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The response of malignant and nonmalignant human breast cell lines to the growth inhibitory effects of monoclonal antibodies against the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was studied. A series of human breast cell lines, which express EGF receptor, were used: MDA-468, MDA-231, and Hs578T human breast cancer cells and the transformed human mammary epithelial cell lines 184A1N4 and 184A1N4-T that have been benzo[a]pyrene immortalized and further transformed with SV40T, respectively. Four antibodies of two different classes were tested: 225 immunoglobulin G (IgG), 108.4 IgG, 96 immunoglobulin M (IgM), and 42 IgM. All four antibodies inhibited the anchorage-dependent and -independent, EGF-stimulated growth of 184A1N4 and 184A1N4-T cells, respectively, and this growth inhibition could be reversed by the addition of increasing concentrations of EGF. In contrast, the antibodies inhibited the anchorage-dependent and -independent growth of MDA-468 cells in the absence of exogenous EGF suggesting that the antibodies were acting to block access of an endogenously produced ligand to the EGF receptor. In the presence of antibody and increasing concentrations of EGF, MDA-468 cell growth was first stimulated then inhibited as the EGF concentration increased, thus, uncovering the growth stimulatory potential of low concentrations of EGF in these cells. Data is presented that indicates MDA-468 cells secrete a transforming growth factor with autocrine growth stimulatory capabilities. The growth of MDA-231 and Hs578T cells, which contain activated ras oncogenes, was not inhibited by the antibodies and the growth of these cell lines was not stimulated by EGF. Of the cell lines studied only MDA-468 cells appear to possess an autocrine growth stimulatory capacity.  相似文献   

We have recently reported (J. Filmus, M. N. Pollak, R. Cailleau, and R. N. Buick, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 128:898-905, 1985) that MDA-468, a human breast cancer cell line with a high number of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors, has an amplified EGF receptor gene and is growth inhibited in vitro pharmacological doses of EGF. We have derived several MDA-468 clonal variants which are resistant to EGF-induced growth inhibition. These clones had a number of EGF receptors, similar to normal human fibroblasts, and had lost the EGF receptor gene amplification. Karyotype analysis showed that MDA-468 cells had an abnormally banded region (ABR) in chromosome 7p which was not present in the variants. It was shown by in situ hybridization that the amplified EGF receptor sequences were located in that chromosome, 7pABR. Five of the six variants studied were able to generate tumors in nude mice, but their growth rate was significantly lower than that of tumors derived from the parental cell line. The variant that was unable to produce tumors was found to be uniquely dependent on EGF for growth in soft agar.  相似文献   

The MDA-468 human breast cancer cell line displays the unusual phenomenon of growth inhibition in response to pharmacological concentrations of EGF. This study was initiated with the objective of elucidating the cellular mechanisms involved in EGF-induced growth inhibition. Following EGF treatment the percentage of MDA-468 cells in G1 phase increased, together with a concomitant depletion in S and G2/M phase populations, as revealed by flow cytometry of DNA content. The apparent G1 block in the cell cycle was confirmed by treating the cells with vinblastine. DNA synthesis was reduced to about 35% of that measured in control, untreated cells after 48 h of EGF treatment, as measured by the incorporation of [3H]thymidine. DNA synthesis returned to normal following the removal of EGF from the growth-arrested cells. In order to locate the EGF-induced event responsible for the G1 arrest more precisely, we examined the expression of certain cell cycle-dependent genes by Northern blot analysis. EGF treatment did not alter either the induction of the early G1 marker, c-myc, or the expression of the late G1 markers, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and thymidine kinase. However, EGF-treated cells revealed down regulation of p53 and histone 3.2 expression, which are expressed at the G1/S boundary and in S phase, respectively. These results indicate that EGF-induced growth inhibition in MDA-468 human breast cancer cells is characterized by a reversible cell cycle block at the G1/S boundary.  相似文献   

EGF, in pharmacological concentrations, inhibits cell proliferation of the MDA-468 human breast cancer cell line. Previously, we have demonstrated that this was characterized by a reversible cell cycle arrest at the G1-S boundary, concomitant with downregulation of mRNA levels for p53 (a point mutant, p53273.His). Since p53273.His is regarded as a gain-of-function mutant and acts to enhance cell proliferation, we hypothesized that the G1 arrest induced by EGF might be mediated by p53273.His. In this study, we report an EGF-dependent altered conformation as indicated by immunofluorescence, while no significant immediate effects of EGF-treatment on p53273.His protein levels and synthesis were observed. These experiments demonstrated a decreased PAb 240 (mutant-specific) reactivity of nuclear p53273.His in EGF-treated cells, while that of PAb 1620 (wild-type specific) was enhanced. Staining with PAb 1801 (pan specific), on the other hand, showed little change upon EGF treatment. Further studies indicated a decreased phosphorylation of nuclear p53273. His in EGF-treated cells. These EGF-dependent events were detected early enough to be attributed as causative of cell cycle arrest. We suggest that EGF-mediated, phosphorylation-dependent conformational change in nuclear p53273.His, and in turn altered p53 function, may be responsible for EGF-dependent growth inhibition MDA-468 cells.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been noted to stimulate proliferation of a variety of normal and malignant cells including those of human breast epithelium. We report here that MDA-468, a human breast cancer cell line with a very high number of EGF receptors, is growth-inhibited at EGF concentrations that stimulate most other cells. The basis for the elevated receptor level is EGF receptor gene amplification and over-expression. An MDA-468 clone selected for resistance to EGF-induced growth inhibition shows a number of receptors within the normal range. The results are discussed in relation to a threshold model for EGF-induced growth inhibition.  相似文献   

Repair of damaged periodontal ligament (PDL) tissue is an essential challenge in tooth preservation. Various researchers have attempted to develop efficient therapies for healing and regenerating PDL tissue based on tissue engineering methods focused on targeting signaling molecules in PDL stem cells and other mesenchymal stem cells. In this context, we investigated the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in normal and surgically wounded PDL tissues and its effect on chemotaxis and expression of osteoinductive and angiogenic factors in human PDL cells (HPDLCs). EGF as well as EGF receptor (EGFR) expression was observed in HPDLCs and entire PDL tissue. In a PDL tissue-injured model of rat, EGF and IL-1β were found to be upregulated in a perilesional pattern. Interleukin-1β induced EGF expression in HPDLCs but not EGFR. It also increased transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) expression. Transwell assays demonstrated the chemotactic activity of EGF on HPDLCs. In addition, EGF treatment significantly induced secretion of bone morphogenetic protein 2 and vascular endothelial growth factor, and gene expression of interleukin-8 (IL-8), and early growth response-1 and -2 (EGR-1/2). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells developed well-formed tube networks when cultured with the supernatant of EGF-treated HPDLCs. These results indicated that EGF upregulated under inflammatory conditions plays roles in the repair of wounded PDL tissue, suggesting its function as a prospective agent to allow the healing and regeneration of this tissue.  相似文献   

We examined transforming growth factor (TGF) alpha, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and EGF receptor (EGFR) expression and signaling in three drug resistant MCF-7 human breast cancer sublines and asked whether these pathways contribute to the drug resistance phenotype. In the resistant sublines, upregulation of both TGFalpha and EGFR mRNA was observed. In an apparent contrast with upregulated growth factor and receptor gene expression, the drug resistant sublines displayed a reduced growth rate. Defects in the EGFR signaling pathway cascade were found in all examined drug resistant sublines, including altered EGF-induced Shc, Raf-1, or mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. Induction of c-fos mRNA expression by EGF was impaired in the sublines compared to parental MCF-7 cells. In contrast, the induction of the stress-activated protein kinase activity was similar in both parental and drug resistant cells. Evaluating the link between the reduced growth rate and drug resistance, serum starvation experiments were performed. These studies demonstrated that a reduced proliferative activity resulted in a marked reduction in sensitivity to cytotoxic agents in the parental MCF-7 cells. We propose that the altered EGFR levels frequently observed in drug resistant breast cancer cells are associated with perturbations in the signaling pathway that mediate a reduced proliferative rate and thereby contribute to drug resistance.  相似文献   

In the human breast carcinoma cell line MDA-468 addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) is growth inhibitory. Calcium signalling was investigated in this cell line using the calcium sensitive fluorescent probe Indo-1. Addition of EGF to MDA-468 cells resulted in a novel biphasic calcium response. In the first phase of the response EGF raised calcium to levels significantly above basal. This was followed by a prolonged fall in calcium to levels significantly lower than original basal levels. The G-protein activator aluminum fluoride (AlF), stimulated a rise in calcium which was not proceeded by a fall below basal levels. Conversely addition of PMA, an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), induced a fall in calcium from basal without a prior increase. Down regulation of PKC eliminated the response to PMA, however the biphasic nature of the EGF response was maintained. Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin did not alter the response to EGF nor to AlF. We conclude that in the MDA-468 cell in which EGF is growth inhibitory: 1) EGF results in a biphasic calcium response which ultimately leads to reduction below baseline levels, 2) a rise in calcium itself is not sufficient to account for the subsequent fall below basal levels, 3) G-proteins may be involved in the initial phase of the EGF response, 4) activation of PKC can also reduce intracellular calcium, however the response to EGF is not dependent on this pathway.  相似文献   

Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subset of breast cancers which is negative for expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2). Chemotherapy is currently the only form of treatment for women with TNBC. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are autocrine/paracrine growth factors in breast cancer and a substantial proportion of TNBC expresses receptors for GHRH and EGF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interrelationship between both these signaling pathways in MDA-MB-468 human TNBC cells. We evaluated by Western blot assays the effect of GHRH on transactivation of EGF receptor (EGFR) as well as the elements implicated. We assessed the effect of GHRH on migration capability of MDA-MB-468 cells as well as the involvement of EGFR in this process by means of wound-healing assays. Our findings demonstrate that in MDA-MB-468 cells the stimulatory activity of GHRH on tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR is exerted by two different molecular mechanisms: i) through GHRH receptors, GHRH stimulates a ligand-independent activation of EGFR involving at least cAMP/PKA and Src family signaling pathways; ii) GHRH also stimulates a ligand-dependent activation of EGFR implicating an extracellular pathway with an important role for metalloproteinases. The cross-talk between EGFR and GHRHR may be impeded by combining drugs acting upon GHRH receptors and EGFR family members. This combination of GHRH receptors antagonists with inhibitors of EGFR signalling could enhance the efficacy of both types of agents as well as reduce their doses increasing therapeutic benefits in management of human breast cancer.  相似文献   



Somatostatin receptor (SSTR) expression is positively correlated with tumor size and inversely correlated with epidermal growth factor receptor (ErbB) levels and tumor differentiation. In the present study, we compared SSTR1-5 and ErbB1-4 mRNA and protein expression in two breast cancer cell lines: MCF-7 (ER+) and MDA-MB-231 (ERα-).  相似文献   



To examine the potential of ferulic acid and 4-vinylguaiacol for inhibiting epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in human breast cancer cells in vitro.


Ferulic acid and 4-vinylguaiacol limit the EGF (epidermal growth factor)-induced breast cancer proliferation and new DNA synthesis. Western blot analysis revealed both ferulic acid and 4-vinylguaiacol exhibit sustained inhibition of EGFR activation through down-regulation of Tyr 1068 autophosphorylation. Molecular docking analysis shows ferulic acid forming hydrogen bond interaction with Lys 745 and Met 793 whereas, 4-vinylguaiacol forms two hydrogen bonds with Phe 856 and exhibits stronger hydrophobic interactions with multiple amino acid residues at the EGFR kinase domain.


Ferulic acid and 4-vinylguaiacol could serve as a potential structure for the development of new small molecule therapeutics against EGFR.

A 24 hr incubation of T-47D human breast cancer cells with R5020, a synthetic progestin, resulted in a 200-250% increase in the specific binding of human growth hormone (hGH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) by these cells. This effect was specific for progestins in that similar responses were observed with progesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate and ORG 2058 but no significant increases in hGH or EGF binding were observed in cells incubated with testosterone, estradiol or hydrocortisone. Increased binding was due to an increase in the concentration of receptors (hGH, control = 6,490 +/- 500, progestin treated = 13,180 +/- 3,270 sites/cell; EGF, control = 33,380 +/- 7,410, progestin treated = 67,460 +/- 20,330 sites/cell) while the affinity constants for the hormone-receptor interactions were unchanged by progestin treatment. The specific binding of insulin, calcitonin, transferrin and concanavalin A was unaffected by these treatments. It is concluded that expression of hGH and EGF receptors in this breast cancer cell line is regulated by progestins.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) and cytosolic (cER) and nuclear (nER) estradiol receptors were quantified in 220 primary breast cancers. The EGFr was significantly more frequent (X2 = 5.9; P less than 0.025) and its concentration was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) among ER- tumors than in ER+ tumors. There was a significantly greater proportion (X2 = 6.4; P less than 0.05) of node involvement in EGFr+/ER+ tumors than in EFGr/ER+. Increases in the proportion of EGFr+ in ER- tumors are parallel to Scarff-Bloom scores (X2 = 6.1; P less than 0.05) and there is a significant trend towards increased EGFr concentrations with histologic dedifferentiation. In ER+ tumors the median concentrations of EGFr in the different age groups show linear correlation and follow a parallel profile with the medians of nER. These findings support the hypothesis that considers EGFr as a bad prognosis factor and suggest that EGFr expression and concentration in ER+ tumors might be considered an estrogenic action mediated through the binding of ER to their nuclear acceptors.  相似文献   

In tumor cells, high phosphorylation levels of receptor tyrosine kinases may occur in the absence of exogenous ligands due to autocrine signaling or enhanced tyrosine kinase activity. Here we show that the phosphorylation state of the endogenous epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) can be quantitatively imaged in tumor cells and tissues by detecting fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores conjugated to antibodies against the receptor and phosphotyrosine, respectively. Five different human colorectal cell lines were analyzed for activity and expression of EGFR. All cell lines exhibited basal EGFR phosphorylation under serum starvation conditions. Phosphorylation levels increased after stimulation with EGF or pervanadate, dependent on the level of basal EGFR phosphorylation in the respective cell lines. This basal activity correlated inversely with receptor expression. Using the acceptor photobleaching fluorescence resonance energy transfer imaging approach, a significantly higher phosphorylation state of EGFR was also found in resected human colorectal tumor samples as compared with adjacent healthy tissue. Imaging of EGFR phosphorylation may thus serve as a valuable tool to investigate the role of receptor tyrosine kinase activity in malignant cell growth.  相似文献   

Tissue transglutaminase (TGase) exhibits both a GTP binding/hydrolytic capability and an enzymatic transamidation activity. Increases in TGase expression and activation often occur in response to stimuli that promote cellular differentiation and apoptosis, yet the signaling mechanisms used by these stimuli to regulate TGase expression and activation and the role of TGase in these cellular processes are not well understood. Retinoic acid (RA) consistently induces TGase expression and activation, and it was shown recently that RA-induced TGase expression was inhibited in NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts co-stimulated with epidermal growth factor (EGF). Here we investigate whether EGF also antagonized RA-induced TGase expression in breast cancer cells. We found that EGF stimulation affected TGase expression and activation very differently in these cancer cells. Not only did EGF fail to block RA-induced TGase expression, but also EGF alone was sufficient to potently up-regulate TGase expression and activation in SKBR3 cells, as well as MDAMB468 and BT-20 cells. Inhibiting phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity severely diminished the ability of EGF and RA to increase TGase protein levels, whereas a constitutively active form of phosphoinositide 3-kinase potentiated the induction of TGase expression by EGF in SKBR3 cells. Because EGF is an established antiapoptotic factor, we examined whether the protection afforded by EGF was dependent on its ability to up-regulate TGase activity in SKBR3 and BT-20 cells. Exposure of cells to a TGase inhibitor or expression of a dominant-negative form of TGase potently inhibited EGF-mediated protection from doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. Moreover, expression of exogenous TGase in SKBR3 cells mimicked the survival advantage of EGF, suggesting that TGase activation is necessary and sufficient for the antiapoptotic properties of EGF. These findings indicate for the first time that EGF can induce TGase expression and activation in human breast cancer cells and that this contributes to their oncogenic potential by promoting chemoresistance.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on MDA-MB-468 cells to understand its mechanism of action in an EGF receptor-rich breast cancer cell line. EGF inhibited the growth of MDA-MB-468 cells with an IC50 of 1.5 +/- 0.5 nM, as determined by measurements of DNA content of cells in culture over a period of 4 to 6 days. This growth inhibition included apoptosis 24 h after EGF addition, as detected by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Hoechst 33342 staining. In EGF-treated cells, peak activities of two key enzymes of polyamine biosynthesis, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC), were reduced by 57% and 83%, respectively. EGF treatment also caused a 30 to 50% decrease in cellular putrescine at all time points tested (12 to 48 h). EGF-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis was also partially reversed by the addition of putrescine or spermidine, but not by spermine. Western blot analysis of cell cycle regulatory proteins showed that EGF-mediated growth inhibition was associated with the induction of p21, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases. However, EGF had no significant effect on the expression of cyclin D1 or cyclin E. Furthermore, putrescine reversal of EGF effects was associated with the down-regulation of EGF-induced p21. These results suggest that the mechanism of growth inhibition by EGF in MDA-MB-468 cells include a down-regulation of polyamine biosynthesis and the induction of p21. Identification of growth regulatory pathways in breast cancer cells might be useful in the development of novel targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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