krog gen. nov., comprising subgen. Punctelia (the Parmelia borreri group) and subgen. Flavopunctelia Krog subgen. nov. (the Parmelia flaventior group), is here segregated from Parmelia s. str. The main differences between the two genera lie in the development of the pseudocyphellae, the chemical properties of the medulla, and the centres of distribution. Parmelia s. str. has its highest number of species in East Asia and the Australian region, Punctelia in the Americas and Africa.  相似文献   

Systematic studies of scirpoid species in the Andes showed the necessity to exclude one species each from Scirpus and Carex. They are combined in a new genus Zameioscirpus and a third new species is described. The autonomous generic position of Zameioscirpus within the Scirpeae is supported by a phylogenetic analysis based on rbcL and trnL-F sequencing data and by conspicuous morphological similarities.  相似文献   

Kerry Barringer 《Brittonia》1983,35(2):111-114
Monopera is described as a new genus in the Scrophulariaceae, subfamily Scrophularioideae, tribe Angeloneae. Two species are transferred fromAngelonia,Monopera micrantha andMonopera perennis. These species are described and illustrated, and a key is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):151-160

We describe Triquetrella mxinwana, a new species presently known only from the winter rainfall area of South Africa. Within this region it is common in karroo and renosterveld, but it also occurs in fynbos. It differs from other Triquetrella species in the several low, bifid, papillae on each laminal cell, but is similar to the Australian Leptodontium paradoxum, differing in size and anatomical details. Although sporophytes of L. paradoxum are unknown, those of T. mxinwana have the peristome of Triquetrella rather than Leptodontium. Phylogenetic analysis of data from three chloroplast (rps4, trnL-F and psbA-trnH) and one nuclear (ITS1) loci confirms that T. mxinwana and L. paradoxum are sister taxa and together are sister to the rest of Triquetrella. This placement also better reflects gametophyte morphology, which, though intermediate between Triquetrella and Leptodontium, better fits the former. Divergence levels among species of Triquetrella are very low and molecular clock approaches indicate that all divergences are of Pliocene–Pleistocene age. The estimated time of the split between T. mxinwana and its nearest relative is concordant with independent paleoclimatic estimates of the time of onset of winter rainfall conditions in the Cape. The disjunctive distribution of the genus in areas of Mediterranean climate is attributed to dispersal rather than ancient vicariance.  相似文献   

Schutte, A.L. 1995. Five new species of the genus Liparia (Fabaceae) from South Africa. - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 149–156. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Five distinct new species of the genus Liparia are described, namely L. bonaespei, L. confusa, L. congesta, L. rafnioides and L. triata . These species are, like many of the species included in the recently enlarged generic concept of Liparia , also localized, and are all endemic to the Cape Province of South Africa.  相似文献   

The new genusRhodothyrsus is proposed, based on the AmazonianSenefeldera macrophylla Ducke but also containing another newly described species,Rhodothyrsus hirsutus from northwestern Venezuela. The genus is a member of the tribe Hippomaneae of the Euphorbiaceae and apparently related toSenefeldera, but its closest relationships are still obscure, because the phylogeny of the tribe is poorly known and most of the significant characters ofRhodothyrsus are probably autapomorphies or symplesiomorphies. The restriction to tropical lowland rain forests is rare within the Hippomaneae, and several floral characters, pointing to a specialized pollination possibly by butterflies, are unique in the tribe.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):234-239

A new genus, Acaulonopsis (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), including two new species, A. fynbosensis and A. eureka, is described from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Together with the similarly much reduced pottiaceous genus Acaulon, Acaulonopsis is unique in the family with a very short seta and spherical capsule, which lacks the apiculus found in other genera. The new genus is also distinguished by short plant stature, and a total of about five ovate leaves that clasp closely the capsules in nearly spherical leaf bases. Continuing bryological study of the fynbos region has recently resulted in a number of startling discoveries of bryophytes new to science and distinct at the genus level. A new combination is made for the South African endemic genus Vrolijkheidia (Pottiaceae) with discussion of its dimorphic habitus.  相似文献   

Ahmed S.  Thandar 《Journal of Zoology》1994,234(2):341-351
Fourteen specimens of a shallow-water, sand-inhabiting, polytentaculate holothuroid, dredged from Durban, South Africa, are new and described as Phyllophorus (Phyllophorella) rosetta sp. nov. The new species is distinct in possessing an abundance of rosettes in all parts of the body wall, often in combination with tables typical of those of the Phyllophorus subgenus Phyllophorella Heding & Panning, 1954. In the form of its tables and rosettes the new species appears to be closely related to P. (P) contractura Cherbonnier, 1988 from Madagascar but differs from it in the form of its calcareous ring, the number of polian vesicles and the presence of rosettes throughout the body wall, instead of their restriction to the anal region. The presence of rosettes makes the new species, together with P. (P) contractura , a good intermediate between Phyllophorus and Lipotrapeza. The new species increases to nine the number of species now classified in the subgenus Phyllophorella. All nine species are keyed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stentorceps tubicen , a new genus and species of Eucoilidae from East Africa, is described and illustrated. The genus is characterized by the possession of large protrusions on the face, features previously unknown in the family. The genus is compared with other eucoilids and its systematic position is discussed.  相似文献   

{btKorupodendron songweanum} is described as the second genus of Vochysiaceae from Africa. Its classification, biogeography, conservation status, and local name and uses are discussed.  相似文献   

中国鸡皮衣属地衣二新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任强  赵遵田 《广西植物》2004,24(4):329-331
从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对藏于中国科学院微生物所菌物标本馆 (HMAS L)和南京师范大学生命科学学院标本室 (NNU)的鸡皮衣属地衣标本进一步鉴定 ,发现两中国新记录种  相似文献   

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